
Which is better to choose an umbrella - a review of manufacturers. How to choose a quality umbrella from the rain. How to choose a crushing umbrella

Which is better to choose an umbrella - a review of manufacturers. How to choose a quality umbrella from the rain. How to choose a crushing umbrella
How to choose a male, female, children's umbrella. How to choose a good umbrella from the rain and the sun - tips. Review of umbrella manufacturers.

An umbrella is a necessary thing in every house. This accessory appeared a very long time, was popular in ancient Rome, ancient Egypt, China, etc. In ancient times, the umbrellas were not intended for protection from rain, but more to create a shadow.

Translated from the Dutch language, the word "umbrella" means "a canopy from the sun." They were made from paper, feathers, bamboo, palm leaves, expensive fabrics. Only rich and noble people could have such an accessory. The more massive the structure of the umbrella was, the more magnificent the person was. In the 17th century, umbrellas of various shapes and colors began to be very popular in Western Europe, and especially in France. The accessory still played a more decorative role. Only in 1750, Jonas Henway proposed using water -repellent material in creating an umbrella so that it could be used to protect against rain. In this article, we will consider the criteria by which you should choose umbrellas from the rain, male, female, children, beach umbrellas.

Which umbrella to choose. Types of umbrellas

How to choose an umbrella depending on the type of structure

Depending on the type of structure, all umbrellas can be divided into:

  • folding umbrellas. The most important advantage of the folding umbrella is its compact size. It can easily fit in a ladies' handbag, a car gloss, etc. The disadvantages are not large sizes of the dome and relative fragility. Double or three -fold folding is the best option for a folding umbrella;

  • trinity umbrellas. The cane has a simpler design, which explains the enhanced strength of the umbrella. Thickened knitting needles perfectly hold the largest domes of umbrellas with a similar design. The disadvantage of the umbrella is that it is not always convenient to carry it with you, it is combined with the clothes of not any style, has bulky dimensions.

How to choose an umbrella depending on the mechanism

The type of umbrella mechanism directly affects its cost. On sale you can find the following types of umbrellas:

  • with a mechanical mechanism. Such an umbrella is reliable and durable, although not very practical in some situations. Put the umbrella rod, open and close the dome manually. In addition, the help of the second hand is most often required. If you decide to buy such an umbrella, then make sure that you will be able to use it. Such umbrella models are quite budgetary;
  • with a semi -automatic mechanism. Umbrella - “semi -automatic” are more practical to use than umbrellas with a mechanical type of addition. On the handle of such umbrellas there is a button, by pressing the umbrella rod on its own. You just have to raise the “slider” up to open the dome. In order to close the umbrella, the “slider” must be moved down manually. Semi -automatic umbrellas are most popular due to practicality and average price;
  • with an automatic mechanism. The most “fast” umbrellas are umbrellas with an automatic mechanism. At the first click on the button on the handle, the rod is advanced, with the second - the dome is opened. In order to close the umbrella, you also need to press the button 2 times. You need to handle such umbrellas correctly. If you close the umbrella in a wet state, then drops of water can get into the mechanism than they can spoil it.

How to choose an umbrella depending on the diameter of the dome

The dimensions of the open umbrella are also very important. A large person will not be comfortable under an umbrella of too small diameter. And a miniature girl will be difficult to move with a huge umbrella. Depending on the diameter of the dome, the umbrellas are divided into the following types:

  • umbrellas with a dome with a diameter of less than 85 cm - mini - umbrellas;
  • umbrellas with a dome with a diameter of 85 cm to 95 cm - small umbrellas;
  • umbrellas with a dome with a diameter of 86 cm to 102 cm - classic umbrellas;
  • umbrellas with a dome with a diameter of 102 cm to 110 cm - enlarged umbrellas;
  • umbrella with a dome with a diameter of 110 cm to 135 cm - large umbrellas;
  • umbrellas with a dome with a diameter of more than 135 cm - huge umbrellas.

How to choose an umbrella depending on the material of the dome

The main function of the umbrella is protection against rain. It is for this reason that the dome material plays an important role.

