
How to quickly quit smoking - ways

How to quickly quit smoking - ways
The article will describe the most effective ways in combating smoking. What works actually and how to quit smoking quickly.

Almost all times in life, yes try to smoke. This usually happens in school or university at some noisy party. The first tightening can not like, but I want to look worthily in the eyes of the peers, and for the first one follows, then the bill goes to cigarettes, packs, blocks ... And here, unnoticed for yourself, a person becomes addicted, snatching even in complete loneliness. With the age, tastes change and looks, people begin to realize what they tried so hard in the early "career" smokers - smoking is really harmful! But how to be now when cigarettes have become an integral part of the daily ritual? How to quit smoking yourself?

Quit smoking just - I did it hundreds of times

Mark Twain

How to quit smoking

If a desire to quit smoking and a person reads special literature about it (books, articles on the Internet, like this), then the floor is already done! It is impossible to quit smoking really not wanting it! Salvation of the drowning - the work of the hands of the very drowning and drawing more. So how to quit smoking, if there is no willpower?

There are many ways to quit smoking, but whatever you choose, it will not work without correct motivation! Unfortunately, for our mentality, the saying is great. "While the thunder is not bored, the man will not cross." In other words, the best motivation is a tangible deterioration in health, or, even worse, a terrible diagnosis. There are other reasons for which smokers refuse a detrimental habit, but these are still basic. The Ministry of Health is tired of warning that smoking is mortally dangerous for health! As long as it does not affect person or someone from a close environment, such warnings are useless. Let us still try to disassemble in detail how it acts nicotine on the human body and estimate the scale of the damage that it is able to apply in short smokers. If this makes you at least think about how it is time to improve the quality of life, then this article is not written in vain.


How to quickly quit smoking - Dry statistics about the dangers of smoking

So, for smoking, we should thank the world famous Christopher Columbus. Opening America, he brought tobacco leafs from there, which were actively smoked local aborigines and even used as their rituals. So smoking spread throughout Spain, and from there and throughout Europe through trading paths.

Officially Wikipedia states that smoking is the second most reason for mortality in the world! But no matter how much this information spread, no matter how much the prices for cigarettes throughout Russia takes place, the problem of smoking still remains relevant.

It is not a secret for a long time that the whole mixture of terrible and dangerous poisons, such as arsenic or carbon monoxide, is included in nicotine. There are over 50 carcinogens in tobacco smoke, as well as nitrosamines, because of which the chicken brain suffers in the saddest way. There are radioactive substances that are part of tobacco smoke, such as polonium or lead.

Smoking contributes to the emergence and development of very hard diseases, part of which ends with a fatal outcome!

Only think about 5 million people die every year because of smoking around the world. In 90% of deaths from lung cancer, tobacco is also to blame. This is not dry statistics, for each digit there is a real person who could significantly extend his life, he takes it on time.

  • Regular smoking at times increases the risk development cancer light, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, duodenalLucky In the lungs regularly settles a certain number of resins, and they will definitely lead a smoker to diseases of the respiratory system.
  • From smoking the vessels suffer, blood pressure rises. The daily load on the heart increases, forcing it to work above the norm and because of this faster it is faster.
  • Excessive smoking, as studies show, may even cause blindnessLucky The consequence of insufficient blood supply is the retina dystrophy and eye shell, and the optic nerve suffers from the constant influence on it nicotine poisons.
  • In addition to all of the above the auditory apparatus is suffering, the organs of the sexual system, the nervous system is depleted, the health of the brain is decreasing, sleep disorders appear, the digestion authorities suffer, the liver function is reduced.... And this is not a complete list of all sorts of negative consequences of smoking!
  • Appearance It also suffers due to tobacco-law, and quite a serious way. The complexion acquires a grayish tint, the state of the skin as a whole worsens, darken the teeth, breathing becomes unsaveable ... Medically proven that smoking accelerates biological aging! We approach consciously our old age and death.
  • Everyone knows that it is impossible to smoke a pregnant woman, but few people really think of why. Chronic hypoxia It has a significant impact on the development of the fetus in a negative key, and even can lead to miscarriage. The child can be born ahead of time, he will be constantly hurting and far back in its development from peers.
  • Also probably many who heard about the dangers passive smoking. Almost each of us suffers from him. It's not enough to smoke here yourself, it is also necessary to manage to be afraid to never be in a circle of smoking company or in places where smoking is allowed (it's good that there are less and less such places). Passive smoking contributes to the development of the same fatal diseases as the smoking is active. Indeed, in this case, the non-smoking man inhales the same smoke that the smoker just exhaled.

