
How to paint your eyes with a pencil. We select the color of the pencil for the eyes. How to draw and bring your eyes with a pencil in stages for beginners. How to draw arrows in front of a pencil

How to paint your eyes with a pencil. We select the color of the pencil for the eyes. How to draw and bring your eyes with a pencil in stages for beginners. How to draw arrows in front of a pencil
About how to choose a pencil for the eyes and how to properly let your eyes with a pencil. How beautifully to draw arrows in front of our eyes.

Each girl should master the art of makeup. A light blush, a flat face tone and more expressive eyes will not harm anyone. Most often, girls resort to makeup eye makeup. In this article, we will talk about the most common techniques in eye makeup - eyeliner eyeliner and drawing of arrows. Do not think that only a professional can “draw” beautiful eyes. It is you, like no one else, who know all your shortcomings and advantages. A little theory, and then training, and you easily master the basic eye makeup with a pencil or eyeliner. In this article, we will learn how to paint your eyes with a pencil, how to use a pencil for the eyes, how to draw arrows.

We select the correct eye pencil

Choosing the right eye pencil may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. It is especially difficult for a beginner who can simply get lost among the whole variety of this cosmetic product on store shelves. If you are going to buy a pencil for the eyes, then it is worth considering the following tips:

  • do not buy eye pencils in the market, street pavilions. In such places of sales, the appropriate rules for storing this cosmetic product are most likely not observed. Due to the too high or low pencil storage temperature, its griffle may deteriorate, and you will find it only by coming home;
  • in the store, always ask you to give you a tester. Test the cap, look at whether it is convenient for you to hold a pencil in your hand, close and open it;
  • always pay attention to the expiration date;
  • draw a line in the palm of your hand and walk with it for a while. In this way, you can evaluate the resistance of the pencil. Do not rush to go to the cashier right away. Evaluate how the pencil will behave on your skin after a while;
  • read the composition of the pencil. If you previously showed any allergic reaction to some component in eye cosmetics, this is especially important;
  • if you buy a wooden eye pencil, which requires constant sharpening, then take care of the sharpener of a suitable size;
  • if you want to purchase a really high -quality and persistent eye pencil, then do not expect a similar effect from too cheap pencils. Give preference to proven brands that are heard.

Choose an eye pencil by color

The very first criterion for choosing a pencil for the eyes is of course its color. It is not surprising that the most popular color is black pencil. This is a universal color that is suitable for absolutely everyone, suitable for any makeup. If you choose a colored pencil, it is advisable to consider information about the combination of eye color with pencil color:

  • green eyes are perfect for all shades of pencils that will create contrast. Such pencils will be bronze pencils, eggplant colors, chocolate, brown, amethyst, grenade colors. Colored pencils can be used not only independently, but also laying them on top of the black pencil;
  • pencil for brown eyes can be brown, black, dark blue, purple or silver;
  • blue eyes will acquire even greater spectacity and brightness with a pencil of a golden hue. Also, all shades of brown, coffee and even green are suitable for such eyes.

Hair color and skin tone also plays very important in choosing the color of the pencil for the eyes:

  • Bright and spectacular brunettes can safely choose saturated shades of purple, burgundy, gray, black.
  • Delicate blondes with light skin can choose silver shades, pearl, gray, brown.
  • Red -haired beauties will give their appearance even greater mystery and expressiveness with pencils for the eyes of sand shades, olive, brown.

Choose an eye pencil by hardness

Eye pencils, like drawing pencils, differ in degree of hardness:

  • firm. Firm pencils leave a thin and not too bright line. This type of pencils is suitable for those girls who have been dealing with the drawing of the shooter and bringing the eyes for quite some time. With the help of a solid pencil, it is convenient to make very clear lines. But such lines are practically not protruding. It is also almost impossible to use solid pencils for eyeliner of the lower eyelid and especially the mucous membrane of the line. Acute stiffle will cause unpleasant sensations, and sometimes even painful;
  • soft. Pencils with a soft seglet are very simple, convenient to apply. They draw a bright and thick line, which can then be easily shared with a brush. Such pencils may be less persistent. Their resistance is especially reduced by eyelids with oily skin;
  • average softness or medium hardness. This type of pencils can be called the “golden middle”, which is ideal for a beginner in the issue of drawing arrows and eye eyeliner. As soon as you master makeup techniques with this type of pencils, you can begin to get acquainted with their “brothers” - soft and solid pencils.

