
Fittonia flower at home: description, photo. Growing room fittion in a pot. Landing, care, Fittonian reproduction at home

Fittonia flower at home: description, photo. Growing room fittion in a pot. Landing, care, Fittonian reproduction at home
Room Fittonia Flower - Description, Photo. Fitton's cultivation at home: landing, care, reproduction.

Proud Fittonia is a South American exot that has been adapted without any problems in roommates and has become a real pet flower friend. The main advantage of Fitton is its unsurpassed foliage, the decorativeness of which is difficult to overshadow. Thanks to breedingers, many hybrids affect the beautiful pictures of the sheet of different shades appeared. Learn how to care for Fittonia, and let your flower collection will be replenished with another worthy instance.

Fittonia, cultural description

  • Fittonia Plant is a grassy perennial from South America, belonging to the Askanov family. Natural habitat - swampy jungle. Plant can be met in Peru, Colombia, Bolivia.
  • Named a plant in honor of Fitton sisters. These ladies from England wrote the book "Conversations about Botanic", which became the first educational accomplicice for Botanic.
  • Fittonony is a few. It includes only 4 species, three of which are peeling and one reprehension.
  • Its foliage is elegant and memorable. Leafs are sitting in pairs opposite each other on fragile shoots. Their form is egg-shaped with jazbins around the edge.
  • Room Fittonia Foliage Color: from pale salad to dark emerald. The leaf canvas is a pattern that contrasts with the base color. The magnitude of the sheet from 4 to 12 cm depending on the type. It is matte, naked, keeps on a short cut.
  • The root system of fittonia surface. There is a rapid rooting in full nodes.
  • The only drawback of Fitton - flowering. This spectacle is practically not available at home. And if there is still a blurry in the motley foliage, this will be the highest thanks to the flower activity for the works. But only some species can bloom, and among hybrids - blooming phyttonium is rare.
  • Fittonia flowers with small silver or yellow-coffee flower. Whiteline inflorescence is low, therefore it is lost among fittonia foliage. How blooms plant:

The medicinal properties of Fittononia does not have, but also it does not contain toxic substances. Therefore, you can make it easy to make this exotion on the windowsill, if you have in the house of kids or inquisitive pets.

Interesting! According to Fengshui teaching, the phyttonium house is a symbol of determination, well-being and mutual understanding. It is believed that the leaves of the plant perfectly "clean" the energy in the room after the family quarrels.

Fittonia, species

  • Fittonia Vercheffelt. Stencils are low to 10 cm, sharpening. Young twigs with silver fluff, old - with a green shade pile. Sheet shape - oval-elliptical, leaves are large, naked, on the surface there are pink, dairy or light-bugs. Flowers unsightly yellow with flowers collected in spikelets. Popular variety of Perseus with black and green leaves in yellow-pink stripe.

  • Fittononia silver-grooved. At the type of rich dark green foliage with elegant silvery and white arrows. It is a reprehensive bush. It has a dwarf variety Nana with miniature leaves.

  • Fittononia giant. View with red branches up to 50 cm long. Leaves of juicy green with reddish strips, in length about 15 cm, with a glossy surface.

Based on these three species, beautiful hybrid forms are derived:

  • Josan is a bright grade with pastel-green leaves, deshastable white streaks. On the edge there is a light green rim.
  • White Anna - oval leaves of gentle green tone are decorated with bright white veins.

  • Skeleton - yellow-green greenery contrasts with bright pink stripes.

  • White - foliage of oval shape, the main color is dark emerald, with thick and thick streaks.

On a note! Often you can see the type of Hemenga Fittononia. This is nothing but a mix of different varieties in one pot.

Fittonia, home care

In order to continuously contemplate the beauty of Fitton, it suffices to comply with the rules for its cultivation and care, as well as listen to the advice of experienced flowerflowers.

Fittonia at home, temperature and lighting

  • The presented flower is extremely warm. In the summer, the temperature should not fall below + 22⁰, and in winter - below + 20 ° C. When borderline decrease in temperature (below + 18⁰c), phytony recesses foliage.
  • It is necessary to exclude drafts and temperature fluctuations. It is not necessary to carry a flower with a flower on an outdoor balcony or terrace, where the indicators of the air temperature during the day and night may vary greatly.
  • In winter, Fittonia is not recommended to keep it near the heating devices, otherwise its leaves fade.
  • Fittonia will be right to place on the Western window sill, where it will get plenty of light, but will not be exposed to direct sun rays that are destructive for her.
  • Fittononian tolerates shading at home well. But in winter, it still requires artificial lighting to save the brightness of the leaves.

