
How to prepare Vietnamese FO Soup at home. Step-by-step recipe for Vietnamese soup pho with photos

How to prepare Vietnamese FO Soup at home. Step-by-step recipe for Vietnamese soup pho with photos
Fo soup is sharp and burning, very nutritious and fragrant. In Vietnam, FD soup is eaten everywhere: right on the streets and in restaurants. How to cook soup pho - told in this article.

In Russia, it was cooked, Uzbeks - they prepared a delicious pilaf, Ukrainians - applied to the dinner welded borscht, Spaniards - Gaspacho, and in Vietnam it is customary to submit a special dish to the dinner - Vietnamese FD soup.

This is the most popular dish in Vietnamese cuisine. The soup was first welded by merchants from Northern Vietnam and gradually became popular in the whole country. Moreover, in each part of Vietnam, this soup is prepared in different ways. There is even a refined name of this dish, so that it was clear from which the traditional Vietnamese dish is prepared: "Northern Soup" and Soup Soup.

FO Soup - Vietnamese Classic Recipe

Briefly, in what differences: Northern Soup is called "Fo Tank" and is prepared from the minimum set of products, the basis of meat and rice noodles. And the southern "pho us" soup - it can be both sweet and sharp, since spices, sauces and even sugar are put in broth. This kind of soup is always preparing with spicy herbs and lime.

There are also several popular recipes for the preparation of soup from different ingredients, each has its own name. So, if the soup is brewed from beef, then it is called "FO BO", and if from chicken meat, then "Fo ha". Prepare soup and with seafood, then it is called "Fo High San", and if without meat and fish, it turns out a vegetarian dish and an interesting name "FD tea".

Fo soup. Photo:

Each gourmet prefers to try all types of Vietnamese soup, but it is desirable to start with the classics.

But first you need to find out which ingredients of soup pho will need:

  1. Meat to cook welded broth. It is unchanged beef, fat meat or elder. If you want to get more welded broth from beef, then add a brain bone to the soup during cooking.
  2. Rice noodles is a constant ingredient of Vietnamese soup. You can buy dry, as it is sold in every supermarket. Vietnamese prepare fresh noodles soup, but in other countries this product is a rarity.
  3. Various sauces: it may be acute "chili", sauce made from black beans (try searching in markets or order in online stores). Suitable and fish.
  4. Spices - Be sure, the list of spices will be announced a little lower when I proceed to the cooking soup. Tip: Buy all the spices for cooking soup pho at home is better in the Vietnamese market, there you will also find noodles and sauces. Before adding a set of spices to the broth, they need to roll to get more fragrant soup. How to calcinate: Put the pan on the slab on a slow fire, let him heat up - put a handful of spices on a dry and warm frying pan, calculate for 5 minutes. All this can be done in the oven.
  5. GREEN - There is in every grocery store or on the market. In this soup you need to add kinzu, basil and mint. You will also need chilli pepper in the fresh form, germinated soybeans and a piece of ginger. If any of the products did not work out, be sure to put in the soup kinza, mint and green onions.

We are preparing the Vietnamese Fo Soup from such ingredients:

  • tail Beef - 500 g;
  • rib Beef - 500 g;
  • bricket / Pashin to choose from - 500 g;
  • whole large bulb or several medium sizes;
  • ginger root - 100 g;
  • spices: Cardamom, Coriander, Fennel in seeds - 0.5 g;
  • chili in a dry form - 10 g;
  • 1 g of Badyan and black ground pepper;
  • carnations Take 0.2 g;
  • brown sugar will be needed 10 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • fish sauce - 10 ml.

To file soup for all rules, prepare:

  • dried rice noodles (thick) - 50 g per plate;
  • basil, Kinzu, Mint, Luke Feathers - to taste;
  • handful of seedlings of soybean beans "Mung";
  • pepper "Chile" - to taste;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • 2 types of sauces: fish and bean - to taste.

