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How to get rid of scars quickly

How to get rid of scars quickly
Scars, especially if they are in a prominent place, are not at all decorated. That is why we are ready to do anything to get rid of them. Domes

Scars on the body are sometimes a real problem for many people. Not only women, but men are very often complex due to such cosmetic skin defects. The scars that remained after the healing of the wounds look unaesthetic and bring significant discomfort into everyday life, especially if they are located on visible parts of the body. You can and should be rid of scars, however, not everyone knows what is necessary for this. In this matter, modern medicine will help us with its wide range of methods and means that really work.

Scars and scars: how to get rid of them


Scars and scars are formed, as a rule, as a result of injury or inflammatory process. The skin is not able to completely recover, and as a result of this, after healing the wound, connective tissue appears on it, which closes the place of damage, stopping blood loss and protecting from the ingress of infections into the blood. The connective tissue, as a rule, grows in excessive quantities, going beyond the boundaries of the wound, while forming the so -called scar on the skin. It does not contain hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The scar is slightly elastic, unimportant and practically does not respond to irradiation with ultraviolet light. In the normal healing process, over time, the scar pale, merges with the skin tint and becomes almost invisible, but other outcomes of scarring are possible.

How to get rid of scars: classification of scars and scars


Most often, a person receives scars and scars in childhood and youth. Chickenpox, teenage acne, acne, scratches and abrasions after falling from the bicycle, burns and other all kinds of injuries anticipate the appearance of scars at an early stage of life. A separate group includes scars obtained after surgery, as well as getting rid of tattoos and piercing.

If the scratch was shallow and affected only the surface of the skin, then the scars after it will not, and the epidermis cells will completely recover, which can not be said about deeper injuries and cuts. In this case, the resulting scar can remain for a lifetime, delivering considerable inconvenience to its owner. In order to speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of scars, it is necessary to disinfect and process the wound and in no case do not comb, do not tear off and not remove the crust from it, it must dry and fall off on its own.

Several types of scars and scars are distinguished:

  1. Normotorophical. Such scars are most invisible on the skin. They are formed due to the healing of shallow cuts in the upper part of the epithelium. The elasticity of the connective tissue is close to the elasticity of the healthy areas of the epidermis, and its color practically merges with the color of the skin, differing only in a lighter shade.
  2. Atrophic. The base of the connective tissue is collagen (fibrillar protein), which provides its strength and elasticity. If there is an insufficient increase in connective tissue, and, therefore, the poor production of collagen, damaged skin is converted into an atrophic scar. Such scars are located slightly below normal skin levels. As an example, one can cite the formation of stretch marks and “hollows” in heavy forms of acne.
  3. Hypertrophic. This type of scar is the opposite of atrophic. During the healing of the wound, the connective tissue is produced in excessive amounts and forms a small elevation above the skin in the form of a scar. At first it has a reddish or bluish color, and over time pale. Hypertrophic scars are well succumbing to hardware treatment.
  4. Keloid. Surgeons attribute this type of scars to benign tumors due to their extensive growth, sometimes several times the size of the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Their growth is accompanied by pain, itching and burning - keloid scars can disturb their owner for a long period after treatment. Red scars remain for life, and it is impossible to get rid of them, even with the help of surgical intervention.

How to get rid of scars on your face


Scars on the face especially spoil both appearance and mood. A person feels uncomfortable and awkward if there is such a problem. The presence of scars on the face leads to the appearance of complexes and a decrease in the level of self -esteem, and, therefore, leads to the appearance of a number of psychological problems. Basically, scars on the face are formed due to squeezing acne and acne, although it has long been known that this cannot be done categorically.

The acne itself will dry out and disappear, and the skin itself will restore without scarring.

After complete puberty, girls and young men are most disturbed by scars from the resulting acne and scars after acne. They very often do not know how to get rid of those, although there are plenty of treatment methods, it is only necessary to comply with some rules:

  1. Constantly monitor yourself and the condition of the skin, put cleansing masks on your face several times a week.
  2. Wash with antibacterial soap 2 times a day (1 time in the morning and 1 time in the evening)
  3. Periodically conduct facial cleaning in a cosmetology salon.

Such procedures will contribute to the correct regeneration of the skin, maintain it in cleanliness and tone. The skin will become delicate and velvety, and scars and scars will decrease and eventually become weakly obtained or completely disappear without a visible trace.

Nowadays, medicine has already reached that level to effectively fight the scars of acne and acne. How to get rid of them with the help of modern drugs will tell a cosmetologist who must be consulted before using certain attendants.

