
Moon Calendar Manicure 2018

Moon Calendar Manicure 2018
Favorable and unfavorable lunar days for manicure procedure

Human life, his behavior, mood and health are directly related to lunar cycles. More our great-grandmothers noticed the effect of exposure to the moon on the beauty and health of the woman. We are now successfully using these knowledge, planning some kind of cosmetic and wellness treatments. Manicure did not exception.

Favorable days for manicure on the lunar calendar 2018

Human nails are an indicator of his health. Brick, dull, in the stains of the nails will not create the image of a well-groomed winner woman. To always look beautiful, you need to adhere to a definite rule: making a manicure, coordinating the lunar calendar. These days are the so-called "Beauty Days".

  • If you do nails in the outgoing moon on Monday, then your nails will keep a healthy and strong look for a long time. Because Monday is a lunar day of health.
  • On Tuesday, shearing nails and manicure is needed to those who feel the insecurity in their forces, who needs support to exit a difficult situation.
  • Wednesday - Day of Communications. If it happened so that negotiations are coming, meetings and you have a positive outcome - make a manicure on Wednesday. The moon will give you a solid belief in what you are doing.
  • Thursday - day of updates, cleansing and growth. Purchases on this day will speak well on your physical and spiritual health.
  • Friday - day rest and slowdowns. If you decide to make a manicure on Friday, you must understand that all human life functions on Friday are slowed down, so this day does not suit the hand to go.
  • Saturday on the lunar calendar is the day of deliverance. It is worthwhile to do the beauty of nails on Saturday, and you get rid of everything that made your development difficult.
  • Resurrection - day unsuitable none for manicure, nor for nail haircuts.


Manicure 2018 on the lunar calendar

The most unfavorable periods of the lunar calendar of 2018 for manicure are endpoint days and phases, so you need to schedule the period of hand care procedures in such a way as to avoid these days. It is best to plan things so that the time for ourselves appeared on the days of New Moon or on the growing moon. And now it is not only nail health. We are also talking about the mood, because the influence of the moon on our mood and behavior is a proven fact. And the fact that on the outgoing moon seemed to us fabulously beautiful and creative, on the increasing moon such a manicure will seem dull and banal.

Moon manicure calendar for January 2018

  • Positive days of January: 10-16, 17, 23.
  • Negative days: 1-9.
  • Neutral days: all other days of the month.
  • In the best period, boldly spend: all types of rehabilitation of nails, edged manicure, lacquer coating.
  • Unwanted days for manicure days do not need to cut the nails and lacquer, but you can pick up and make salt baths.


Moon Calendar Manicure for February 2018

  • Positive days of February: 10-11,17-19.
  • Negative days: 4,14.26.
  • Neutral days: all other days of the month.
  • In bad days, you should not engage in nails, take a break. And manicure in good days gives hope for positive results in work and some changes in personal relationships.
  • In neutral days it is worth thinking, and is it necessary for the new manicure now. It is worth liming to the edged manicure.


Moon Manicure Calendar for March 2018

  • Positive days of March: 15.
  • Negative days: 2-8.23-30.
  • Neutral days of the month are all the rest.
  • Very correctly in good days to take care of nails, make a Japanese manicure that will strengthen the tired nails will give them glitter. Regarding the design - pick up calm, pastel shades.
  • Working with nails in neutral days can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, and the co-creation of nails in negative days can empty your wallet.

Moon manicure calendar for April 2018

  • Positive days of April: 16, 21, 23.
  • Negative days: 8-15, 30.
  • Neutral days: all other days of the month.
  • The manicure ends badly in disadvantaged days for entrepreneurs and people with unstable personal relations.
  • In neutral days, simply massaging hands with calendula or chamomile oil. And in favorable days you can make gel coating, bold drawings, rhinestone decoration.

Moon manicure calendar for May 2018

  • Positive days of May: 22-29, 16-21.
  • Negative days of the month: 1-7.
  • Neutral days: the rest of the month.
  • The lunar calendar promises a meeting in May with the right people and, perhaps, this will happen during a visit to the manicure master. Therefore, this month should forget about the home manicure.
  • In unfavorable days, do not make a manicure at all, because this period is fraught with depressions.
  • In neutral days you need to avoid edged manicure, but the massage and nutritious hand masks are quite a suitable lesson.


Moon Calendar Manicure for June 2018

  • Positive days of June: 13-17, 20-27.
  • Negative days: 28-30.
  • Neutral days: the rest of the month.
  • In neutral days you do not need to trim and maintain your nails.
  • In positive days you can make a bright shellac, Shellac Franch, coating gel varnish, nail decoration by rhinestones.
  • The negative days are not engaged in the nails, because it is traumatic days.

Lunar manicure calendar July 2018

  • Positive days of July: 13-16, 18-27.
  • Negative days: 28-31.
  • Neutral days of the month: the remaining days.
  • In July, a period of romantic encounters and relationships. Manicure made these days, will attract good luck.
  • The neutral days arrange his pens spa, but no more.
  • The negative days of the month, in order to avoid quarrels in the house, do not do any type of manicure.


Lunar manicure calendar August 2018

  • Positive days of August: 11, 12, 18-25.
  • Negative days: 4-10.
  • Neutral days: the rest of the month.
  • If it is very unbearable, then in the neutral period of August you can try to make a manicure. But it is worth waiting for favorable days, because the procedures with nails are promised to promise a positive charge, a raised mood, and work will be arranging.
  • In negative days with hands, nothing should be done - you can lose vitality.

Moon manicure calendar for September 2018

  • Positive days of September: 17-24.
  • Negative days: 3-8, 25-27.
  • Neutral days of the month: everyone else.
  • Nails can make hot manicures, all types of coating, all kinds of restorative procedures, embody creative ideas.
  • Manicure made in bad days will adversely affect the conduct of your business, so nails can be arranged days off.
  • Neutral days this month is closer to the negative, therefore, during this period, refrain from the campaign to the manicure master.


Moon manicure calendar for October 2018

  • Positive days of October: 9-23.
  • Negative days: 24-31.
  • Neutral days: the rest of the month.
  • Neutral days in October closer to positive, so I cannot bring any problems to the manicure.
  • In negative days of manipulation with nails are fraught with misunderstandings with loved ones and monetary failures.
  • Manicure on the best days of the month will protect you from all troubles, you will feel yourself a winner woman. Make this month Spanish manicure, American manicure, painting with acrylic paints under the gel, gel coating.


Moon Manicure Calendar for November 2018

  • Positive days of November: 7-22.
  • Negative days: 1-3, 21-25.
  • Neutral days of the month: all other days.
  • According to the lunar calendar, November - the month of undertakings. It is best to contact the manicure master in the favorable days of the month so that the beginnings gave positive fruits.
  • The opposite result is waiting for those who manicure will do in negative days of the month. In the neutral period, you do not need to cut, nor cut your nails, but can be covered with varnish.


Moon Calendar Manicure for December 2018

  • Positive days of December: 7-21.
  • Negative days: 22-26.
  • Neutral days: all other days of the month.
  • In December, the bright, catchy manicure will help become confident, firmly tuned for success. You can arrange the hands of spa treatments, and manicures aquarium is the best suitable for a Christmas party.

Man is part of the universe. Learn to obey a cyclical process of the cosmos, then learn to live in harmony with each other. Using the tips of nature, we will always be beautiful and healthy.


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