From the inventory it will be necessary:

  • culinary tongs;
  • frying pan;
  • pan on 5 l;
  • sieve and gauze;
  • half.

How to cook FD soup:

  1. We proceed to cooking soup pho with beef: weld broth. To do everything correctly, you need to pour pieces of meat with well water or water from under the tap. Put a saucepan on the plate on the middle fire, wait for the boil. When the broth boils, merge it and pour meat with fresh portion of cold water. To bring to a boil again, then make a small fire so that the broth does not boil.
  2. You do not need to clean the root of ginger, burn over the stove.
  3. Onions - Clean, cut into 2 parts and each cut is burning over the fire to a black crust. Ginger - similarly.
  4. In the broth you need to put onions and ginger. Separately, learn on the dry pan of spices and also add to the soup. Broth need to tomat on very slow heat for 6 hours. Watch how foam will be formed on the surface, it needs to be deleted.
  5. After 4 hours from the moment of scuming the broth, the meat must be removed from the pan. It must be put on the plate to be cooled, then wrap in the film and send to the refrigerator.
  6. After 6 hours of cooking of the broth, it is necessary to strain through a 4-3 layer of gauze, or through a fine sieve.
  7. In the broth you need to put: sugar and fish sauce.
  8. It was the first stage, now cook separately rice noodles. Cook as indicated on the package. If you cook for the first time: Noodles need to rinse in cold water, leave for a quarter of an hour, before giving it to serve, quive the boiling water and leave in hot water for a couple of minutes. Ready noodles need to be thrown into a colander.
  9. Third stage - feed. This is a very important part of cooking soup. So do not rush and do everything right: we get meat from the refrigerator, cut the sharp knife to thin plates.
  10. We cut lime slices finely, and the bitter pepper - rings, as thin.
  11. Greens: Wash and dry, then grind.
  12. Prepare deep plates, warm: put noodles and meat on the bottom, pour hot broth.
  13. In a separate dish, serve all spices, as well as gear beans and both types of sauce. Everyone will take as much as he wants. By the way, there is no salt in this supe, this ingredient replaces sauces.

Council to those who want to weld the FD soup on this recipe. To understand how much soup should work, you must first try it in a cafe or restaurant. Choose good places or go to the Vietnamese restaurant. Good soup prepare exactly there, as well as in those institutions where are always crowded, where there are many Vietnamese and where the owners themselves eat the same soup with great pleasure together with customers.

In Russia, Danilov Fo Soup is the most popular, it is possible to taste it in the capital in the Danilovsky market (hence such a local name of the dish). In this place they prepare the most delicious soup, exactly the same as in his homeland - in Vietnam.

Calorie SUPA FO: 100 grams of the finished product comes out a little less than 100 calories, of which proteins are almost 6 grams, fats 3.4 g, carbohydrates - 9

One of the options for cooking soup:

Cooking Vietnamese Fo Soup. Step-by-step recipe

To prepare a national Vietnamese dish, you need to decide what soup it will be, and then prepare everything you need. We will prepare chicken Fo soup.

What kind of products will need:

  • chicken meat - 700 g;
  • rice noodles - 100 g for a portion;
  • lime - Half;
  • the feathers of green onions, mint, kinza, dill and parsley - half a beam;
  • pepper black and fragrant peas - 5 peas;
  • gorky pepper - 1 pc.;
  • soy seedlings - to taste;
  • fish sauce - 1 tbsp.

Fo Soup Bo Recipe and how to cook:

  1. Cook the chicken broth standard, pour meat with cold water, waiting for the boil, we reduce the fire, cook about 1 hour.
  2. In the broth after boiling, we put half of the bitter pepper and half the portion of all spices.
  3. Chicken meat is cooked, catch and leave on the table to cool down. Then you can shift to the refrigerator, just wrap it in plastic wrap to avoid chapped.
  4. Glass cook rice noodles in a separate pot. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes.
  5. Ready to put the noodles into the broth or proceed as follows: each preheated bowl put a portion of noodles from the refrigerator chicken, cut into thin plates, and also put in a bowl.
  6. Pour the broth, put the sprouts of beans, enriched with fresh herbs (chopped), in each bowl, add lime juice and mint leaves. For those who like it hot - chilli rings. All pour the sauce and serve immediately. Separately, it must file a plate with greens and sauce.

