
The benefits and harm of raw food. How to become a raw material, raw foods for beginners. Transition to raw foods - where to start. Raw foods - menu for every day, recipes for raw food

The benefits and harm of raw food. How to become a raw material, raw foods for beginners. Transition to raw foods - where to start. Raw foods - menu for every day, recipes for raw food
Eat raw foods - very tasty and useful. But what will happen if you do it constantly, and nothing else is?

Raw foods - a fashionable way today, preaching the idea that food becomes dead when it is treated with high temperatures. This means that raw foods are the only category of people who fully enriches their body with useful substances, feeding correctly, corresponding to the nature of man.

Basics of raw foods for beginners

In traditional cooking, there is a mass of cooking methods without the use of heat treatment by boiling, frying or baking. Since ancient times, the workpiece for the winter of fruits, berries and mushrooms was carried out by salting, quay, taking. Drier fish, salt fat, baluster, saues cabbage and cucumbers - the popular food of an ordinary person who does not score omnivorous raws. Raw foods can be both Vainiyansky, Garringston, for the first time at the scientific level, proved the benefit of eating exclusively raw farming products.

Raw food products

Raw foods - a special way of nutrition, in which products takes place:

  • Not boiled.
  • Not fried.
  • Not smoked.
  • Not baked.

At the same time, cold heat treatment is allowed, dried, dried and other methods of not hot preparation are also allowed.

You can:

  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruits, nuts, seeds and grains;
  • other products, depending on the shape of raw food.

There is an opinion, then raw food is one of the rigid forms of vegetarianism. This is an erroneous judgment, because there are different forms of raw food.

Stages of raw food

There are different steps (forms) of raw foods:

  • Omnivorous. A wide range of foods that are allowed during the raw food of omnivorous forms. The diet consists of vegetables and fruits. There are meat, fish, milk, eggs and seafood. Among the methods of cooking is appropriate.
  • Vegetarian. In addition to vegetables and fruits, vegetarians of raw foods can afford to drink eggs and milk, prostroprious and other dairy products, the preparation of which does not require heat treatment. It is impossible to eat meat and fish.
  • Vegan. Veganas are people who do not eat absolutely nothing as concerning the animal world. Milk can not - calf could have a drink. The egg cannot - chicken could hatch from each drank egg. Meat and fish are the flesh of the same living beings as we. There is also impossible to eat them.
  • Carnivore. Such a form, on the contrary, recreates the method of nutrition of cave people. The basis of carnivorous raw foods is animal products, especially meat, fish and seafood. At the same time, vegetables are allowed, but are not advantageous in the diet. Such a form of raw food is the place to be, but not so popular as Vegetarian.

  • Fructic. Syroedy, practicing this form, do not eat even vegetables, not to mention the animal products. Raw fruits - the base and the only component of their diet.

Raw foods: where to start?

Wake up with the decision to become a raw material and sharply go to a special power mode - shock therapy for the body that may have unpleasant consequences. Before moving on raw food, ask yourself: "Why do I need it?" Response options:

  1. For the company with a friend / friend, so that there are more general topics.
  2. Many say it's great.
  3. Raw foods - in trend.
  4. I do not understand why prepare the products, because you can not cook at all, but there is all raw.
  5. I need raw food - it wants my body.

All the answers, except the last, talk about the wrong approach. Discard the venture to become a cheese - this is not yours. And even if the answer "5" fully reflects your thoughts of the mental state, you should be repeatedly weighing the pros and cons. The transition to raw foods should not be carried out independently without a medical conclusion: not every person is able to survive the transition to raw food and this lifestyle.

