
The benefits and harm of raw food diet. How to become a raw food diet for beginners. Transition to a raw food diet - where to start. Raw food - menu for every day, recipes for raw foodists

The benefits and harm of raw food diet. How to become a raw food diet for beginners. Transition to a raw food diet - where to start. Raw food - menu for every day, recipes for raw foodists
Eating raw foods is very tasty and healthy. But what will happen if you do it all the time, and nothing else?

A raw food diet is a fashionable image of nutrition today, preaches the idea that food becomes dead when it is treated with high temperatures. This means that raw foodists are the only category of people that fully enriches its body with useful substances, eating correctly, corresponding to the nature of man.

Fundamentals of raw food diet for beginners

In traditional cooking, there are many ways to cook food without the use of heat treatment by brewing, frying or baking. From ancient times, the workpiece for the winter of fruits, berries and mushrooms was carried out by salting, brewing, slugging. Sliding fish, salty lard, ball, sauerkraut and cucumbers - a popular food of an ordinary person who does not unrest omnivorous raw foodists. The raw food diet is also Vegiterian, G. Carringston for the first time at the scientific level proved the benefits of nutrition exclusively raw agricultural products.

Raw food - products

A raw food diet is a special way of nutrition in which the use of products occurs:

  • Not boiled.
  • Not fried.
  • Not smoked.
  • Not baked.

In this case, cold heat treatment is allowed, dried, dried and other methods of non -hot preparation are also allowed.

You can:

  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruits, nuts, seeds and grains;
  • other products, depending on the form of raw food diet.

There is an opinion, then a raw food diet is one of the strict forms of vegetarianism. This is an erroneous judgment, because there are different forms of raw food diet.

The steps of raw food diet

There are different steps (forms) of raw food diets:

  • Omnivorous. A wide range of food products is permissible with a raw food diet. The diet consists of vegetables and fruits. You can eat meat, fish, milk, eggs and seafood. Among the methods of preparation, drilling is appropriate.
  • Vegetarian. In addition to vegetables and fruits, vegetarians can afford to drink eggs and milk, yogurt and other dairy products, the preparation of which does not require heat treatment. There is no meat and fish.
  • Vegan. Vegans are people who do not eat absolutely nothing that concerns the animal world. Milk is impossible - he could drink a calf. The egg is impossible - a chicken could hatch from each egg drunk. Meat and fish are the flesh of the same living creatures as we are. They are also impossible.
  • Farm. This form, on the contrary, recreates a way of eating cave people. The basis of carnivorous raw food diet is animal products, especially meat, fish and seafood. At the same time, vegetables are allowed, but are not predominant in the diet. This form of raw food diet has a place to be, but not as popular as vegetarian.

  • Frictorian. Raw foods practicing this form of food do not even eat vegetables, not to mention the products of the animal world. Raw fruits are the basis and the only component of their diet.

Raw food: where to start?

Wake up with a decision to become a raw foodist and abruptly switch to a special diet - shock therapy for the body, which can have unpleasant consequences. Before switching to a raw food diet, ask yourself: "Why do I need this?" Answer options:

  1. For a company with a friend/friend, so that there are more common topics.
  2. Many say that it's great.
  3. Raw food is in trend.
  4. I do not understand why cooking products, because you can not cook at all, but there is everything raw.
  5. I need a raw food diet - my body wants it.

All answers, except for the latter, are talking about the wrong approach. Refuse the undertaking to become a raw foodist - this is not yours. And even if the answer “5” fully reflects your thoughts in mind, you should repeatedly weigh the pros and cons. The transition to a raw food diet should not be carried out independently without medical reports: not everyone is able to survive the transition to raw food diet and this lifestyle.