Nervous man is smoking Cigarette. Smoking Causes Lung Cancer and Other Diseases.

What happens to the body when you throw smoking

If I quit smoking, the consequences will not make you wait:

  • after 20 minutes, the heart work comes to normal;
  • after 12 hours, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood is normal;
  • after 2 weeks, the risk of a heart attack is reduced, the functioning of the lungs is improved;
  • a year later, the need for tobacco finally disappears, normal color is returned to the skin;
  • after 5 years, the risk of stroke is reduced;
  • after 10 years, the risk of cancer is reduced.

In more detail about what is happening in the body after the failure of smoking can be found in the calendar of throwing smoking.


How to quickly quit smoking - casting a smoking calendar

This is such a calendar in which all sorts of symptoms are collected by day, accompanying a person who has decided to tie with smoking. It is clear that everyone has this process is very individual, it is only general information.

  • Day 1.

The first day of refusal from cigarettes is rather unusual, because in ordinary situations you will no longer take a cigarette, and where it is for this time in general, it is incomprehensible. Motivation is strong at the very beginning of the way to combat smoking. And in the meantime, the body is rebuilt into a new way, the usual to work without nicotine. Always now significantly reduces the level of carbon monoxide in the blood and blood pressure is normalized.

  • Day 2.

The body begins to panic without the usual dose of nicotine, I want to do at least one tighten, but the motivation is still quite strong. Thoughts are told that, perhaps, you are not ready for life without cigarettes. In the meantime, the function of the lungs is improved, the development of mucus is reduced in them.

  • Day 3.

Physical dependence on nicotine is declining, but this psychological is still increasing. A person does not know what to do herself than to take hands, thoughts are confused, they may even begin breaking sleep. Due to the increase in blood flow, the blood supply to the heart and brain improves, slows down the production of mucus in the stomach and the restoration of the bronchi begins.

  • Day 4.

Aggressiveness and nervousness are a few decline, but sleep problems are still relevant. The influx of blood to the brain and heart is committed to the normal indicator of a non-smoking person, all started rehabilitation processes actively continue. Problems with a chair are possible due to a decrease in intestinal peristals. There may begin to manifest eatery and cough.

  • Day 5.

A small dangerous period begins in terms of the possibility of a breakdown. It is difficult to restrain and possibly the manifestation of nervousness or even aggression. In the body, the recovery process is in full swing, it has already reached removed departments of the broncho-light system. Microtrauma, which were formed on the surface of the language as a result of a constant negative effects of cigarettes begin to slowly heal.

  • Day 6.

The voltage increases, the probability of breakdown increases with each hour. It comes to normal the production of mucus in the lower departments of the lungs. The secretory activity of both the stomach and the pancreas is stabilized.

  • Day 7.

The body begins to humble with a further life without nicotine, he rebuilt into new functioning, and therefore all regenerative processes began to come back to normal.

It is becoming more complicated to restrain, but it is still important to reset yourself. Do not make things that usually accompany smoking - for example, the use of coffee or alcohol in a smoking company can provoke a cigarette, and every effort will go as shock.

  • Day 8.

