
How to straighten your teeth

How to straighten your teeth
On straightening of teeth in early and adulthood. Features of alignment of teeth with braces, trains, caps and other devices.

"Smile!" - says the motto of a successful person. Many business people built their business on this statement.

A beautiful snow -white smile always has and tunes in a positive way.

What to do if your smile is far from the ideal: problems with the bite, quality and uniformity of teeth. There is always a way out: the main thing is your personal aspiration and desire.

It is best to solve this problem in adolescence, when the bone tissue of the jaws has not yet formed to the end and is easy to model.

Dental straightening with braces

To align the teeth with the help of braces becomes the most popular way to correct the wrong bite and give aesthetics to your smile.

Brands are a stationary system that consists of 5-10 elements that support the dental arc. The advantage of such a system is the almost complete absence of defects in diction, which are observed when wearing conventional brackets.

Features of the installation of braces

If you did not have time to take care of the beauty of your smile in your youth, at any age in an effective way to get a Hollywood smile and give the teeth the right form will help the braces.

You can solve the issue of simulating a smile with your children-the problems are known to be united, and orthodontic problems will not only unite, but will help your child, looking at you, be more disciplined in wearing bracket systems and not be afraid of hiking to the dentist.
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Many Hollywood stars still consider this way the most reliable and effective:

madonna in braces decorated with gold

If you decide to straighten your teeth in adulthood with the help of braces, here are some useful tips:

  • if you decide to install braces, prepare for the fact that many friends and relatives will begin to be interested in your problem, and some even joke about this. Be adhesive - your path of self -improvement should rely on your personal common sense, not someone else's opinion;
  • find a good doctor of an orthodontist. Every woman should have a good dentist, hairdresser and gynecologist. You can go to the usual district clinic and find a doctor there, or you can ask for advice from friends and acquaintances who also faced such a problem and successfully leveled their teeth with the help of braces. When meeting a doctor, do not forget to get acquainted with his qualifications, you can even ask for an album with the works “before and after”. In private clinics, such an album-portfolio is a visiting card for the work of an orthodontist;
  • plan your time: the term of wearing braces usually takes from a year to 3 years. Every 2 weeks you will have to appear for a consultation with your dentist for inspection;
  • sometimes to straighten your teeth will have to say goodbye to a couple or two of absolutely healthy teeth. This procedure is explained by the fact that with your individual problems, for the uniform location of “overlapping” teeth, they will have to provide them with this place by removing other teeth. However, if you doubt whether to agree to such a procedure or not, it is recommended to consult at least two more specialists in order to confidently decide on dramatic measures;
  • before installing braces, if necessary, it is recommended to treat your teeth: make seals, brush tartar, plaque, since braces are not a plate that you can remove if you wish, but a constant accessory for your teeth for a fairly long period, and the treatment of the emerges that have arisen Problems, without removing the device, will be difficult to do.

How to straighten your teeth: types of braces

To date, braces go off the popularity of braces, so orthodontists can offer you a wide selection of bracket systems depending on the material from which they are made and even design:

  • Metal braces. In addition to the fact that this type is the most budgetary, it is the most effective and durable. The small size of the braces due to the strength of the metal makes them less noticeable when wearing, so the fragility of such a bracket system is reduced, and the efficiency increases;


  • Ceramics braces. This novelty has become surprisingly in demand among people who want to align their teeth. Ceramic braces are mono- or polycrystalline. The plus of such systems is that they can be performed at the request of the client in absolutely any color: adolescents more often prefer bright braces in the form of geometric shapes, etc.;


Older people prefer braces close in color to the natural shade of teeth in order to mask and ease to wear the apparatus in everyday life:


  • Linguistic braces. These dental straightening systems differ in that they are attached not in the classical scheme, but from the inside of the teeth. People around them will not even know that you are working on solving your orthopedic problem, such braces are completely invisible, only you will know about the problem. The disadvantages of such braces are their sufficient high cost and the appearance of small violations in diction, while you are not at all used to the apparatus.

Brandes photo lingvalka

Hygiene rules when wearing braces

When wearing braces, be prepared to devote more time to hygiene of the oral cavity. It is recommended to choose a convenient brush for brushing tooth and elements of the system - brushes with a round head are best suited for this. After each meal, do not forget to make rinsing with clean water or special solutions - depending on the prescriptions of the attending physician.

How to straighten your teeth: braces installation price

When taking into account how much it costs to straighten the teeth with the help of bracket systems, you should know that the price is set for each jaw separately.

The most inexpensive way to straighten crooked teeth is the installation of metal braces. The pricing policy will fluctuate around 16,000-20,000 p.

When installing ceramic braces, the cost will depend on the material and the design that you prefer and will be from 20,000 to 40,000 r. For one jaw.

The most expensive are invisible linguistic braces. The price of such systems starts at 40,000 p.

