
How to cook carrot cake at home. Recipes of carrot cake step by step with photo. Classic homemade carrot cake - how to bake. Carrot cake in a slow cooker

How to cook carrot cake at home. Recipes of carrot cake step by step with photo. Classic homemade carrot cake - how to bake. Carrot cake in a slow cooker
The article presents delicious recipes for making carrot cake at home. Classic carrot cake with photo. How to bake carrot cake in the oven and slow cooker.

Do you love carrots? We all well know how useful this vegetable is for our body, but sometimes we simply forget about it. Today we bring to your attention the most popular recipes for carrot cakes, believe me, both you and your children will be satisfied!

Carrot cake: step by step classic recipe

Fans of carrots - rejoice! Now we will talk about such a tasty as a carrot cake! A really delicious carrot cake can make any craftsman or skill, there would be only time and ingredients, there will be no problems with recipes - everyone will appear before your eyes.

With the phrase "What cake to cook for me?" The recipe may occur the most unusual one, but you should not come up with a lot of superfluous - we have collected all the best recipes in this article, which we kindly provide you.

So, let's go. To begin with, we will prepare this delicious cake in a classic, standard version.

For cooking, we will need:

  • A couple of grated carrots (not too large).
  • 300-350 g of sifted flour.
  • Not complete part l. vanilla sugar.
  • 3-4 eggs.
  • A small pinch of salt.
  • 10 g of ground cinnamon.
  • Vegetable oil (about 150 ml).
  • Half a glass (or a full glass) sugar.
  • A couple of walnuts.
  • A pinch of soda.

From these ingredients we will prepare cakes for carrot cake. As for the cream, we need only 200-300 g of masquearpone and a couple of spoons of condensed milk.

We proceed to the preparation of our wonderful cake:

  • Before starting work with the main ingredients, we need grated carrots and finely chopped/chopped walnuts. As soon as you make them just that, set them aside - so far you are not up to them.
  • Since the flour is already sifted in advance (if not, then do it), we need to do the same operation with all dry ingredients. Then, in the resulting sand, add sugar. Of course, mix well.
  • We remember about our eggs - whip them thoroughly with oil and vanilla. After that, just fill it all into our sand from flour and other things.
  • Now the turn comes to carrots with nuts - add them to our resulting mixture and mix well.
  • It remains the simplest - put a baking sheet or shape with a dough in the oven for half an hour and wait until our cake is baked.
  • Let the cake cool (you can use a stand or grille).
  • To finish our design, we cut the cooled cakes in half and make a filling from Mascarpone and condensed milk (you just need to mix them). Also, the top can be smeared with the same cream on top.

Fold it all together and Voi-la! - Our classic carrot cake is ready, it can be served to the table.

Substarine-crushed cake

Someone easily can say that the most delicious carrot cake is, of course, sour cream-carbon. What is this opinion? Let's see how he is preparing and, perhaps, understand what he was endowed with such a characteristic.

So, for the manufacture of cakes we need:

  • Sugar 8 tbsp.
  • Baking powder.
  • 10 g of cinnamon.
  • 2-3 nuts at your discretion.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 25 g of salt.
  • 3-4 average carrots.
  • a glass of sunflower oil.
  • One and a half glass of flour.

For cream:

  • A glass of sour cream.
  • A quarter of a glass of granulated sugar.

We begin to cook the cake:

  • To begin with, we need to mix sugar, butter and eggs with a mixer.
  • We rub the carrots and also send it to the beaten mass.
  • Next, mix chopped nuts, flour, salt in this container, add the baking powder.
  • After we kneaded the dough, we put it in the shape and hold it in the oven mines. 40, every 10 min. Checking for readiness and burden.
  • The cakes are ready.
  • As for the cream, we mix your favorite sour cream and granulated sugar, lubricate them cut into several layers of cakes, not forgetting about the top.

The design is ready, it remains to be put in the refrigerator for an hour and that’s it, you can safely eat this healthy yummy!

Carrot-rod cake

For those who want to learn how to cook or families something interesting and useful for themselves, we offer understandable instructions on how to cook carrot-firing cake. It is not inferior in taste to other cakes, which are described above and will also easily find fans.