  • Nylon is the cheapest and least successful material for the umbrella dome. Nylon wear out quickly, quickly deteriorate under the influence of water and the sun, deforms, the color loses rage, etc. The main drawback can be called that Nylon absorbs water, and does not “repel” it. An umbrella with a nylon dome after the rain will be heavy, it will dry for a long time.
  • Polyester is a practical, budget material for the production of umbrellas domes, which has excellent characteristics. Polyester does not absorb moisture, as nylon does it, it is more wear -resistant, does not lose its brightness over time.
  • Eponge - cotton material with excellent water -repellent characteristics. The word "eponge" translated from the French language means "sponge." Distinguish between silk and half -leaf edition.
  • Satin. If you are negative about the polyester, then look at the “luxury” models of umbrellas with a satin dome. This material is wear -resistant, strong, preserving the brightness of color for a long time.

How to choose an umbrella depending on the material of the frame

The cost and quality of the umbrella is also affected by the material from which the frame is made:

  • aluminum is the most budgetary and most unreliable material for the umbrella frame. If such an umbrella breaks down, then it will be either very problematic or impossible to restore it. In some countries, umbrellas with an aluminum frame are considered disposable;
  • steel is a very durable and reliable material, but at present it is practically not used in the manufacture of umbrellas due to severity;
  • carbonage is the perfect material for the production of umbrella frames. Such frames have the ease of aluminum and steel strength. Wakes made of carbon fiber can bend under strong gusts of wind, but never break, will quickly restore their shape;
  • fiberglass - material for the production of umbrella frames, actively gaining popularity. Fiberglass is a flexible material that is not afraid of even the strongest gusts of wind.

Which umbrella is better to choose. Photo options

How to choose a quality umbrella. Adviсe

The purchase of an umbrella should be approached with all responsibility. Pay attention to the choice of color and pattern on the dome last. Try to adhere to the following recommendations that will help you buy a truly high-quality umbrella:

  • never buy an umbrella spontaneously, in a hurry, avoid “incredible promotions and grandiose discounts”;
  • if you want to buy a truly high-quality umbrella that will last you for more than one year, then carefully study the information about the types of umbrellas, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them;
  • try to purchase an umbrella in a trusted store;
  • before making a purchase, clearly define for yourself, an umbrella with which mechanism you need. Mechanical, semi -automatic and automatic umbrellas differ among themselves not only “maneuverability”, but also a price category. The most expensive umbrellas are umbrellas with an automatic mechanism, and the most budgetary ones are mechanical. For good manufacturers, both umbrellas will last equally long;
  • it is also very important to decide on the type of umbrella. You can buy an umbrella or a folding umbrella. The most strong and reliable canes are considered, as they are made of minimal number of parts. In a folding umbrella, the rod consists of several parts interconnected by the principle of a “telescope”;
  • while choosing an umbrella, do not hesitate to ask the seller to try to open and close it. Pay attention to the smoothness of movements and their complexity. If you are embarrassed by sounds during the opening of the umbrella, you do not have enough strength to close it, if something “shows”, then it is better to look at another model;
  • when choosing a high -quality umbrella, be sure to check with the seller whether the umbrella is equipped with an anti -tank system. Such a system will protect you from awkward situations when, in a strong wind, the umbrella is turned upstairs in the form of a cup;
  • a high -quality umbrella from rain should have from 6 to 16 spokes. The more of them, the stronger and more aesthetic the structure will be;
  • when making a purchase, do not ignore such an important part of an umbrella as a handle. It should be freely placed in your palm. In modern models of umbrellas, you can find rubberized, plastic or wooden handles;
  • a high -quality umbrella should have a dome material with impeccable water -repellent characteristics. Choose models from satin, eponge, polyester;
  • the most common breakdown in umbrellas is to break down or deforming the spokes. It is for this reason that the material of the spokes is important. Give preference to umbrellas with knitting needles of carbon, made of steel in combination with modern plastic;
  • and of course, a high -quality umbrella should delight you with color or a pleasant pattern.

How to choose a female umbrella

One of the most important criteria in choosing an umbrella for a woman is its appearance and elegance. The beautiful ladies often pay attention to other important characteristics to a lesser extent, which is a serious mistake. Consider some recommendations for choosing an umbrella for a woman who will help not be disappointed with a purchase after the first use and choose the right umbrella:

  • an umbrella for a woman should have a pleasant color that will be combined with the whole wardrobe. Remember that dark shades, although they are universal, make the face more dull. It is better to give preference to pastel pleasant shades that will refresh the face on cloudy rainy days;
  • when choosing an umbrella for a woman, it is important to give her the opportunity to open and close it on its own. Fragile young ladies will be easier to use an umbrella with an automatic or semi -automatic mechanism;
  • in choosing a female umbrella, its weight is also of great importance. Despite the fact that models with a steel frame are one of the most reliable, they may be simply unbearable for elegant female hands. In the first second, the umbrella may seem easy, but believe me that after a 30-minute walk under such an umbrella, you will definitely feel burden and fatigue in your hands. It is better to give preference to aluminum umbrella, fiberglass and other modern light material;
  • the female umbrella can be both folding and an umbrella-throat. Folding models are more compact and they can easily be placed in a ladies' handbag. The cane looks unusually elegant, will emphasize the fragility and elegance of the female figure, goes well with the clothes of the official style;
  • the female umbrella should be not only practical, but also decorative. In the modern market there are models with bizarre design, extraordinary patterns, shape, etc.

