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The benefits of the sauna

The benefits of the sauna
The benefits of the Finnish, infrared, Turkish sauna.

The sauna several decades ago was the only place where you could wash. Today, for many, it is considered a recreation area and healing. Sometimes it is used for weight loss. But do not forget that in some cases such a procedure is contraindicated. Let's figure it out when it will be really useful, and under what circumstances it is worth refraining from her visit. Consider the most popular types of saunas, their benefit and harm.

The harm and benefits of the Finnish sauna


Description of the procedure

The real Finnish sauna is very similar to the old Russian bath. The main difference is that the humidity level in it does not exceed 10-15%. The rest of the differences is not - the steam in the room is wet, and in order to make a healthy massage and saturate the body with moisture, the brooms are used, which, most often, are made from the branches of birch. Sometimes the rods of viburnum, willow or even needles are used. Massage with any such broom improves blood circulation, cleanses and tones the skin.

It is known that the sauna and, in general, any pair significantly affects the separation of sweat. The temperature and humidity in such a room are at a high level. In addition, a person who is in the sauna has a fairly large number of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium. In addition, amino acids, urea and other metabolic products are distinguished.

The benefits of the Finnish sauna are known for numerous healing properties. Here you can not only wash yourself, but also relieve stress, relax, improve the body and just have a good time, but about everything in order.

The benefits of the Finnish sauna


  1. The benefits of the sauna for the nervous system. So, during the procedure, blood vessels expand, the activity of the brain decreases. As a result, a person relaxes. Therefore, the Finnish sauna is especially useful for people with various pathologies of the central nervous system, for example, with cerebral palsy, neurosis, hypertonicity and with sleep problems.
  2. The benefits of the sauna for regulating temperature metabolism. The human skin temperature during the procedure increases by 10 degrees. In this case, the temperature of its internal organs increases by about 3 degrees. Thanks to this heating, a medium is created in the body in which many viruses and bacteria die. This is due to the fact that cell recovery occurs faster and metabolism increases. With the help of a sauna, you can even slow down the growth of malignant formations.
  3. The benefits of the sauna for metabolism. This is due to an increase in blood circulation at high temperatures. Therefore, the procedure is suitable for those who are trying to follow their figure. At high air temperatures, a person naturally sweats. As a result, excess salt and water are excreted from the body. This is the benefit of a sauna for women who want to lose weight.
  4. With the right approach of the sauna, it is also useful for the cardiovascular system. This is due to the fact that with a temperature difference, blood vessels become more elastic, while the heart muscle is strengthened. During the procedure, a person usually rises in a person, which, of course, leads to a more intense blood circulation. Moreover, due to the fact that the vessels are expanded, the pressure does not increase. Thanks to this, the sauna is useful for hypotension.
  5. Bath steam is good for the skin. So, when exposed to hot wet air, the pores are cleaned, and through them harmful toxins, toxic substances and dirt come out of them. Thanks to this procedure, even small congenital skin imperfections can be corrected. Wet couples, moreover, is useful for its different types. So, he will dry oily skin, and the dry will make it more elastic. With the help of a sauna, you can carry out skin tightening, get rid of early wrinkles.
  6. For what purpose would you not go to the Finnish sauna, it is important to remember that it can not be in it for more than 10-15 minutes. After all, too long stay in a bath room can, on the contrary, harm the body. For one procedure, it is enough to go into the steam room two or three times. In general, this method of healing, as you can understand, is based on a quick change in temperature. Creating contrast from heat to cold, we thereby positively affect the functioning of the body. Therefore, it will be useful to stay in the shower or in the pool between the stay in the steam room, and in winter you can plunge into snowdrifts.

The harm of the sauna


It is easy to guess that the sauna can bring not only benefits, but under some conditions and harm. One of them is to drink alcoholic beverages. First of all, when drinking alcohol in the room of the sauna, a person simply loses the feeling of time, because of which he can sit there longer than he needs. In addition, any alcohol is negative, especially under such conditions, affects the work of lungs and heart.

Visiting the sauna is also contraindicated:

  1. People who are sick with colds, especially if it is bronchitis or pneumonia.
  2. With epilepsy.
  3. People suffering from hypertension.
  4. In oncological diseases.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to visit the sauna to people who suffer from diabetes and at the same time rapidly lose weight.
  6. With exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  7. Those who have tumors.
  8. With blood circulation insufficiency.
  9. Patients with tuberculosis.
  10. With cardiovascular diseases (it is worthwhile to be careful due to the danger of increasing blood pressure).
  11. With mitral stenosis, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis.
  12. Patients suffering from urolithiasis.
  13. With bronchial asthma with frequent attacks.
  14. People with various nervous disorders.
  15. At high temperature.
  16. After a stroke and heart attack.
  17. With exacerbation of one or another chronic disease.