For this cake we need:

  • 2-3 carrots.
  • 155 g of sugar.
  • Half a glass of flour.
  • Egg.
  • 7-10 g of cinnamon.
  • 50-70 g of Voloshsky nut.
  • Oil - 70 g (creamy).
  • Pauline soda.

For the filling:

  • 300 g of cottage cheese.
  • 250 ml of fat sour cream.
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • The same amount of vanilla sugar.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. starch.
  • Chocolate (black).

Cooking process:

  • Sift the flour, add soda and cinnamon to it. Do not forget about the carrot, which must be thoroughly rubbed on the grater. We melt the oil.
  • We interfere with sugar and eggs with a mixer until the mass turns into foam.
  • Gently pour melted oil into the eggs, do not stop whipping the whole thing.
  • We pick up a spoon, nuts, carrots and flour, and slowly mix with egg foam.
  • We put the resulting dough into the shape (before that it would not hurt to lubricate it with butter). In the oven the dough should be baked for 25-35 minutes. We get it.

As for the filling, we cook it like this:

  • Sour cream, vanillin, cottage cheese and sugar are mixed in a blender. Then we add eggs there, continue to interfere.
  • Lubricate the cakes with this filling and again put the cake in the oven, about half an hour. Sprinkle the top with chocolate chips. Ready!

Carrot cake with nuts

This cake is also very tasty and will like it. On the festive table, he always finds a place.

Well, let's watch what we need to bake this yummy.


  • 4-5 medium carrots (more can).
  • 5-6 nuts.
  • Half a pack of butter.
  • 2 cups of flour.
  • 3 chicken eggs.
  • Soda (extinguished by lemon juice).
  • Half a glass of brown sugar.
  • Cinnamon.

For cream:

  • Half a glass of brown sugar.
  • Half a liter of sour cream.

We begin to cook:

  • Mix oil with flour, rub the carrots, beat the eggs out of habit with sugar.
  • Mix this all together, add chopped nuts and soda to the dough. We continue to interfere thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  • Now we need a refrigerator. For what? And in order to put this mixture for half an hour there. Next, beat sour cream and sugar for the cream and also put in the refrigerator.
  • Then we take out the test and move it into the oven for half an hour or 45 minutes. We make sure that the cake is not burned, this is not very pleasant.
  • We take out the finished cake, let him cool.
  • We remember about our cream, apply it to the cake, let Ming brew. 20 and again smear. Then we return to the refrigerator for an hour.

The delicious cake with nuts is ready!

Carrot cake with caramel

For lovers of sweet, there is a recipe for carrot cake with caramel. It perfectly combines the sweetness of caramel and a certain endurance of carrots.

For cooking, we need:

  • 300-400 g of apple puree.
  • 4 grated carrots.
  • 2 cups of flour.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 500 g of sugar.
  • Half a glass of coconut shall (optional).
  • 4-5 nuts.
  • Baking powder.
  • Cinnamon at your discretion.

For caramel:

  • 400 g of sugar.
  • Patient oil 180 g.
  • 320 ml of fat cream.

For cream:

  • 400 g of cream cheese.
  • 220 g of sugar powder.
  • 180 g of butter.
  • Pauline Vanilina.

External cream (we will align the product):

  • chocolate tiles (any, but preferable to white);
  • 350 g of butter.

Cooking process:

  • First we need to beat the eggs with sugar and add apple puree to this mass.
  • We sift the flour, add cinnamon, salt and baking powder to it, pour this powder into the eggs and continue to interfere.
  • Next, pour grated carrots, chopped nuts and coconut chips into this mass.
  • Pour the dough into the shape and put in the oven for an hour.
  • After the finished cake has cooled, you need to cut it into 3 parts.

How to make caramel:

  1. Sugar sand must be melted on fire in a container.
  2. Add hot cream and oil.
  3. We remove from the heat, interfere, until it becomes truly thick.
  4. Let us cool and filter.


  1. Beat the oil with cream cheese, add sugar powder, vanillin.
  2. We beat all this well again.

External cream:

  • Beat the oil, add melted chocolate, and interfere again.

