
How to prepare Vietnamese Soup FOR at home. Step -by -step recipe of Vietnamese soup phor with photo

How to prepare Vietnamese Soup FOR at home. Step -by -step recipe of Vietnamese soup phor with photo
FOR soup is sharp and burning, very nutritious and fragrant. In Vietnam, the phrase is eaten everywhere: right on the streets and in restaurants. How to cook soup phos is described in this article.

In Rus' has long been cooked cabbage soup, Uzbeks were cooked - a delicious pilaf was prepared, Ukrainians were handed for dinner with a brewed borsch, the Spaniards - Gaspacho, and in Vietnam it is customary to serve a special dish for dinner - the Vietnamese Soup FOR.

This is the most popular dish in Vietnamese cuisine. The soup was first cooked by merchants from North Vietnam and gradually became popular throughout the country. Moreover, in each part of Vietnam, this soup is prepared differently. There is even the updated name for this dish so that it is clear from which the traditional Vietnamese dish is prepared: “South soup” and “south soup”.

Soup ph - Vietnamese classic recipe

Briefly, what are the differences: the northern soup is called the “fly” and is prepared from a minimum set of products, the basis of meat and rice noodles. And the southern soup of “fo” - it can be both sweet and sharp, since spices, sauces and even sugar are placed in the broth. This type of soup is always prepared with spicy herbs and lime.

There are still some popular recipes for making soup from different ingredients, each has its own name. So, if the soup is cooked from beef, then it is called "phoo", and if from chicken meat, then "pho -hectares". They also prepare soup with seafood, then it is called “fo you -sang”, and if without meat and fish, it turns out a vegetarian dish and an interesting name “phrase”.

Soup ph. Photo:

Each gourmet prefers to try all types of Vietnamese soup, but it is advisable to start with the classics.

But first you need to find out what ingredients of the pho -bo soup will be required:

  1. Meat to make a rich broth. This is a constant beef, sinewy meat or fatter. If you want to get a more rich beef broth, then add the brain bone to the soup when cooking.
  2. Rice noodles are an invariable ingredient in the Vietnamese soup. You can purchase dry, as it is sold in each supermarket. Vietnamese prepare fresh noodles soup, but in other countries this product is very rare.
  3. Various sauces: it can be a sharp “chili”, sauce made from black beans (try to search in the markets or order in online stores). Fish is also suitable.
  4. Spices - necessarily, the list of spices will be announced just below when we proceed to cook soup. Tip: Buying all spices for preparing a soup ford at home is better in the Vietnamese market, there you will also find noodles and sauces. Before adding a set of spices to the broth, they need to be pumped to get a more aromatic soup. How to pump: put the pan on the stove on a slow fire, let it heat up - put a handful of spices on a dry and heated frying pan, and calculate for 5 minutes. All this can be done in the oven.
  5. Greens - there is in every grocery store or in the market. You need to add cilantro, basil and mint to this soup. You will also need a fresh pepper, sprouted soybeans and a piece of ginger. If any of the products could not be purchased, be sure to put cilantro, mint and green onions in the soup.

We prepare the Vietnamese soup of the phoic of these ingredients:

  • beef tail - 500 g;
  • beef rib - 500 g;
  • brisket/Pashina to choose from - 500 g;
  • a whole large onion or several medium sizes;
  • ginger root - 100 g;
  • spices: Cardamon, Coriander, Fennel in seeds - 0.5 g;
  • chili in dry form - 10 g;
  • 1 g of battery and black pepper;
  • cloves take 0.2 g;
  • brown sugar will need 10 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • fish sauce - 10 ml.

To submit soup by all the rules, prepare:

  • dried rice noodles (thick) - 50 g per plate;
  • basil, cilantro, mint, onion feathers - to taste;
  • a handful of seedlings of soybeans "Mung";
  • chile pepper - to taste;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • 2 types of sauces: fish and legumes to taste.

