
The use of hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide
Today, hydrogen peroxide is used not only to disinfect wounds. The properties of the drug allow us to widely use it in other areas of our lives.

Each house has a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Usually we get it when we need to treat wounds. However, the possibilities of using hydrogen peroxide are much more not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, as well as in home life.

The properties of hydrogen peroxide

wound Peroxidized

Hydrogen peroxide has no color and smell. Active oxygen, which is part of it has a strong oxidizing property.  As a medical drug, it has become the most popular disinfectant, the action of which is aimed at destroying microbes. As a result of this process, the substance breaks up into active oxygen and water.

The main properties of peroxide are the main hydrogen peroxide: disinfects, dries, deodorizes, bleach.

The drug is usually sold in pharmacies. The recipe for its purchase is not needed. Most often take a 3%solution of hydrogen peroxide.

There is a concentrated 35%solution of hydrogen peroxide. Its name is perhydrol. It is used in diluted form 1:10.

Hydrophytus is 35% concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Sold in the form of a tablet. Before use, it must be dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. water.

It is necessary to store peroxide in a place closed from the light, further from heating devices. From light and heat, the drug loses its strength.

When freezing, hydrogen peroxide remains unchanged.

The substance was most widely used in medicine. There are two main methods of treatment: external and internal.

Hydrogen peroxide for treatment with the external method

Perhaps this is the most common method. It is indispensable in the processing of wounds, abrasions, cuts. Damage to the body heals much faster than after green or iodine. Moisten the swab in 3%hydrogen peroxide and carefully treat the wound. Do it during the day.

Treatment of dental diseases of hydrogen peroxide

  • The gum diseases are treated with paste, which is made from a solution (no more than 3%) of hydrogen peroxide with the addition of conventional baking soda. The resulting mixture is gently rubbed into the gum. The procedure can be done in the morning and in the evening.
  • The bleeding of the gums can be treated with this mixture: squeeze 10 drops of juice from the lemon, add 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 3 grams of baking soda to them. The resulting paste brush your teeth. Do not rinse your mouth after the procedure for 15-20 minutes.

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  • Removing unpleasant odor from the mouth. Rinse will help to cope with the problem. In 50 ml of ordinary warm water, 2 teaspoons of peroxide are diluted. Such treatment will help disinfect the oral cavity.
  • Hydrarite will help from toothache.   2 tablets are dissolved in half a glass of water. For 3 minutes, rinse the oral cavity.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections and ENT-organ hydrogen peroxide

  • With acute respiratory infections, hydrogen peroxide is mixed with water in equal amounts. With such a solution, the chest, back, elbows, armpits are rubbed.
  • With sore throat, inflammation of the throat will help eliminate rinsing with a 3%solution of hydrogen peroxide. At the end, rinse your throat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.  After the procedure, they do not drink and do not eat for half an hour.


  • Rhinitis or sinusitis is treated by washing the nose with a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The process is completed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Rinsing must be repeated up to 3 times a day.
  • Otite is treated with digging into the ear 0.5% or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. It kills microbes and helps to remove pus. To instill 5 drops in a sore ear several times a day. During a very strong otitis media, instead of instillation, put a cotton swab with peroxide in the ear.


  • With bleeding from the nose, hydrogen peroxide cannot be used. The drug can only enhance it.

Treatment of skin diseases with hydrogen peroxide

  • Psoriasis and eczema are treated with lotions. In a quarter of a glass of water, dilute 1-2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (3%solution), soak a cotton swab and treat damaged areas of the skin.
  • The fungus of the skin and warts are lubricated with a clean 6-15%solution of hydrogen peroxide. Treatment is done in the morning and evening.

Treatment of joints and muscle pain with hydrogen peroxide

  • The pain in arthritis and after injuries recedes after compresses 0.5-1% hydrogen peroxide solution. The fabric moistened in this tool is applied to the sick area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The compress is kept no more than 2 hours.


  • With pain in the spine and osteochondrosis, the compress also helps. To do this, a teaspoon of peroxide is diluted in 1/4 cup of water. In the same composition, you can grind diseased parts of the body.
  • General baths with a solution of hydrogen peroxide help to eliminate toxins from the body and are generally strengthening.  You can add sea salt to them. Baths also contribute to the treatment of joint diseases, neurasthenia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and stress.  0, 5 -1 liter of conventional hydrogen peroxide is diluted in warm water. Such a bath is taken for no more than 15 minutes.

Treatment of poor blood circulation in diabetics of hydrogen peroxide

You can improve blood circulation in patients with diabetes with foot baths.   In 3 liters of warm water, dilute 500 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%solution).   Water should be without chlorine. Such a bath is made for half an hour every evening. This not only improves blood circulation, but also relieves swelling of the legs.


Making hydrogen peroxide inward 

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide inward is almost not used in ordinary medicine. The method is used by folk healers and doctors of non -traditional medicine. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and recommendations of specialists. It is undesirable to carry out such treatment, simultaneously combining with medication. Suffering diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is treated with an internal technique of hydrogen peroxide is contraindicated. The risk group includes those who have diagnoses of blood diseases. Experts do not recommend independently treated, taking the drug inside. This must be done strictly after consulting and examining your body.

The use of hydrogen peroxide in cosmetology

Cosmetologists have long and successfully find the use of hydrogen peroxide in their practice. The drug helps to cleanse the face, get rid of acne and black dots, lighten hair. For cosmetic procedures, exclusively 3%peroxide solution is used. But such treatment cannot be daily.

