
How to draw an elephant phased pencil. How easy to draw an elephant for children

How to draw an elephant phased pencil. How easy to draw an elephant for children
How to draw an elephant, without having a concept about the laws of visual art.

Casting children's leisure time on weekends, often have to do a lot, which you can't. Sewing dolls clothes, repairing cars or teach kids to draw. A good option is to record a child in the art studio, but a joint pastime brings together mom or dad with a child - bonds a family, increases the authority of parents in the eyes of the baby. Therefore, do not be lazy to remember several important drawing rules that you will also be useful to your child. Even if it is difficult to understand the words, exactly how to draw an elephant, print the drawings to be designed to be designed, in case of which.

How to draw an elephant?

The elephant is not so common in cartoons like Panda, hare, parrot and other characters. But him, no one like a similar, a huge body with big ears, coarse fusey skin and long trunk always attracts the attention of children. The rounded animal forms are distinctly perceived by the child's eye, causing a desire to reproduce them on paper.

How to draw an elephant so that he looks like himself? Take advantage of proven receivers of fast and simple schematic drawing, which will easily leave not only the child, but also an adult who has not held a pencil in the hands for a long time.

From the common to the private, or how to draw an elephant gradually

The main rule, according to which artists make the first strokes - from the common to the private. This means that they first observe a sheet of paper, determining the place for the elephant itself and for its surrounding reality. The plane in which the elephant placed the same, divide on the part.

  • Torch, head, limb, trunk, ears are oving oval lines, planning the location of body parts. The greatest oval is torso. A little smaller - head. Part of the limbs in the housing are schematically added to the large oval, connect their heads with the neck.

  • The narrow ovals of the limbs are drawn to the resulting sketch (two for each "ocker" zone). Trunk and ears are placed by curves near the small circle of the head. On this markup ends. You can go to detail.

  • Based on the outline form a silhouette of an elephant - its outline. It is important here to take into account that the elephant has a bulk figure, which has no angular or dystrophic parts of the body. Therefore, the silhouette must transmit realistic animal volumes.

  • After the elephant figure becomes readable, you can move to detail, drawing the foot, trunk and eyes. Please note that at this stage, the markings of strokes and lines attached to the volume. Trunk, belly, ears - all these parts of the body should begin to seem volumetric.

  • Pour the figure with a game of light and shadow by hatching with a pencil. On the contour and on the folds of the animal, apply dark strokes, and on the protruding parts of the body leave light spots. Do not be afraid to stroke - it looks very nice if everything is done correctly and neatly.

Drawing according to this scheme is an ideal option for adults and children in older. These are the basics of fine art, which are not always clear to the kids.

Little children love everything to be clear right away. They submit a quick result. Drawing according to the rules, the child will be bored with this boring lesson after the fifth edge of the limbs. He does not want to advance further and not drawing an elephant.

Light scheme how to draw an elephant pencil

Little fidget can be offered a simpler way to image an elephant. All the same from the general to the private, but the figure of the elephant we build from simple geometric figures.

  • Draw a big oval-torso. Holding it, depicting my head with a smaller circle.
  • Paws are drawing to the body with rectangular kegs, not forgetting that the elephant has rounded forms. LIFT Picture, observing the prospects of the prospects (front and rear paws, standing on the other side of the body visually seem less than those located close to the observation point).

  • The resulting figure is drawing a tricky, ears and tail. The crossing lines of oval will erase the eraser.
  • Elephant recognizable. But lacks a little soul. Draw an animal eye and smile on the face, folds on the trot. On the paws mark the knees and fingers, the roundness to highlight the strokes with a simple pencil. In order for the elephant to feel in his plate - give him a little native space around: Palm with coconuts, grass and shining joy, the sun is a wonderful atmosphere for drawn character.
  • The resulting drawing can be painted with colored pencils, pastels or paints. The inhabitant of Savannah draw decorations in the form of a wreath of flowers on the neck or head. All that is your heart.

How to draw an elephant: Harmful tips for beginners

Not everyone is given to be an artist, but not to draw something when a child asks for it, or not to teach him - fraught with loss of authority in children's eyes. We will tell you several ways to draw not at all, in the correct understanding of this word, but the result of the child will be pleased with no less.

Copied, or how to draw an elephant for children with them without knowing how to do it

Unfair, but a proven and entertaining method of drawing - translating. There are several ways to copy images - through a copier or through glass. And the one and another method takes a lot of time, but the child will be sincerely nice that the resulting beautiful drawing is his hand.

Find a copy (fine paper covered with a dry ink spraying on one side) is not easy. But instead of her nice reprints the contour of colored paper. It is put on the painted side to the white sheet, where the image is imprinted, and the picture is put on top. The pattern of an elephant along the contour will be powered by the knob cap edge to not spoil it.

