
How to make Limoncello liquor at home. The best recipes for a lemoncello drink step by step with a photo. How to drink lemonchello. Limonchello cocktail recipes

How to make Limoncello liquor at home. The best recipes for a lemoncello drink step by step with a photo. How to drink lemonchello. Limonchello cocktail recipes
How to cook Limonchello at home - the best recipes step by step with a photo. How to drink lemonchello. DIY cocktail cocktails.

Limonchello is a lemon liquor that has a soft and refreshing taste. This alcoholic drink is from Italy, where it is very revered by local residents and has a high cost. Therefore, skillful housewives make it at home, because the process of preparing a liquor is quite simple. Among the variety of Limoncello recipes, it is important to take into account the subtleties and features of the preparation of the drink, which will be discussed in the article.

Limonchello drink - how to choose lemons

  • The taste of the liquor directly depends on the quality of the products that are selected for the recipe. A large role in this is assigned to lemons. The taste of lemoncello gives the essential oils of the fruit, which are in the peel of the fetus, and not in its pulp. Therefore, the quality of lemons should be high.
  • Fully ripened fruits have a smooth and shiny skin. If the fetus has a matte peel, then it has not yet ripened and will have too sour taste. In this matter, it is important to determine whether there is wax on the surface of lemon, which can prevent the determination of the quality of the product.
  • To remove the wax layer from the lemon, lower the fruits for a few seconds in boiling water. Then wipe the surface thoroughly with a kitchen towel with a pile or soft cloth. If there is no wax, then the fruits are simply washed before use.
  • When choosing lemons, slightly press on the skin. The pulp of mature fruits is springy and remains dense, while overripe fruits appear dents. In addition, such fruits have fewer vitamins and useful elements.
  • In smooth lemons, the peel is thin. Fruits with tubercles indicate the presence of a thick peel. Italians for lemoncello use lemons with thin skin, since only it is added according to the recipe.
  • The presence of brown spots on the peel of the citrus indicates the use of antibiotics during fruit growth. Such lemons will make the drink bitter. The skin should also be even, without dents, damage and traces of rot.
  • If you can easily separate the lemon peel from its pulp, then this fruit was frozen or it was very hypothermia. Such fruits are not used to make a drink.
  • Be sure to smell the lemon. The aroma of a fresh and quality product cannot be confused with anything. It is bright, rich, without the smell of chemistry and pleasant.

Limonchello at home - Subtleties and secrets of cooking

To make an alcoholic drink high quality with a pleasant taste, Italians keep small secrets for its preparation. Now the subtleties of the recipe are known to us.

  • Ordinary water from the tap is hard and chlorinated. It is not used for the preparation of lemon liquor. For a drink, add filtered water or bottled. But it is best to prepare lemoncello on distilled water. It will give the drink the softness of taste and does not contain impurities.
  • A piquant bitterness of a drink appears when used in the recipe for the white part of the skin. If you want to soften the taste of lemoncello, then add only the upper part of the peel. It is advisable to use lemons with thin skin, as they are more fragrant.
  • The fortress of the drink can be adjusted independently. The degrees of Limonchello depend on the amount of sugar in the ratio with the volume of water in the recipe. So, the more you add sugar, the more the liquor will be stronger. An increase in the amount of water will also reduce the strength of the alcoholic drink.
  • According to Italians, the classic recipe for Limonchello should contain notes of cinnamon. Therefore, if desired, add this spice to the drink. But use it in the form of a stick, not crushed. So the drink will turn out to be transparent, and will not contain grains.
  • The color of the liquor can also be changed. The classic shade is light yellow. To give green notes of lemoncello, use lime instead of one lemon. Also for an orange shade of the drink, add orange zest.
  • The traditional Limonchello recipe involves the use of 4 kg. Citrus for obtaining 1 liter of a finished drink. As a basis, vodka is used. But you can also add alcohol of various fortresses and moonshine. The cream taste of the drink gives milk and cream, which in the recipe is replaced by water.