The normal taste and smell begins to return. The beginning of the second week already flows a little easier, aggressiveness and irritability begin to decline. However, the feeling of loss while haunting the former smokers.

  • Day 9.

The broncho-light system continues its restoration, the gastrointestinal mucosa also begins to rehabilitate. The blood function is improved. The possibility of a breakdown continues when contacting smoking colleagues or friends.

  • Day 10.

The recovery process of the immune system began, at the same time, light and vessels continue to stop. Motivation tends to zero, need external support!

  • Day 11.

On this day, a hormonal splash is possible, which will directly control the feelings and emotions in the near future. Nothing awesome will not be that women will become a little bit, men are slightly aggressive.

  • Day 12.

Vascular activities continue to normalize, and this directly affects the improvement of the nutrition of the tissues (including the skin). Therefore, you can now hear compliments in your address about improving the color of the face. If in the process smoking began chronic inflammation of the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract, now it is declining. As a result, the cough is not so terrible, although it is still present.

  • Day 13.

It is no secret that skin cells are constantly updated. The skin in its structure has several layers. The cells of the most deep layers were laid down without a detrimental effect of nicotine, they will soon get to the outer layers, thanks to which the face will shine quite even color.

  • Day 14.

The restoration of the bronchi comes to an end, platelets are actively updated. The walls of the vessels restore their fabrics. Two weeks behind and this is a kind of line. Unfortunately, many, reaching it, break off. And this means only the fact that as many as 14 days can be multiplied by zero. If smoking experience is less than 20 years old, then the cough begins to easily weaken. The fingertips gradually get rid of yellowish color.

  • Month 1.

Passed a whole month, perfectly, keep it! Everything is ready for the full restoration of the body at the cellular level. Very soon, all the cells of the body will be updated, and they will not know what nicotine is and what its delicate effects.

1 month - a difficult line, someone can break (for a whole month by the pump!), Someone on the contrary, proud of its success goes on with a highly understood head.

  • Month 2.

Skin cells have already passed several update cycles, and it means that the yellowness completely passed, as well as dryness inherent in many smokers. The vascular mesh is still remaining, since the cells of the vessels have not yet begun to update. In general, there are no longer all the vessels and light smokers, as well as their nervous system.

There is no physical dependence, but the psychological still remains, although it is a few decline. I want to not smoke soon, but to return that way of life, those habits, those so-called rituals that accompanied smoking.

  • Month 3.

It begins the complete restoration of all blood vessels, their tone comes back. Finally, psychological addiction retreats, it is much easier to stay. But it should be remembered that only one repurchased cigarette is just for the sake of interest, everything that was before. Sleep completely normalized, aggression and fatigue have not been observed for a long time.

  • Month 4.

The complexion is getting closer to the natural, the dryness completely passed if it did not pass for a long time. The work of the gastrointestinal tract fully normalized, there are no violations. Food is as much as possible with all its useful vitamins and minerals.

  • Month 5.

liver cells, so much suffering in the process of smoking, starting to recover just now. Lung tissue continue their road to recovery. You can start to swim in the pool or doing simple cardio load, such as cycling or swimming in the pool, for example.

  • Month 6.

When halfway through the year without smoking, the body of the former smoker begins to circulate new blood that is completely renewed and the cells of which have never been exposed to the damaging effects of nicotine. Restoration of the liver is in full swing, every month all the faster.

  • Month 7.

Receptors significantly enhanced taste and smell. The nose is now picks up the subtle scents and flavors of our usual dishes surprised with the variety and versatility.

  • Month 8.

If a smoker behind quite a serious experience, you can still disturb the residual cough, but with each passing month it is declining. In the eighth month, it is virtually absent in the majority, the slime was practically ceases to stand out.

  • Month 9.

It is said that after such a long time, there comes a critical phase, the probability of failure which is very high. Already forgotten the difficulties and hardships of the first week, you just want to remember how it was. It is not necessary to give in to this, because so much effort have already been spent!