This method of translating is suitable only if there is an image on fine paper. Tight gloss will not work so that it gives a print. In this case, the second method is useful - backlight. On the glass under the lamp, or on the window with bright sunlight, we apply first drawing, then - a white sheet. Paint the contour by pencil, translating it from the image. This method is more like drawing than the previous one. The child can safely say that it has painted it himself, because he really did it, except that using a very close lying sample.

Mesh in a cage: how easy to draw an elephant?

An ancient way to redraw pictures - drawing through cells. We place the picture of interest to us on the squares and the same mesh on a white sheet. We refine the images in the cells so that in the end they become an accurate copy of the original image.

Drawing through the cells is a primitive and harmful copy of the drawing. It is impossible to teach a child to such - later he will not be able to draw otherwise. He will not be able to see and analyze the surrounding items from the point of view of the artist or photographer. But if you wish to develop logic in the baby and want it to find further useful applied specialty, and not studied at the Culture Institute, then draw it - it does not prevent common development.

How to simply draw an elephant: monotype technique

You can also depict an elephant and an unconventional way. You will need leaves. First, select the foliage, on the form of a resembling part of the body of an elephant, lay out it in the form of an animal.

The resulting workpiece paint watercolor or gouache. Make a print in accordance with the intended form. You will get a wonderful elephant in non-standard image techniques. What is interesting, it will be very easy for him to draw a seven in the same way.

The second variant of monotype is an elephant image with paints on one half of the sheet with imprinting it on the second. Thus, you will have a couple of elephant couples in contact with trunk.

Draw an elephant drawing to teach Street Art

Street artists in their work do not discern to use the stencil. This is a wonderful thing that can be made once and enjoy it all the time.

  • Print an elephant image. Cut it along the contour. Clamp with a tape from both sides in several layers. Note the stancel knife ears, eyes, folds. Swipe curly holes in these places.
  • The finished stencil can be attached to white paper and spray blue or yellow toothbrush paint throughout the leaf. Removing the stencil, you get an image on a blue background "Elephant in the clouds" or on the yellow "in the wild savanna". The paint can not be sprinkled, but to bring with a brush, from which the image will be seen more clearly.

Specific way can be drawn not only by paints. Applying an elephant to a sheet of paper, circle it along the contour of glue. Chaotically draw glue on paper strips. Plots. Carefully reflect the not sticky sparkles back to the bank. You will have a beautiful elephant against the background of a brilliant Milky Way. The elephant itself can be covered with glue and sprinkle with sparkles of black or contrasting color. It will be a gorgeous picture that will be pleasant to put into the frame and pick up with me to work as the joint fruit of creativity with the child.

How to draw an elephant palms

Funny method of drawing - Transformation of prints of palms into the character you need. For example, an elephant is conveniently drawing on the basis of a print, where 4 fingers look down, and the thumb bent in the phalange and looks away, and then - at the bottom.

On the plot where the portion of the thumb goes to the side, draw a circle. It will be head. The fingertips turn into characteristic of the elephant massive legs. The trunk is done longer, draw your ears and tail. Everything. The spectacular and simple picture is ready.

How to draw an elephant chalk on asphalt

Well, when the baby requires a drawn elephant at home, where there is an Internet, books, magazines, toys, to the extreme case. Where to spill from where to draw an elephant, or even recharge it. But what should I do if you need to draw an elephant in the park, right on the asphalt chalk? Think of what we started. Draw a square. Mark the main body part proportioning. Remember that a full elephant trunk, massive legs, large head with ears and trunk. In the square occupied space must remain no more than 1/3 - the rest takes chubby elephant.

Your attention is one more very light paint scheme elephant in the sitting position:

  1. Draw two semi-alone connected, as shown in the figure below with the mark "1".
  2. Smooth lines depict ears. Draw round, closely planted eyes. Front paws are pictures in the form of a glass, and the rear squares with rounded corners. Will erase extra lines.
  3. Dorisize a cute girl-elephant small trunk, cilia and hairstyle.
  4. Select your fingers on the paws, add a smile, pupils and a bow. Draw a shadow under the elephant. Color the elephant with bright shallow or pencils, because such a miracle is easy to remember how to draw. And you can do it like in an apartment where you can quickly look at everything on the Internet, and on the street, where the picture skills will be useful.

How to draw an elephant in colors

You can draw a bright colorful elephant by taking a cartoon drawing as the basis. Usually, such images have a clear geometric shape and painted very simple: white tummy, pink ears inside, etc. Redraw a picture along with a child with a pencil, or chalk: let him do it yourself and correct some places where you think he made a mistake (without focusing on this attention).

By making sketch, discuss what detail to paint and why. Listen to the children's imagination. Often adults for sex dose do not have time to see what they see children. Consider the bright world together. Add such paints to the picture that your child wants to see.

Cashing with the kid, you will dive into the atmosphere of childhood: forget about affairs and problems. This is a kind of art therapy that brings a lot of pleasure.

Develop with your child: Certify the World again with him, make mistakes and learn hand-hand with children. They will pay loyal friendship for it and respect.

Your attention to learn to draw an elephant can even the smallest child:


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