There is also a huge assortment of cleaners that can overcome these problems on the skin. These are all kinds of tonics, and creams, and lotions. Choosing the right one is not an easy problem, because the appropriate tool can only be detected by trial and errors, so you need to be ready to leave a significant part of the money in a store or pharmacy. Basically, it will take a long time to completely remove acne and acne from the face of acne and acne, but to determine the suitable drug, 14-20 days will be enough. During this time, you can determine the effectiveness of the acquired cosmetic drug or the selected treatment methodology.

How to get rid of scars from chickenpox


Everyone knows that a rash from chickenpox (chickenpox) cannot be combed. If this is not done, then the scars actually will not form, because acne that appears during the period of illness by chickenpox does not affect the sprout layer of the skin and in most cases self -stir, without leaving a trace. But if you periodically comb the itching areas of the rash, then small scars can form from the disease of chickenpox on the body, which remain after recovery.

You can get rid of scars after chickenpox both with the help of pharmacy healing ointments (“rescuer”, “Mirra-Lux”), creams (“Solcoseryl”) and gels against scars (“contracture”), and with the help of ascorbic acid or cocoa oil.

Apply ointments, cream and gels directly on the scar. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor and depends solely on the individual characteristics of the human body and the number of scars.

Getting rid of scars using ascorbic acid takes place using special creams and drugs containing vitamin C. This method is not applicable if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and it must only be used after preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Cocoa oil will help in eliminating the slightly noticeable scars. It melts in a water bath, and then rubs into the skin.

Chemical, acidic and laser peeling, photo procedures, collagen injections and microdermabrase - these are all those cosmetic procedures, using which you can forever get rid of scars after chickenpox, but sometimes they are able to harm the skin.

How to get rid of scars from a burn


Each of us has ever received a burn and an unpleasant memory-a scar from its healing. Burns appear from exposure to fire, chemicals and electricity. They come in various degrees of severity.

The most easily tolerated burns of the first severity are tolerated by a person. In this case, only the upper layer of the skin is damaged, and therefore they heal, although painfully, but quickly and without any visible consequences. These include a burn from exposure to excessive ultraviolet radiation, hot water or steam.

A second degree of severity burns more serious consequences. The skin turns red, blisters and bubbles appear on it. Upon receipt of such a burn, you must immediately contact a doctor.

With a burn of the third degree of severity, not only the epidermis, but also muscle tissue, adipose layer and nerve endings can be damaged. After such painful damage, scars and scars always remain on the body.

In the fight against post -burn scars, the most commonly used ointment "Ebermin", Gels "Corntraktubeks", "Mederma", "Dermatics" and the Cream "Kever" are used. It will not work to quickly get rid of scars after a burn. Such treatment requires the patient’s patience and careful compliance with all the recommendations of a specialist.

A simple and at the same time effective method of getting rid of scars after burns is to go to a cosmetologist and pass 2-3 painless procedures for removing cicatricial fabric or using surface, median peels, as well as chemical peeling, fruit acid peeling and laser correction.

How to get rid of old scars


The old scars on the face, on the body and arms, as well as scars on the legs. How to get rid of them, and in general, is it possible to get rid of scars received for a very long time, in childhood, youth or youth.

The elimination of those takes a rather long period of time. You can completely get rid of them only in the case of surgical intervention and plastic surgery with transplanting normal skin to damaged areas. And in order to make an old scar, a narrow and less noticeable method of excision is used. The rehabilitation period after the operation usually lasts no more than one month.

There are also salon methods for combating old scars. They are prescribed, starting from the origin and depth of the scar, as well as from the degree of damage to the skin. Such types of salon procedures are used:

  1. Dermone (mechanical peeling) - the procedure for removing the upper and papillary layers of the skin using grinding with special rotating brushes. As a result, the scarf fabric is smoothing and, as a result, the completely complete release from the old scars is quite real. This procedure is very painful and traumatic.
  2. Micodermobrazia is the removal of keratinized epidermal cells. Such a procedure is less painful than dermobrailia, because when exfoliating the dead cells, the capillaries do not hurt in the skin. It is mainly used to remove old scars from acne.
  3. Laser grinding is a procedure used to remove shallow old scars and scars.

The use of other effective means from old scars is practiced. These are creams and ointments with a resorption effect, treatment with liquid nitrogen and folk methods (wax, honey, aromatic oils).

How to get rid of scars. Video


Iookhina Marina 04.05.2016 Answer

Great article. My friend also told me that you can easily get rid of fresh scars and scars with the help of a silicone patch of Mipiderm.

Anonymous 15.02.2017 Answer

For me, Gel Contractubex became a find. “Derived” the child of scars after chickenpox. The main thing is not to delay this, and then all scars will pass.

Ruslan 11.04.2018 Answer

Fresh scars are still good to reduce the dermatics gel. It is applied just a little bit, forms a film in the place of scars, then the skin in this place is very soft and smooth.