Typically, dental clinics are asked for such a service not the entire amount at once, but is divided into convenient payments for you - for example, at every visit to the dentist (every 2 weeks). You can agree with the attending physician and about another schedule and method of calculation, convenient for you.

Teeth straightening at home

Wearing braces is a purely personal issue and there is a lot of disputes about its aesthetics. Someone considers the braces convenient and attractive, and someone is an opponent of daily wearing such a device and is embarrassed to wear such systems in adulthood.

Typically, teeth straightening at home is especially relevant in childhood and adolescence, when the bone tissue of the jaws has not yet been completely or in adulthood - in the presence of light cosmetic defects in the teeth, when nothing to be changed dramatically.

Teeth straightening with trainers


The use of orthodontic trains can be used by children from 5 years old. The main difference between this tool is that it affects the cause that causes the incorrect arrangement of the dentition or bite and does not have mechanical effects.

Trainers are silicone devices that are made by dentists on special patterns after preliminary removal of a cast.

Trainers help get rid of unnecessary muscle pressure during sleep and gently affect the focus of the problem. It is recommended to wear this device 10 hours a day: during night sleep and 2-3 hours in the afternoon.

The trainer is not in vain that has a similar sound with the word “coach”, since this apparatus directly trains in children of 5-12 years the proper position of the facial muscles and muscles of the tongue for the correct formation of the dentition.

This device is an effective preventive tool for uneven teeth and, when used in early childhood, prevents much more serious treatment with the use of braces.

Thanks to the corrective effect of trankers, the smile becomes beautiful, the bite is formed correctly, and the reason causing a curvature of teeth is forever eliminated.

Dental straightening with plates and orthodontic bumper


Very often, the reasons causing an anomaly of the forms of teeth and bite are formed in childhood: prolonged sucking nipples (over 3 years), improper position of the head during sleep, dental problems since the time of milk teeth, sports injuries, etc.

If the parents come to their senses in time and do not postpone the process of alignment of the teeth to a more conscious age of the child, the problem can be solved with the help of records that are made in a dental laboratory according to individual casting of the client.

Which of us in childhood did not wear records and does not remember the recitation of poems in a schoolboard with characteristic speech defects. In those years, many children who wore records were whispered in those years, since other progressive means to simulate a beautiful smile were practically inaccessible. Today, records remain the same relevant among home methods of alignment of teeth and are popular with adolescents from 12 years old.

Depending on the ailment, if there is a problem of additional muscle pressure from the cheeks, lips, orthodontic bumers are used - metal arcs located along the teeth, pushing bone tissue to release the place of additional teeth.

Such bumpers have high efficiency in children at the early stage of the formation of improper bite, starting from the age of 4.

Teeth straightening by wearing special caps


Kappy is not only protective plates for the teeth of athletes (boxers, kickboxers), but also an excellent tool for whitening or straightening uneven teeth at home.

Caps are transparent plates that are made by dental vehicles on casts of the upper and/or lower jaw to correct the mild defects of the dentition: excessive dilating or constrained position of the teeth.

Caps have some resemblance to trains, the only difference: the caps are intended for adults, and traineers are for children to adolescence.

The action of this orthodontic device is manifested in the fact that the caps exert a certain pressure on the tooth. If this pressure is put regularly and for a sufficiently long period, the teeth become even, and the face acquires pleasant outlines due to the correctness of the bite.

Using a certain computer program, given the initial position of the teeth and the action of Kappa, you can predict and get a photo of the desired result of your teeth, which you will receive after a course of treatment.

Such a device is put on during night sleep. When laying the kappa, it should be replaced to continue effective treatment.

The only negative: the treatment of Cappais will take you 3-4 years while the teeth take a beautiful position.

The price of the manufacture of Kappa ranges from 1,500 to 3500 r.

It should be noted that with significant defects without mechanical exposure and the use of braces, you can not do.

Fast straightening of tooths: the use of veneers and lumines


To quickly straighten the front teeth, you can use veneers and lumines-plates with a thickness of 0.4-0.8 mm. Such a technique does not correct defects, but successfully hides them.

Masking plates of the desired size are glued to the outside of the curved front teeth, such a technique is not suitable for correcting the aesthetic form of distant teeth.

Vinirs and lumines are removed by a dentist using a boot, so as not to damage the tooth. Individual intervention is strictly prohibited.
The most radical method for giving the desired shape to the teeth is their turn and a crown.

Crings are usually relevant for damaged teeth with remote nerve. Such manipulations with a healthy tooth can lead to its full loss.

Video: Features of dental alignment and bite correction in children and adults

What way to choose to straighten teeth in adulthood is to solve only to you.
A beautiful smile with even teeth and the right bite will save you from complexes, will allow you to behave more relaxed in society and achieve success.



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