
Square squats

Square squats
The correct technique of squats, multiplied by determination and perseverance, is the key to a slender, fit figure. How to learn how to squat correctly, read here!

Numerous sociological studies on the topic of female beauty among the ladies now and then give an invariable result: the fair sex is categorically not satisfied with their figure! In particular, more than 65% of young ladies consider their legs not attractive enough due to full buttocks and hips. Is it really so?

The problem, at first glance, may seem far -fetched: too trepidable and at the same time demanding many women belong to their appearance. However, in reality, the question of the hated fat layer in the abdomen, buttocks and hips was always relevant, since it was these places of the female figure that “love” the most. Why this happens, scientists found out a long time ago: nature itself endowed the above-mentioned parts of our body at the physiological level.


Beautiful ladies approached the resolution of this problem with all decisiveness: some “registered” in the gym, others now and then master popular diets for losing weight, others believed in the miraculous effect of massage. And what to do to those who are busy at work from morning to evening, and cannot allocate time (and sometimes money) for regular visit to the fitness center or a picky counting of calories? And there are many such women, there are many. Do not even think to come to terms with your sad fate and envy more graceful and spectacular girlfriends! Remember - nothing can prevent you from becoming beautiful if you yourself really want it.

Let's get sown of squatting squats. This is a great opportunity to remove excess volume from the sides and hips, as well as tighten the buttocks. Frankly, it will take more than one month to achieve a satisfactory result, but if you perform the exercise regularly, soon it will become a habit for you, and will not seem burdensome.

Why is it useful to squat

All well -known squats organically combine two types of substantially spreading loads - power and aerobic. Squatting, you strain the muscles of the legs, backs and abdominal press, in other words, engage in power training. At the same time, when performing this exercise, you breathe intensively and often, so that the number of contractions of the heart muscle increases - oxygen enriches blood, penetrating into all corners of the body.

Squats bring a person undeniable benefit. If you will not be lazy and approach the classes responsibly:

  • regular squats will not only speed up your metabolism, but also turn all fat deposits into muscle tissue;
  • significantly strengthen and tighten the muscle corset of the back, get rid of the “abdomen” that shines you, increase the tone of the gluteal muscles and make the hips more slender;
  • you will regularly spend a large number of calories on training and eventually lose weight.


How are squatting squats

Squats are considered one of the most effective physical exercises, during which the hated kilograms on the stomach, hips and buttocks “burn” under the onslaught of growing muscle mass.

Despite the fact that, in terms of energy consumption, they lose with active aerobic loads, they are nevertheless considered a satisfied with an effective exercise for weight loss. You most likely know that people with different initial body weights make different efforts to perform physical exercises, which means they lose weight differently. If they want to find out how many calories are spent during a squat, the calculations are done individually for each person.

For example, a woman of the middle weight category with body weight 60 - 65 kg will part with 43 kcal if she performs 100 squats in 5 minutes. And if it does not limit itself to morning exercises, but will also work out in the evening, then in total it will lose 86 kcal.

However, weight loss during squats is due not only to energy consumption. Armed with dumbbells or a bar from the bar, you will increase the effectiveness of this exercise by 30 - 50 %. When using an additional load, the muscle mass is formed faster, and it itself consumes much more calories than the “lazy” fat layer. So, the overall energy consumption gradually increases, and the weight decreases even without cardinal changes in the power system familiar to humans. And if you purposefully cut the daily diet by at least 200 calories (reduce portions or do not proudly notice sweets), weight loss will be much more effective.


Technique - above all

Correct squats for weight loss are the key to health, cheerful health and inexhaustible sports enthusiasm.

Conditionally, the squat is considered two -stage:

  • the first stage is a leisurely deep squat that is accompanied by the tension of the muscle corset of the back, abdominal press and lower extremities;
  • the second stage is power. This is a return to the starting position from deep squat, raising the severity of your body. The power load can be finally complemented by weights, dumbbells, filled with water bottles or heavy books.