We collect our cake:

  1. On the first layer we put only the cream, on the second - cream and caramel, on the third again the cream.
  2. After that, the cake goes into the refrigerator.

After an hour, we use the alignment cream and give the cake accuracy. Ready!

Carrot-stop cake

Now the turn has come to lovers of citruses - the next cake with us with oranges. In order to prepare such a delicious cake you do not need to be too wise - the ingredients will always be at hand!

So, we need:

  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara.
  • Agar-Agar 4 g.
  • Orange segments of 180
  • A glass of orange juice.


  • 400-450 g of flour (may need a little more or slightly less).
  • 250 g of sugar.
  • Salt at your discretion.
  • 3-4 eggs.
  • 3.5 tbsp. oils (plant).
  • 3 carrots.
  • 2 apples.


  • 150-180 g of butter.
  • The same number of cream cheese.
  • Kurd from oranges 130 g.
  • 1.5 tbsp. sugar powder.

Orange Kurd:

  • 2 eggs.
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • Half a glass of orange juice.
  • 180 g of butter.
  • Orange zest (half).
  • Leaf gelatin 2 g (soak in ice water).

Cream cream:

  • Pattering oil 150 g.
  • The same number of cream cheese.
  • Sugar powder 130 g.
  • 180 g of cream.

How to cook:

  • In order to make an orange compote, we need to mix agar-agar and sugar in a bowl, thorough the orange segments there.
  • We pour orange juice into a saucepan and grow on fire, eventually pour a mixture of agar-agar and sugar.
  • Let us boil and cook for 7-10 seconds.
  • Next, add orange segments, let it boil again, cook for 20 seconds.
  • Pour the compote in 2 confectionery circles (do not forget to wrap with a film), let it cool and send to the freezer of the refrigerator.

As for the cakes, you need to mix all dry ingredients. Mix them well.

  • Next, take vegetable oil and eggs, interfere, until it becomes homogeneous. Add grated carrots and grated apples.
  • Divide the dough into 3 parts and bake each for half an hour, checking so that it does not burn.

We proceed to the preparation of an orange kurdish:

We remind in advance that the kurd after cooking should be in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

  • Beat eggs and sugar in the saucepan, gradually pour orange juice.
  • We put all this on the fire and let it boil, do not forget to interfere. Cook min. 3.
  • Let the mixtures cool.
  • Squeezed the soaked gelatin from the water and add to the stewpan. We stir.
  • Add zest and oil.
  • We transfer the kurd into a bowl, cover (preferably with a film) and put in the refrigerator.

Now we have approached the orange cream:

  • Beat the oil until it looks like a cream.
  • Add cheese and kurd.
  • We continue to whip, while what is in front of us, we will not become air in appearance. Add the sugar and beat the sugar.

Now the turn of the cream cream:

  • Mix all the ingredients and whip well. Finally, when all the ingredients are collected, it is time to collect the cake into one.
  • On the first layer - a disk of compote. On top and on the sides we coat orange cream.
  • On the second - the same "operations".
  • The third cake is coated with a cream on top and side.

Incredibly delicious carrot-apelsin cake is ready!

Carrot-yellow cake

This cake will also not be superfluous on the table, especially if there are children among guests. A very tasty and light cake will delight many.



  • 250 g of grated carrots.
  • 400-450 g of flour.
  • 4 eggs.
  • Half a glass of sunflower oil.
  • 220 g of sugar.


  • 220 ml of cream.
  • 100 g of Mascarpone.
  • 220 g of sugar powder.
  • 7-10 g of Vanilin.

Cooking process:

  • First we need to beat eggs, sugar and vegetable oil. After that, rub the carrots finely, mix all this.
  • Add flour and baking powder, mix everything to the dough.
  • Bake cakes costs about 45 minutes. In a well -heated oven.
  • Beat all the ingredients for the cream with a mixer and later smear the cooled cakes to them.

The most tender creamy cake is ready!

Carrot cake with cinnamon

For those who are not indifferent to cinnamon, this cake will definitely be just perfect! It is very simple to make it, the main thing is to know the list of ingredients and understand how to mix them.