Limonchello at home - recipes

Although the Italians argue that classic Limonchello can only be made in Italy from real Italian lemons, experienced housewives found their solution. They prepare a liquor at home according to several recipes. In addition, you yourself can change the volume of ingredients and adjust the recipe to your taste. The main condition is compliance with cooking technology.

Limoncello for alcohol

The classic liqueur recipe involves the use of high -quality purified alcohol. Italians convince that only in this case it will be possible to prepare a drink with a traditional taste. Limonchello according to such a recipe can be used separately or make cocktails based on it.

Prepare the following ingredients for the liquor:

  • ripe lemons - 1 kg. or 7-9 pcs.;
  • purified alcohol, strength of 95% - 0.5 l.;
  • white sugar - 0.5 kg.;
  • distilled or filtered water - 0.65 ml.

Instructions for the manufacture of lemoncello:

  • For the recipe, it is important to use only pure alcohol without other impurities so as not to spoil the taste of the drink. The higher the strength of alcohol is, the more aromatic the liquor will turn out. You can replace sugar with fructose, but only correctly count for sweetness. Choose fragrant lemons with thin skin, but not ripe.
  • Rinse the lemons thoroughly in warm water. If there is wax on the skin, then the fruits should be packed with boiling water. After that, immediately wipe them with a rough cloth to remove the molten wax. Then wipe the lemons from excess moisture.
  • Remove the skin from the citrus. Work slowly so as not to hurt the white part of the peel. It is most convenient to remove from the fruits the upper layer using a vegetable cleaning. Of one kilogram of lemons, you will get around 140 g.

  • Put the prepared zest on the bottom of the banks. If you have several small containers, then evenly distribute the peel over them. Pour the zest with alcohol. Close the container with a dense lid. Write the date on top to monitor the deadlines of insisting.

  • Put the banks in a dark and cool place. Leave the lemon zest to infuse about 5-7 days. Italians leave lemon peel for several months, but during this time the drink will absorb more bitterness than the aroma of lemon. Therefore, the above period will be enough. Shake the container often.

  • After a week, strain alcohol, squeeze the zest well and proceed to the preparation of the syrup. Pour the remaining zest with prepared water and leave it for several hours. Then drain and use for syrup. Water is nourished with essential oils and vitamins from the peel of lemons.
  • Measure sugar, pour water. Put the container on the slow fire. Cook the syrup until the crystals are completely dissolved, but do not boil it. In this case, stir the liquid often so that the lower layer does not burn. Otherwise, the syrup will receive a bitter taste.

  • Cool the syrup to room temperature, combine with tincture of alcohol, mix thoroughly. The mass will first become clouded, which is a natural process. After a while, the liquor will become transparent.
  • You can’t use lemoncello right away. Put it in the refrigerator for 5 days. During this time, the ingredients will connect to each other, and the drink will acquire its taste. After insisting the liquor, oils are collected on the surface. You can collect them or leave them to enhance the taste.

  • From the specified number of ingredients, a liquor is obtained by a strength of about 35 degrees with a sugar content of 30 grams per 100 ml. These indicators are considered classic in the preparation of lemoncello.

How to make lemoncello on milk

For lovers of liquor likers, there is a recipe for cooking lemoncello based on milk. An alcoholic drink is obtained with a very delicate taste with notes of citrus. But, unfortunately, this liquor has a short shelf life. After preparation, you can only store it in the refrigerator, depending on the amount of alcohol in the recipe. In the freezer, this period increases to 6 months.

To prepare a liquor, you will need the following ingredients:

  • large lemons - 4 pcs.;
  • pure alcohol 95% - 500 ml.;
  • pasteurized milk - 1 l.;
  • sugar - 600 g.;
  • vanilla - 1 pod.

How to cook lemoncello at home:

  • Wash the lemons under running water or pour them with boiling water. Let the fruits dry, then remove the yellow skin. Try to avoid white peel so that the drink does not acquire bitterness. Put the zest into a jar with a dense lid.