Cooking soup with seafood pho

Now that you know how to cook soup pho with beef and chicken, and now let us learn Vietnamese cooking recipe and learn to cook popular in Vietnam seafood soup.

To prepare the soup will need:

  • salmon - piece 200 g;
  • shrimp - some for feeding;
  • a piece of ginger root;
  • salt - to taste or fish sauce;
  • spices: Carnation (2 pcs.), star anise (1 pc.), laurel (1-2 pcs.);
  • any greens - 5 sprigs;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 tbsp .;
  • black pepper - a pinch;
  • carrots - on request;
  • rice noodles - 100 g;
  • chilli, lime, greens, any - to feed.

Cooking fish soup:

  1. The process is fast, when compared with the cooking of beef broth. For preparation should be done within an hour.
  2. We put on the plate with water pan, put into boiling water, star anise, bay leaf, parsley, onions, carrots (cutting - arbitrarily) ginger. All this leaves the stew, the broth to a saturated.
  3. When all the boil for 10 minutes, put salt and cinnamon, ship rice noodles, boil with carnation until cooked noodles. After put salmon fillets, shrimp, boil 5 minutes maximum.
  4. Then the fish and shrimps carefully harvested, leave on a plate to cool. Soup Remove from heat, and leave on the table. When the soup has cooled slightly, put the fish back, we insist 15 minutes, to the table warm.
  5. In a separate piala serve fish sauce, herbs, lime, sharp components on a separate plate.

How to cook the soup pho ga

Another way to cook dishes of Vietnamese cuisine. To prepare, take home a chicken, you can make soup from the turkey or any other bird, but that the low-fat broth turned. The goal - a strong, rich broth.

Soup pho ga recipe:

  • large chicken;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • ginger root (as half of the index finger);
  • cinnamon - pinch;
  • carnation - 2 pcs.;
  • pepper sharp "Chile" - 1 medium size;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp.;
  • greens: Kinza, Parsley, Dill - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the chicken, we make a revision inside and if necessary, we are rinsed thoroughly under the crane.
  2. We put into a large saucepan, pour water from under the tap to cover half a carcass. We put into the water a bulb (clean, cut into 4 parts), carrot - with rings with rings. We put a saucepan on the stove, cook 60 minutes. From the moment of boiling, we reflect the fire, remove the foam.
  3. After half an hour of cooking, add: carnation and cinnamon, ginger rings.
  4. When chicken is welded, the meat needs to be removed and disassembled in a plate: remove the skin, remove the bones.
  5. Broth must be strain through folded in 3 layer gauze. Put the gauze into a sieve, strain the broth.
  6. Then the broth must be enriched with cinnamon, put salt and sauce (to taste). Broth prepared, you can form a dish for feeding.
  7. Heat the fools, pour broth into each plate, put pieces of chicken meat, sprinkle with chopped greens. Serve immediately to the table with a sauce and a plate with greenery, lime / lemon, sharp pepper.
  8. Optionally, it is possible to weld the rice noodles and put each in a plate. It was one of the options for the preparation of Vietnamese soup.

How to cook soup pho with mushrooms

And this recipe for those who want to taste something unusual. In this recipe there are unique wood mushrooms. If this ingredient was not found, prepare from local: champignons or oyster. It turns out also delicious.

Preparation of such products:

  • beef - kilogram;
  • wood mushrooms - 400 g;
  • ginger - 20 g;
  • carrots, bulbs;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp.;
  • spices, greenery - to taste.