So, we need:


  • 3 eggs.
  • 3 carrots.
  • 30 g of cinnamon.
  • Baking powder.
  • 220 g of sugar.
  • 450 g of flour.
  • Half a glass of sunflower oil.

For the cream you need to take:

  • Half a glass of flour.
  • 450 ml of milk.
  • Vanilla sugar.
  • 220 g of sugar.

We begin to cook:

  • We rub the carrots on the grater, then we need to beat the eggs with sugar.
  • After that, pour cinnamon, baking powder, flour and fill the oil to the mixture.
  • Mix very carefully, pour in the shape and put in the oven for 45 minutes. Do not forget to check so as not to be buried.
  • In order to make the cream, mix all the ingredients, put on a small fire and warm up, not forgetting to stir. The cream should thicken on the fire.
  • We put the warm cream on cooled cakes and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, infuse. Bon appetit!

Spicy carrot cake

Are you a fan of spicy spices? Rather, write down the recipe. Such a cake will definitely pleasantly surprise you and your guests.

We will need:

  • 5 carrots.
  • Pyckers of pineapple in syrup 400 g.
  • 5 nuts.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 150 g of butter.
  • 3.5 cups of flour.
  • Nutmeg (grated) floor of h. L.
  • Ginger powder 15 g.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Half a glass of decoy.
  • Cream cheese 500 g.
  • 250 g of fat sour cream.
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. sugar powder.
  • 130 g of sugar.
  • 2 lime.

Cooking process:

  • Grind carrots, nuts and pineapples, mix.
  • We take a mixer and beat the eggs with sugar.
  • Muscular nuts, ginger and baking powder are mixed with sifted flour. Then we should add a semolina here.
  • Then we need 1 large bowl - in it we mix all of the above.
  • Next, we need 2 identical forms. Overwhelmed with paper we cover them, sprinkle with flour on top. We spread the dough on top and leave in a preheated oven for about 1 hour.

In the meantime, we make a cream:

  • We separate the zest and juice from Lyme. Then add these two ingredients separately to the cream cheese, begin to whip, add sour cream.
  • We finish the sugar powder process. We put the cream in the refrigerator for a while.
  • We get our cakes, let them cool. We put the cream for the first. The top and sides are also abundantly lubricate with our cream.
  • In the end, after coating with cream, we put the cake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Then it can be served to the table.

Dietary carrot cake

If you follow your figure and want to eat right, but at the same time you really wanted delicious ones, this cake is perfect!

Those who already know about carrot cake, this simple recipe will be understood on the go, there is nothing complicated in it.


  • 3 carrots.
  • Stevia 30 g.
  • Oatmeal dietary flour 2 cups.
  • Free -free fruit yogurt 1 cup.
  • 3-4 proteins and 1 yolk.
  • Baking powder.
  • Sugar powder 3 tbsp.
  • Nuts (for decoration).

We begin to cook the cake:

  • To begin with, we need to beat proteins, yolk and powdered sugar with a mixer.
  • Gradually add flour, baking powder and carrots, you can add a few nuts.
  • For the cream, you just need to beat yogurt and stevia.
  • Sprinkle the shape for the test with flour and pour our dough there. Cakes should bake for about an hour.
  • Then let them cool, smear with cream and sprinkle with nuts pleasant appetite!

Carrot cake in a slow cooker

If you have a slow cooker at home, then why not use it to bake a delicious carrot cake?

Let's see how we can do it. We need:

  • 4 eggs.
  • Half a glass of sugar (more can be sweeter).
  • Half a glass of vegetable oil.
  • 400-500 ml of flour.
  • 5-6 carrots.
  • Vanilla.
  • Baking powder.
  • 4 nuts.


  • Paul pack of masquearpone.
  • 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • Paul of a pack of cottage cheese lemon cream.
  • Lemon zest.
  • Gelatin.

How to cook:

  • Beat eggs and sugar, add vegetable oil and vanilla.
  • Gradually add flour and baking powder. Then, carrots and nuts go to this mass.
  • Divide all the dough into 3 parts and bake in a slow cooker. The cakes are light and very soft.
  • In order to prepare the cream, mix all the ingredients for it and at the end add gelatin soaked in water.
  • Beat everything. Then we lubricate our cakes with cream, and the cake can be eaten with tea!

