
How to wash the girl

How to wash the girl
Consider the basic rules of girls hygiene. How to wash girls and how often do it.

Hygiene is important for small and adults, but children's hygiene should be treated with special care. Details about the ablution procedure of small princesses will learn from the article.

How to wash the newborn girl


The difference between the structure of genital organs of girls and boys dictates their peculiarities of care. The main rule of care for girls is to blast from the pubis to the smoking. Thus, the processes of vital activity from anal passage will not fall into the genitals.

Video: how to wash the newborn girl

How to wash the girl under the crane


A frequent question that is disturbing young mothers is doubtful in the admissibility of the child's arms with ordinary water from under the tap. Very often, parents want to make this procedure only boiled water.

But the water from the crane is quite a suitable option, the main rule of the rejuvenation of newborns - running water. It makes no sense to wash your baby from a bowl, where microbes fall again and then contaminate the baby's calf.

Wake up a girl under the crane, you need to direct the water jet on the pubo, trying not to fall on the circuit zone. The driver will wash the genitals and drain between the legs.

How often to wash the girl

In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it. Today's assortment of reusable diapers helps to easily cope with children's hygiene processes.

As a rule, the diaper absorbs the feces and provides sufficient comfort and dryness. Therefore, we provide general recommendations for the beam frequency:

  • After each shift of the diaper isoisy, the kid only with running water without using any auxiliary means, such as soap, gels, foam.
  • After the defecation process, be sure to use baby soap or gel.
  • Evening bathing before bedtime with liquid baby soap or gel.

How to wash the newborn

The process of washing a newborn baby can be distinguished by two phases - before and after the navel healing. The first bathing procedures are slightly complicated by the presence of umbilical wound.
Later, after healing and disappearing a pouch residue, you can wash a child with a full immersion in the water, but you first need to be very neat. General rules of washing Baby Such:

  • The presence of a small children's bath, washed pre-special children's means and well washed.
  • The water temperature should be 37-38 ° C, the temperature in the room is 25-26 ° C.
  • It is not necessary to boil the water.
  • If there is an opportunity, in the first 2-3 days you can add multiple crystals permanganate potassium - mangartage perfectly disinfected water.
  • You can add grasses champs to water. The best daisy, a series, oak bark, etc.
  • The bath must be filled with two-thirds water.
  • First, the legs are divered, and then the whole child to the middle of the chest.
  • Hand gently water the baby with water, stopping on the folds.
  • The total time of bathing newborns is the first month 5-10 min.
  • At the end of the bathing procedure, the child is blocked by a pre-prepared tender diaper.
  • The first six months of the child is preferably bathed daily.
  • After half a year you can go to swim every other day.

Can I wash the girl

To firm the girl can and must be necessary! This natural process will not even replace the highest quality modern wet wipes.

The main thing is to comply with general recommendations:

  • The water jet should be directed from the pubic to the tailbone.
  • Water should be as close as possible at 35-37 ° C.
  • Use only flow water.
  • The use of detergents is best liquid soap, not every time, but only after the "big" case and in the evening.
  • To fake only the outer sex sponge and in no case do not make your way to the mucous plots.
  • The use of wet napkins is only in case of extreme necessity.

How to wash the girl month

Features of the genuine girls of the first month of life contain several important points:

  • Your movements should be confident, despite the fact that sometimes it is scary to not harm the baby.
  • Carefully direct the water stream, in order to avoid hitting the zone of the umbilical wound.
  • A newborn girl between sex sponges is a special lubricant of white - Smegma. This is such a barrier to protect against bacteria. Her in no case can not be flush. It will come out independently, after a constant process of arms.
  • When you knead all the movements, follow only your hands. Cut your nails, remove the rings, wash your hands purely. Without excessive use of cotton sticks, disks, corners of diaper, etc.
  • After the isolation, it simply blossom in a gentle diaper or a towel crotch and the whole body of a child.

How to wash the girl 3 years


At about age 2-3 years, you need to teach the girl to independent hygienic procedures. When washed, show the daughter of the right actions and ask for you on your own. Tell me if something is wrong. Also, you should adhere to several rules:

  • The isolation should be a daily ritual. Even if it is not about complete bathing, then you need to learn that it is just obliged to go.
  • Use the flow water flow temperature.
  • It is necessary to go on the front back to the bacteria from the anus they did not hit the vagina.
  • It is advisable not to bar, but a liquid soap with a neutral level of pH. Liquid soap is best suited for children from birth.
  • The girl should have a separate, only her towel or diaper.

How to wash the girl 5 years

At a five-year-old age, the girl has already independently and absolutely consciously make his personal toilet. At this age, the child himself should know that every evening should be arched.

Adult help can be needed except for water temperature adjustment. Very good, if the girl has its own liquid soap and necessarily an individual towel or a napkin.

To fill a monthly girl

The above described the general rules of the girl's hygiene age up to 1 month, but I would like to mention some important nuances:

  • take the baby with each change of diaper;
  • do not use any synthetic creams or powder. They will only need with diarming, healthy kid have these funds
    Wet wipes also bypass the parties - there are flavors in them that can cause an allergic reaction on the delicate skin of the baby;
  • during swimming, use exclusively baby soap. Agents for adults quite aggressively act on the skin of the child,
    Also behind the dairy glasses of the monthly girl, since, because of the increased number of estrogen, the mother may have blood or pupils from the papillars, the chest can swell. Gently rinse the breasts of the girl with each wash.

How to wash the child


When you knead a child, you need to take into account the peculiarities of this ritual in girls and boys. Girls are waved in the direction of Return back, and the boys on the contrary - rear ahead.
Water must be running, room temperature. Using the soap does not follow in the implementation of each arrangement procedure, but only after defecation.

To beware of Romashka girls

Chamomile has long been known for its antiseptic, bactericidal and invalid properties. Its use for children's hygiene is undoubtedly very useful. Cooking the chamomile is very simple. For this you need:

  • 1 tbsp. Flowers chamomile;
  • 200 ml of hot boiled water.

Insist 10 min.
Strain - and ready.

After the beaming, the chamomile is additionally rinsed with simple water. It is enough just to get into the genitals of the child with a napkin or a towel.

Child health partly depends on proper hygiene. And especially in infancy it concerns the genital organs, because often there are peculiarity and redness. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, the child will be irritable and nervous.

Take care of your girl - it is a fade and joy of parents all my life!


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