Girl in Sauna.

Pregnant women should also not go to the sauna, and this applies to any pregnancy. Problems in this case arise due to sharp temperature changes in unnatural conditions. It is also worth postponing a visit to women during menstruation.

Do not take small children to the sauna. It is difficult for them to endure a sharp change in temperature regime. In general, do not expose the fragile organism to such loads. It is recommended to take children no younger than six years in the sauna and then, they should not stay there for more than 3-5 minutes.

The benefits of the Turkish sauna


The Turkish sauna (Hamam) came to us since the Ottoman Empire. The temperature in such a room reaches 50 degrees. Piling of the whole body is usually performed before this procedure. The main effect of the sauna is achieved due to sweating. The body emits sweat as a protection in order to cool. During the procedure, the human body receives heat due to thermal conductivity and convention, when under ordinary conditions this occurs due to breathing and perspiration.

In the sauna where the air has a high temperature, the intensity of sweating increases. After the person went into the steam room, the activity of his sweat glands increases after a couple of minutes. During the session, depending on the state of the autonomic system, training and gender, a person can stand out from 100 to 2000 milliliters of sweat. It is noted that in men sweat stands out more intensively. A visit to the sauna causes an increase in leukocytes by about 15-20% and the amount of eosinophils in the blood decreases. It has long been noticed that in a person who is in the sauna, blood coagulation is reduced. In addition, the number of platelets increases slightly.

Hyperthermia actively stimulates the autonomic nervous system, and in particular, the hypothalamus. When heated with subsequent cooling, the semantic and parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated. In this case, hormonal metabolism is activated due to the stimulation of the hypothalamus. By the way, the Turkish sauna after the gym, the benefits of which is undeniable, is often placed by athletes. Thanks to this procedure, you can relax muscles, train hormonal metabolism, reduce fatigue, stimulate the autonomic system. This is necessary in order to improve sports results, strengthen the body, restore working capacity. Only in this case, Sauna athletes need to be attended at least a day before the start of the competition.

Contraindications in this procedure are the same as for the Finnish sauna.

Infrared sauna: benefit and harm


Description of the procedure

Today, infrared saunas are available in almost all modern beauty salons. Moreover, such procedures are very popular. However, many people do not think about what effect they have on the body. The inventor of IR Sauna is considered a Japanese doctor named Tadashi Ishikawa. Such procedures in Western countries are especially popular. How IK Sauna works, we will consider the benefit and harm from its visit.

Most beauty salons represent this procedure as a great way for quick and easy weight loss. Is it so? It is known that infrared radiation has a wave structure and has a rather strong effect on the soft tissues of the body. At the same time heating them. During this session, blood vessels expand, blood flow is normalized, and excess lactic acid is excreted from the muscles. By the way, that is why such procedures are popular with athletes. Indeed, with the help of them you can quickly relieve pain and fatigue after exhausting training.

In addition, the procedure can stimulate metabolism. After all, acceleration of blood circulation activates metabolic processes. For this reason, in just half an hour spent in an infrared sauna, you can burn more calories than in the same time during the usual walk. Here it is worth saying that for each organism, energy costs are individual. Someone has a period of adaptation to such procedures quickly, while others are much slower. If you want to lose weight and get a slender figure only with the help of this procedure, then you should know that your efforts will not be successful. Indeed, for effective getting rid of extra pounds, it is still necessary to proper nutrition and at least minimal physical activity.

During the procedure, the thermal or infrared radiation occurs, which comes from special heating. Such waves are not harmful to the human body, in contrast to ultraviolet or x -ray radiation.


When visiting infrared saunas, it is worth remembering several rules that must be followed:

  1. Thermal procedures should be taken no longer than 20-35 minutes a day.
  2. Before going to the sauna, it is recommended to cleanse the skin.
  3. If you want to lose weight, then you need to use an IK sauna in combination with other procedures.
  4. It is best to attend the procedure after training in the evening. You can do a massage in front of it, but just do not forget to wash off oil or cream later.
  5. Do not sit in the booth after a dense dinner or on an empty stomach. It is desirable, before going to the procedure, drink citrus or vegetable juice. It will also be useful to eat a small protein dish with a green salad.
  6. If you have a headache, weakness of a cold and a temporary malaise, then refrain from visiting the procedure. The fact is that due to heating the body feels even more stress.
  7. During the procedure, it is advisable to drink enough water, but know the measure. After all, if you drink too many fluids, then this will not help to better cleanse the body, and excess moisture will only create an additional load on the heart.

