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How to reduce feet caviar

How to reduce feet caviar
Make caviar of the legs thin and toned will help exercises, stretching and cosmetic procedures

Full of tidy calfs are not in trend now, so the girls strive for elegant tightened ankles. If volumetric caviar has become a real problem, do not wait until the complex grows out of this, look for options to reduce them. First you need to objectively look at the condition of your ankle and understand the causes of their volume.

How to reduce your feet: why full caviar?

The cause of volumetric IKR can be a genetic predisposition, hyperstenic physique, while the figure is dense, stocky. If so, for weight loss IKR will take more time and perseverance. An increase in the calf muscles can be associated with swelling of the legs caused by retention of fluid or varicose veins. In this case, the legs get tired, in the evening they feel severity and burning. The muscle mass of the legs in such cases is loose and not expressed. Excessively thick caviar are as a result of excess weight and uneven weight loss. The body is losing weight and recovered disproportionately. When losing weight, volumes first leave from the neck, hands and chest. And problem areas hold roundness, contrary to diets. Long -term persistent strength training can also make caviar voluminous and embossed.

How to reduce the volume of IKR

If the completeness of the IKR is associated with a delay in liquid, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salt, pickled and smoked food. All this can lead to swelling of the legs and provoke vascular diseases. You can get rid of excess weight and full legs by revising the power. It is best to turn to rational nutrition, so you can achieve a great result and maintain health. For this, fresh vegetables and fruits, low -fat dairy products must be included in the diet. Do not worry that the weight will leave slowly, the main thing is that it does not return quickly. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the drinking regime and move more.

To reduce the IKR on the legs after losing weight, it is recommended to perform special complexes of exercises. At the same time, it is good to do several muscle stretching exercises, then they will become elastic and fit. Caviar are very strong and hardy muscles, they help us move all day, practically without tired. That is why they are poorly related to correction. To change their forming form should be systematic, 2-3 times a week.   The calf muscles, which have become voluminous as a result of exercises, can be tightened by regular stretching of this zone.

Exercises for stretching to reduce ICR


  1. Sit on the floor. Lean forward, touching the fingers of the fingers of the fingers. Pull the heels in the direction from you, and the fingers - to yourself. At first, this will seem difficult, but flexibility will gradually increase, and you will easily perform the exercise. Stretching is carried out at a smooth pace. In the pose of maximum voltage, linger for a few seconds. Repeat the stretch 3 times. Such an exercise must be performed separately to each leg. The starting position is the same, dilute the legs in different directions.
  2. Standing evenly to make a large attack with his left foot forward. Bend her in the knee. The foot of the right leg is tightly pressed to the floor, the stretching occurs due to its muscles. Fix the position for a few seconds. According to the same technique, perform an exercise with the lunge of the right leg. Repeat 3-5 times with each foot.
  3. Stand facing the wall at an extended arm. Put your legs on the width of the shoulder, do not raise the heels. Make a tilt with a body towards the wall, resting on it first with the palms, then with the forearms, at the end - shoulders. Feel muscle stretching over the heel. Perform 3-5 times.
  4. The basic pose from yoga "Dog face down." Starting position: stand on all fours. Slowly straighten the knees, raising the body. Leave your legs a little bent at the knees, the feet rest on socks, the face is directed to the floor. Do not raise the heels high from the floor, it is then that the calf muscles are stretched. To linger in this position for a few seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.
  5. There are other exercises in the yoga system for stretching the calf muscles, so include them in the morning gymnastics and make your legs elegant. If you are inherited full of caviar, you can deal with it by yoga. It is better for a professional instructor to master the technique of yoga, if this is not possible, use the video lessons.
  6. To stretch muscles and simultaneously lose weight, Pilates classes contribute to. This is a muscle stretch technique based on static exercises.