From the inventory you will need:

  • culinary forceps;
  • frying pan;
  • pan 5 l;
  • sieve and gauze;
  • polovnik.

How to cook soup phones:

  1. We proceed to the preparation of the soup with beef: weld the broth. To do everything right, you need to pour pieces of meat with well water or tap water. Put a pan on the plate on medium heat, wait for boiling. When the broth boils, drain it and pour the meat with a fresh portion of cold water. Bring again to a boil, then make a small fire so that the broth does not boil.
  2. Ginger root does not need to be cleaned, burn over the stove.
  3. Onions - clean, cut into 2 parts and burn each cut above the fire to black crust. Ginger is similar.
  4. In the broth you need to put onions and ginger. Separately, buy in a dry spice frying pan and also add to the soup. The broth needs to be stimulated over very low heat for 6 hours. Follow as soon as foam will form on the surface, it must be removed.
  5. After 4 hours from the date of boiling the broth, the meat must be removed from the pan. It needs to be put on a plate to cool, then wrap it in a film and sent to the refrigerator.
  6. After 6 hours of brewing broth, it must be filtered through a gauze folded in 2-3 layers, or through a small sieve.
  7. In the broth you need to put: sugar and fish sauce.
  8. This was the first stage, now we cook separately rice noodles. Cook as indicated on the packaging. If you prepare the first time: you need to rinse the noodles in cold water, leave for a quarter of an hour before you get together to serve, pour boiling water and leave in hot water for a couple of minutes. The finished noodles need to be thrown back in a colander.
  9. The third stage is the presentation. This is a very important part of the preparation of soup. So we do not hasten and do everything right: we take out the meat from the refrigerator, cut it with a sharp knife into thin plates.
  10. We cut the limes with slices subtly, and bitter pepper - rings, just as thin.
  11. Greens: wash and dry, then grind.
  12. Prepare deep plates, warm up: Put noodles and meat at the bottom, pour hot broth.
  13. In a separate bowl, serve all spices, as well as sprouted beans and both types of sauce. Everyone will take himself as much as he wants. By the way, there are no salt in this soup, this ingredient is replaced by sauces.

Council for those who want to cook the soup of the fed for this recipe. To understand what soup should turn out, you must first try it in a cafe or restaurant. Choose good places or go to the Vietnamese restaurant. Good soup is prepared there, as well as in those institutions where it is always crowded, where there are many Vietnamese and where the owners themselves with great pleasure eat the same soup with customers.

In Russia, Danilovsky Soup FOR is the most popular, you can taste it in the capital in the Danilovsky market (hence the local name of the dish). The most delicious soup is prepared in this place, exactly the same as in their homeland - in Vietnam.

The calorie content of the soup Form: a little less than 100 calories come to 100 g of the finished product, of which almost 6 g, 3.4 g fats, carbohydrates - 9 g.

One of the options for cooking soup:

Prepare the soup of the Vietnamese. A step -by -step recipe

To prepare a national Vietnamese dish, you need to decide what soup it will be, and then prepare everything you need. We will cook soup with chicken.

What products will be needed:

  • chicken meat - 700 g;
  • rice noodles - 100 g per portion;
  • lime - half;
  • feathers of green onions, mint, cilantro, dill and parsley - half a bunch;
  • black pepper and fragrant peas - 5 peas;
  • gorky pepper - 1 pc.;
  • soy seedlings - to taste;
  • fish sauce - 1 tbsp.

Soup pho -bon recipe and how to cook:

  1. Cook the chicken broth standardly, fill the meat with cold water, wait for the boil, reduce the fire, cook for about 1 hour.
  2. After boiling, we put half of the bitter pepper in the broth and half of the portion of all spices.
  3. The chicken was boiled, caught and leave on the table to cool. Then you can transfer it to the refrigerator, only wrap it in the food film so that it does not weathe.
  4. Cook glass rice noodles in a separate pan. The whole process will take no more than 10 minutes.
  5. The finished noodles must be put in the broth or enter as follows: in each pre -warmed bowl, put a portion of noodles, remove chicken from the refrigerator, cut into thin plates and also put in a plate.
  6. Pour the broth, put the seedlings of beans, enrich with fresh herbs (chop), add lime juice and mint leaves to each plate. For those who love sharp - pepper chili rings. All pour the sauce and serve right away. Separately, you need to serve a plate with greens and sauce.

