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How to cut your eyebrows at home

How to cut your eyebrows at home
Ways to cut eyebrows. Recommendations on how to cut the eyebrows at home yourself.

To date, the trend of the maximum naturalness of the appearance is increasingly tracing. Exotic tones in makeup and hair dyeing, as well as catchy eyelash extensions are no longer too relevant. Currently, many girls began to pay more attention to eyebrow correction. It is worth noting that not everyone can boast of them by nature by the ideal shape - nevertheless, well -groomed eyebrows have become a real trend. To maintain them in perfect condition, it is necessary to acquire the necessary correction skills, including learning how to cut your eyebrows.

How to cut your eyebrows at home: why a haircut is needed

Sometimes to create a finished image there is not enough very little - well -groomed eyebrow, giving the facial features a special expressiveness. If the hairs in this zone differ in different lengths, stick out in different directions and can hardly lend themselves to styling, they will need to be a little shortened. Like too wide or too thick, bushy eyebrows, eyebrows do not look very attractive on the face - in this case, their correction will help.

Many women are wondering whether the eyebrows are cut, and what is fraught with such a procedure. The answer to the question of whether this can be done as follows - yes, of course, you can! If you have never cut your eyebrows before, perhaps for the first time it is worth entrusting the implementation of this procedure to a specialist who will determine the most suitable method of correction and set a direction for further independent care of the eyebrow arches. To figure out how to cut the eyebrows at home is actually not difficult. You should only treat such a process as responsibly and accurately as possible - in this case, the result of the actions performed you will undoubtedly be pleased.

How to cut the eyebrows at home: the advantages and disadvantages of the haircut

If you still doubt whether it is worth cutting your eyebrows or it is better to leave everything as it is, you should familiarize yourself with the information about what pros and cons can arise as a result of this external correction procedure.

The advantages of eyebrow haircuts include the following:

  • with the use of this method of correction, the natural density of the eyebrows, as well as the contours of the natural line of hair growth, do not change. There is no risk of removing the hairs necessary to maintain the optimal shape of the eyebrow during the haircut process;
  • with a sufficiently careful procedure, taking into account all the nuances to give the eyebrows a neat form is not difficult;
  • this method applied at home will help you save money on paying for the services of a specialist.

On the other hand, as the disadvantages of an independent haircut of eyebrows, the following can be noted:

  • there is a risk that the result will differ from the conceived image;
  • under the influence of various factors (a suddenly trembling hand that is not a well -thought -out form of a haircut, a blunting tool), you can make a mistake that will have to be adjusted for a sufficiently long time - to tint with a pencil or shadows that arose “baldness” on the eyebrows, waiting for the growing hairs;
  • in addition, in the process of cutting eyebrows, as a result of careless movement, you can accidentally hurt the sharp tip of the scissors.

Nevertheless, if you are not afraid to work on your appearance, you can make it as expressive as possible, the gaze of friends and admiration in the eyes of men will act as a reward for you.

How to cut eyebrows at home: preliminary preparation

When planning, how to correctly cut the eyebrows at home, it is worth considering the following - the result will largely depend on the illumination of the place of the procedure, which requires maximum accuracy. For a high -quality haircut of the eyebrows, it will be necessary to consider each hair - therefore, it should be located so that bright but multiple light falls on the face, while there should be no shadows on the face. If you are going to cut your eyebrows in the evening, you will need to use a bright lamp to light your face.  Prior to the start of the procedure, you should clean the makeup and wash your face.

How to cut your eyebrows at home: the necessary tools

In order to cut the eyebrows at home, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • a trimmer with a special nozzle or well -sharpened manicure scissors (optimally - with rounded tips, so as not to accidentally scratch the skin);
  • a special comb for eyebrows (you can also use a thoroughly washed brush from the old carcass for eyelashes). In extreme cases, you can use a small thick scallop.

Before the start of the eyebrow cut, the tools should be carefully disinfected.

How to cut the eyebrows at home: we determine the appropriate eyebrow shape

Before starting a haircut, it will be necessary to determine the most suitable shape of the eyebrows taking into account the source data and think about how many millimeters you need to shorten the hairs. Modern fashion is quite democratic and does not make special requirements for the design of the eyebrows, it should be repelled primarily from individual data - the form and features of the face. It is necessary that the trimmed eyebrows look quite natural and not subsequently be too thin or wide. Unprinting short or too long arcs are also unlikely to decorate your face, like their extravagant bends.