Exercises to reduce thick IRC


If you are concerned about the problem: how to reduce thick caviar, take care of squats, it is a very simple and effective tool. Squats performed systematically will significantly reduce caviar, if they are performed correctly:

  • do not use additional weight, this can lead to an increase in the calf muscles;
  • perform one half of the squats standing on the entire foot, and the second on socks;
  • do not do very deep squats, half -shutter is enough.
  1. Get exactly, straighten your shoulders. Perform 30-40 squats at a slow pace, fixing the position for a few seconds in the squat.
  2. The next version of the squats: legs shoulder -width apart, socks look inside. Perform shallow squats 20-30 times.
  3. You can reduce caviar with tiptoe. Try to walk on socks more at home, at the same time you can improve your posture and feel like a princess.
  4. Rise on tiptoe. Put a chair with a back in front of you, put your hands on your back. Climb to tiptoe slowly, in the extreme upper position, linger for 2-3 seconds. Gradually sink to the whole foot. Perform 30-40 times.
  5. Walking up the stairs will help burn fat deposits in the IKR area by activating metabolic processes in this area. To do this, walk the stairs daily for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Skakkakki jumps will help make the legs slim. This is a great activity for both the legs and for the cardiovascular system. Intensive exercises with a rope for 10 minutes will correct your silhouette and reduce the volume of calf muscles. Starting this simple exercise, do not overdo it. Start in a few minutes, this will help to avoid pain. Then you can increase the training time. In subsequent training, add jumping on each leg alternately.

How to quickly reduce caviar

If it is necessary to urgently reduce caviar, you can resort to the help of clothes and shoes. Some rules should be followed so that caviar visually seem not so voluminous:

  1. You can not wear short trousers and breeches. When choosing trousers, give an advantage to models with a rod from the knee.
  2. Visually, black and brown boots of rough shape, sandals with straps on the ankle are visually weighed. A high heel of medium thickness will suit you.
  3. Create an emphasis on the waist. Choose fitted shirts, jackets and blouses. Wear trousers and skirts with a belt or belt.
  4. Choose elegant catchy items and accessories: scarves, hats, jewelry. All this will create your uniqueness and will make a small, only known flaw to you, invisible.

How to reduce caviar at home


Massage for calf muscles

Foot massage will help get rid of stagnant phenomena in ankles, which will visually reduce caviar. It is not the only salvation from the completeness of the legs, it is better to use it in combination with stretching and physical exercises. To achieve a quick reduction in the IKR, you need to contact a massage specialist, after 6-10 sessions you are guaranteed to feel the ease of gait. But at home, you can independently perform a light lymphatic drainage massage. This will require 2 chairs, one must sit on one, and put your leg on the second. The direction of massage - from the feet to the knee, the movements should be leisurely and smooth. In front of the procedure, apply massage oil to the skin.

  1. Massage begins with stroking the calf muscles within 2-3 minutes in the direction of the foot to the knee.
  2. Then go to the crushing of the muscles, grab them with your hands alternately, stretching and relieving tension.
  3. Perform the drainage movement to grab the leg with both hands by the ankle and carry out with stress towards the knee. Such a movement is made 3-4 times.
  4. Finish the massage by stroking for 2-3 minutes.

Wraps for weight loss IKR

To reduce the IKR of the legs, wraps are used. These procedures are best done in the evening, before bedtime, to calmly relax and lie down. Before that, it is recommended to take a shower or bath to cleanse and warm up the skin. Then apply a pre -prepared composition on the calves of the legs, wrap the problem areas with cling film, trying to do this as carefully as possible. The procedure time is 40-60 minutes. After washing the composition with warm water and apply a nutrient cream to the skin.

Wraps improve metabolic processes in the muscles and skin, enhance blood circulation, accelerating the burning of fat reserves.

  1. Mustard-honey wrap. 2 tbsp. l. Mustard powder dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. warm water, mix. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey. If you are afraid of a strong burning sensation, soften the effect, adding 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The composition of the composition is 30-40 minutes, then remove the mixture with warm water.
  2. Wrap from honey and sea salt. Heat in a water bath 3 tbsp. l. honey, add 1 tbsp. l. Sea salt of small grinding. Sea salt can be replaced by ordinary, cook. This composition perfectly draws toxins and excess moisture, significantly reducing the calf muscles in volume. It is recommended to use no more than 1 time per week.
  3. Honey-oil wrapping. To 3 tbsp. l. honey add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, mix. Next, everything is done in the usual way. Such wraps perfectly tighten the skin, make it well -groomed and smooth.

The most cardinal way to reduce complete ICR is liposuction. Only the woman herself can decide here, as far as she needs the intervention of the surgeon. If your legs do not lose weight after all the measures taken, find your energy in a different direction. Emphasize the advantages of your figure, you probably have a breathtaking waist or luxurious chest. So do it with your dignity!

Exercises for weight loss of calf muscles. Video



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