Hydrogen peroxide for face

  • For acne and acne, hydrogen peroxide is used pointwise on the affected areas of the skin. Apply the drug with a cotton swab after washing. The solution must dry, after which you can lubricate your face with cream.
  • To get rid of small red pimples, prepare this tool: add to the tonic you use, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Refract: 5 drops per 50 ml of cosmetic agents. Wipe your face with the resulting tool 2 times a week.


  • A mask from hydrogen peroxide and children's powder, mixed in equal amounts with streptocide tablets, will help to dry acne. Mix everything to the consistency of the ineffente porridge. Apply to a cleansed face and hold it until everything dries. After the mask do not wash. The procedure must be done no more than once a week.
  • Acne is treated with a honey mask with hydrogen peroxide. Mix aloe and honey on a tablespoon of juice, add 2-3 drops of peroxide and iodine. Pick the mask on acne with a cotton swab and hold it for 15 minutes. After that, rinse the healing solution with water.
  • To achieve clarification of the skin at black dots, first wash with a scrub for the face.   Then wipe the skin with a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 2: 1.
  • Piling at black dots also gives good results. Mix 5 tablespoons with a teaspoon of sea salt. Apply the resulting tool to the face and massage one minute. After that, wash yourself and soak the skin with cream.

Hydrogen peroxide to combat unwanted hair

Hydrogen peroxide can eliminate unwanted hair on the body. She is able to make them lighter, thinner and less noticeable. The method is suitable for those who want to eliminate thin hair. Do not use a strongly concentrated solution of the drug so as not to get a burn. It is enough to take 6% hydrogen peroxide.


Recipe 1. Take ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide, a little wheat flour of the highest grade and 10 drops of ammonia. Mix everything and soak a cotton swab with a solution, which is attached to the hair growth area. After 20 minutes, rinse everything with water and apply the cream.

Recipe 2.  In a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, add 3-4 drops of ammonia and a little glycerol. Apply the mixture to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe body. Wash off after 20 minutes with water, in which lemon juice or vinegar is added. This recipe can be used once a week.

According to the reviews of those who have already applied such methods with hydrogen peroxide, unwanted hairs brighten, soften and disappear over time. The skin becomes clean and smooth.

Hair lightening with hydrogen peroxide

Hair lightening with hydrogen peroxide was loved by our mothers and grandmothers. Despite a large number of cosmetics, this method is still considered the most affordable. However, it will not work for women with weak and brittle hair. And to those who have strong and healthy hair, you can use hydrogen peroxide. So that the lightening does not affect your hair, you need to remember some tips:

  1. For the lightening procedure, it is advisable to take a hydrogen peroxide solution of not more than 3%.
  2. First you should make a sample on one of the strands. Apply peroxide to it and rinse in 30 minutes. Evaluate how brighter your hair color has become lighter. If the result satisfies, proceed to complete lightening of all hair. If the color of the strands turned out to be red and ugly, then you will have to clarify in several stages. In this case, there is a high probability of severe damage to the structure of the hair, and then it is better to abandon this method.
  3. Before lightening, apply a nutritious cream to the skin of the face at the boundaries of hair growth.
  4. Apply peroxide to a cotton pad and moisten all the strands alternately to them. After that, comb your hair, wrap it with foil or polyethylene, wrap it with a towel. The staining process lasts from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the structure of the hair. Thin hair needs less time, hard - more.


5. Wash off a solution of peroxide from the hair with water and shampoo. Apply balm, massage the scalp for a minute and rinse with water.

The use of hydrogen peroxide in everyday life

Hydrogen peroxide is so universal that it has found successful use in home life. Moreover, such possibilities of the drug popular in medicine are not known to all housewives. An indispensable assistant can be a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. For example, this is an excellent tool for eliminating bacteria and microbes on children's toys.

Hydrogen peroxide in the kitchen

  • Hydrogen peroxide added to the water will allow you to clean the plates of fat and give the dishes a shine. The pans are perfectly washed with a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.


  • By processing hydrogen peroxide, dangerous bacteria on boards for cutting meat and fish can be destroyed.
  • Put a sponge for washing dishes in a solution with hydrogen peroxide. After a few minutes, there will be no accumulation of harmful microbes on it.
  • To remove pollution and microbes from the surface of fruits and vegetables, mix ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide with water and rinse products.
  • During washing the refrigerator, you can carry out antibacterial treatment by adding hydrogen peroxide to the water.

Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning the bathroom and bathroom

  • Rust from the surface of the sink or bath will remove a solution of 1: 1 from ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.


  • 33-35% concentrate of hydrogen peroxide can be removed mold. Apply it to the problem area and rinse it after time.
  • Cleaning the toilet will be effective if you mix a glass of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and 2 liters of water. Pour the mixture into the toilet for half an hour, then clean it with a ruff and wash off.
  • Washing the floors will make your home clean, fresh and will not leave a chance to microbes if you add peroxide to the water. For half a bucket of water, take half a glass of the drug.

Hydrogen peroxide for bleaching

On white tissues, yellow and gray spots can be removed if you soak the laundry in a solution of water and half a liter of hydrogen peroxide. After an hour, squeeze and wash the products.

Thus, hydrogen peroxide successfully replaces almost all household chemical products in home life. But unlike them, the drug is absolutely safe for humans.

About the dangers of hydrogen peroxide (video)



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