How to choose an umbrella male

The correctly selected umbrella is capable of not only maintaining a neat appearance during the pouring rain, but also add a certain “zest”, gloss and elegance. When choosing an umbrella for a man, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • an umbrella for men is most often chosen in restrained shades - black, gray, blue. Such universal shades are great for everyday clothes, clothes in an official business style. Fans of the sports direction in clothes, connoisseurs of extravagance can prefer umbrellas in brighter and more saturated colors;
  • for men, an umbrella pattern is also important. Most often, they choose a restrained cage, a lone strip along the diameter of the whole bathing, geometric shapes. But it is precisely plain umbrellas that is the most common accessory for a man;
  • if, when choosing a female umbrella, preference is given to more light models, then men most often choose “heavy” umbrellas;
  • the Anti -Etter system is also important for solid male umbrellas. It will allow you not to get into an unpleasant situation even in the most windy weather.

How to choose a beach umbrella

Who does not like a calm and measured vacation on the beach? In order for you not to limit yourself to the time of stay by the water, be sure to purchase a high -quality beach umbrella. And then you can enjoy the long -awaited vacation all day all day, despite the “dangerous” part of the day - from 11 hours to 16 hours, when the sun shows the greatest activity. Consider several recommendations that will help you make the right choice of a beach umbrella:

  • the first thing you should pay attention to is the size of the dome of the beach umbrella. How big is your family? How many people will rest in your company at the sea? After all, you can choose a beach umbrella able to protect two people from sunlight, or you can buy an umbrella with a huge dome for a large company;
  • when choosing a beach umbrella, be sure to consider the material from which knitting needles and a stem are made. Since the sea can often have strong gusts of wind, it is desirable that the umbrella consists of steel, carbon fiber or other durable material;
  • when choosing a beach umbrella, check with the consultant how the umbrella is fixed on the ground. Some models involve the purchase of an additional stand if it does not come in the kit;
  • dome fabric is also a very important point that you should pay attention to when buying a beach umbrella. Natural fabrics are an excellent choice, which nevertheless can not afford everyone. You can choose an umbrella with a dome of modern artificial material, which will have the same excellent characteristics. For some manufacturers, you can find models of beach umbrellas, the dome of which is equipped with protection against ultraviolet rays. Undoubtedly, such an umbrella will be an ideal option;
  • if you decide to buy a large beach umbrella with a reliable metal structure, then think about how you will transport it. It is desirable that there is a cover with handles to facilitate carrying.

How to choose a garden umbrella

Owners of personal plots always strive to ennoble them, create all the conditions for a comfortable vacation in nature. Garden umbrellas are intended not only for creating a shadow, but also for sheltering tables, chairs from falling leaves. KA choose a high -quality garden umbrella? Adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the Sad's garden umbrella is not for one year purchase. Therefore, it is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers:
  • when choosing an umbrella from the sun, you need to decide on its size. If you plan to install such an umbrella near garden furniture, then the diameter of its dome should be large enough;
  • an umbrella from the sun for the site must have a strong frame of aluminum, steel or other similar material in order to withstand strong gusts of wind;
  • the garden umbrella should have a convenient mechanism for folding and laying out;
  • the material of the garden umbrella should be wear -resistant (polyester, acrylic).

How to choose an umbrella

Trinity umbrellas are an unusual and extremely stylish element of the image. Such umbrellas wear men, and women, and children. Chets are also often used not only to protect against rain, to introduce an elegant “notes” into the image, but also to create an additional support. The principles of choice of umbrella-areosts do not differ from the principles of choosing other varieties of umbrellas:

  • before you make a purchase of an umbrella, open and bore it several times, make sure that the mechanism is used, the absence of straining sounds, etc.
  • give preference to umbrellas with a large number of spokes. The more knitting needles at the umbrella, the more beautiful, its dome will be the rounded;
  • pay attention to the umbrella handle. It should not only conveniently lie in the palm of your hand, but also be beautiful, made of wood or high -quality plastic.