Cooking the soup of the phraseum with seafood

Now you know how to prepare the soup of the fa from beef and chicken, now we will master the recipe for Vietnamese cuisine and learn how to cook the popular seafood soup in Vietnam.

For the preparation of a soup, you will need:

  • salmon - a piece of 200 g;
  • shrimp - somewhat for serving;
  • a piece of ginger root;
  • salt - to taste or fish sauce;
  • spices: cloves (2 pcs.), Badyan (1 pc.), bay leaf (1-2 pcs.);
  • any greens - 5 twigs;
  • cinnamon in powder - 1 tbsp.;
  • black ground pepper - a pinch;
  • carrots - optional;
  • rice noodles - 100 g;
  • sharp pepper, lime, any greens - for serving.

Preparation of fish soup:

  1. The process is fast, when compared with the cooking of beef broth. For preparation, no more than half an hour is assigned.
  2. We put a pot of water on the stove, put a bastard, bay leaf, greens, onions, carrots (cutting - arbitrarily) in boiling water in boiling water. We leave all this to cook so that the broth is rich.
  3. When everything boils for 10 minutes, put the cinnamon and salt, send the rice noodles, cook along with cloves until the noodles are ready. At the end we put salmon fillet, shrimp, cook for 5 minutes as much as possible.
  4. Then we carefully catch the fish and shrimp, leave it on a plate to cool. We remove the soup from the stove, also leave on the table. When the soup has cooled a little, put the fish back, insist for 15 minutes, serve warm to the table.
  5. In a separate PIAL, serve fish sauce, on a separate plate greens, lime, sharp components.

How to cook the soup of

Another way to cook national Vietnamese cuisine. For preparation, take a home chicken, you can cook turkey soup or any other bird, but to make the broth low -fat. The goal is a strong, rich broth.

Soup phrase recipe:

  • the chicken is large;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • ginger root (like half of the index finger);
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • sharp pepper "chili" - 1 medium size;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp.;
  • greens: cins, parsley, dill - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the chicken, make an audit inside and, if necessary, thoroughly washed under the tap.
  2. We put in a large pan, pour water from under the tap so that it covers half the carcass. Put the onion in the water (clean, cut into 4 parts), carrots - in large rings. We put the pan on the stove, cook for 60 minutes. From the moment of boiling we reduce the fire, remove the foam.
  3. After half an hour of cooking, add: cloves and cinnamon, ginger rings.
  4. When the chicken is cooked, the meat must be removed and disassembled in the plate: remove the skin, remove the bones.
  5. The broth must be filtered through a gauze folded in 3 layers. Put gauze in a sieve, strain the broth.
  6. Then the broth needs to be enriched with cinnamon, put salt and sauce (to taste). The broth is prepared, you can form a dish for serving.
  7. Heat the bowls, pour the broth into each plate, put pieces of chicken meat, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Serve immediately to the table along with sauce and plate with greens, lime/lemon, sharp pepper.
  8. If desired, you can separately cook rice noodles and put each in a plate. It was one of the options for preparing the Vietnamese soup.

How to cook phori soup with mushrooms

And this recipe for those who want to taste something unusual. This recipe contains unique wood mushrooms. If this ingredient is not found, prepare from the locals: champignons or oyster mushrooms. It will turn out also delicious.

Preparation from such products:

  • beef - kilograms;
  • wood mushrooms - 400 g;
  • ginger - 20 g;
  • carrots, bulbs;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp;
  • spices, greenery - to taste.