The degree of firmness of the pencil will determine the process of eyeing the eyes.

Choosing an eye pencil in composition

You do not have to understand all the complex names of the components from which the pencil is made. This is only necessary when you suffer from individual intolerance to any component. The only thing to know is that the pencils for the eyes are with wax and without wax in the composition. The first type, respectively, is more persistent or even waterproof.

Choose a pencil for the eyes by sight

With the development of the cosmetic industry, many new types of eye pencils have recently appeared. Previously, the girls knew about the existence of only contour pencils for the eyes. Now the choice is much wider. Which eye pencil to choose a beginner? Among the most common types of pencils, the following can be distinguished:

  • contour pencil. The most common and most popular type of pencils that our mothers and grandmothers used. Conservatives prefer pencils for the contour of the eyes in a wooden case, which need to be sharpened. If you are tired of this activity, then give preference to modern automatic pencil models;

  • pencil-kayal for the eyes. This is an ideal option for bringing the line mucosa. The pencil has a soft slate that leaves a very bright line. If makeup requires a lifting, then this must be done very quickly so that the pencil does not freeze. Almost all pencil-kayals contain wax, which gives resistance;

  • pencil-teni. Shadows in the form of a pencil are the choice of very dynamic girls who value simplicity and comfort. With one motion you can apply color along the eyelash growth line or for the entire eyelid, and the spectacular makeup will be ready. Most of these pencils have a large size and require a special sharpener of a suitable size;

  • liner pencil. This type of pencil can also be attributed to a variety of eyeliner. The product is presented in the form of a gel pencil for the eyes with a thin brush, spatula, tip at the end. With the help of such a pencil, it is very convenient to draw clear arrows. However, it will be a little difficult to adopt to such a pencil to a beginner. It is better to start practicing with contour pencils.

Tips for makeup eyes with a pencil for beginners

  1. How to learn to "draw" eyes with a pencil? For the first experience, it is better to buy a contour pencil for the eyes with an average degree of hardness. Gradually, your cosmetic bag will expand, and you can perform makeup using pencils of different types at the same time.
  2. If you have a classic wooden pencil, then you need to take care of it. Keep it in a sharpened state.
  3. Get a high -quality and expensive sharpener that will last you for many years.
  4. Do not drop pencils, do not hold them in the sun. If the neck inside is broken when falling (you notice this by constant breakdown of the tip when hidden), put the pencil for a while in the freezer.
  5. When summing up the upper and lower eyelids, you need to draw a line as close as possible to the eyelashes. If necessary, then it can be thickened and protected.
  6. If you do not have brushes for a grinding of a pencil for the eyes, then arrange an ordinary cotton wool that will greatly cope with this task.
  7. Bringing your eyes with a pencil, put the elbows on the table for greater stability and balance.
  8. If you made a mistake, an extra stroke, then with a cotton swab moistened with micellar water or a demacky tonic, you easily correct this.
  9. Do not rush to bring the line mucosa with a contour pencil. Carefully consider your face. Perhaps your type and eye is not suitable for your face and eyes. The dark color on the mucosa significantly reduces the eyes, which does not always benefit. Experiment with white or beige pencil on the line mucosa. This is a favorite trick of makeup artists to enlarge the eye.

How to bring your eyes with a pencil

Eye makeup with a pencil in stages for beginners

Consider the simplest example of eye makeup using a contour pencil.

