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Yellow face

Yellow face
Why the skin of the face acquires a yellow shade and how to get a healthy shining look

The appearance of our skin corresponds to the state of health. On the skin instantly reflects errors in nutrition, disorders of the internal organs, stress and lack of sleep. All this can cause the appearance of acne, folds, wrinkles and deterioration of the face color. Healthy skin has a white, slightly pinkish shade, but its color may vary depending on racial affiliation and heredity. If the deterioration of the skin color has an episodic character, do not worry. Return to the usual way of life, proper nutrition, sleep carefully and look great again. But if you notice that the skin has become yellow or gray, and you are talking about it close, it is time to figure out the reasons that caused a painful look of the skin.

Yellow face: Causes


To do this, it is best to contact a medical institution and make the necessary laboratory research. Often yellow face causes bilirubin. This is a pigment that is part of the blood. If the function of the liver is broken, the level of bilirubin in the blood rises, and the skin of the face acquires a jaundice shade.

Yellow face with liver disease

Yellow complexion can talk about such liver diseases:

  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • helmintes.

The level of bilirubin is easy to install, passing the blood to the study, and the doctor will help to figure out for the causes of the disease. To prevent liver disease, you should adhere to the correct nutrition, do not abuse alcohol. The face and eyes of yellow can be a sign of hepatitis. Hepatitis can be infectious or chronic, for its prevention, it is necessary to avoid random sexual contacts, especially unprotected, comply with the rules of hygiene, relate to medical manipulations carefully. The yellowing of the skin may occur due to the lesion of the liver parasites. To prevent this, it is necessary to comply with the rules of cooking meat and fish, thoroughly wash raw vegetables and fruits before meals. Almost all listed liver diseases are accompanied not only by yellow-green face, but also loss of appetite, darkening of urine and light color of the chair. If all these symptoms are observed, you must urgently apply to the hospital. Deletion even for 1-2 days threatens life and health not only you, but also your loved ones.

Yellow face in the disease of biliary tract


Sometimes to answer the question: why the face of yellow, a comprehensive examination is required. This applies to diseases of biliary tract. The yellowness of the person may be associated with the difficult outflow of bile from the gallbladder, which is caused by obstruction or formation of stones. To discover these diseases, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests and an ultrasound study of internal organs. The main symptoms of diseases of biliary tract are pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, gravity in the stomach. Depending on the disease, diet food, comprehensive treatment or operation is assigned.

Yellow face in the disease of the thyroid gland

The yellow color can talk about disorders in the work of the thyroid gland. This pathology is associated with insufficient solids for the splitting of beta-carotene, which can linger in the skin, giving it a yellow shade. To do this, contact the endocrinologist's doctor, it will prescribe a treatment and give nutritional recommendations to return the skin a healthy look. The main thing is not to launch the disease, but to begin treatment as early as possible.

About high cholesterol content can sometimes speak yellow complexes and symptoms such as yellow spots on eyelids and the iris. The yellow complexion may be the result of excessive intake of carrots and carrot juice.

If you have passed all studies and fulfilled medical recommendations, you can think about how to get rid of the yellow skin of the face.

How to improve face color

To get rid of the yellow face, you need to abandon bad habits, if any. Smoking and alcohol abuse has not added any other health and beauty. A healthy appearance of the skin consists of proper nutrition, sufficient water consumption, expectation in the fresh air and skin care.

Yellow face: proper and healthy eating


By drawing up its diet, pay attention to sufficient use of vegetables and fruits, as well as the compatibility of the used products. Sometimes it may be the cause of poor digestion and stagnant phenomena in the intestine. In order to recycle a variety of food products, digestion organs work with a large load, do not always cope and the result is a failure in the form of fermentation in the intestine, constipation and discomfort. All this negatively reflects in the state of the skin: rashes appear, the skin becomes greasy and gray. In the same way there is a large amount of oily, fried and smoked food in the diet.

For beauty and skin health, it is recommended to include in the diet low-fat varieties of chicken meat, veal, rabbit. Other, no less useful products for healthy skin are cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, seafood. They are saturated with vitamin A and microelements. In order for the skin to be young and elastic as long as possible, there should be enough vitamin E in the diet. It is rightfully considered vitamin youth, and it contains in nuts, oatmeal, vegetable oil and greens.

