
Cyprus honey - useful properties and contraindications. Cycles - how to distinguish a fake

Cyprus honey - useful properties and contraindications. Cycles - how to distinguish a fake
Cyprus honey is a special product of beekeeping. Its appearance, taste, aroma and beneficial properties will not leave indifferent the one who tried it once.

Cyprus honey is obtained from the long-term medicinal plant Ivan-tea or narrow-leaved boils. It is also called “white” because of the color that it acquires after thickening or “children's” due to delicate consistency and taste.

Features of cyprane honey

Many do not know what cliprey honey looks like, and therefore indifferently pass by him. But seeing and having tried it once, you can’t confuse with anything. This type of honey in a fresh state has a light transparent, slightly greenish tint.


Over time, it thickens and crystallizes, becoming white and dense, outwardly similar to cream or oil. When heated, it turns yellow. It has a characteristic delicate, sugary taste with a slight bitter aftertaste and a sweet floral aroma.


Many are interested in, but what is the useful honey useful? This type of honey has a unique chemical composition. It contains the special, inherent in the medicinal plant, Ivan-tea enzymes, as well as amino acids, glucose and fructose, organic acids, phytoncides, ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B, micro and macronutrients. Thanks to such a rich composition, this product has a lot of preventive and therapeutic properties.


Cyprus honey - beneficial properties

Due to the significant content of bioactive nutrients, driprain honey has a strong antioxidant effect, contributing to the rejuvenation and restoration of the body.

Due to its unique properties, cyprany honey strengthens on blood vessels and heart muscle. It is used in recipes for traditional medicine as a reliable remedy for headaches, high pressure, and convulsions.

It is recommended for use as an effective tool in complex therapy for anemia, blood diseases, reduced immunity. It is prescribed for men when diagnosing their prostate inflammation.

Coppy honey and its beneficial properties will have an anti -inflammatory effect:

  • with SARS and influenza;
  • with bronchitis;
  • with sore throat.


And an enveloping effect:

  • with an ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • for gastritis;
  • with gastrointestinal infections and constipation.


Its use in the form of an additive to cold tea, water, compote and other drinks has a sedative effect on the nervous system and therefore especially recommended:

  • with insomnia;
  • with a state of anxiety;
  • with depression.

Masks and wraps based on this product provide:

  • cleansing;
  • refreshing;
  • the narrowing pores on the skin of the face, as well as the strengthening effect on the roots of the hair and the regulatory formation of sebum - on the scalp.

In addition, he is famous for his healing action for burns, wounds, eczema, stomatitis.


Features of obtaining clicks

Having tried this product, many are wondering: how do you make clicking honey? The beekeepers receive it, releasing bees in places overgrown with Ivan Chime: forest clearings and conflagrations, wastelands. This medicinal plant is a wonderful honey plant, which gives from 1 ha to 600 kg of honey. A characteristic feature of dripreine honey is a strong, heady-sweet aroma that can cause dizziness during pumping and distillation of honey. Since it is most often on sale already dense, it is important to know when the clicon honey sits so as not to buy a fake. Due to the large amount of fructose, this type of honey sits quite quickly, becoming white by mid -October and crystallizing to the creamy consistency. The main regions of booty of clicon honey: Bashkiria, Chuvashia, Udmurtia, Altai and Perm Territory, the Republic of Mari-El, Ivanovo and Oryol regions.


How to distinguish fake dripreine honey

This type of honey is often faked. By color, taste and smell with other varieties, you can’t confuse the cloth, but how to distinguish a fake? The following signs will be indicated by the fact that the product is a fake:

  • the absence of a characteristic kiprein tangent-sweet taste;
  • the consistency of the product is uneven, the present crystals are too large;
  • the color is not light enough or too white;
  • the product does not flow out of a spoon with a continuous stream, but dripping.

When trying honey, you should pay attention to whether foreign taste shades are present in taste, whether the aroma corresponds, whether the consistency is relaxed. The presence of these features is an indicator of the quality and originality of the honey product.


How to use kiprein honey

As a reliable and highly efficient preventive agent, clogging white honey has established itself, its beneficial properties confirm the beneficial effect on health and good health.

The main rules for using this valuable natural product:

  • do not heat;
  • use dosed.

Most often, it is used in mixtures with other medicinal decoctions and infusions: sage, jellyfish, plantain:

  1. In a mixture with cottage cheese or milk, clicks will help get rid of heartburn if you use it for 2 months.
  2. In combination with propolis tincture, it is effective for prostate adenoma.
  3. With increased acidity of the stomach, diluting a teaspoon of honey with water, consume it an hour before meals.


Cyprus honey - contraindications and restrictions on use

Despite its healing composition, driprein honey has contraindications. First of all, it is an allergy, due to the features of its chemical composition, clicking honey can cause its exacerbation. For this reason, this product is recommended to be limited when used during pregnancy and lactation. It should be abandoned by suffering asthma, diabetes and overweight. It is also not recommended for kids up to 3 years old.


Significantly vaining its appearance from other varieties of honey, clicking honey, nevertheless, is a valuable biologically active product and medicine, the moderate use of which can strengthen health and effectively fight various diseases.




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