
Bio -war hair for short, medium and long hair - photo. How the hair biosenizer is done. Hair care after bio -war

Bio -war hair for short, medium and long hair - photo. How the hair biosenizer is done. Hair care after bio -war
Today, beauty salons offer a bio -war hair - an advanced version of a conventional chemical curl, which is careful about the hair.

Modern fashion is so quick - today one thing is fashionable, and tomorrow it comes into fashion completely different. However, there are trends that remain unchanged at all times - wavy, springy and beautiful curls are always in fashion. There are lucky ones whom nature itself awarded with curls, while the rest of the fair sex are forced to use curves, curlers, and use curls. It just so happened that women always want what they do not have: women and curls always strive to straighten them, and the owners of smooth and straight strands do everything possible to make curls.

Today, beauty salons can offer a large number of hair curling services - this is a well -known chemical curl, and carving, and bio -war. It is the last type of curling - a biosenization of hair - in recent years is the most popular.

In this article, we will consider the features of the bio -assignment for short hair, medium and long hair, we note the main types of procedures and the stages of their implementation. Here is a list of the most popular and common compositions for bio -war hair.

What is a bio -tapping hair

The hair bio -war today is one of the most popular ways to get beautiful curls. This procedure was replaced by the well -known “chemistry”. Even in Soviet goals, our mothers were recorded in hairdressers a few months in advance, so that the most significant holidays, for example, on March 8 or the new year, look beautiful. Of course, then few talked about the dangers of such a hair procedure. With the help of ordinary chemical curls, women sought to obtain volume and curls, and almost did not think about hair damage. And the harm was done enormous.

Modern trends in fashion dictate the rules of naturalness in everything, this also applies to hairstyles. If staining, then in a natural color, if curls, then without the use of aggressive chemistry. Stylists came to the aid of modern fashionistas, who since 1999 began to use a bio -war or biochemical curl. The main difference between this type of curl and chemical is the complete absence of thioglycolic acid and ammonia, which adversely affect the hair rod, destroying it. According to their qualities, these substances are a kind of hair poison, which manufacturers have been trying not to use in recent years in the production of products for bio -war hair.

Compounds for bio -assigning hair consist of completely different components, which are more than 60% of natural substances. Ammonia and thioglycolic acid here are replaced by natural extracts of fruit acids and wheat. All this allows not only to carefully and carefully turn curls, but also provides hair care, the components that make up the funds make your curls brilliant and beautiful. Due to its sparing composition, bio-war is suitable for absolutely all hair, this applies to dyed and highlighted hair, damaged and weakened, as well as hair after a chemical curling.

Due to the presence in the composition of drugs for bio-war cystamine chlorhydrate, the hair is perfectly in beautiful and neat curls, which stay from about 3 to 6 months, depending on the composition used. With gradual promotion of curls, the hair still looks beautiful and well -groomed, shine and healthy appearance are not lost, which usually occurs with a chemical curl.

Types of the procedure of hair bio -war and their features

In recent years, the hair bio -vocabulary has become very popular among the fair sex who want to change their hairstyle and get gorgeous curls. There are a large number of types of this procedure, so even experienced stylists will not be able to answer which hair bio -vocative is the best. Various methods of this method of hair curls depend on the type of hair, their condition, the composition of the drug used. Consider the features of the most popular types of hair bio -war.

Varieties of hair bio -war from the method of application and ingredients as part of the means:

  • At the first form, the bio -vocatives are used, which include cystamine chlorhydrate. During the procedure, the hair is processed with a special composition, after which it is wound on curlers. Further, the master in the cabin is impregnated with a protein, which is similar in quality to natural protein contained in a hair rod. This allows you to get beautiful and healthy hair with a natural shine.
  • The second type of bio -war is characterized by the application of protein features in practice, which is called cysteine \u200b\u200bemulsion. During the processing of the curls, a special composition enters the hair rod, which makes the protein in the hair bend strongly, which leads to twisting the strands. This is just a fantastic process that allows you to completely safely turn your hair using natural protein.
  • There is another species from this category of bio -zero. It is characterized by the use of a special composition, which after applying to the hair fixes curls and at the same time nourishes your hair and saturates it with a large number of vitamins. The advantages of this species are the restoration of the acid-base balance of the hair and the fact that after the procedure the hair does not dry.