  • Pour the peel with alcohol, close the jar and put in a cool place for insisting. You can use the lower shelf of the refrigerator for this, since it is minimal temperature. Leave alcohol to be nourished by the aroma of the lemon for 6-9 days. You can leave the jar in the refrigerator for a month. Shake the contents daily. The faded color of the zest will indicate the readiness of the tincture.

  • Get the zest and strain alcohol through a sieve. It should acquire a bright yellow tint. Milk for the recipe must be used pasteurized, as it will not boil for syrup. But you can also take ordinary milk, only pre -boil it and cool it.
  • Put the vanilla pod in milk and heat it slightly. It is important to throw vanilla into cold milk and gradually heat it so that the spice gradually gives its aroma. Add sugar. Frequurate milk until the crystals are completely dissolved. Do not bring the mixture to a boil. Then remove the syrup from the stove and cool it to room temperature.

  • Strain the syrup through gauze and combine with alcohol. Mix well, put in a cool place for 5-6 days. After that, the liquor can be consumed, but first put it in the freezer.

Homemade lemoncello on vodka

For the preparation of lemon liquor, you can use vodka instead of alcohol. Choose only pure raw materials, without additional tastes. Also do not use tinctures such as pepper or honey. These drinks will not allow you to feel the lemon taste of the liquor. The drink is prepared very simple: sugar syrup is added immediately, and not after a few days. That's just for insisting the liquor will need more time.

Ingredients for a simple Limonchello recipe:

  • vodka without additives - 0.325 l.;
  • ripe lemon - 10 pcs .;
  • purified water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • white sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • pink sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Quick way to make lemoncello:

  • Rinse ripe lemons with thin skin, then dry with napkins and remove the peel from them. Use the vegetable cleaning for this, so the thickness of the zest will be minimal. If the white part of the skin of the citrus remains, then cut it with a sharp knife.

  • Prepare a drink for a drink. Wash it thoroughly, dry it. The lid on the dishes should be dense. Put the zest into a container. It should occupy most of the bottle. Pour vodka to the peel.

  • In a separate bowl, prepare the syrup. Heat water, pour sugar. You can also add pink sugar that will give sweet notes to taste or use ordinary vanilla sugar. But these additives were optional. Stir the syrup until sugar dissolves. Do not bring to a boil. Cool the finished syrup and pour in the vodka with the zest.

  • Close a bottle of drink, shake several times so that the syrup is evenly mixed with vodka. Leave the container at room temperature for a day, then rearrange in a dark and cool place.

  • The liquor should be infused for at least a week. If you like the more saturated taste of citrus, then leave Limonchello with the zest for 2-3 weeks. The finished liquor must be filtered and stored in the freezer.

Limonchello on moonshine

A homemade moonshine -based liquor will be no less tasty than on alcohol or vodka. In addition, you yourself can regulate the fortress of the finished drink based on the number of degrees of moonshine. For Limonchello, moonshine must be cleaned pre -clean, since the smell and taste of sivable oils can ruin the citrus aroma.

For Limonchello you will need the following products:

  • filtered water - 250 ml.;
  • lemon zest without a white base - from 10 pcs. citrus;
  • purified moonshine - 1 l.;
  • white sugar - 300 g.;
  • ginger root is to taste.

A step -by -step method of preparing a liquor:

  • Pour the lemons with boiling water, dry with paper towels and remove the upper part of the skin without a white base. Pour the zest with alcohol. In this case, lay the lemon peel as tightly as possible so that the moonshine completely covers it.
  • Use ginger root to taste, but do not add too much. Otherwise, with excessive quantities, it will interrupt the taste of lemon. Peel ginger, grate on a fine grater. Add it to a container with a peel and moonshine.
  • Put alcohol to infuse in a dark and necessarily cool place for a week. Do not forget to periodically shake the contents of the bottle. This is necessary so that alcohol is stronger than the aromas of lemon and ginger.
  • In a week, get the moonshine. Prepare the syrup from water and sugar. Frequently stir it and wait until all sugar crystals dissolve. It is important not to bring the syrup to a boil otherwise the drink can purchase a caramel taste. Cool the syrup and pour to the moonshine. Shake the container several times to mix all the layers.
  • You can’t use lemoncello right away. Leave it to infuse for 3-5 days in the refrigerator, then strain through gauze and pour into the bottle. Store in the refrigerator, cool in the freezer before serving.