  • Month 10.

Someone can start dreaming absolutely real dreams in which they smoke. Even if the day people no longer remembers the cigarettes, the subconscious thus recalls them as if saying that it would be nice to repeat.

  • Month 11.

Light has recovered so that it is time to load them useful work. Classes at the gym, running - ideal training for ex-smokers on this term smoking cessation. Someone now may want to smoke, but it's a long time is not a physical addiction, a way of life and old habits, which is attacked by sadness.

  • 12. Month Year.

I passed a year from the beginning of a new life! It is really worthy of praise! The man is now much healthier (both outside and inside) than a year ago. Decreased risk of heart attack by 50%, stroke - by 30%. Also significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

Of course, you can break away and now, much later. But what if it was all contrive?

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Ways to quit smoking woman

Smoking is harmful to everyone, but for women still especially. And the point here is, of course, in the fact that sooner or later it will be necessary to enter and give birth to your child. Of course, the papina 50% of DNA also play a significant role, but the mother, in addition to its 50%, has to create all the conditions in their body for successful conception, development and subsequent birth of a healthy kid. Therefore, ideally, it is better not to smoke women at all, or at least before the birth of all their children, or to tie with a detrimental habit of a year before pregnancy planning. Of course, there are different situations, and no matter how much in your life, challenge the earlier, the better. Even if you are already pregnant, it is better so smoking all 9 months. The consequences can be simply terrifying - miscarriage, the birth of premature and underdeveloped children, the presence of all kinds of vices and terrible pathologies.

In all other way, the risks personally for women are absolutely the same as for men. We talked about them at the very beginning of this article. And what about how to quickly quit smoking, and they do not differ from ordinary. It remains only to add that it is not at all feminine and even vulgar, when a tobacco smells from a beautiful sophisticated lady.


Ways to quit smoking

How to quit smoking cigarettes - this question is asked every day millions of smokers. Someone motivates a calendar of throwing smoking (we talked about it above), someone has few of this and completely specific actions and advice.

How to quit smoke with a decrease in the daily portion of nicotine

This is a rather controversial way, how to quit smoking yourself. Why controversial? It is believed that this self-deception and throwing should be immediately and sharply. But still we will look at this method, suddenly it will help you. The essence of it is very simple. It is necessary to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked every day. Broke will, but not as much as if you throw right away. You should drink more water, and if you wish, put something in the mouth - buy a bag of dried fruits. Chocolates in this case are undesirable, as it contributes to the extra weight.


How to quit smoking with a nicotine plaster

Interesting, but again, a controversial way to quit smoking at home. Nicotinic plasters, as follows from the name, have nicotine in their composition, which penetrates through the skin and thus affects the decrease in the daily number of cigarettes. It is believed that in two months with him can be completely abandoned smoking. Each plaster has its own dosage, which is selected individually depending on the number of cigarettes that the person smoked daily. You need to change the patch every day, and you need to choose a skin area, devoid of hair. This is not only connected with the fact that so dying the plaster is much painless, but also with the fact that it should be as thoroughly fit to the body. This method is effective for those who have physical dependence on cigarettes. Who has a psychological addiction, this method of abandoning smoking is unlikely to be able to help.

Woman Placing Nicotine Patch On Her Arm, Close-Up

How to quit smoking with nicotine chewing

The effect of nicotine chewing is akin to the action of a nicotine plaster. It also has a definite dose of nicotine (in each hidden dosage), it also helps those who exactly physical addiction. The danger of its application is that with a long-term residence, a psychological dependence on the chewing process may appear. Chewing gum has a rather specific taste that is not suitable for every smokers.

As for the method of application, it is extremely simple. The chewing must be checked and at the appearance of taste to attach with the help of the tongue to the cheek and keep it to the complete disappearance of taste.