Preparation according to the recipe:

  1. The bulb must be cleaned and cut into 4 parts. Carrot - cut into circles, the root of ginger is not needed, chopped also like carrots.
  2. All prepared ingredients need to fry on a dry frying pan, and then fold into the pan.
  3. Put the prepared pieces of beef, fill with cold water. Broth need to be welded strong, saturated.
  4. Cooking broth on slow heat for about 5 hours, after 3 hours the meat can be removed, cool and send to the fridge to the freezer.
  5. Preparation of mushrooms: cut plates, frying in a pan until ready. If you have marinated mushrooms, you don't need to do anything.
  6. Cooking broth and after removed meat, put the spices: pepper peas, bay leaf, badyan and carnation - just a little bit.
  7. In the finished broth, put mushrooms, boil for 10 minutes. Then remove the frozen beef from the freezer to cut as thinner as possible.
  8. Meat put everyone in a plate, then a pinch of chopped greens, pour the broth, serve the soup, refilled by soy sauce. Separately, make a plate with fresh greens (mix), put a half of the lemon or lime on the plate, hot pepper "Chile" - for fans of sharp.

Tips for cooking delicious soup pho at home

So that everything happens the first time, it is necessary:

  • adhere to the formulation;
  • acriding broth after cooking;
  • and that the broth did not get clouded, it must first cook on a high heat so that the broth boils well, then tomorrow on slow fire. A good method 2 or even the 3rd broth, when the first merges, the meat is brewed in fresh water;
  • fresh greens will help enrich the taste of the finished dishes. So that she gave more aroma, it needs to be mounted in hands and even can be confused into a mortar, adding a pinch of salt and lemon slickel;
  • rice noodles are not boiled, and according to the recipe, poured boiling water, it is 4 minutes, is washed in cold water;
  • salt to the soup is rarely added, replaced by this ingredient by any sauces. Note that all sauces give a rich color of broth.

How eating soup pho

Little learning how to cook Vietnamese soup, it still needs to be able to taste correctly. In restaurants or cafes you will be served 2 tables: a small round spoon and sticks. They need to eat soup.

How to do everything right:

  1. First take a spoon to try a little broth. From this, the place of the Vietnam is started by local residents. They are trying to taste broth to understand how much add sauce and spices.
  2. Sull the juice from the halves of Lyme, mix the juice and spices with sauce with chopsticks and a spoon shaking movements. Just do not do as we used to interfere with a spoon.
  3. Now you can proceed to the meal: noodles and meat need to be captured with chopsticks, and the broth is to cry a spoon. So continue. In his homeland, such a soup eaten by two hands, in the right hold sticks, in the left - a spoon. You do the way you are comfortable.
  4. At the end, when the soup remains very slightly, the solid ingredients is not left, it is allowed to drink a broth from a rig. The remains of the dish can be directed into the mouth with chopsticks.

As there are FD soup in European restaurants:

  1. You will be served several cutlery: a spoon for soup and plug. For a fork, it is more convenient to wind up a long noodle, as well as capture large pieces of meat. A spoon - to score broth.
  2. In the West is considered a bad tone if the visitor blows on a hot dish. Therefore, just wait and support the conversation. If you are not sure that the soup cooled, try a little broth.
  3. They score the first dish with a spoon "from ourselves" by a spoon, a spoon must be sent to the "face" to the opposite edge of the plate. So you will not be swollen during meals.
  4. The first break of the broth - to understand how much you need to add spices and sprouts of legumes. Add spices and herbs need a special spoon, but not the one that has already tried broth. In the West, the greenery in the West.
  5. Sauce can be prepared to taste, by mixing a few species. So you will achieve the desired taste and sharpness.
  6. Noodles need to eat fork, holding her in his right hand. Screw noodles - plunge into the broth, send to the mouth. Similarly - meat and vegetables, only dipped pieces need to be in the sauce.
  7. When the entire portion of FO will be eaten, you need to tilt the gross to yourself so that the residue is to cry down the spoon.


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