DIY lemoncello with cream and honey

You can give a creamy taste to an alcoholic drink with milk. But with cream, the lemon liquor is especially tender, and when the honey is added, Limonchello will acquire a soft taste. Such a drink must be prepared strictly according to the technology indicated below, otherwise the cream can be curled up, and honey will give the liquor a caramel taste and lose all its useful qualities.

Take the ingredients for the liquor in this quantity:

  • purified alcohol - 250 ml.;
  • thin -crown lemons - 5 pcs.;
  • brown sugar - 300 g.;
  • cream 20% fat - 400 ml.;
  • any honey - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • vanilin Extract - 3 g.

Limonchello recipe at home:

  • You can regulate the saturation of lemon taste with the amount of fruit. Also adding or reducing the amount of alcohol you affect the strength of the drink. Brown sugar is used according to the recipe. It is not so sweet and contains more useful elements. But you can use ordinary white sugar.
  • The drink itself is high -calorie, as cream is used. To reduce the number of calories, dilute them with milk or water. Vanilla can be replaced with cinnamon. Instead of the extract, the use of vanilla pods is allowed, only they must be added during the heating of the cream.
  • Lower the lemons for a couple of seconds in boiling water, wipe with wipes. Pay special attention to removing the peel. The zest should be without a white part, as it will give the drink bitterness. Put the zest into the bottle, pour in alcohol. Put the container in a dark place for insisting for a week. Shake the bottle as often as possible.
  • Then strain the alcohol after a few layers of gauze. It should become yellow. In a separate container, heat the cream, but do not bring to a boil. When boiling, the cream can be curled. Remove from the stove, pour sugar and add vanillin. Mix the liquid well until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add honey and mix again so that it is evenly distributed in cream.
  • Cool the cream and combine with lemon alcohol. Beat the mass well. It is not recommended to drink the liquor immediately. It should be infused and fed with aromas for 7-10 days. Keep Limonchello in the refrigerator, but before serving, put it in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

Cocktails with lemoncello

A fragrant lemon liquor can become an original addition to any cocktail. Limonchello cocktail recipes for the preparation of cocktails. Having studied the technology of cooking, you can change the volume of each ingredient to your taste.

Limonchello and champagne cocktail recipe

Fans of sparkling wine will appreciate this cocktail. In addition to the subtle taste of champagne, you will feel a citrus aroma with notes of mint. It is necessary to cook cocktail only from cold ingredients. If you add ice, then keep in mind that it will not only cool the cocktail, but also dilute it with water. This can reduce the fortress of the drink.

Cocktail ingredients:

  • fresh mint leaves - 0.25 tbsp.;
  • limonchello - 0.25 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. L.;
  • ripe lemon - 1 pc.;
  • white champagne - 1 tbsp.

How to cook a cocktail with lemoncello:

  • To prepare a cocktail, you will need a blender. In this case, take a small strainer for filtering the finished drink. Rinse the mint leaves, dry thoroughly. Lower the lemon into boiling water for a few seconds, then remove the zest with a thin strip.
  • Put the mint, lemon peel to the blender, add sugar and pour lemonchello. Mix the ingredients for about 10 seconds. Then the mass is filtered into a separate container, solid residues are thrown away.
  • Cool the glasses for feeding the cocktail, then grease their edges with lemon juice. To do this, just draw a slice of lemon on the glass. If desired, the edge can be suchate. The resulting mass is divided into 2 glasses, the rest of the space is poured with champagne. On top of the cocktail can be decorated with a slice of lemon. Serve right away so that the drink does not have time to warm up.