Varieties of bio -war in active composition:

  • Silk bio -war. This type is distinguished by the use of special compositions, one of the main components of which are silk proteins. This is a very soft bio -war, the use of which is allowed even for very weakened and colored hair. After the conduct, you get beautiful and brilliant curls that have natural elasticity and health. The only minus is that such a curl is not for a very long time, the effect is enough for about 2 months, after which it is necessary to make a correction.
  • Japanese curl. This bio-war is characterized as lipid-moisturizing, which includes collagen and a large number of amino acids. After applying such a composition to the hair, active components moisturize the hair and restore their structure. This type of bio -assignment is great for dense hair of short and medium length.
  • Biological or Italian curl. Special drugs are based on bamboo extract, which after application protects your hair. An example of drugs of this species is the well -known Italian line of Mossa. Biological curling is perfect for damaged and weakened hair, is characterized by strong fixation and the creation of small curls. Ideal for short hair and haircuts like a square and bean.
  • Vitamin bio -war. During the procedure of the bio -assignment of this type, special compounds are used that are enriched with a large amount of vitamin and amino acids, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.
  • Keratin bio -core hair. The compounds used for the procedure contain keratin, which makes your curls more elastic and flexible. The most popular manufacturers of keratin compositions include Estel and KIS.

Varieties of bio -core in the length of the hair:

  • Biosavigovivka for short hair. To make short hair on short hair, and most importantly natural, bio -war, it is important not only to choose a special composition, but also certain curlers. Most often, the master in the cabin uses pertussis of different diameters to create uniform and beautiful curls throughout the head, while not very raising the hair at the very roots.
  • Biosaviving medium hair. This type of hair bio -assignment according to reviews is considered the most optimal. For comparison, it is quite difficult to make natural curls, complete and beautiful on short hair. And on long hair, the effect after a bio -assignment will pass quite quickly, since the curls are destroyed under the weight of the hair.
  • Long hair bio -war. This type of bio -zavit requires a lot of skill from the stylist and competently selected composition, since the creation of curls for a large length is a rather complicated technology. It is not recommended to carry out a bioros on long hair at home.

A variety of bio -assignment according to the state of the hair:

  • Biosaid for thin hair. With the help of the bio -war procedure, you can save your hairstyle and make the hair more voluminous and well -groomed. The applied composition to thin and rare hair, lifts it and turns it into beautiful curls that frames the face favorably.
  • Biosaid for weakened hair. To carry out the bio -assignment procedure for such hair, it is important to correctly choose a special fixing composition, which, in addition to creating curls, will ensure the strengthening and restoration of the damaged hair rod. Drugs with this effect include Studio, which includes vitamin B5. beneficial affects weakened hair.
  • Biosaid on lightened and highlighted hair. This type of bio -assignment is quite controversial, since all stylists cannot come to unequivocal opinion whether or not this procedure can be carried out on lightened, bleached and highlighted hair. However, the French company has created a drug that carefully affects such hair and allows you to make beautiful curls.

A few more types of bio -warning:

  • Vertical bio -war. Bio -war in the curls in this way is made from the roots to the ends using cobblers in the shape of a cone, which allows you to evenly distribute the strand and achieve perfect curls.
  • Horizontal bio -war. This type of bio -assignment allows you to make curls and create the maximum volume on the hair.
  • Biosaid on the ends of the hair. This bio -war method allows you to make light curls on the very ends of the hair, which excludes the receipt of a shock or nest on the head.
  • Procoronia bio -war. This type of curling is used to give the hairstyle additional volume. It is carried out only on hair roots.
  • Spiral bio -war. A distinctive feature of this type of curling is the use of Biguids-Piraelek.

Popular compositions for bio -war

  • The composition of Twisty from Rica. This tool is ideal for soft and gentle curling. The composition of the Twisty composition includes silk proteins, natural amino acids and plant extracts of wheat and bamboo. All these components penetrate the hair deeper, wind it up, and also restore its structure, take care of and heal the hair. This tool does not contain any aggressive components, so hair damage is completely excluded.

