
The benefits and harm of structured water, how to structure water. Structured water at home

The benefits and harm of structured water, how to structure water. Structured water at home
The value of structured water for the human body. Ways to prepare "live" water at home.

The dominant component of the human body is rightfully considered water - in each of us from 60 to 85% of the liquid (indicators change with age). A person can steadfast a forced hunger strike to 1.5 - 2 months, and without water will not live for 10 days. Scientists have long been studying the connection between the quality of water and longevity. In particular, they became interested in the inhabitants of the mountains in different parts of the land, who could always boast of good health and a record number of years. As a result of prolonged studies, it was found that the highlanders drink water unusual in composition. What is this water and how to cook it yourself, read on.

Structured water - what's the secret?

The purest mountain springs originate from the edge of melting snow on the tops of the mountains. The ice turns into special water, which is called structured. The structure of such water is distinguished by a clearly ordered intermolecular connection, through which its smallest compound particles are combined into macromolecules, the so -called clusters.

The specificity of the nature of structured water shocked the minds of enthusiasts around the world, and the new discovery did not force itself to wait long. It turned out that the molecular and cellular “frame” of melt water looks exactly the same as the structure of intercellular fluid in the body of a healthy person. It was also possible to find out that completely healthy “living” cells are always located among structured water, while sore cells with a degrading structure are surrounded by contaminated fluid with chaotic cells and molecules.

All cells of the human body exist in the aquatic environment. The intercellular fluid nourishes cells, which supports their ability to normal functioning, in this intercellular water space, products of cell vital activity are removed. If you regularly maintain a normal water balance in the body, all “waste” is excreted. The constant deficiency of the liquid thickens the intercellular environment, leads to its inevitable pollution, as a result of which the cells prematurely age and die.

Water, which has a structured “living” molecular frame, easily seeps through the shell of the cell, enriches it with nutrients and washed out the entire “garbage”. Natural fruit and vegetable juices have the same effect. In fact, they are the intercellular fluid of plants and in properties are very similar to meltwater.

In the photo we see the fragmented and chaotic location of the molecules of ordinary ("dead") water, and the molecules of structured water, on the contrary, are combined into a clear beautiful structure.

Structured water: meaning for the body

One of the scientists who actively spread the idea of \u200b\u200bthe value and necessity of structured water in the masses is I.P. Neumyvakin. The academician devoted more than 30 years of his scientific and practical activities to developments in the field of space medicine, in particular, he founded the current power supply system of astronauts.

According to the scientist, the correct use of “correct” water helps a person to remain healthy, despite the poor ecology and other negative environmental factors. The chronic fluid deficiency leads to its pathological redistribution in the body: to ensure full functioning of the heart, such less important organs such as leather, hair, bones and teeth begin to lose water. On this basis, the hair is thinning, wrinkles appear on the face ahead of time, and the bones become very fragile. If the body is in conditions of prolonged dehydration, the appearance is not improved even by the most expensive vitamins and rejuvenating creams.

Neumyvakin recommends leading a healthy lifestyle: to conduct regular body cleansing, physical education and pay special attention to the drinking regime. During the day, you need to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of liquid, the advantage, of course, must be given to structured water. At the same time, the scientist emphasizes that coffee, tea and “soda” are a harmful fluid that, on the contrary, stretches water from the body. For avid coffee machines and lovers to pass the evening over a cup of tea, the daily amount of pure water must be increased. Structured water to drink properly on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after eating.

Structured water: benefits for humans

Structured water is an ideal tool for cleansing the body and replenishing its water reserves. The special structure of clusters allows the “living” water to easily penetrate the shell of cells and restore order in the intercellular space. It provides cells with full -fledged nutrition in the form of vitamins and minerals, and also enhances the effect of drugs. The presence of structured water in a person’s diet retains blood in a thin form, which is a guarantee of the lack of blood clots and stabilizes blood pressure. Structured water is a panacea for sore joints. It moisturizes the joint bag, thereby removing inflammation and suspending the wear process.

It has been scientifically proven that structured water improves human condition with the following diseases:

  • "Jumps" of blood pressure;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system (for example, bradycardia);
  • extensive edema;
  • headache;
  • baldness;
  • diseases of the skin and mucous membranes on the basis of excessive dryness and cracks in the epidermis;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, brittle bones, inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • thyroid disease;
  • pancreatic diseases.