Required humidity and watering phyttonium at home

  • This plant is from wet forests, therefore needs high humidity. In the dry and hot weather, the flower twice a day spray. Use only filtered room temperature water.
  • In winter, the air is moistened with wet pebbles or clay, pallet with which is placed near the heating devices. Or include automatic air humidifier.
  • During the period of active development, from March to October, watering the feettonium is carried out daily, not allowing soil drying.
  • In no case cannot be allowed to completely dry. Watering vase, leut water until it starts flowing into the pallet. Remains necessarily drain so that the rotten flora does not multiply.
  • From the end of the autumn and before the arrival of spring, watering is half reduced. But then the soil does not remain completely dry, otherwise the leaves will fall.
  • Watering through the pallet is not allowed. In such a way, the flower will launch moisture and starts to die.

Fittonian feeding at home

  • Starting from the spring, when Fittononia begins to actively develop, the feeder is carried out every 12 days. In winter, it is not necessary to fertilize the plant.
  • Fittonia does not need abundant making useful substances. Therefore, the required dose for the flower, which is indicated on the package, is desirable to reduce twice.
  • It is most convenient to feed the phyttonium with any liquid fertilizer for indoor crops.

Trimming Fittonium at home

  • From time to time, the growing shoots are pinned on a quarter. It pushes the fittonium to the active formation of thick chest. And the cuttings obtained during the trimming can be rooted.
  • If the plant bloats, the flower is advised to cut the flowerons in a timely manner. They take too much strength at Fitton, and it becomes defenseless in front of pests.

Fittonia, planting and transplant procedure at home

  • Fittonia transplant once every three years. These are necessary measures, since the plant quickly loses a decorative appearance - the lower part is taken out due to the fifth of old leaves. Surface work in spring.
  • If you have just purchased phyttonium, it is necessary to carry out an unscheduled transplant. The fact is that the shop flower is most likely planted in a universal soil, which he is categorically not suitable.
  • For Fittononia, the pot picks low and in moderation volumetric. Since its rhizome occurs in the upper layer of the soil, it is better to use ceramic plates. It must be present a hole for the outflow of water, while in the pot still laid drainage - pebbles, clayzit, pieces of bricks.
  • For Fitton, a substrate for violets or azaleas will fit. But you can use homemade soil. The basic requirements for it are increased aeration, ease, moisture permeability.
  • For the preparation of the soil, two parts of peat, coniferous soil, garden land and part of coarse-grained sand are used.

When everything is ready for Fitton, the transplant is carried out as follows:

  • Drainage is poured into the pot, then the ball of soil.
  • The plant along with an earthen room is extracted from the old capacity and turned into a new pot.
  • Particular attention is paid to the roots - they are fragile and easily damaged, and this should be avoided in every way.
  • Then the rhizome falls asleep ground and watering is carried out until the soil is completely blowning.

Fittonia, reproduction at home

The sophistication and beauty of phyttonium encourages the flower rod to its reproduction. It is possible to do this with the help of shilling, dividing the bush, gag.

Shining Fittonia

  • Conduct the sealing of phyttonium in spring or in the middle of summer.
  • Top up the top shoots. They should have 4-5 leaves. The length of the cutting - 7-9 cm.
  • The cuttings deepen into wet sand (you can mix it with peat).
  • Then the cuttings are covered with a can or transparent plastic cap.
  • Or leave cuttings in water until the root system appears. Waters should be no more than 2/3 of the tank. It is also necessary to create a greenhouse, as well as in rooting into the ground.
  • The cuttings are constantly sprayed, and after the appearance of the roots, they transplanted into a permanent pot with a special soil.

Fittonian bush division

  • The most advanced method of obtaining a new cookie phyttonium is to divide the adult plant.
  • In the spring, during the planned transplant, the rhizome together with the above-ground part is divided. At the same time avoid damage to the roots.
  • Then the resulting bushes are transplanted into separate pots, water and ensure normal care.

Fitton's reproduction with decodes

This method requires a certain experience:

  • It is necessary to choose a healthy escape, break all the leaves.
  • Give the cuttings into the soil in the same pot.
  • Or prepare another container with light soil, which keeps moisture well and arrange near the pot with Fittonia. Cutlery to stick into a nearby pot.
  • When the escape stops the roots, it must be separated from the parent plant.

Fittonia flower, cultivation errors at home

Fittonia, pest

The plant is often amazed by insects:

  • Mute Cherver - leaves a dirty and white flare on the foliage that reminds lumps of wool. It will help the treatment with soap solution, Aktar, Calypso. Processing must be repeated in two weeks.
  • Shield - Finding on gray-brown convex spots on the lower part of the leaflery. Soon the leaves are yellow and die away. As treatment, I use foam from green potash soap, phosbecide, metaphos.
  • TRIPS - Insects blew the leaves, form holes on them. Soots and foliage are gradually deformed, die away. Cerencing the Fittonium will help Inta-Vira, the actor, confident. It is also necessary to transplant the plant into a new soil.
  • The web tick - depletes the leaves, from which they twist, dry, fall out. With damage to the plant on the leaves, beige points and cobwebs are noticeable. You can use nasty garlic or actor, Apollo.

Fittononia in the photo


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