Squatting, you must think not only about losing weight, but also not to harm yourself. Yes, and such a simple exercise as squats has its own implementation technique, which every newcomer is obliged to master. So, starting to classes, be sure to consider the following recommendations:

  1. When performing a squat, be sure to strain the muscles of the press - they should serve as a reliable corset to your spine.
  2. Always hold the heels pressed to the floor. Tearing the heels from the floor at the time of squatting is a gross and unforgivable mistake.
  3. Follow your back position. During the squat, it should be even, but in no case bending or rounded.
  4. Remember that at the lowest point of proper squat, the knees are in parallel in relation to the feet. It is strictly prohibited to turn them inside or outside.
  5. When practicing, breathing evenly and measuredly, adjusting to the beat of the squats. When moving down, make a deep even breath, when moving upwardly, exhale easily and smoothly.

It is important to monitor the technique of squats also because only properly developed movements will provide you with an early transformation. In 15 - 20 minutes, you can get rid of an average of 250 calories ideal from the point of view of the technique of classes.


And yet - do not forget about the psychological aspect of training. The fact that our thoughts are material were not heard only by small children. And, although this statement has long been wiped to holes, this does not prevent him from remaining true: dream - and you will be rewarded. Squatting, try to tune in to a special wave: feel how your muscles are strained while moving, think that with every effort, with every minute, the features of your figure are becoming more and more elegant and tightened. Beauty is born, first of all, in the head, and everything else will fit!

Square squats: where to start

If you first consider squat as an element related to sports, set a classic form of this movement first. To do this, put your feet shoulder -width apart, relax your arms and lower them along the body. Squeeze slowly until your knees form a right angle. Rise by taking the starting position.

Keep in mind that if you decide to use squats as a weight loss exercise, you will have to perform the most possible number of repetitions for you, armed with a device for additional load (for example, dumbbells). To part with excess weight, they squat in several approaches, and how many times to squat - the figure is individual, it depends on your physical preparation.

Young Woman Working out with Weights, outdoors

To join the process and adapt to regular training, they begin with small: in 1 approach they squat 15 times. For one lesson, 3 such approaches with a break is no more than 5 minutes. Over time, you will feel the desire and strength to increase the number of repetitions to 20, or even to 30 times. The number of approaches can also be increased from 3 to 5. At the same time, the time allotted to rest between repetitions is gradually reduced to a minimum. There may be 3 - 4 training per week. When the load, even taking into account the increase, seems to you a real trifle, you can begin to engage in dumbbells.

Do not forget about the gold rule of each workout: classes are mandatory openly open! Blaming, certainly pay attention to the knees and ankle, because the main part of the load when performing squats lies precisely on these parts of the legs.

How can you squat for weight loss

You can make squats in various ways. This or that type of exercise is distinguished by a special implementation technique. Various types of squats differ from each other in complexity and load, which are subject to different muscle groups. How to perform classic squats, we have already found out. Now let's look at the other basic types of this exercise.

Prison squats for weight loss

Put your feet shoulder -width apart, and clench your hands in the “lock” behind the head (it was this specific gesture of prisoners and gave the name to this method of squats). An interesting fact is like they like to squat abroad. Get down until your hips form a line parallel to the floor.

Hindu -style squats for weight loss

India is considered the birthplace of this exercise - such squats were used in their training wrestlers “Kushti”. Squatting, you need to perform movements with your hands and hips that simulate a wave. In this case, the heels should not touch the floor. As you can see, the exercise technique is quite complicated and accessible only to experienced athletes. Maybe that's why this type of squat did not take root in our compatriots?


This plain type of exercise is suitable for everyone who wants to give elasticity to their hips and buttocks. You need to start with the dumbbells of the minimum weight of 1 kg. Take the dumbbell in each hand, spread your feet shoulder -width apart and smoothly squat in classical technology.

Squares in the style of "Plie" for weight loss

It is easy to guess that the prototype of this method of squats was a ballet movement - bending one or both legs in squats. To sit in the “Plie” style, put your legs at a distance wider than the shoulders, turn the socks out and smoothly go down, slowly bending your knees. This exercise is a wonderful simulator to eliminate excess fat from the inner surface of the thigh. By training with the help of squats of this species, you can complicate your task and deal with dumbbells.


Sumo -style squats

Squat is performed in the same way as the classic, with the only difference that the legs need to be placed slightly wider than the shoulders, and the hands with burden are lower between the legs and slowly squat.