Contraindications for transition to raw food

It is impossible to be rawls:

  1. People who in the near or distant future will want to become parents. Raw foods will not give a full nutrition to childbearing cells, which is fraught with infertility.
  2. Pregnant women and nursing mothers whose milk reflects what they eat. The baby should receive all possible useful substances with milk, and Mom - help him in this.
  3. Children and teenagers - growing organisms, the nutrition of which should be balanced. Sreet studies causes delays in development, the failures of the endocrine system and energy exhaustion.
  4. Old men. The metabolism of the elderly is slowed down, so their body will be difficult to synthesize the useful substances from exclusively raw products.
  5. Patients with stomach problems (gastritis, colitis, whose food digestion is difficult).
  6. Patients with tuberculosis whose body should receive the maximum number of useful and healthy foods, especially protein-containing products: meat, fish, seafood, milk.

Showing raw foods older than 40 people who have high blood pressure, overweight or gout. They are prescribed a special short-term diet of Syroneda.

How to go to raw foods from ordinary power?

  • Become a raw material for a long term - a serious choice to which the body needs to be prepared. For a very long time and smoothly - at least one year - the body of the average person must go to raw food. This time will need the body in order to completely rebuild food from a new energy source - raw food. The most difficult period for cheese is the first winter, so try to start preparing for raw food in the spring, and to a new way of nutrition in the summer of next year, when raw foods will be pleasant in view of the abundance of vegetables and fruits.
  • Gradually, smoked meats, meat and fish, canned food and semi-finished products need to be removed from the everyday menu. After - it is worth limiting yourself in flour and sweets, tea, coffee, alcohol, smoothly withdrawing these products outside the diet.
  • Drink a lot of water. 2 liters - the minimum volume of fluid allowed when switching to raw food. Do not eat fruit and vegetables containing fiber - the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract you need to gradually teach the use of raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Instead of the usual porridge, you can eat cereals and nuts, soaking them overnight in the water. For example, oatmeal - left for 8 hours in water, in the company with dried fruits - a full-worthy breakfast of cheese, differing from everyday food. Fruit and vegetable salads - what is not delicious, familiar and useful, in terms of raw food, food? A lot of raw food dishes are of the interest of an ordinary person.

With raw food, it is important to remember that the body, in addition to the vitamin-mineral complex, should receive protein and carbohydrates in a sufficient, balanced amount. Food receptions per day can be from 2 to 6, depending on the individual needs of the body and the energy value of products.

Transition to raw foods - Possible consequences

There is no consensus in science or public about raw food. On the one hand, it is natural (not distorted by civilization) the method of nutrition of a person, as a biological unit, which treats many diseases, contributes to improving the shape. On the other hand, a depleting mockery of the body that can cause health problems.

Is raw food? Is it harmful? It should be understood by the experience of practicing raw food and physician experts.

The benefits of raw food

For crowning, they call for two reasons: it is natural and it is useful. A man is typical of raw foods, but not everyone is ready to decide on such a way of food, losing in many ways, relatively with the raw.

  • Source treatment. Syronedi people often become, moving once on a similar power in the fight against diseases of cardium, respiratory, nervous or digestive systems. Taras Gavur - Practitioner Souroued from Kiev - passed to a similar nutrition mode for at least five years. The impetus to this was the problems with the gastrointestinal tract. He was disturbed by sharp pains irradizing the spine. On the recommendation of the doctors, he drew attention to the way of food and completely refused fried food, and for five years he became a raw material. The reason for choosing the image of the nutrition of a young man has become his wife. The girl got rid of asthma, practicing raw foods.

  • Human battery charge. Syroedians recognize that they have an abundance of energy resources. They are ready not only to work actively, but also able to predict certain life events. According to Artem Voloschuk, the cook of a specific cafe for creative vegetarians, the feeling of the tide of energy does not evaporate even after a hard working day. According to statistics, raw foods sleep less than an ordinary person for 2-4 hours a day. Short six (and less) hours, enough to complete the restoration of human bioresources. Raw sourd of energy and ready for work after a deep calm short-term sleep. Raw food refreshes the mind, that is, it makes the nervous system work more intense and more productive: thoughts are clear, the mind is enlightened and ready to take correct solutions.
  • Diet raw foods for weight loss.The transition to raw foods causes a sharp weight loss due to reducing the number of generation of energy-valuable products. Syronedam can not eat bread, porridges can be - only infused in cold water, meat and fish - only raw or dried (that not everyone can eat). Thus, there are very few calorie products in the diet, which leads to use to obtain energy on the day of spare resources (accumulated fats). For this reason, raw foods are sometimes prescribed to therapeutic purposes as a temporary type of food - a diet. Permanent raw food can enter into a habit for the body, which subsequently leads to weight recovery.