The harm from structured water can only be if you cook it by melting the snow and ice that was brought from the street. Naturally, at the exit we get a dirty liquid, and not a structured product. It is also not recommended to use liquid, which was boiled several times for the preparation of structured water.

Scientists came up with how to see changes in the structure of water. A drop of water is subjected to sharp freezing, and then photographed under a microscope with 300-500-fold increase. In the picture you see an image of a structural element of tap water, as well as sample of river and lake water. In fact, they look like greased blots, and settled in the same blots on the walls of blood vessels in the body. The picture of a unit of structured fluid, on the contrary, has a clear crystalline structure and, as scientists have found, useful properties.

Structured water at home

Cure the disease is much more difficult than to warn it. Having learned about the therapeutic properties of structured water, many are interested in where to get this healing agent (not to go to the mountains for it!) In fact, there are two ways to turn ordinary water into a structured one.

How to structure water: the first way

  1. Fill the enameled container with clean filtered water and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator. As soon as a thin crust of ice is formed, water is poured into another pan. We do not need ice - it contains the most dangerous part of the fluid containing the harmful substance of deater. We send water overwhelmed into the pan to the freezer.
  2. When the liquid in the pan freezes by 2/3, in the middle there will be water, saturated with a mixture of ultra -light isomers, which freeze the very last. This water needs to be drained, and harmful chemical impurities will also leave with it.
  3. The ice remaining in the container is that the experiment was started for. When it melts, you will get clean and useful water, optimally structured for your body.

How to prepare structured water: the second method

  1. This method is suitable for busy people who do not have time to scrupulously freeze water in several stages. Pour water into several cups and put them in the freezer.
  2. When the water completely freezes, remove the ice from the cups and rinse it in running cold water - so you will get rid of surface ice with “heavy” water.
  3. Put the ice in the container and do not touch until the ice walnut is left. We throw out this ice - it contains impurities and salt harmful to health. The water that remains in the container is structured.

How to get structured water: a third method

There is one interesting and, most important, scientifically based theory, that words, emotions and energy can change the structure of water cells. During experiments on water, they read prayers. As a result, the molecular structure of the liquid acquired the appearance of beautiful symmetrical “snowflakes”. The same result was achieved by acting on the water by the sound of classical musical works. Cruent and sharp music, on the contrary, “tears” water into parts, making its structure fragmented and disordered. Water suffers with the sounds of scream and screams.

So, in order to make water structured, it is enough to charge it with positive energy and bright emotions. To do this, sincerely ask the water for health and read the corresponding prayer (prayer of St. Panteleimon). If you need help, speak of water, reading the prayer "living in help."

You need to work with water in a calm and cozy home environment. Stay in silence, relax, if desired, turn on your favorite classical music. Beware of talking water in crowded places with mixed, initially not quite healthy energy. Pour the conspired water into the bottle and drink in small sips during the day. Scientists argue that structured water, spinned by prayer, retains its unique properties for 6 hours.

How to make structured water, we found out. And what do people say who are interested in an unusual discovery and have long made “live” water an integral part of their diet? All consumers assure that after a week of healthy drinking regime, taste receptors will begin to distinguish the taste of structured water from conventional tap. Among the positive changes in the general state of the body, people noted:

  • the appearance of a healthy skin color;
  • normalization of the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • elimination of symptoms of chronic diseases and halflenosis.

Of course, not all people are ready to sing enthusiastic praises of the so -called “living” water, since they, according to them, simply did not notice any positive shifts from the use of healing fluid. However, at the same time, skeptics believe that structured water does not cause any harm to the human body.

Structure the water correctly. Video


Ivan 03.04.2020 Answer

"Living water" - and how to get it at home
I tried a lot of filters both in quality and in price .... Stopped on the membrane filter Classic 5. The essence of this filter is in its manufacturing technology. The membrane, the filter is made of a lavsan canvas, the holes of which are made by a neutron accelerator in Dubna! The holes are so small that they do not miss organic molecules and bacteria. Only minerals are allowed. The most interesting thing is that water, passing through tracks, (holes) in the membrane made by a neutron bombardment, water is structured at the output! This is clearly visible on the graph.