How to cook a cocktail with lemoncello and raspberries

Lemon goes well with raspberries. Such a cocktail is suitable for a summer party, as it refreshes well. Instead of mint, use fresh basil that will give a cocktail freshness and unusual taste.

Ingredients for a cocktail with a lemon liquor:

  • ripe lemon - 1 pc.;
  • the basil is fresh, the leaves are to taste;
  • fresh raspberries - 8 berries;
  • white sugar - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • lemon vodka - 30 ml.;
  • lemoncello for alcohol - 15 ml.;
  • white champagne - 1 tbsp.;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

Step -by -step recipe for cooking cocktail:

  • Basil and raspberry rinse, dry. Leave along the berry and one branch of greens to decorate the cocktail. Pour the lemon with boiling water, cut in half. Cut 2 slices for decoration, cut the rest of the fetus into 4 parts.
  • Put raspberries into the glass, add the basil and lemon. Thoroughly rub the ingredients thoroughly with a mortar or fork, transfer to the shaker. Pour in lemoncello, vodka and pour sugar. Mix products for 5-7 seconds, then strain through a sieve.
  • The indicated number of ingredients is enough for 2 cocktails. Put the ice into chilled glasses, pour the contents of the shaker into it. Fill the remaining place with champagne. Decorate the top of the glasses along one berry of raspberries, a slice of lemon and a twig of the basil.

White cocktail mulled wine with tincture of lemoncello

This cocktail is used in warm form, so it is well suited for the New Year holidays. The main spice and greens for a drink is a cardamom with a lemonggrass. But you can add other seasonings to your liking. Be sure to use honey in a cocktail. It will soften the taste of alcohol and give the drink aroma.

List of necessary ingredients for a cocktail:

  • limonchello - 20 ml.;
  • white wine dry - 150 ml.;
  • ripe lemon - 1 pc.;
  • orange - ½ part of the fetus;
  • lemon grass - 5 g.;
  • liquid honey - 10 g.;
  • cardamon ground - 2 g.

The sequence of mixing ingredients for the cocktail:

  • Wash the orange with lemon with boiling water, remove the zest. Pour a lemon liquor and wine into a metal mug. Add honey with cardamom. If you use other spices, then be sure to add them to cold wine so that they gradually give their aroma when heated.
  • Put the zest from citrus fruits into the mug. Put the container on a slow fire and warm up. Stir the contents constantly. Do not bring the cocktail to a boil, otherwise alcoholic pairs will disappear, and honey will lose its qualities and aroma.
  • Strain the finished mulled wine through a strainer and pour into a glass. Use a container for serving Irish coffee. Garnish the cocktail stem of lemon grass. Use warmly.

How to make a Skitles cocktail with Limoncello

The most popular cocktail with Limonchello, which amazes not only with its taste, but also with the original presentation. For a cocktail, strawberry berries and lemon juice are used. The fortress of the drink can be diluted with ice cubes. Use a cocktail through a chilled tube.

For one portion of a cocktail, you will need:

  • limonchello - 50 ml.;
  • honey syrup - 4 drops for taste;
  • fresh strawberries - 4 pcs .;
  • ripe lemon - 1 pc.

Slust of actions for the preparation of a cocktail:

  • For a cocktail, choose a lemon with a flat peel and the correct shape of the fruit, since the outer part will act as a glass. Also, for this reason, it is not necessary to carry out the fruit with boiling water, otherwise the peel will darken.
  • Therefore, wash the lemon in running water, wipe with napkins. Gently cut the upper part of the fruit in the form of a lid. Remove all the pulp from the citrus with a spoon, carefully remove the excess part of the peel inside the fetus. At the bottom, cut a small amount of zest for the stability of an impromptu glass.
  • Squeeze the juice from the pulp of lemon, pour it into the shaker. Add lemon liquor, strawberries and honey syrup to it. Beat the mass thoroughly, strain through a sieve and pour into a lemon glass. Put chopped ice on top and put a tube. If desired, decorate the cocktail strawberries.