Contraindications to the transition to raw food diet

You can’t be raw -eaters:

  1. People who in the near or distant future want to become parents. A raw food diet will not give a full nutrition to 2nd cells, which is fraught with infertility.
  2. Pregnant women and nursing mothers whose milk reflects what they eat. The kid should receive all possible beneficial substances with milk, and mother should help him in this.
  3. Children and adolescents - growing organisms whose nutrition should be balanced. A raw food diet causes development delays, malfunctions of the endocrine system and energy exhaustion.
  4. Old people. The metabolism of the elderly is slow, so it will be difficult for their body to synthesize beneficial substances from exceptionally raw foods.
  5. Patients with stomach problems (gastritis, colitis, whose digestion of food is difficult).
  6. Patients with tuberculosis, whose body should receive the maximum amount of healthy and healthy food, especially protein -containing products: meat, fish, seafood, milk.

Raw food is shown to people over 40, in which high blood pressure, overweight or gout. They assign a special short -term diet of raw foodist.

How to switch to a raw food diet?

  • To become a raw foodist for a long time is a serious choice for which the body needs to be prepared. For a very long time and smoothly - at least one year - the body of an average person should switch to a raw food diet. This time will need the body in order to completely rebuild for nutrition from a new energy source - raw food. The most difficult period for raw foodist is the first winter, so try to start preparing for raw food in the spring, and start the new form of food in the summer of the next year, when the raw food diet is pleasant pleasure due to the abundance of vegetables and fruits.
  • Gradually, from the daily menu it is necessary to remove smoked meats, meat and fish products, canned food and semi -finished products. After - it is worth limiting yourself in flour and sweets, tea, coffee, alcohol, smoothly taking these products outside the diet.
  • Drink a lot of water. 2 liters - the minimum volume of fluid allowed when switching to a raw food diet. Do not eat fruits and vegetables containing fiber-the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract must be gradually accustomed to the use of raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Instead of the usual cereals, you can eat cereals and nuts, soaking them at night in the water. For example, oatmeal - left for 8 hours in water, in a company with dried fruits - a decent raw food breakfast that differs little from everyday food. Fruit and vegetable salads - why not tasty, familiar and healthy, from the point of view of raw food diet? A lot of raw food dishes cause the interest of an ordinary person.

With raw food, it is important to remember that the body, in addition to the vitamin-mineral complex, should be obtained in sufficient, balanced amounts of protein and carbohydrates. Food meals per day can be from 2 to 6, depending on the individual needs of the body and the energy value of products.

Raw food transition - possible consequences

There is no consensus on raw food diet in science or public. On the one hand, it is a natural (not distorted civilization) method of human nutrition, as a biological unit that treats many diseases, helps to improve the figure. On the other hand, a depleting mockery of the body, capable of causing health problems.

Is a raw food diet? Is it harmful? You should understand the experience of practicing raw foodists and experts-medical experts.

The benefits of raw food diet

For raw food diet, they are called for two reasons: it is natural and it is useful. A person is characteristic of a raw food diet, but not everyone is ready to decide on such a way of nutrition, losing in many ways, compared to raw foodist.

  • Continuity treatment. People often become raw foodists by switching once to a similar diet in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous or digestive systems. Taras Gavur - practicing raw foodist from Kyiv - switched to a similar diet for at least five years. The impetus for this was problems with the gastrointestinal tract. He was bothered by sharp pains emitting into the spine. On the recommendation of doctors, he drew attention to the image of nutrition and completely abandoned fried food, and for five years became a raw foodist. The reason for the choice of the image of the young man was his wife. The girl got rid of asthma, practicing a raw food diet.

  • The charge of the human battery. Raw foods admit that they have an abundance of energy resources. They are ready not only to actively work, but also able to foresee certain life events. According to Artem Voloshchuk, the cook of a specific cafe for creative vegetarians, the feeling of a surge of energy does not evaporate even after a hard working day. According to statistics, raw foodists sleep less than an ordinary person for 2-4 hours a day. Short six (and less) hours, enough for the complete restoration of human biological resources. The raw foodist is full of energy and is ready for work after a deep calm short -term sleep. A raw food diet refreshes the mind, that is, it makes the nervous system work more intense and productive: thoughts are clear, the mind is enlightened and ready to make the right decisions.
  • Diet of raw food for weight loss.The transition to a raw food diet causes a sharp weight loss due to a decrease in the amount of energy of energetically valuable products. Raw foods can not eat bread, cereals can - only infused in cold water, meat and fish - only raw or dried (which not everyone can eat). So, there are very few high -calorie products in the diet, which leads to use for energy on the day of spare resources (accumulated fats). For this reason, raw food diet is sometimes prescribed for medicinal purposes as a temporary type of nutrition - a diet. A constant raw food diet may become a habit of the body, which subsequently leads to weight restoration.