  1. If you use only pencil technique in eye makeup, then it is especially important to align the tone of the century. You can use the concealer that disguises the red vessels on the eyelid, bruises. After the concealer, be sure to apply powder to the entire space around the eye to fix the first layer of cosmetics.
  2. Conveniently put your elbows on the table and begin to slide your eyes with a pencil, starting from the upper eyelid. The line is drawn from the outer edge to the inner. It will be more convenient for beginners to draw intermittent strokes. Try to make the line as thin as possible to the eyelash growth line. Do not worry if it seems to you that the line is not as noticeable as you would like. If you wish, you can always make an additional layer. This is the huge advantage of pencil eye makeup.
  3. With the help of a brush with a short pile, blend the resulting line in the direction up and to the side.  The tip of the line at the outer edge is slightly pulled towards the temple. With the help of this technique, you will make the eye more elongated, give it a “cat” incision.
  4. Now it remains to arrange the lower eyelid. This makeup is regarded as daytime, and therefore it is not required to bring completely the lower eyelid here. In order for the eye to acquire expressiveness, it will be enough to let the lower eyelid along the eyelash line, from the middle to the outer edge of the eye.

How to draw big eyes with a pencil

Using a contour pencil for the eyes, you can visually change the facial features. Perhaps it seems to you that your eyes could be more. Do it with makeup! Experienced makeup artists use some cunning techniques that enlarge their eyes. Among such techniques, you can also find a specific application of a pencil of the eye. So, how to bring your eyes to the pencil correctly so that they seem more?

  • In order for your eyes to seem visually larger, it is important to make the area around the eye of a uniform tone. If there are bruises, then they need to be disguised with the help of proofreaders. In the same way, it is worth doing with the vessels, capillaries that are close to the skin and create the impression of a tired eye. Grind the area in the inner corner of the eye, the middle of the century.
  • In a visual increase in the eye, an important role is played by the design of the eyebrow. It should be raised. The tip of the eyebrow should not "look" down. Otherwise, the impression of sad and dull eyes will be created. Rush the line with a white pencil along the lower boundary of the eyebrow and blend it. Using a highlighter, you can make an additional light effect in this area.
  • One of the most effective techniques in the pencil technique of makeup to enlarge the eyes is to bring the lower mucous membrane of the line with a pencil of white or beige. Choose a soft pencil-kayal with wax in the composition. With the help of the same pencil, the inner corner of the eye can be distinguished.
  • Do not bring the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a dark pencil. Thus, you instantly narrow your eyes.

  • If the eye with a pencil for the eyes requires the lower eyelid to summarize, then draw a line below the eyelash growth line. And do not forget about the release of the mucosa of the line with a white pencil.
  • For a clear and open gaze, makeup arthicles often summarize the upper eyelid, from the middle to the outer edge of the eye. The line should expand at the end. So, you will give the eye an almond -shaped and beautiful shape.

How to draw arrows in front of a pencil

Arrows in the eyes for beginners with a pencil

A pencil is just an ideal cosmetic product in order to learn to draw arrows. Consider the stages of creating a classic beautiful arrow in front of our eyes with a pencil-liner:

  • comers the tone of the eyelids and fad it well. Start drawing a horizontal line parallel to the eyelash line, starting from the middle of the century. The eyeliner line should be slightly above the eyelash growth line;
  • from the connection point of the upper and lower eyelids in the outer corner, begin to draw the tail of the arrow, connecting it to the line at the top;
  • as a result, you should get an arrow contour with empty space inside;
  • bring the line on the upper eyelid to the inner corner of the eye;
  • now it remains to paint over the space inside the arrow;
  • you can add a second pencil layer if the line turned out to be not too bright. The classic arrow is ready.

You can try to perform the following simple eye makeup with a pencil step by step. A feature of this makeup is a colored arrow:

  • prepare the eyelids for makeup. By a white or beige pencil, designate the place of the future tail of the arrow. This line will serve as a guide, which will greatly facilitate the creation of makeup for a beginner;
  • choose a color pencil for the eyes, combined with the color of your eyes, hair, skin. In this makeup, a saturated sapphire shade pencil is used. Draw a fairly thick line along the growth of the upper eyelashes, starting from the inner corner of the eye;
  • now you need to shade the line and turn it into an elongated arrow. A grip of the eye pencil can be done in different ways. For example, a brush with a short pile. Take a beveled brush with a short pile and gently blend a line, leading it beyond the boundaries of the eye. Focus on the "tail", which we drew at the very beginning;
  • the color "pencil" arrow is ready. For brightness and resistance, you can draw a line with a second layer.