Yellow face: drinking mode


Drinking at least 1.5l water per day, we care about the color and elasticity of our skin. Special attention should be paid to the quality of the drinking water, it is better to drink purified water from the filter or spring. An excellent alternative is the use of melt water. It is done very simple: filtered water pour into a clean plastic bottle, close tightly and put for several hours in the freezer. After absolutely freezing the bottle to get and keep at room temperature until it hits. Melt water has a soft taste, it helps to purify the body from slags and toxins.

Yellow face: physical activity

Healthy face color and well-being dependent on the saturation of the skin and the whole organism oxygen. After walking or physical activity in air, the skin becomes fresh and ruddy, and the constant stay in stuffed premises leads to fatigue of the skin, it acquires an unhealthy look. Choose yourself Available sport or just arrange everyday walks in any weather.

Yellow face: positive attitude to life


This paragraph includes mental equilibrium, the ability to easily overcome stressful situations. Try not to allow your emotions to take the top, it will not help overcome difficulties, but will leave the imprint on your appearance. Permanent nervousness and stress lead to insomnia, and then to deterioration of the color of the face and health in general. A good mood and smile transform appearance, make us charming. If, due to its nature, you are difficult for you to maintain a complacent mood, make yourself smile. Over time, it will go into the habit, and you will become a pleasant, cute man.

Yellow face: how to care for the skin

Correct skin care begins with everyday cleansing. To do this, there is a huge amount of funds, ranging from simple water and ending with fans, tonic and lotions. Completely unacceptably go to bed without deleting decorative cosmetics. This can lead to a deterioration in the color of the face and the emergence of inflammatory processes on the skin.

Full skin cleansing is unthinkable without using scrubics. These are exfoliating compositions that help clean the skin and improve the complexion. They can be applied no more than 1-2 times a week. All cosmetic procedures should be used in moderation, only in this case the skin of the face will be fresh and young long years.

All young ladies without exception, even young, requires constant moisturizing and nutrition of the skin. The conditions in which we live are: dust and exhaust gases on the street, dry air of rooms lead to dry skin and deterioration of its color. For moisturizing and nutrition, the skin is good to use homemade nutrient masks, they consume only natural products, without additives and preservatives.

Yellow Facial: Home Skin Care Products


Many products have a whitening skin property, improve and align its color. These are affordable and inexpensive products: fresh cucumbers, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, berries. Of these, you can cook wonderful home nutritious masks.

Mask of cottage cheese

  • 2 tbsp. cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream.

Mix products, apply to the skin. Actions time 20-30 minutes. Then wash off warm water. To get rid of yellowness, you can use such a procedure 2-3 times a week. If the skin is fat, sour cream is replaced with kefir or spoken. To increase the whitening effect, add to the mixture of 1 tbsp. l. Crushed fresh cucumber.

Mask of cucumber

Cucumber The most popular tool for whitening the skin does not require preliminary preparation: just cut into circles and attach to the skin or wipe the face and neckline juice. Cucumber grate on medium grater, slightly squeeze juice and add olive oil. Such a composition has a whitening and moisturize the skin. Products must be taken in such proportions:

  • 2 tbsp. l. cucumber;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. Crushed lemon flesh.

Mask for pale yellow leather

Merkov will help to give a healthy shade of pale skin. 2 tbsp. l. Crushed carrots mix from 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Add 1 tsp. Any vegetable oil. Mask is ready. Its time is 15-20 minutes. The same action has sleeping coffee. For 15 minutes, apply coffee thick on the skin. Then wash off water room temperature. Literally after several procedures, the skin color becomes natural, the pallor passes and a light blush appears.

Masks from berries

In the summer season, fresh berries will help the skin. Fruit acids contained in them not only improve the color of the skin, but also act as peeling, that is, the dead cells exfoliate. Such actions have strawberries, raspberries, red currant and viburnum. From their juice, you can make a bleaching compress, maminating the flap gauze in it and putting to the face for a few minutes.

From the pulp of these berries it is easy to cook a mask, for this berry to grind, slightly squeeze juice. The resulting puree apply to the skin of the face. After 10-15 minutes, the composition is removed with warm water. After washing it, be sure to use the nutrient cream.

If the complexion has become yellow, take action immediately: visit the doctor, pass the diagnostics and follow the recommendations. At the same time, at the same time, take care of skin bleaching, making cosmetic procedures with courses.

Whitening face mask from the yellowness of the skin. Video


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