
Soft toys do it yourself. How to sew a soft toy - a few simple ideas

Soft toys do it yourself. How to sew a soft toy - a few simple ideas
The main rules for tailoring toys and several basic patterns for the manufacture of cheerful fabulous friends.

One of the most popular anti-crisis hobbies is sewing soft toys. It is cheap, because they can be made from old things or inexpensive materials, while buying a new toy will cost a penny. In addition, sewing toys very soothes. They can be done along with children, developing creative abilities of kids.

Toys of his own manufacture - beautiful gifts to grandchildren and granddaughters, nephews and niece. Beautiful quality products can be sold to the new year, Valentine's Day or without reason. What is not an idea for business?

How to sew a soft toy do it yourself

Needlewomen enjoy a huge number of technician making soft toys. We sew dollanee tildes with the type of machine, lay small toys from wool, knit bright dolls in suites from yarn, make traditional rag dolls from old patchworks. This is an incomplete list of materials and techniques from which soft toys make.

The more experienced master, the deeper she will know the technology, wider its horizons. Beginner needlewomen use simpler sewing techniques for which special skills are not required, except for the sewing skill with a needle or other basic seam. We will try to figure out the principles of the easiest toys.

We sew soft toys do it yourself, patterns

It begins sewing any, even the smallest product, with cutting. The finished patterns of soft toys are available on the Internet or special print editions. By choosing a toy model, transfer the circuit of the pattern to transparent paper, and the field is on a dense cardboard basis. From the cardboard you do not need to cut a lot of details of the same form - this is a pattern. If the number indicates the number (indicating the number of tissue pieces of the appropriate form) it must be stailed on the template.

When templates are ready, transfer the contour to the wrong side of the fabric. Drove the handle, pencil, soap or chalk - as you are comfortable. Thus, for the manufacture of patterns and preparation for discollity, it is necessary:

  • smooth surface;
  • circuit patterns in print form;
  • cardboard (from under the packaging pantyhose or candy box);
  • simple pencil;
  • number;
  • sharp scissors for paper and for fabric;
  • material corresponding to the model.

When drawing attention to the fact that there are mirror parts (ears, or tail) that you need to cut, applying a template to folded in half fabric.

How to sew a soft toy

Cutting the tissue details, try to properly sew them with each other. The rule is first - fold the face inside and place all the details on the contour, leaving the holes. Usually, soft toys begin to sew large parts from performing seams, after - shallow.

  1. The second rule is the output for turning and packing should be small and convenient. Depending on the size and material of the parts, leave the hole from cm 1 and above. The location of the open scar must be the least noticeable (on the sewn items, etc.).
  2. The third rule - through the output you need to carefully turn the part, without breaking it by the main seams. Small parts are turned with long thin stupid tools (an ordinary handle with a cap will be consolidated).
  3. Rule fourth - packing. Through the hole with the help of all the same handles fill the parts with holofiber or other light, filler capable of taking and keep shape. Some models require the use of axial cunning wire, the edges of which need to be twisted with the filler so as not to break the toy, and the limbs are fixed to the wire in the center of the base - "spine."
  4. Rule fifth - it is necessary to sew the output from the front side manually very neat. The hole for the sewn small parts, which coincides with the joint with the base, is not selected: it will be one sewn seam.

Directly for sewing you will need such tools:

  • sewing machine (if not, you can flash the details manually);
  • handle with cap;
  • filler (best use holofiber);
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • thimble (for coarse tissues and small parts);
  • furnitures (toy eyes, spouts, mustache, wigs or buttons and threads, for some models - wire for limbs).
  • super glue or glue-gun (for fastening not sewn items).

Special attention is paid to the purchase of fittings. Even the most unwashed toy from the older comes to life in front of the eyes when the master uses running plastic eyes, and not soulless buttons. If there are no funds for the purchase of accessories, find 2 buttonifications on the leg and depict an eyeball, iris and pupil acrylic paint or a gouache with glue. From above, cover with a transparent varnish.

We sew soft toys with kids

Not every mom is lucky to be born with the talent of needlework, but even the most clumsy seamstresses will be able to give the child joy made by hand. Primitive toys can be done with the child. They do not require expensive materials and superposts. Everything that's needed:

  • simple pattern;
  • cardboard, handle and scissors;
  • sock, or pieces of color felt;
  • needle with threads of different colors and thickness;
  • running eyes.

The child will always like the fruit of his creativity, so involve it as much as possible in the process of creating a toy.

How to sew the simplest soft toys with moms and baby

We will consider with you some of the most popular fabulous characters that can be sewn through simple patterns. It will be a coffee-vanilla kitty; Cat and bunny from bright x / b socks and felt teddy bear and owl. For more experienced Switch - the task is more difficult - the rooster of the trimming of the fabric.

Fragrant soft toy cat do it yourself

The principle of making a coffee and vanilla fragrant toy - in the simplicity of cut. In this case, the drawing skills will not be superfluous. In order to make a sketchy kitty, you need such materials and tools:

  • tick \u200b\u200bor flax white;
  • filler;
  • scissors, pencil, cardboard;
  • tassels of different thickness, acrylic paints, a glass of water;
  • contour or black gel pen;
  • pVA glue;
  • soluble coffee and dry ground spices: vanilla and cinnamon.