Drawing secrets in front of the shooter with a pencil

We will reveal some tricks of drawing arrows with a pencil:

  • when drawing the arrow, you do not need to look by the eye on the side. You must put the mirror right in front of you and look forward. Then the arrow will turn out even;
  • sometimes it is difficult for beginners to draw an arrow very close to the eyelash growth line. The resulting lumen looks untidy. To avoid such an error, you can draw an arrow over dark shadows applied previously to the eyelid;
  • in order to learn how to draw arrows, select the simplest contour pencil. You can choose even a hard pencil that will help you in creating a graphic shape;
  • if it is difficult for you to draw an arrow with one line, without tearing the pencil from the age, then you can outline the “trajectory” of the arrows with barely noticeable points. Then you just have to connect these dashed points;
  • in order to achieve the resistance of a drawn arrow, you need to cover it with shadows on top;
  • if you have made an incorrect stroke or allowed unevenness, then a concealer can help you;
  • beginners definitely need to find support for the elbows at the time of drawing the arrow. More experienced in this matter, girls can draw an arrow, holding a hand in the air;
  • for beginners, the next advice in drawing shooters may be useful. You can draw the silhouette of the future arrow with a pencil of light color;
  • many girls often face the problem of drawing the sharp tail of the arrow. This problem can be solved using a brush with a beveled edge. First, draw the line with a pencil along the line of eyelash growth without going beyond the boundaries of the eye. Then, with the help of a brush, blend a line with a brush into a neat tail;
  • in order to get a more even line, you can delay the eyelid to the side. Only this must be done slightly, without overdoing. Otherwise, the arrow as a result will turn out to be distorted;
  • use various life hacks to draw arrows. You can find special stencils with various shapes of shooters, you can glue a piece of tape at an angle, attach a spoon, card, business card. Over time, skills will work out to automatism, and you will not have to use such devices.

Video instructions for drawing arrows in front

We bring our eyes with a pencil. Photo

White pencil for the eyes

Perhaps to find a more universal eye pencil than white, is quite difficult. A white pencil will help you make a look more open and open. You can resort to the help of such a pencil when you make an eyebrow, draw an arrow. The white pencil is practically not used as an independent color for eye makeup, if you do not take into account the release of the line mucosa.

Brown pencil for the eyes

The brown eye pencil is an indispensable assistant in the creation of expressive daytime makeup. This color is especially suitable for blondes and red -haired beauties. Brown color is effective, but imperceptibly for others, can adjust the shape of your eyes. Brown eye pencil can be successfully used for lip makeup. This versatility is a huge advantage of brown pencils.

Green pencil for the eyes

Beautiful emerald shades of eye pencils are suitable for girls with green and brown eyes. The gaze instantly acquires depth and mystery. You can use a green pencil and as an independent product in eye makeup. It is enough for you to make active green arrows and paint your eyelashes in mascara to create a spectacular image.

Gray pencil for the eyes

Gray -colored eyes are a wonderful alternative to black pencils, which are not suitable for everyone. For example, fair-haired girls with light gray or light blue eyes can lose their “highlight” if they use a bright black pencil. Green -eyed girls are best chosen to choose matte shades of gray, and the brown -eyed need to look at the darkest shades of gray.

Blue eye pencil

If you are a lover of bright summer makeup, then a blue pencil must be in your cosmetic bag. Using a rich color of the sea wave, you can draw an arrow, highlight the lower eyelid.

Blue pencil for the eyes

With the help of a blue pencil, you can make the same bright accents in eye makeup as with the help of blue. Such light shades of blue are perfect for owners of bright eyes. Girls with brown eyes should avoid such light pencils.

Purple eye pencil

If you are the owner of the brown eyes with walnut shades, then the purple, eggplant pencil for the eyes must be in your cosmetic bag. Such intense colors only enhance the depth and brightness of the dark eyes.

Pink pencil for the eyes

Pink pencil, like white, is rarely used for eye makeup as an independent product. With a light pink pencil, you can also secrete the mucous membrane of the eyelid, use as a guideline in drawing arrows.

Experiment with different colors of pencils for the eyes, try new types and unusual pencil formats! After all, now you know everything about how to correctly “draw” your eyes with a pencil.



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