How to choose an automatic umbrella

Automatic umbrellas are real “favorites” not only among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, but also in men. With such an umbrella, you can not worry that you will not have time to open the umbrella during an unexpected rain, than drawing your appearance.

  • In order not to be disappointed in buying an automatic umbrella, you need to choose exclusively high -quality models. It is better to give preference to well -known manufacturers.
  • Automatic or semi -automatic umbrellas before buying must be “tested”. The mechanism should work flawlessly. Do not think that the mechanism “spreads” and stop crying, for example. If there are any problems in the operation of the umbrella mechanism, then choose another model.

Which umbrella is better. Choose the manufacturer

Which umbrella to choose? The company in this case is also very important. Famous manufacturers of umbrellas around the world have earned the recognition and trust of customers, have repeatedly proved the quality of their products for a long time. Of course, you can buy an “nameless” umbrella and also rejoice at a budget and high -quality purchase for more than one year. If you do not want to play “in the lottery for luck”, then choose an umbrella of one of the trusted manufacturers.

Zest umbrellas

The English brand Zest produces only high -class umbrellas for women, men and children. The basic principles of this manufacturer are the following:

  • the use of only strong and reliable materials for the production of the umbrella frame - steel, fiberglass, aluminum;
  • the use of anti -corrosion treatment of all metal elements of the umbrella;
  • the use of exclusively wear -resistant materials in the production of domes;
  • all umbrellas from the manufacturer Zest, existing on the market for more than 10 years, have an ergonomic shape, are represented in different forms and colors. A new collection of umbrellas with a breathtaking design is produced annually;
  • the company produces mechanical, automatic, semi-automatic umbrellas, trinket umbrellas.

Umbrellas are three elephants

Umbrellas with unshakable Japanese quality are umbrellas from the famous brand three elephants. This company began to produce umbrellas in 1888. At first they were common only in Japan, and then they began to enjoy popularity around the world. In Russia and Belarus, Japanese umbrellas became known in 1970. Currently, three elephants know and love the brand in 72 countries around the world. The distinctive features of the umbrellas of the Japanese manufacturer are:

  • the use of the most modern and strong materials in the production of umbrellas;
  • unusual and diverse design of umbrellas;
  • the impeccable operation of the mechanisms used in the production of umbrellas.

Trust umbrellas

The Dutch company Trust supplies its umbrellas for the Royal Court of the Netherlands. The main distinguishing feature of this brand is that they successfully combine in the production of umbrellas to achieve modern science and classical trends. Every year, the brand produces new models of umbrellas with interesting colors, forms.

BALENCIAGA umbrellas

Balenciaga is a world -famous French fashion house, the founder of which is the Spanish designer Christobal Balenciago. Under this brand, clothes, bags, accessories in a vintage and sometimes extravagant style are available, which is the “highlight of the brand”.

Happy rain umbrellas

The manufacturer of Happy Rain umbrellas is widely known all over the world. From a small enterprise created in 1988, a huge production of umbrellas has rapidly grew, which has its own representatives in the largest cities in the world. Umbrellas of this brand are distinguished by unrivaled quality, unique design, modern materials. Additional popularity from the Happy Rain brand give additional popularity to quite democratic prices.

Doppler umbrellas

Doppler brand umbrellas are an example of a rare combination of the highest quality and acceptable price. The manufacturer has long earned trust among buyers. Doppler umbrellas are widespread not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Even the most demanding buyer will find his perfect umbrella in the catalog of this European manufacturer. Women will be able to choose elegant umbrellas decorated with high -quality reproductions of paintings, men will be satisfied with classic prints and flowers. The brand also produces children's trinous umbrellas and folding umbrellas, decorated with cute images of animals.

Fulton umbrellas

Fulton is the most popular brand of umbrellas in the UK. The founder of the brand was an engineer and mechanic Arnold Fulton, who thought over the structure of the umbrellas to the slightest details. The brand is also popular because it is the official and only supplier of umbrellas to the royal court of Her Majesty Queen of Great Britain. Production was even honored with the personal visit of Queen Elizabeth II.

How to care for an umbrella - video

In order not to buy a new umbrella with the arrival of each rainy season, it is enough to choose a good umbrella once, choose a durable umbrella, which will become a faithful friend and assistant for you for a long time. When buying, pay attention to every detail. Remember that the most famous manufacturers give a guarantee for their umbrellas, which is an additional sign of quality and reliability.



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