To determine the optimal shape of the eyebrows, it is necessary to conveniently accommodate in front of the mirror and consider your face properly. It is generally accepted that the arcs of the eyebrows, which begin on top of the inner corner of the eye, look the most advantageous. Take the pen or pencil, attach this item to the face, placing it from the wing of the nose to the inner corner of the eye. At the intersection of this line with the eyebrow, the optimal point of the beginning of the edge arc will be. By applying the handle to the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye, at the intersection of this line with the eyebrow you will receive the end point of the perfect eyebrow arc.


How to cut eyebrows at home: an action sequence

You will have to act as accurately as possible, because one wrong movement can cause the appearance of noticeable errors. Eyebrow hats grow slowly, and it will not be easy to wait for their desired length to restore their desired length.

It is not difficult to shorten the eyebrows at home using the following haircut methods:

  1. Combing them in certain directions, cut off excess vegetation:
  • first, with the help of a thick scallop or brush, comb the hairs, placing them in the direction up;
  • further, using manicure scissors or a trimmer nozzle, carefully tidy (cut) the part of the hair protruding outside the contour of the eyebrow;
  • after that, comb out the hairs in the direction down;
  • shoot the hair protruding behind the contour, cutting with manicure scissors or a trimmer;
  • having done the above actions, you will need to lay an eyebrow in the natural direction of hair growth, carefully examine it in the mirror and evaluate the result-you may need to remove in some places literally one or two millimeters of the length;
  • after the correction of the length of the first eyebrow, the same one must do the same with the second. It is necessary to try to make them look as symmetrical as possible.
  1. As an alternative to the described method, you can apply a similar method, but without using a comb. To do without it, you need to move the hairs in the direction and fix them in this position with a finger (it should be tightly pressed to the eyebrows). The hairs protruding for the outlines of the edge contour should be cut using a trimmer or manicure scissors. Next, they should be laid in the direction of natural growth in order to evaluate the fruits of your work and, if necessary, slightly adjust the result.


  1. The haircut of the eyebrows in the nose of the nose - this trend not so long ago gained popularity in the West. Take a closer look at the eyebrows Megan Fox - they can act as a typical example of such a correction. The essence of this procedure is as follows: near the nose bridges, the eyebrows cut it enough shortly, without changing the length of the rest of the hairs (they are adjusted using tweezers). This cutting method is simple in implementation, however, it should be noted that when using it, a weekly correction will be required to maintain the optimal shape of the eyebrows.

Many believe that exclusively women need such care. Nevertheless, many men do not hurt to pay attention to their vegetation in the eyebrow area. It should be noted that bushy eyebrows are not always a sign of brutality, as it may seem at the beginning. It is not at all necessary to flaunt eyebrows with sticking hairs “a la Brezhnev”. The principle of cutting such excess vegetation in men is simple - using scissors or trimmer, you need to shorten the longest and hard hairs. For men, when planning, how to cut the eyebrows at home, it is necessary to take into account the following - the correction of the shape of the eyebrows in the “unisex” style will hardly be appropriate. If necessary, you can slightly (without getting carried away!) Smell too thick eyebrows with tweezers.


It is worth taking into account that with age in some people, eyebrows tend to grind noticeably. With the help of a haircut, you can quickly get rid of naughty too long hairs.

How to cut eyebrows at home: Recommendations

In order for the final results of eyebrow haircuts you are pleased, you must take into account the following features of this procedure:

  • if you also plan to adjust the shape of the eyebrows using tweezers, you should start with thinning the hairs, and after it you can start directly to the haircut;
  • given that this type of hair grows slowly (within 7-8 weeks), you should carefully consider what result you plan to get, and based on this, plan your actions;
  • you should not rush to cut the hairs, the rule “Seven times measure - one cut” in this case will have to be very useful. Movements should be leisurely and confident;
  • it should be taken into account that if you shorten your hair too much, then it will become puffed, moreover, short bristles on the eyebrows may look a little strange;
  • it is not worth resorting to such a method of correction of appearance too often - it is recommended to use an eyebrow haircut no more than once every 3 weeks;
  • it is not at all necessary to process an eyebrow along the entire length, you can resort to shortening several most different hairs most different in length;
  • there is an opinion that after cutting eyebrows, hair can begin to grow intensively, while acquiring excessive rigidity, and become naughty and bushy. Often over the years, due to hormonal changes in the body, eyebrow hairs become more rare and short, or vice versa, acquire a significant length and become less obedient. Nevertheless, you can safely cut your eyebrows, since you should not be afraid of such manifestations after a haircut. The fact is that the length of the hair is determined by nature and laid in their bulbs - thus, affect the quality of the vegetation on the eyebrows, shortening the hair with scissors or a trimmer, will not succeed.


How to cut your eyebrows at home - video



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