The scheme of the manufacture of soft fragrant toys do it yourself

  1. Draw the contour on the inside, folded twice the fabric on the template.
  2. Cut and flash toy toy along the contour, leaving a hole on the stomach.
  3. Remove the toy with a wooden handle of a brush.
  4. Fill the filler and sew a hole manually.
  5. Attach the thread to the toy (it will hang on it on the grill with drying in the oven).
  6. Prepare a fragrant solution: we take 0.5 hours. L of each spice and 0.5 tbsp. Coffee, mix and pour 70 ml of hot water. Add 0.7 tbsp to the cooled fluid. glue. Such a solution for one toy will be too many, so make several cats for gifts to the child's friends.
  7. Covered coffee-adhesive toy.
  8. Tail the cats to the grill and send to the oven to be dried 15-30 minutes. If the toy is dry and outside, and inside - you can proceed to further actions.
  9. A simple pencil draw a fruit, acrylic paint to draw eyes and heart.
  10. Contour or handle to bring out the outline.
  11. The toy is ready: it smells like and looks beautiful.

Charm coffee and vanilla toys in genuine personality. From one billet with primitive outlines, you can make a lot of unlike quotes and cats. In addition to decorations with hearts and butterflies, cats can be "blurred" sour cream or write comic expressions on them. Such a toy is a way to spill all creative energy. This is an excellent souvenir for a child and an adult.

Soft toy from felt with their own hands

The convenience of using the felt is that it does not crumble, it can be bought in any store for creativity with colored cuts around 20x30, spending a penny. Felt toys usually sew small and do not turn. Start from the sewing of parts, and finish - the seam around the base of the toy, leaving the passage for packing.

Outdoor seams most often use the "forward needle" thread into the tone fetra. Sometimes make decorative stitches with dense threads of contrasting color. Decor such toys with pieces of felt with glue or thread. Sometimes use accessories (eyes, bows, etc.).

Processing is made using a thin blunt tool (tassel or handle). Creatively you should not limit yourself with sewing in templates: simple toys can be created from standard figures by taking a picture with the image of the product.

Soft toy do it yourself - Teddy bear

Instead of the pattern, take the prepared image as a basis. If you have a fantasy, create an interesting character design yourself, after drawing it on paper. If not, move the picture from the screen.


Note that for the body you need 2 parts (rear and front part), and the eyes (2 felt mug) are sewn only in front. Seam for stuffing. Leave open over your head - you still have to attach the tape by fixing it with a seam.

Soft toy Owl with her hands

Funny counted - weakness of many novice artists. In simple details you can pass the mood and feeling. The eyes of the owls are large, so it will not be difficult to make them expressive: sleepy, joyful, distressed, etc.

On a schematic figure, all the details are understandable:


  • the basis in the form of a silhouette of owls - 2 pcs.;
  • wings - 4 pcs. (2 on each side);
  • basics under the eyes and tummy - 1 pcs.;
  • eye apples - 2 pcs.;
  • pupils - 2 pcs.;
  • paws - 2 pcs.;
  • beak - 1 pc.

First decorated the front of the toy. After - stitch the details of the wings and stuff them. Send to the back. Connect the front and rear items, leaving the hole in the middle at the bottom. Put a toy and sewing a hole.

Soft toys of socks with their own hands

Children's socks that are no longer suitable in size, you can turn into funny soft toys. The color of the socks does not have the value. The brighter and multicolored, the more interesting. The closer to one color, the most expressively the details will look.

Soft toy cat do it yourself

  • For the manufacture of a playful cat, a pair of socks need. One use completely, the trimming will remain from the second. From the first sock, we make paws, ass and a torso: put it up with a heel up and make cuts. From the edge to the heel and from the zone of the fingers to the middle of the foot.
  • From the heel of the second sock, cut out the muzzle is solsed with ears, and the tail.

  • We sew the details, stitch, sew tail and head, sew the remaining holes. Catics decorating with eyes or butchers, ribbons, bows and mustache.

Soft toy hare do it yourself

  • We need 2 socks: 1 - white, second - pink. For the foundation, we will use part of the white sock from the fingers to the heel (the heel itself is not needed). We are loosely stuffed with a segment of white sock with filler, sew. Now - we are tightening the workpiece in the middle of the thread, separating your head from the body. At the edges of the body, we tighten 2 small balls - these are the paws.


  • Pink sock cut into several parts, from which there will be pants and a sweater for a bunny.
  • From the residues of a white sock, we make handles and ears, as indicated in the scheme. Send to the bottom of the other parts of the body and make markup on your face with a gel handle.

Rooster - soft tilde toy do it yourself

Tilde toys are notable for an unusual shape. All of them have long limbs, and torso, bypassing the neck, smoothly goes into the head. All tildes are usually dressed. Therefore, do not forget to put a dress on it or the overall rush overalls.

Work on the manufacture of Tilda is complex, so it is impossible to do without pattern. Real off the contours of the details.


For sewing you need:

  • 2 types of fabric: cotton and bright decorative fabric (for clothes, the design of which can be thought out independently);
  • putting (Hollofiber);
  • needle, threads, scissors, chalk;
  • colored paints for fabric (acrylic);
  • tassel.
  1. We make patterns on the pattern and cut out all the details of the fabric. Next - we follow the basic rules of the tailor: sew individual parts, turn out, leave the holes, stuff, sew parts of the body among themselves.
  2. After the basis is ready, it must be painted. Red make a scallop, beak and beard; Yellow - paws.
  3. Now it will remain sewing the cock clothes and it will look fashionable and fun.

Soft toys do it yourself in stages to make it easy, if there is a good idea and any of the enclosed material. Shot along with your children. Shave yourself for the soul. Shoot with commercial benefits. The main thing is to do it with a soul and heart.

Video Master Class Making Toys based on Fashion Cartoon

If there is not enough money to buy a thematic toy after visiting the cinema, promise to a child to help him make the most popular minion. Believe me, it is quick, simple, interesting and economically.


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