The harm of raw food diet

The picture of the lifestyle of the raw foodist would be more rainbow if it had not caused health problems. Opponents of raw food diet are warned of irreversible negative consequences of this power.

Raw food diet - the results of the experiment of a novice raw foodist

  • Avitaminosis.The period of transition to special nutrition with raw foods is the most vulnerable to vitamin deficiency. The nipple of nutrition causes insufficient intake of the vitamin-mineral complex in the body. The first symptoms of this is the feeling of numbness of the arms and legs, the weak ability of the body to heal the wounds. Syroeded Yuri Volkov shares his impressions of a 3-month painful transition to raw food. Abdominal pain, constant decline and weakness, aggravated allergic reactions - all this was transferred to a crisis transition.
  • Poisoning. With improper combination of raw foods, food may not be absorbed in principle. Try to follow the power rules so that everything is in order with digestion. The second cause of poisoning is substances and microorganisms in products. Meat or fish can be with worm larvae, raw legumes in themselves can distinguish toxic substances in the stomach. Plant protein contained in many products, capable of causing allergic reactions.
  • Aggression. The transition period for a raw food diet can turn into a lack of polyvitamins of group B. This is a consequence of vegetarian or vegan raw food diet, in which meat and other products of animal origin do not eat. B-vitamins are responsible for the ability to control themselves-mental calm. Immunity in raw foodists is often manifested by those people who lead the opposite lifestyle.

Raw food - reviews of practitioners of raw foodists

  • Forced constancy.The diet of raw foodist is very hard. It is impossible, this is impossible. And if anyone sees? Conscience will torture me! This is especially true for those surrounded by people who practice this lifestyle. Here, public opinion plays a significant role. But it is important to remember that you have become a raw food at the call of the body, and if at the call of the same organism you want to turn a little from the intended path, then you need this. You will come to your senses, recognize this with a sin and return to raw food diet. Voloshchuk Artem, raw foodist, whom we mentioned earlier, frankly says that this is a personal choice of everyone that he eats. And with raw food, you are engaged exclusively for yourself - do not care what the rest will think. Even if you call yourself a raw foodist and adhere to a certain image of the diet - no one has the right to reproach you for the sushi roll or a piece of barbecue. First of all, it is important to listen to your body, not other people's words.
  • High cost. This criterion does not hit the body, but on the wallet. A city resident who is booming in a supermarket, purchases for a month of raw food diets cost as 2 or 3 purchases for 30 days of conventional power. The exception is the owners of land plots, in which vegetables and fruits are always at hand - it is cheaper to damp for them than spending money on meat. Food in a restaurant for raw foodist is an unacceptable luxury. The point is not even about prices, but in the presence of establishments, which are very few even in the capital.

Raw food - menu

They found out about how useful it is to be a raw foodist and harmful to it. It remains to try to cook something from the raw food kitchen in order to experience the taste of dishes prepared without hot heat treatment.

Raw food: the schedule of the menu for the week

There is no strict schedule of raw foodist. This is a way of life, to which they have been going on for several years and live it constantly. Try not to forget about the necessary admission to the body of calories and vitamins.  For this purpose, you need to be able to correctly connect products with a raw food diet. There are several rules for this:

  1. You can’t eat fat -containing foods (nuts, avocados, coconut) with sweet berries, dried fruits or fruits. The rash combination of fat with sugar will give as a result to ferment in the stomach, minimizing the benefits of the food eaten.
  2. But sour fruits (orange) are an exception to the previous rule. Acid promotes the breakdown of fat, and fructose in such fruits is less than others.
  3. In turn, sour (tomato, orange) cannot be eaten with starch -containing products (potatoes, banana). Carbohydrates that make up starch cannot be synthesized by saliva, which contains a lot of acid. It is better to refuse the use of potatoes with tomato, and there is a banana in the company with sweet fruits (mangoes, apples).
  4. The abundance of fats can lead to digestive problems. Do not eat fat with fat - avoid combinations of any of the listed products (walnut, coconut, avocados, vegetable oil).
  5. Support everything with greens - it is ready to combine with any other food.
  6. Fruit eat sweet with sweet, sour with sour.
  7. Eat vegetables only with vegetables.
  8. Grain or legumen sprouts, soaked nuts should be eaten as independent dishes that are not combined with anything.

Knowing the simple basics of the combination of products, you can make your own recipes.

Raw food, recipes

Raw food is interesting in the inventive varieties of dishes. If you use a crushing kitchen appliances, you can prepare very tasty nutritional utilities.

Raw food - simple recipes for the first and second

  • Borsch. Even such a dish can be eaten raw foodists, but they cook it somewhat differently than we imagine it. Grind the carrots and beets partially on the grater, partially - interrupt in a blender. Celery and greens - cut, as we are convenient. Mix everything, add salt (not welded), spices and water. The first dish is ready. Keep in mind that there is exactly so much water to turn thick gruel from a blender and coarsely chopped foods into a slightly liquid dish, but not into slop.
  • As for the second dishes, cereals of non -standard preparation predominate: cereals soaked in water, sprouted green sprouts of cereals and many other hearty products. Vegetables, oils, greens are added to grain, turning them into worthy dishes that are pleasant. For example, a salad of sprouted green buckwheat with cucumber, Bulgarian pepper and dill - varied, useful and satisfying.

Raw food recipes for a snack

  • Almond cheese. Almond nuts in a volume of 2 glasses are poured with a large amount of water and left for 8 hours. After that, swollen nuts are grinded in a kitchen combine, adding a little mineral water (not more than 2 glasses). To the mixture for taste add lemon juice, crushed garlic and other seasonings. A gauze folded in 3 layers is laid out in a deep plate. Pour the gruel, tie a gauze scroll with a rope and suspended, just like cheese. A bundle can hang in a room or on the street at a moderate air temperature of about 23 °WITH.
  • Mushrooms of champignons, which can be eaten even in raw form, can be pickled with green onions in lemon juice, salt and oil. For 2 hours, the dish is ready.

Raw food diet - sweets for every day and on holidays

Desserts are often based on nuts, dried fruits, bananas and other delicious products. They are crushed, dried with dehydrate, laid in layers, mixed or frozen. As a result, wonderful sweets come out: cakes, rolls, ice cream and other desserts.

Raphael. For 300 g of walnut nuclei, 250 g of liquid honey are taken, 3 tsp of the lemon and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon (or nutmeg, ginger - as you like). They crush nuts in a blender, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Weel in sesame seeds or coconut chips. It turns out an energetically rich dish in which there are proteins and fats, which is important for maintaining the life of the body.


Prepare drinks by mixing vegetables or fruits with a blender. For example, pumpkin, beets and apple are very tasty in equal proportions or celery with a banana. It is easy to come up with your own recipe for a drink. If juice or gruel is thick or concentrated, the mix is \u200b\u200bdiluted with water.

Very tasty and healthy fruit and berries are frosty.

Raw food: before and after

To become a raw foodist is a personal choice of a person. This is not to say that it is irreversible, but often it happens. Raw food becomes not only a way of nutrition, but also a way of life.

The worst that is in a raw food diet is a transition to such an image of nutrition that can destroy the body. Therefore, you need to change the menu very slowly and unobtrusively. Adaptation of the body should occur from 1 to 5 years so as not to cause complications.

When eating in the correct sequence and with the right energy value, the raw food diet will not make you a living skeleton. A raw food diet can maintain a person’s weight and enrich him with the necessary substances.

The choice is yours.



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