Pretty controversial opinions about the fact that you can completely go with cigarettes on the hookah and smoke it once a month. Either the electronic cigarettes are very popular. You can argue about their benefits or harm, but it's better anything better than daily smoking the most ordinary cigarettes. Moreover, nor a hookah nor an electronic cigarette causes an unpleasant smell of mouth. At the same time, they may contain the same nicotine, because the harm caused by them is still relevant.

Quit smoking: folk remedies

Of course, as in any other case, without folk remedies simply do not do. Let us dwell on just a few in our opinion of the most interesting.

Infusion of mint, souls and currant

Dried herbs taken in the following proportions: 100 g of peppermint (and leaves and flowers), oregano 100 g, 50 g black currant leaves. All this is thoroughly mixed and crushed. It is necessary to take 3 tbsp resulting mixture, and add 0.5 liters. boiling water, in a thermos for 45 minutes, then drain thoroughly with gauze. The resulting broth is necessary to rinse your mouth when there is a desire to smoke. In addition, it can be drunk 3 times a day 1/3 cup 30 minutes before eating.

The infusion of peppermint and calamus

We must take the dried and chopped herbs 2 tsp peppermint and 1 tsp calamus root, fill and pour into a thermos 250 ml. boiling water. Infuse 1 hour, then filter and rinse the mouth data broth at the first slightest desire to smoke.

leaves of bird cherry

To get rid of nicotine addiction in moments of particular desire to smoke, it is necessary to chew twigs bird cherry, small, no more than 5 mm thick. After 2 weeks of regular use of this method desire to smoke will go on the decline.


It should be understood that all of the above techniques are of unproven efficacy, and for someone they are working for someone else does not. Optimally, yet not deceive ourselves, and throw sharply, immediately, here and now. Possible to dispute, it is possible for a company with a good friend. As you wish, as long as it motivates you. The most important thing - is to take a firm decision to be shaken, and then try to follow it no matter what. If, during even a small intoxication begins to pull on the cigarette, give up the first time and from alcohol. If a cup of coffee doubly tasty Napara with a cigarette, and then cross off at least temporarily from their lives. The communication should prefer non-smoking friends at least the first 1-3 months.

We must really understand that quitting smoking - it's a big, wide and confident step to good health! And not only you, but also the loved ones around you.

Book: How to quit smoking

Today, there are a large number of diverse literature, tells us how to quit smoking. But the undisputed leader is the kind of Allen Carr, who wrote a book about it, which really helps. He argues that in order to quit smoking, you have to read his book from beginning to end, strictly following its recommendations. Let us consider briefly, what is the way to quit smoking is by Allen Carr.

The purpose of all other books is to force a person to quit smoking, but Allen Carr asked a goal completely different - to create a person in a person so that the refusal of cigarettes caused his joy, as if he was cured of terrible illness. And in this, the radical difference between his techniques from all others, because thanks to her, a person can look indifferent to cigarettes, and on smokers not with envy and with pity.

The author of the popular book was smoked for 33 years, during which he had never tried to tie with a detrimental habit, again and again returning to her. In 49 years, the last cigarette was rewritten, and it was one of the happiest moments in the life of Carr.

The creation of his own technique contributed to the terrible diagnosis - the inoperable form of lung cancer, with which he lived, nevertheless until the age of 72 due to the abandonment of cigarettes. A visual example, why smoking is really harmful.

The essence of the book "Light way to quit smoking" Allen Carra comes down to the fact that if the reader carefully reads it, then the desire to tie with a bad habit will appear on the first pages. Consider the key ideas of Allen Carra:

