
How to use chamomile for face

How to use chamomile for face
The use of chamomile for cosmetic purposes: Benefit and recipes

The healing properties of many plants have been known to people since ancient times. In particular, infusions, decoctions, extracts and chamomile oil are widely used in cosmetology for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases.

Chamomile has long been used in medicine as an anti -inflammatory agent that contributes to the regeneration of skin cells. Such a unique property of the plant is very relevant for problematic skin and the treatment of various wounds. It is home cosmetics with chamomile, which does not contain preservatives and chemicals in the composition, like store products, will bring maximum benefit for treatment.

All simple cosmetics based on field chamomile can be prepared independently at home. Proper preparation and use of such tools will rejuvenate, bleach, calm and moisturize the skin, and will also help in the fight against inflammation, allergies, and will give tenderness and smoothness. The main therapeutic effect of chamomile is determined by the unique composition of this plant.

Chamomile for the face: the benefits of chamomile in cosmetology

Face chamomile: plant composition


The valuable composition of chamomile is rich in organic substances, trace elements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin:

  1. Capril. Acid has a tonic and antifungal effect.
  2. Carotene. Gives the skin smoothness, velvety and silkiness.
  3. Coumarin. Gives the skin elasticity, healthy appearance and regenerates the affected areas.
  4. Organic acids. Four up, rejuvenate, smoothes and moisturize the skin.
  5. Polisaccharides. Moisturize and smooth the skin and wrinkles, protect against excessive overdrying and delay moisture.
  6. Sesquiterpen. Its hydrocarbons are protected from bacteria and pollution, and alcohols gently disinfect the skin without it overdrys.
  7. Sithosterin. It provides high blood circulation in the vessels and enriches cells with a large amount of oxygen for renewal and regeneration.
  8. Flavonoid. It brightens the skin, levels the complexion and protects against ultraviolet radiation.
  9. Hamazulen. The substance is part of the essential oil of the plant and has a bactericidal, hypoallergenic and anti -inflammatory effect.
  10. Kholin. Accelerates metabolic and healing processes.

Chamomile for Facial: Useful properties


Regardless of the age and type of skin, natural cosmetics from chamomile can use for medicinal purposes absolutely everything for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases, because chamomile has unique properties:

  • antibacterial properties will effectively deal with problem skin and its rashes;
  • disinfecting and disinfecting properties will improve the skin prone to oily and narrow pores;
  • reflective properties smooth wrinkles and make the skin more smooth;
  • the whitening effect will lighten pigment spots and freckles;
  • toning properties will help in the fight against edema and dark circles under the eyes;
  • a moisturizing effect will help dry skin to prevent peeling and heal the cracks;
  • the soothing effect will relieve redness and irritation.

Chamomile for Facial: Indications for use

world Blondes Day

Cosmetics from chamomile are used in folk medicine for such purposes:

  • evens out the tone of the face and gives a healthy color and radiance of the skin;
  • controls the release of fat and narrows the pores with oily skin;
  • heals problems and skin diseases, acne, painful acne, cracks, burns, wounds, frostbite;
  • disinfects the skin and eliminates bacteria;
  • brightens pigment spots, freckles, swelling under the eyes;
  • helps with insect bites;
  • moisturizes dry skin and smoothes small facial wrinkles;
  • eliminates allergic skin rashes, irritation, itching, peeling, swelling, redness.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile for face

The use of cosmetics containing the components of the plant is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as people with allergies to chamomile or intolerance to its individual substances. With excessive abuse of cosmetics with chamomile, side effects can be observed, manifested by a sense of weakness and headache. In order to determine the reaction of your body to the plant, apply a few drops of oil or decoction on the wrist for 15 minutes and observe the condition of the skin, if redness and itching occur, then it is better to refuse the frequent use of chamomile and its products.


Use of chamomile for facial skin

The correct prepared natural cosmetic remedy based on chamomile should be used regularly to combat skin diseases, allergic rashes, excessive dryness or fat content of pores, for the treatment of wounds and cracks, from edema, wrinkles and age spots.

Face chamomile


The decoction of the plant can be used as a face rinses and used after the main washing or as a wiping lotion, for warm cleansing compresses and steaming. It is recommended to brew chamomile for the face in proportions of 1 tbsp. l. dry plants on a glass of water and boil for no more than 5 minutes, and then let it brew and cool for half an hour. Such a decoction is best stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 3-4 days.

Daily washing with a decoction of chamomile will tone the skin, give it an even color and a healthy look, narrow the pores. A decoction as a lotion can be used after washing for problem skin, wiping the face with a cotton pad in the morning, and in the evening for disinfecting and cleansing problem areas. Warm gauze compresses with boiled chamomile flowers are used to treat dry skin of the face, relieve itching, redness, peeling and clean pores.



Ice prepared from chamomile decoction helps to relieve irritation, remove swelling, narrow the pores, tones the skin and evens out the complexion. Cubes of ice with chamomile for the face should be used daily in the morning on pre -peeled skin with massage circular motions. The face of the face from chamomile will help to give oily skin a healthy, fresh look and even tone, but are not recommended for dry skin, with hypertension, demodicosis, vascular "stars" and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Face cream with chamomile


In winter, with severe frosts and in summer, it is recommended to apply a cream with chamomile to the skin of the face to protect against peeling and dryness from ultraviolet sunlight. Referring to reviews about the chamomile for the face that is part of the day cream, we can say that this tool will also become an excellent alternative to anti -aging creams. In a glycerin melted in a water bath, add chamomile oil per 1 tbsp. l. Oil and honey with 150 ml of agents and let it brew for a day, and then use daily as a daytime cream for your face, store the product in the refrigerator.

