
Who is such a kineeter. How to identify kinestics - characteristics, features, types

Who is such a kineeter. How to identify kinestics - characteristics, features, types
Kineetetic is one of three psychological types, which determines that a person perceives peace through tactile sensations.

Kineetetic is a psychological type that receives information from the outside world to a greater extent by touching or movements of its own body. Kinesetsey is also called "muscular feeling", but in a broad sense, everything is meant under it, that we also feel skin. The skin is the largest human body with many receptors. It is not surprising that a significant part of people advantageously perceives the world through physical sensations. In this article, we will look at how to identify Kinstik, how to interact with it and what it differs from representatives of other types.

How to identify kinestics?

Of course, each of us receives information from the world around us and through the perception of sounds, and by means of visual images, and, finally, through your own bodily sensations. The only question is that expressed to a greater extent. Often, determine the kinestics from the side is not easy. Some and themselves cannot say for themselves to which type they treat.

In different situations, we tend to give preference to either sound or visual sources, or direct physical sensations, it depends on the set of factors. Nevertheless, it is important to know.

  • Knowing your psychological type can help you better assimilate information, to study faster, efficiently work and more competently build communication.
  • Also, deciding who you are the audial, a visual or a kineette, you can develop those channels of perception that are weaker than you. This is important to activate mental activities.
  • It is useful to know the psychological type of your friends, relatives, colleagues and other people with whom you are interested in building productive communication. It is not easy to determine this, however, with long-term contact, it is quite possible - the main thing is to carefully watch the person.

It is necessary to take into account that most people consider themselves to visuals, a little less - to the audies and only 5-7% considers themselves to be kineststert. However, it often does not reflect the real picture - people simply underestimate their perception through sensations.

To understand what extent you are a kineeter, you can relate your usual behavior with direct and indirect signs peculiar to this psychological type. Let's start with direct signs:

  • If you like to touch your pleasant people in the process of everyday communication, most likely you are close to the perception of the world through the sensations. In this case, you most likely love hugging at a meeting with friends, keep hands, and, passing any item, you will not touch the person.
  • You may not be so important to spend a lot of time with a close person, look at him or hear a voice. For kinestics, tactile contact is most important. If you have not had the opportunity to hug or hold hands with a friend, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the meeting. That is why the kinestics are most hardly transferred long parting - modern technologies allow you to communicate as much as you like on the phone, listening to the voice, or by videos - watching the interlocutor. However, physical contact cannot be provided in this way, namely, he is most important for kinesthetics.
  • Kinestics prefer to sit closer to people in public transport.
  • Pay attention to your daily habits and that you are pleased. Kneesthetics are often like massage, they like to iron pets, swim and be in the wind. Often, the kinestics receive special pleasure from sports, because the sensations in the muscles when driving and tactile sensations are similar in nature.
  • Finally, tactile contact is especially appreciated in relationships. Daily touch, hugs and kisses without reason are a manifestation of attachment from this psychological type.

There are indirect signs for determining the kinestics. These include the following items:

  • You have difficulty listening to a long monologue - you quickly start bored, switch your attention and losing the thread.
  • It is important for you a feeling of well-being and stability from you and the people around you. If something negative violates the usual stroke of things, you are easily addressed.
  • You walk a calm slow step and rarely hurry.
  • You are especially sensitive to comfort.
  • Kinestics is an acute sense of smell and better taste analyzers.
  • You do not like to read the instructions and study the theory - you like the practical side of learning in any area. You will rather comprehend a new deal with the method of trial and mistakes than to refer to the literature or for advice to knowledgeable people.

These signs will help you understand your psychological type or calculate the kinestrics among our friends. Nevertheless, do not forget that there are no pure psychological types - it's only a matter of severity of this or that channel of perception. Therefore, not all signs should approach, but if most important criteria converges, it can be concluded that you are more inclined to perceive the world through tactile sensations.

Characteristic kinestics

The kineetetic manifests itself in childhood - many of the listed signs can be seen from the child even in early childhood. And, of course, the psychological type significantly affects our life - it determines that we love that we appreciate what we avoid and what we are predisposed.

Kinestics, as well as representatives of any other psychological type, have their strengths and weaknesses that affect the course of their lives, behavior in relationships and the choice of profession. Consider the main characteristics of the kinestric.

  • Often, the kineette is a person who is inclined to melancholy. Often, representatives of this psychological type are quite slow and not too active - this is also expressed in communication, and in choosing a hobby and profession. Kinestics are prone to nostalgia and reflection - it is often difficult for them to live in today's day, because their look is often facing the past.
  • Kinestics are very romantic nature. They are important for the manifestation of signs of attention, symbolic dates, memorabilia and rituals in relations. The kinestics themselves can carefully care and require the same partner himself.
  • In kinestics often intuition is often developed. In the perception of the world through the sensations, the logic is also involved, which is important for the perception of sound flow or visual image. Therefore, many kinestics really possess the "sixth sense" and to their advice are often worth listening.

  • As a child, the kinestics are often poorly learn at school. It is difficult for them to concentrate their attention on the speech of the teacher and in the drawings in the textbook. To help the child to improve performance, it is worth alternating study with exercise classes - so the concentration of attention in the kinestrate will be significantly higher. This technique can also use adults for more efficient operation.
  • In childhood, the kinestics are often successful in extracurricular activities - mugs and sections they are increasing much more than lessons. At the same time, the interests of the kinestric change quite often, but as long as the kinesthetic is interesting for some reason, he is ready to invest all his energy into it. In adults, this trend is less pronounced by employment, but sometimes hobbies of adult kinstikov change very often.
  • Often, the kinestics choose creative professions. They, due to character, are in a constant creative search, and many of them manage to make their hobbies of the profession. Also, kinestics tend to choose work among people, but not requiring constant activity and continuous communication - often they become narrow specialists in large companies.

Features of kinestics

Well, when people are located in the dialogue are located to each other and understand what I mean by another. How should I communicate with the kinesthetic? The features of this psychological type definitely worth considering if you want communication to be effective.

  • Pay attention to the speech of the kinestric. He will often refer to his feelings and feelings in the dialogue. If you set up for it and you will use similar language structures, it will be better understood.
  • If your homes have pets - communication with them will definitely help the kinesthety to imbued with genuine sympathy.

  • For leisure with kinesthetic, the spa is best suited, because the tactile sensations are important for him. Bath, bath and massage will help relax the representative of this psychological type and it will be more located to the productive dialogue.
  • The kinesthetics are developed taste receptors, so they love to eat delicious. If you love and know how to cook, consider that you could already arrange kinestics. If you do not know how to cook, the kinestrate invitation to the restaurant will also be very appropriate.
  • Take care of a pleasant perfume. Kinestics are extremely sensitive to smells, so it should be better to establish contact, you should smell it pleasant.
  • Finally, the most obvious, but most important advice - provide kinestytics with the necessary tactile contact. Hugging, keeping your hand or accidentally touch, it is a touch that will help you establish contact most efficiently.


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