  1. Not a single smoking person touches terrible facts about the dangers of smoking. For them, the rejection of her beloved habits is equivalent to bringing the victim. The author believes that such intimidation is not able to help in the fight against smoking, otherwise, many would have threw a detrimental habit.
  2. Only non-smoking people are able to perceive real statistics on cancer and other fatal diseases that are caused by smoking cigarettes. Smokers prefer not to think about it so that the illusion of the pleasure of smoking has not disappeared. The author encourages smoking people to take a truth in the eyes and answer the question of whether they are ready to continue smoking after the body will begin the cancer.
  3. No one wants to become a smoker making his first tightening, as well as no one plans to become an alcoholic making his first sip of wine. From the first cigarettes, the habit sinks imperceptibly. A person thinks he can tie at any moment, but every day there is a bunch of reasons to continue.
  4. Each has its own reason why he smokes, but Carre believes that there are only two of them: a real dependence on nicotine and brainwashing (hidden advertising).
  5. Nicotine is a narcotic substance, addicted to which can be with the 1st cigarette. Hence the complex of unpleasant sensations arising when trying to tie with smoking. Nicotine is excreted from the body immediately after smoking the cigarette, the body immediately begins to fall from him. That is why smoke several cigarettes per day, and in stressful situations and several cigarettes in a row. Nevertheless, it's easy to get rid of nicotine addiction, the main thing is to recognize it.
  6. Although official advertising of tobacco products is prohibited, and terrible pictures are placed on all tobacco packs with inscriptions about the dangers of smoking, "brainwashing" goes through movies in which we show that they smoke successful and rich businessmen.
  7. Smokers think that they remove stress, get rid of boredom, make a variety of in their leisure with cigarettes, but this is a myth. It is enough to look at the non-smoking people who can achieve all of this by themselves, without the help of cigarettes.
  8. First of all, it is necessary to realize that the pleasure of smoking is an illusion created using the next portion of nicotine. In order to quit smoking, a person must realize those stresses and anxieties that surround it and get rid of them without resorting to cigarettes. There will be no provoking factors - less likely another tightening.
  9. It is considered to believe that throwing smoking, a person in something infringe upon himself, because he pushed the unfortunate forced! But this is fundamentally incorrect, because the rejection of cigarettes is on the contrary, the achievement of internal freedom and expansion of borders. The person does not lose anything, but by contrast, acquires, and a lot.
  10. The smoker again and reins for the next portion of Nicotine just just because of a banal fear. The fear of the fact that life without cigarettes will cease to bring the had one that on the way to the abandonment of smoking is to be worth not one month of suffering and deprivation. However, Allen Carre believes that it is much more logical to be afraid to live all his life in slavery from cigarettes, dreaming to smoke another. An explicit fear indicator is what throwing got used to from Monday or from tomorrow, but not here and now.
  11. Cigarettes create emptiness in the life of smokers, making them with their slaves and gradually destroying their lives.
  12. Refusing smoking a person becomes healthier, saves a bunch of money (cigarettes are becoming more and more expensive from year), acquires self-confidence, prolongs life ...
  13. There are reasoning in the circle of smokers that it makes no sense to quit smoking in fear of death, if each of us may come to the bus tomorrow. But the author contradicts reasonably that it is so, but no one will jump from us for this very bus especially! And by regular smoking, the person is this and engaged in bringing his death daily.
  14. There is another argument in smokers. Surely, each of us heard reasoning about the poor state of ecology, especially in megalopolis, that smoke, which is not smoking, in the lungs and so much so much harmful substances. And on this author finds a fair argument - why load lungs even stronger?
  15. Ungrateful lesson throwing smoking through the power of will. So a person configures himself in advance to suffering, because he infuses himself in something. So he brings a kind of sacrifice, thinking that something throws something, although there was nothing to throw in a large account. The author proposes to forget the word "throw" and replace it, say, to "stop", "stop", "get rid". And think about the fact that getting rid of the bad habit of the opposite will bring a lot to life. This is health, and normal complexion, fresh breath, saving a lot of money, this is the end of slavery in nicotine sticks.
  16. All sorts of ways to get rid of nicotine addiction, such as a decrease in the number of cigarettes per day, smoking once again, secret smoking and the like, will not lead to anything but returning to the familiar regular smoking day by day.
  17. It is believed that Nicotine kills a feeling of anxiety, relaxing a person and distracting him from the problems of pressing. However, non-smoking people, in contrast to smokers, do not feel unhappy from what they can not smoke after lunch, for example. Hence the simple and logical conclusion: Nicotine does not remove the feeling of anxiety, but creates it.
  18. There are only two things that will help to quit smoking easily - make a decision to refuse smoking and rejoice in this, not succumbing to depression. Millions of smokers made a decision hundreds of times, but in fact it should be firmly and final.
  19. The usual tobacco refusal methods include a detailed consideration of all negative sides of the smoking, the Book of Allen Carra is based on a completely different method, which states that the desire to smoke will take if they hold out for a long time without cigarettes. Other methods based on logical arguments about the dangers of smoking, do not work for two reasons:
  • in humans there is a feeling of sacrifice, because they have to deny myself the pleasure;
  • smoker bind his hands and feet, forcing the reasons why you can not smoke.
  1. An easy way to quit by Allen Carr is that you should not think about the reasons because of which should say goodbye to the bad habit as soon as possible. It offers a look at the problem of smoking more widely, asking its readers simple questions:
  • What gives you smoking? Expand the circle of contacts, support any conversation? But for now smoking - it's just antisocial! For smokers, special places, which, let's be honest, it remains less and less! Looking for a moment to smoke a smoker is forced more and look for a place where he can do it. So he feels constantly guilty and even uschemlonnym.
  • Whether or not you get the pleasure of smoking cigarettes? Of course, otherwise why is it necessary? But what kind of pleasure can there be when a smoker is at work or in the range of non-smoking friends? After all, he is forced to constantly interrupted because of their addiction, the smell of it then not a pleasant one, how could he continue to communicate with them, or work? And if the work is related to the people? In addition, Allen Carr argues that if a person has finished a cigarette, and in the store have a favorite brand, but there are many times worse, then, of course, he will not give up smoking! He will smoke the worst mark! Is it fun? "Jerzy crying and injected, but continued to eat a cactus".
  • On the affirmative answer, the author expresses doubts, citing the example of the situation when the smoker is in a range of non-smoking friends, or when he is constantly interrupted on smoking at work. In these cases, it is rather uncomfortable and guilty.
  • Do you really want to live, spending huge amounts of money to keep a cigarette in his mouth? And here the answer is obvious - of course not. Smoker spends big money on something to bring himself to death. This process is accompanied by bad breath, yellowed fingers, blackened teeth, the cigarette smell from clothes and hair.