Face chamomile oil


The composition of the essential oil of chamomile includes such beneficial substances as pectins, tannins and protein substances, beta-carotene and plant sugar, antibacterial components fight with infection, relieve inflammation, moisturize, heal and disinfect the skin. It is recommended that chamomile oil are used for dry skin from single acne and acne or if cracks occur, applied to problem areas at night. The therapeutic composition of a dry plant and olive oil in equal proportions is infused for at least a month in a dark place at room temperature and then stored in the refrigerator.

Face infusion


Such a chamomile infusion is recommended to wipe the face daily in the morning and evening for the prevention and treatment of skin rashes (acne, acne) and for oily skin. Infusion of chamomile flowers for the face is prepared in proportions of 1 tbsp. l. dry plant, 1 tbsp. l. Alcohol on a glass of boiling water, which should be covered and left to cool at least for a day. Such an infusion should be stored in the refrigerator and used only for the face and skin of the neck and a neckline prone to fat content.

Chamomile face mask

Face mask

For dry and prone to inflammation and cracks of the skin, it is recommended to apply oily masks infused with chamomile flowers. Mix 100 ml of chamomile infusion from 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream and chicken egg. Such a mixture of chamomile for dry skin of the face before use must be cooled and applied to the face for 15 minutes daily to give the skin the softness and smoothing facial wrinkles.

For porous and oily skin, it is recommended to use a mask of chamomile and cottage cheese. For 150 g of sour -milk product, it is necessary to take 3 tbsp. l. Drinking of chamomile flowers, mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the face for half an hour. Such a mask will relieve fatigue and swelling, narrow the pores and rejuvenate the skin of the face, and also give it a healthy look and even tone.

To whiten age spots and freckles, a chamomile face mask with bran is used. On 1 tbsp. l. Grinded bran is 5 tbsp. l. chamomile decoction and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the face for half an hour before bedtime and washed off with warm water without the use of soap.

For all skin types, a mask of 3 tbsp. l. Chamomile, 100 ml of milk, half avocado and cucumber. All ingredients are mixed in a blender until a homogeneous mass. The mixture should be applied to the skin of the face, neck and neckline for 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water without the use of soap products.

Face chamomile extract


Plant extract can be obtained by insisting dry field flowers on alcohol or vinegar in proportions of 1 tbsp. l. Plants for 250 ml of fluid. Such a concentrated composition of chamomile for the face from acne should be kept in a dark cool place and insisted for at least a week, shaking it daily. It is recommended to use such a therapeutic agent for severe skin diseases, constant acne and from painful acne, applying the composition to the suspended areas of the skin.

Chamomile for Faces: Scrub with chamomile


After filtering the decoction of a dry plant, flowers can be used as a cleansing and renewing skin of a scrub for the face. In equal shares, mix the soaked plant and dry ground coffee. Such a cleansing scrub is recommended to be used weekly to renew the skin of the face prone to oily.

Squeezing with chamomile


Hot steamcoming facial skin allows you to open pores before intensive cleansing of the skin of the face. For 1 liter of hot water, you need to take 5 tbsp. l. dry plants and hold the face over the steam at a distance of at least 20 cm from the infusion for about 15 minutes, covering the head with a towel, and then apply a cleansing scrub or peeling. Also, such respiratory procedures will be an excellent inhalation prevention from viral colds of the respiratory tract.

Chamomile tea for face


In the fight against acne and acne, it is recommended to use cosmetics of external use and, to enhance the effect, drink a cup of tea with chamomile at night. 1 tsp. Chamomile and mint are brewed with boiling water for 5 minutes and consumed in warm form with honey. Such an infusion will allow you to cleanse the body from the inside of harmful substances and toxins, has a astringent and disinfectant effect, cleanses the blood and saturates it with oxygen, due to which the skin will become more clean and young after a week of regular use.

The benefits of chamomile for the face with other plants


From acne, it is recommended to use an infusion of chamomile flowers and calendula for daily washing in the morning and evening. For the treatment of wounds and cracks on the skin, it is effective to use a decoction of chamomile flowers and matrixes as compresses and lotions. Intensive face massage using chamomile and lemon oil in the bath will help cleanse the pores and update the skin.

In all home cosmetics, you can also add your favorite essential oils for a pleasant smell of creams, infusions, lotions, masks and decoctions. So the ylang-ylang oil will give cosmetics the aroma of expensive French perfumes, tea wood and lemon oil will help in the fight against acne and dry acne, peppermint oil will help relieve inflammation, swelling and relieve fatigue. For the most effective treatment of facial skin with folk remedies with chamomile, it is recommended to purchase natural soap with chamomile, which can enhance the effect of other healing cosmetics with daily washing.

Facial Video Video

You can find out about the beneficial properties of chamomile by watching a detailed video:



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