Limonchello - how to properly drink a liquor

If you use a lemon drink incorrectly, then you can ruin the impression of it. Therefore, it is important to know how to drink Limonchello and how to bite. Knowing all the subtleties, you can fully evaluate the quality and subtle taste of the liquor.

  • In most sources, as well as, as well as according to the Italians themselves, traditionally lemonchello is used directly from the freezer in chilled glasses. The principle of freezing the drink will remove bitterness from taste, especially if you prepared a drink using a white peel from the citrus. But there are other traditions for the use of Limonchello.
  • Rule No. 1 "The temperature of the use of the liquor." 10-12 hours before use, the finished liquor must be put in the freezer along with the glasses. When using high -quality alcohol in the recipe, the liquor does not overlap. In other cases, especially when adding cream, it is important to constantly monitor the condition of the drink so that it does not become ice.
  • Rule No. 2 "Speed \u200b\u200bof use." Italians love to drink the drink slowly and measuredly. The liquor is strong, but in a chilled form and with a taste of essential oils, a degree of drink is felt less. Drink Limonchello in small sips. Each of which for a few seconds, delay in your mouth, then swallow completely. During this time, the liquor will have time to warm up, will spread through the receptors of the tongue and thereby fully convey its taste.
  • Rule No. 3 "Feel the aroma." The liquor has an original citrus aroma. It is for him that Italians adore this alcoholic drink. Until the use of lemoncello, sniff it. After swallowing, pull the air through the nasopharynx, so you will feel the aftertaste.
  • Rule No. 4 "Time for use." Limonchello improves digestion, so it is served after eating undiluted. But at the same time, this alcoholic drink increases appetite, so it is suitable as an aperitif. When using lemoncello before meals, it is diluted with orange juice.
  • Rule No. 5 "What to drink with." According to the traditional version, the lemon liquor is not bite. The taste gamut can be felt without additional products. But at the same time, Limoncello goes well with chocolate and any fruits. Just choose dark and bitter chocolate, as sweetness will spoil the taste of the liquor. What relates to drinks, the liquor can complement any citrus juice, various vermouth and champagne. It is well suited as an ingredient for cocktails or use in desserts.
  • Rule No. 6 "When to drink the next glass." Between the techniques of Limonchello you need to wait 20 minutes. This time will protect you from rapid intoxication and will allow you to feel the real taste of the liquor.
  • For those who first try Limonchello, you should adhere to a simple rule. Pour the liquor into a glass in a small amount to have time to try it before heating the dishes.

Limonchello - how to store

  • The finished liquor must be put first in the refrigerator for a week. At the same time, every day it is necessary to shake it. After the indicated time, Limonchello can be consumed. You can store an alcoholic drink in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months. This period is reduced to 3 months if you have prepared it with the addition of milk.
  • Also, Limonchello retains its qualities in storage in the freezer. When using pure alcohol in the recipe, the drink can be stored in the freezer for about 1-1.5 years. But if you prepared it in milk or added cream, then often check the condition of Limonchello and do not allow it to freeze.
  • Such short terms are due to the fact that the home liquor does not have preservatives. Because of this, the drink may quickly deteriorate. The storage period is affected by the fortress of Limonchello. The higher it is, the longer the quality of the liquor remains.
  • These rules relate only to home -made liquor. That relative to Limonchello of industrial production, then it can be stored at room temperature according to the specified period on the label. In the open state, the alcoholic drink must be stored in the refrigerator. Throughout the year, he will retain his taste.

Limonchello - photo

The lemon liquor has a different shade, like a fortress. This ladies' drink can be consumed separately, as part of cocktails or prepared a fragrant dessert based on it.


Now you know all the subtleties of cooking a lemon liquor house. A variety of recipes will make lemoncello to your taste. Moreover, the drink will preserve vitamin C as much as possible from the citrus, as it is insisted on alcohol. In addition, the liquor has tonic properties, warm in cold weather and helps with colds.

Limonchello classic recipe, video:



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