Probably now it is clear why people throw smoking for reading the book by Allen Carr. His way in the root differs from all other the fact that it does not intimidating terrible incurable diseases, and on the contrary, describes the prospects for life without cigarettes, how bright and complete impressions she can be. The author shares his personal experience, talking about how his health was returned with the abolition of smoking. The cough attacks began to retreat, the complexion of the face with time acquired a normal shade, the varicose veins retreated, the pigment stains that manifested from the author at the age of 40 were held. He, of course, did not attach all this much importance and did not associate all this with smoking cigarettes, and it was a real discovery after the abolition of smoking.

To the question, it is possible to sharply quit smoking, Allen Carr confidently responds - it is possible and even needed, only it seems to be possible to say goodbye to a detrimental habit. Not tomorrow, not on Monday, but right now, in the midst of the working day and when around stressful situations, as he threw himself.


Let's summarize

We considered such a burning question in detail: is it possible to quit smoking? Obviously, it is really possible, you just need to take a volitional decision. How to quit smoking - the personal matter of everyone. We looked at quite a few ways and sincerely hope that at least one of them will really help you. And you will soon notice how life has played bright paints, as the multifaceted fragrant odors, as a truly delicious home food, just as in childhood. You will not lose anything, but only acquire the roasty health and impeccable reflection in the mirror.

Video "Light way to quit smoking Allen Carr"


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