Squats with support

This exercise will allow you to improve the appearance of your buttocks. Rear your back against the wall, place your legs wider than the shoulders, tighten the abdominal muscles, and put your hands on the hips. Bending your legs at the knees, smoothly squat until your hips are parallel to the floor plane. Make sure that the back does not break away from the support. Pay attention - in the racket you need to linger for 5 - 10 seconds.

Squats with a bar

This method of squatting is very appreciated by the athletes of powerlifting: they put the bar on the shoulders behind their heads and squat with it until the knees are bent at an angle of 90 0


1000 squats per day

The meaning of this method of squats is as follows: in 1 day you need to sit down 1000 times with the condition that 1 approach contains a maximum of 10 squats. Figuratively speaking, such a training is stretched for the whole day. For example, they woke up - sat down 10 times, left the bathroom - another 10 and so on. Only professionals are mastered by this type of load, but newcomers can stop at a modest figure of 100 - 150 squats per day. The load must be gradually increased.


According to experienced athletes, with the help of this exercise, you can improve the coordination of movements. In addition, the performance of such squats perfectly pulls and puts in order the appearance of the buttocks. Standing straight, take a lunch back with your right foot, at the same moment bend your left leg at the knee, then take the starting position. Start with 10 - 15 repetitions for one leg.

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When practicing, always remember security. Incorrect squats technique are a real scourge for the spine and knees. Strive to ensure that the heels in the process of squats stand tightly on the floor, and the knees bend at a right angle.

Squares for weight loss of legs

Squats are the right remedy for breathtaking legs. The most effective in achieving the ideal is a classic method of squats. If desired, in the process of class, you can use dumbbells weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg. The optimal load for beginners is 15 repetitions of 2 to 3 approaches with a break of 5 minutes.

Squares for weight loss hips

If the inner side of your hips seems loose and inexpressive to you, set up squats in the style of "Plie". This exercise gives a targeted load on the aforementioned problem area. Try to spread your legs as wide as possible, turning your knees and socks to the sides. Perform daily at 20 "Plie" in 2 - 3 entry. Increase the number of repetitions over time.

To give expressiveness to the outer side of the hips, use squats that are close in technology to the classic, only put your legs not on the width of the shoulders, but much wider. During the exercise, make sure that knees and socks are directed forward, and the hips at the time of the squat remain in a position strictly parallel to the floor. Start with 20 - 25 times in 2 entry every day.


Squares for weight loss of buttocks

To tighten and strengthen the buttocks, put the emphasis in training for squats. When engaged, make sure that the lower leg and thigh of the front leg create a right angle.

If the attacks are not back-back, but to the sides, the muscles of the inside of the thigh will experience the load. Start with 10 repetitions in different directions.


To whom the squats are contraindicated

In order for squats to bring exclusively the benefits and positive emotions, carefully read the list of diseases in which you can’t squat:

  • spinal diseases;
  • diseases of the joints of the legs, especially the knees;
  • radiculitis;
  • scoliosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • hernia;
  • arterial hypertension.

If you are familiar with at least one disease from this list firsthand, it is better to refrain from squats so as not to aggravate the state of your health. Pay attention to other, more sparing, but no less effective figures in terms of improvement, sports: swimming, stretching, step aerobics.


Sports and proper nutrition are the key to successful weight loss

According to experienced athletes, squatting for weight loss will be effective only if they combine them with the right food diet. Let's remember the basic rules of dietary nutrition:

  1. Do not eat before going to bed. The optimal time for dinner is 2 - 2.5 hours before the alleged sleep. If you go to bed with a full stomach, the food will not be completely digested, which will invariably cause problems with digestion and excess weight.
  2. Organize the correct and clear regime of the day. Very soon, your body will get used to getting energy in the form of food at the same time and will not take you by surprise with a sudden feeling of hunger at a habitation.
  3. Eat in small portions 4 - 5 times a day. We are talking about full meals, and not about snacks. The most nutritious should be breakfast, and the calorie content of each subsequent portion should decrease. An excellent dish for lunch will be a low -fat vegetable or meat soup. It is better to leave a minimum of the entire daily diet for dinner, then the dream will be stronger and the figure will not suffer.


After a month of the correct lifestyle consisting of regular squats and reasonable food consumption, you will notice how your body begins to transform. And believe me, you like it so much that it will be simply impossible to stop!

How to squat correctly. Video



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