Damage to raw food

The painting of the lifestyle of the cheese would be more iris if it did not cause health problems. Opponents of raw foods warn on the irreversible negative consequences of this method.

Raw foods - the results of an experiment of a novice cheese

  • Avitaminosis.The period of transition to special nutrition with raw products is the most vulnerable to avitaminosis. Failure imbalance causes insufficient admission to the organism of the vitamin and mineral complex. The first symptoms of this is the feeling of numbness of the hands and feet, the weak ability of the body to healing the wounds. Yuri Volkov's rawped is sharing his impressions of a 3-month painful transition to raw food. Pain in the abdomen, constant decay of strength and weakness, aggravated allergic reactions - all this man moved to the crisis transition period.
  • Poisoning. With incorrect combination of raw foods, food can in principle not digest. Try to abide by the rules of food so that everything is in order with digestion. The second cause of poisoning is substances and microorganisms located in products. Meat or fish can be with the larvae of worms, raw beans themselves are capable of separating toxic substances in the stomach. Vegetable protein contained in many products capable of causing allergic reactions.
  • Aggression. The transitional period for raw foods can turn into a lack of polyvitamins of Group B. This is the consequence of vegetarian or vegan raw food, in which meat do not eat and other products of animal origin. Vitamins are responsible for the ability to own themselves - mental calm. Diligence in raw foodists often manifests itself to those people who lead the opposite way of life.

Sreas studies - reviews of raw food practitioners

  • Forced constancy.Syroned food mode is very hard. It is impossible, it is impossible. And if anyone sees? My conscience will be tortured! This is especially true of those who are surrounded by people practicing this lifestyle. Public opinion plays a significant role here. But it is important to remember that you have become a raw material in the call of the body, and if the call of the same body wants a little bit from the outlined path, then you need it. You will come back, admit this to sin and return to raw food. Voloschuk Artem, Syroed, whom we mentioned earlier, frankly says that this is a personal choice of everyone that he eats. And you are engaged exclusively for yourself for yourself - do not care that the rest will think. Even if you call yourself a raw and hold a certain way of nutrition - no one has the right to blow you for the edible sushi roll or a piece of kebab. First of all, it is important to listen to your body, and not other words.
  • Horregious. This criterion beats not in the body, but on the wallet. A city resident serving in a supermarket, procurement for a month of raw foods cost both 2 or 3 purchases for 30 days of ordinary power. The exception is the owners of land plots, which have vegetables and fruits are always at hand - it is cheaper for them to be cheaper than spending money on meat. Food in a restaurant for cheese - non-disabilities. It is not even in prices, but in the presence of institutions that are very little even in the capital.

Raw materials - Menu

About how it is useful to be cheese and harmful to them becomes - found out. It remains to try to cook something from the cuisine of the cheese to experience the taste of dishes prepared without hot heat treatment.

Srees: Menu schedule for a week

There is no strict scoreboard. This is a way of life to which several years go and live constantly. Try not to forget about the necessary intake of calories and vitamins. To this end, you need to be able to properly connect products during raw food. For this there are several rules:

  1. You can not eat fat-containing products (nuts, avocado, coconut) with sweet berries, dried fruits or fruit. The rapid combination of fat with sugar will give as a result of fermentation in the stomach, minimizing the benefits of food eaten.
  2. But acidic fruit (orange) is an exception to the previous rule. Acid contributes to the splitting of fat, and fructose in such fruits is less than others.
  3. In turn, sour (tomato, orange) cannot be eating with starch-containing products (potatoes, banana). Carbohydrates, of which starch consists, cannot be synthesized by saliva, which contains a lot of acid. From the use of potatoes with tomato, it is better to refuse, and the banana is in the company with sweet fruit (mango, apples).
  4. The abundance of fats can lead to problems with digestion. Do not eat fatty with fat - Avoid combinations of any of the listed products (walnut, coconut, avocado, vegetable oil).
  5. All use with greens - it is ready to go to any other food.
  6. Fruits eat sweet with sweet, acidic with sour.
  7. We use vegetables only with vegetables.
  8. The sprouts of grain or legumes, keys in water nuts should be eaten as independent dishes that do not combine with something.

Knowing the simple basics of combining products, you can make our own recipes.

Raw foods, recipes

Raw foods are interested in inventive varieties of dishes. If you enjoy grinding kitchen appliances, you can prepare very tasty nutritional utility.

Raw foods - Simple recipes for the first and second

  • Borsch. Even such a dish can eat rawls, but they prepare it somewhat differently than we imagine it. Carrot and beets are grinding in part on the grater, partly - interrupt in a blender. Celery and greens - cut, as we are comfortable. All mix, add salt (not table), spices and water. The first dish is ready. Please note that the water must be exactly so much to turn the thick cashem from the blender and large-crushed products into a slightly liquid dish, but not in the help.
  • As for the second dishes, porridge prevails prevailing the porridges of non-standard cooking: choking in water cereals, gentle green sprouts of cereals and many other diet products. Vegetables, oils, greens, turning them into decent dishes, which are pleasant are added to the grain. For example, a salad of germinated green buckwheat with cucumber, Bulgarian pepper and dill - diverse, useful and satisfying.

Recipes of raw foods for a snack

  • Cheese of almond. Almond nuts in the volume of 2 glasses are poured with plenty of water and leave for 8 hours. After that, wake-up nuts are fragmented in the kitchen combine, adding minor water (no more than 2 glasses) gradually. Lemon juice, crushing garlic and other seasonings add to the mixture for taste. In the deep plate lay out the gauze folded in 3 layers. Pull with Cashitz, bind a gauze scroll with a rope and hang, just like cheese. Hanging a bundle can indoors or on the street at moderate air temperature around 23 °WITH.
  • Shampignon mushrooms, which can be eaten even in raw form, can be marked with a green bow in lemon juice, salt and oil. For 2 hours, the dish is ready.

Raw foods - sweets for every day and on holidays

The desserts are often based on nuts, dried fruits, bananas and other delicious foods. They are crushed, dried with a dehydrate, laid with layers, mix or frozen. As a result, wonderful sweets are published: cakes, rolls, ice cream and other desserts.

Rafaelki. At 300 g of walnut cores take 250 g of liquid honey, 3 h. L. Soka Lemon and 1 tsp. Ground cinnamon (or nutmeg, ginger - someone like). We crush nuts in a blender, mixed with the other ingredients. Calculate in sesame seeds or coconut chips. It turns out an energy-rich dish in which there are proteins and fats, which is important for maintaining the vital activity of the body.


Prepare drinks, mixing vegetables or fruit blender. For example, pumpkin, beets and an apple in equal proportions or celery with a banana are combined very tasty. It is easy to come up with your own drink recipe. If the juice or cashem is obtained dense or concentrated - the mix is \u200b\u200bdiluted with water.

Fruse and berries are very tasty and useful.

Raw foods: before and after

Become a raw material - a personal choice of man. It is impossible to say that it is irreversible, but often happens. Raw foods becomes not only a way to feed, but also a lifestyle.

The worst thing is in raw food - the transition to such an image that can destroy the body. Therefore, you need to change the menu very slowly and unobtrusively. The adaptation of the body should occur from 1 to 5 years so as not to cause complications.

When eating food in the right sequence and with the necessary energy value, raw foods will not make a living skeleton from you. Raw foods can support human weight normally and enrich it with the necessary substances.

The choice is yours.


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