Preparation according to the recipe:

  1. The onion must be cleaned and cut into 4 parts. Carrots - cut into circles, ginger root does not need to be cleaned, cut as well as carrots.
  2. All prepared ingredients must be frying in a dry pan, and then put in a pan.
  3. Put the prepared pieces of beef, pour cold water. The broth needs to cook strong, rich.
  4. We cook the broth over low heat for about 5 hours, after 3 hours the meat can be removed, cooled and sent to the refrigerator in the freezer.
  5. Preparation of mushrooms: cut with plates, frying in a pan until cooked. If you have pickled mushrooms, you don’t need to do anything.
  6. We cook the broth even after the meat is removed, put the spices: pepper, bay leaf, Badyan and cloves-just a little bit.
  7. Put the mushrooms in the finished broth, boil for 10 minutes. Then take out a frozen beef from the freezer to cut as thin as possible.
  8. Put the meat on everyone in a plate, then a pinch of chopped greens, pour a broth, serve soup, seasoned with soy sauce. Separately, make a plate with fresh herbs (mix), put a half of a lemon or lime on a plate, the sharp pepper “Chile” - for lovers of a sharp.

Advice advice of delicious soup ford at home

So that everything works out the first time, it is necessary:

  • adhere to the recipe;
  • filter the broth after cooking;
  • and so that the broth does not turn out to be cloudy, it must first be boiled on high heat so that the broth boils well, then simmer over low heat. A good method of 2 or even 3th broth, when the first is drained, then the meat is cooked in fresh water;
  • fresh greens will help to enrich the taste of the finished dish. So that it gives more aroma, it needs to be rod in hand and even can be rubbed in a mortar, adding a pinch of salt and a slice of lemon;
  • the rice noodles are not boiled, and according to the recipe, poured with boiling water, insisted for 4 minutes, washed in cold water;
  • salt to the soup is rarely added, replacing this ingredient with any sauces. Keep in mind that all sauces give a rich color to the broth.

How they eat soup phor

It is not enough to learn how to prepare Vietnamese soup, you still need to be able to tast correctly. In restaurants or cafes, 2 cutlery will be served: a small round spoon and sticks. They need to eat soup.

How to do everything right:

  1. First take a spoon to try a little broth. From this, local residents begin a meal in Vietnam. They taste the broth to understand how much sauce and spices to add.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the half of the lime, mix the juice and spices with a stick with sticks and a spoon, shaking movements. Just do not do the way we used to interfere with a spoon.
  3. Now you can start a meal: noodles and meat must be captured with sticks, and the broth should be scooped up with a spoon. And continue. In their homeland, such soup is eaten with both hands, in the right hold sticks, in the left - a spoon. You do the way you are convenient.
  4. In the end, when the soup is just a little left, there are no hard ingredients left, it is allowed to drink broth from the bowl. The remnants of the dish can be directed into the mouth with sticks.

As there is Soup FO in European restaurants:

  1. You will serve several cutlery: a spoon for a soup and a fork. It is more convenient for a fork to wind long noodles, as well as capture large pieces of meat. Spoon - scoop up the broth.
  2. In the West it is considered a bad form if the visitor blows on a hot dish. Therefore, just wait and support the conversation. If you are not sure that the soup has cooled down, try a little broth.
  3. They scoop the first dish with a spoon with the movement “from yourself”, the spoon should be directed “face” to the opposite edge of the plate. So you do not get dirty during a meal.
  4. The first broth test is to understand how much spices and sprouts of legumes need to be added. Add spices and herbs with a special spoon, but not the one that the broth has already tried. In the West, it is indecent to take greens with his hands.
  5. The sauce can be prepared to taste, by mixing several species. So you will achieve the necessary taste and severity.
  6. Lapsha should be eaten with a fork, holding it in the right hand. They wound the noodles - dip in the broth, send in your mouth. Similarly, meat and vegetables, only you need to dip the pieces into the sauce.
  7. When the whole portion of the phrase is eaten, it is necessary to tilt the bowl to you in order to scoop up the rest with a spoon.



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