Carrot cake Andy chef

Who does not want to cook the perfect carrot cake in their kitchen? Even if you are not a chef in a cool restaurant, you may get it. Thanks to an interesting recipe that can be found on the end-oscillation website, you can hit your loved ones with a delicious cake, which is not so difficult to cook!

We need:

  • 3 carrots.
  • 400 g of flour.
  • 10 g of soda.
  • A glass of vegetable oil.
  • 2 cups of sugar.
  • Nutmeg (1 tsp).
  • Cinnamon 150 g.
  • 4 eggs.

To prepare a truly perfect cake, we must:

  • Combine all dry ingredients, this time.
  • Secondly, beat vegetable oil and sugar with a mixer.
  • Next, beat all this, gradually adding eggs.
  • Mix with dry ingredients.
  • It remains to add carrots (grated). Mix our dough so that it is homogeneous.
  • Bake cakes in the oven for half an hour or 45 minutes.

What to do with the filling? But now we will need nuts in caramel and orange zest.

In order to make caramel nuts, we need, in fact, nuts (4-5 pcs) and 50 g of sugar.

  • Nuts must first be fried in a pan. Next, put them in a stewpan along with sugar. You need to fry nuts until they are completely covered with caramel.
  • They will cool down. 15.

Meanwhile, we will deal with an orange zest (we need 3 orange):

  • First, cut the zest from the citrus with wide stripes. Then, in order to remove the bitterness from it, you need to repeat such a process 3 times - pour the zest with water in the stewpan and boil, then boil for a minute and drain the water. Then the zest will not be so bitter.
  • Then, add the juice of one orange to a stewpan with a boiled zest, add water so that it covers the ingredients by 1 cm, do not forget about sugar. We bring to a boil, drain the juice, put the zest on a sieve so that the glass liquid.
  • When assembling our cake, the filling needs to be alternated. First zest, then nuts.

Carrot cake from Julia Vysotskaya

If you are interested in how to prepare a carrot cake, then you go along the right track - here you will find a recipe that you definitely like!

For cakes, we need:

  • 2-3 carrots.
  • 4 eggs.
  • A glass of vegetable oil.
  • 400 g of flour.
  • 2 cups of sugar (brown).
  • Baking powder.
  • Orange juice and zest.
  • 12-13 nuts.
  • 200 g of butter.
  • 10 g of salt.

For cream:

  • 200-300 g of cheese "Philadelphia".
  • 200 g of Mascarpone.
  • A glass of powdered sugar.
  • 100 g of butter.

Cooking process:

  • The nuts must be fried in the oven for starters, then immediately mix with butter and salt. We remove to cool, after that you need to grind them.
  • Now separately mix dry and liquid ingredients, then combine them and add carrots with nuts.
  • The dough is ready! We put it in the oven for half an hour, having previously divided into 3 parts.
  • For the cream, we also mix all the ingredients and beat with a mixer until the mass becomes light and tender.
  • When assembling the cake, we simply smear each layer and sides.

Carrot cream

For carrot cake, you can make a wide variety of impregnations. But the most common are still sour cream.

  • In order to make a sour cream for carrot cake, you do not need to bother too much - just mix 2 cups of sour cream and 1 cup of sugar (proportions may vary depending on your preferences).
  • As for the cheese cream, there is nothing complicated here either. Here you can mix cream cheese both with condensed milk, seasoning with vanilla, and with cream, not forgetting about granulated sugar.

How can you decorate a carrot cake?

You can decorate the carrot cake at your discretion.

  • Most often, it is sprinkled with chopped nuts, chocolate.
  • Sometimes someone makes more efforts and covers with mastic and figures from it (for example, in the form of small carrots).
  • Croses of cookies will not be superfluous. Everything that you will taste can be used in reasonable measures.

We offer several ideas for decoration:

As you can see, there are a huge number of recipes where carrots are used. These desserts are not only tasty, but also useful, so do not ignore them. Just try to cook something similar at least once. Bon appetit!

Video: Carrot cake. The best step -by -step recipe



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