If you follow these simple rules, you can be sure that the infrared sauna will bring only benefits to the body. And do not forget to follow your diet.

The benefits of an infrared sauna


Infrared radiation, undoubtedly, can benefit the body. So, during the session, tissues are gently warming up, blood flow normalizes. If the procedure is regularly carried out, then this can prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Consequently, the risk of developing diseases that may be caused by violation of the work of blood vessels is reduced.

During the procedure, unlike the Turkish and Russian bath, there is no suffocating couple, severe heat and excessive sweating. After all, heating occurs mainly as a result of acceleration of blood circulation, and not by increasing air temperature.

The infrared sauna has much fewer contraindications than similar procedures. These conditions may well be transferred to people who have problems with the autonomic and vascular system.

It is believed that infrared waves have a good analgesic effect. They are able to influence the development of the so -called hormones of happiness. This means that after the procedure the mood may improve. If you regularly visit IR sauna, then you can increase immunity. It is also worth saying that such procedures are an excellent remedy for fatigue. With their help, you can relieve tension in the muscles, relax and improve the emotional state.

During the procedure in the first few minutes, the body temperature rises to 38 degrees. At the same time, most of the harmful microbes die. As we already know, the infrared sauna leads to intensive sweating, and, therefore, during its visit, the pores of the skin are expanding. Thanks to this, along with then a fairly large amount of harmful toxins is excreted, the body is cleansed, well -being improved. In addition, it should be noted that sweating improves the functioning of the kidneys, and blood circulation is normalized. The procedures lead to rapid absorption of hematomas, healing of fractures, bruises and injuries.

The benefits of the IR sauna are also to improve the functioning of the immune system. Thanks to this, the human body acquires greater resistance to colds (influenza, acute respiratory infections). At the same time, bacteria and viruses simply die under the influence of elevated body temperature. Using such procedures, you can relieve headache, pain in the muscles and back.

Contraindications to the infrared sauna


Do not carry out this procedure at:

  • pregnancy,
  • thyroid diseases,
  • the presence of malignant formations,
  • fibromyoma of the uterus,
  • mastopathy,
  • tachycardia,
  • arthrosis, arthritis,
  • pathologies of articular bags,
  • coronary heart disease,
  • endometriosis,
  • prostate adenoma,
  • cystitis,
  • jade,
  • neurodermatitis and skin diseases at the stage of exacerbation,
  • heart failure and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It is also contraindicated for people with reduced or, conversely, highly increased blood pressure

Rules for visiting a sauna for the benefit of the body


In order for the sauna to benefit, you should adhere to several simple rules:

  1. Before the procedure, do not take a lot of food. This is especially true for fatty calorie dishes. After all, the body does not have the strength to simultaneously digest such food and cope with the heat load.
  2. In the sauna, the drinking of strong drinks is strictly contraindicated. They harm the body. This is due to the fact that the increased air temperature only enhances the already strong load on the heart and blood vessels. In such conditions, it will be very difficult to cope with high temperature and alcohol in such conditions.
  3. Do not visit the sauna too often.
  4. Some people hoping to lose weight, sitting in the booth for more than an hour. A strong organism, of course, can withstand it without much difficulty, but at the same time it will still receive quite severe stress. Therefore, you should not sit and go to the sauna for a long time at several approaches at a time.
  5. Keep in mind that the procedure should not be carried out at the beginning of the active day, before emotional or serious physical activity. After all, the body will relax during the procedure, and physical work in this state will not be beneficial.
  6. It is believed that during the procedure it is harmful to have cosmetics on the skin. In general, various masks and creams designed for a bathhouse, where high humidity, are not suitable for use in the sauna. The effect of high temperature increases the activity of the ingredients of cosmetics several times, which is fraught with allergies or burns. This applies to essential oils.
  7. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to take a shower, get wet with a towel, cover with something with something, and if there is, then remove cosmetics.
  8. During the procedure, drink water in order to fill the balance of fluid in the body.

The benefits of the sauna: the doctor's recommendations (video)


Alexander 23.08.2017 Answer

And also I would add here a site where the St. Petersburg can find all the saunas and baths in their city and specifically in their area -