  • The composition of ISO OPTION. This remedy is the most popular for conducting bio -war. Many hairdressers and stylists around the world prefer to use it. Everything is explained simply - the composition of the drug has a special amino acid that penetrates the hair very deeply, without opening scales. This protects the hair from damage. After conducting a bio -supporting with this drug, the hair becomes healthier and stronger, it is filled with brilliance.
  • Mossa biorosa product. This composition is produced by the Italian company Green Light, which produces several varieties of drugs for bio -war: for gray hair, for dyed, for weakened ones. With the help of such a tool, you can get beautiful and well -groomed curls that will have the form of natural, climbing by nature.

  • Evolution tool. This tool for bio -war is used for a long time and is very popular, as it does not contain aggressive substances. The main components are lipids. Perfect for weakened and damaged hair. There is a special line for dyed hair, using which the color of the hair is not lost.
  • Estel niagara bio -zero. This is the drug of a domestic manufacturer, which is also popular. It does not contain aggressive components, gently affects the strands, strengthening them and restoring. After the procedure, you can get beautiful and well -groomed curls with a natural shine.

  • SHWARZKOPF Natural Styling Glamor Wave. This is a gentle drug, which contains proteins of silk, wheat and aloe vera extract. Thanks to this, in the process of carrying out the procedure, you can not only get a spectacular curl, but also make high -quality care for your hair. After the hair bio -cutting, you can get silky and smooth curls, naturally moistened from the inside.

This is just a small list of drugs for bio -warning, which are made on the basis of natural components and will help you get beautiful and well -groomed curls. The main thing must be remembered that it is recommended to use them only to professional stylists and hairdressers.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair bio -war

On the Internet, you can find just a huge number of photos of the bio -war hair, where you can see what amazing effect you can achieve. However, this procedure, like any other cosmetic technique, has a number of advantages and minuses that must be taken into account before going to the salon.

Advantages of the hair bio -war procedure:

  • One of the main advantages of the hair bio -assignment procedure is its relative safety. All products for bio -warning are more than 60% of natural components, they do not have ammonia, thioglycolic acid, which adversely affect the hair.
  • With the help of such a procedure, you will get a beautiful and modern hairstyle, because flowing curls are always in fashion.
  • The fact that you choose the sizes of curls yourself. As a result, you can get a hairstyle with large flowing curls or with impudent curls.
  • It will not be necessary to worry every morning and complex styling, since the curls do not require additional actions - your hairstyle is always irresistible.
  • Another advantage of bio -war is the opportunity to straighten the strands with the use of a conventional iron at any time.
  • All drugs for bio -assignment are slightly dried with strands at the roots. This is a minus for initially dry strands and a great advantage for oily and combined hair, which is expressed in the fact that the product dries the roots of the hair and for a long time does not allow the hair to become oily. Seine strands appear after about 5 days.
  • A great advantage is a prolonged effect after the bio -assignment procedure. With proper care using suitable funds, you will admire curls for about six months.
  • The advantages can also be attributed to the fact that after a bio -assignment it is allowed to dye the hair along the entire length and at the roots. If after chemistry it is generally possible to expose hair at all, since there is a risk of falling out and breaking.
  • During the procedure, feed and restoration of hair occurs, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.
  • Today you can purchase drugs for different types of hair, for dyed and unpainted.
  • You can make a hair bio -war on your own at home, but experts do not recommend this, since the technology is quite complicated.

Disadvantages of hair bio -war:

  • The disadvantages include the fact that a slight negative impact on the hair still turns out to be. According to some reviews, we can conclude that sometimes hair loss and a large number of yields of the ends are observed.
  • You can straighten curled curls, but not completely. Even a year after the procedure, your hair will be slightly hanging, but their appearance will not be very attractive. In this case, it is recommended to cut the curled part of the hair.
  • After the bio -assignment procedure, the hair becomes dry and hard.
  • The cystiamine that is part of the drugs for bio -assignment gives the hair an unpleasant odor, which lasts a long time. To some it resembles the smell of wet wool or socks. It is impossible to remove it with any means.
  • Many drugs during the procedure spoil the natural hair color.
  • After the procedure, it is important to properly care for curls, as they can turn into a shapeless shock. We'll have to buy a special shampoo, balm and mask.

Contraindications to conducting hair bio

Hair biosenization is a salon procedure using special drugs, therefore, like any other cosmetic procedures, it has a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account if you want to make chic curls.

  • It is contraindicated to use the biosenization of hair for individual intolerance to one of the components of curls.
  • Allergic reactions will also become an obstacle to obtaining curls.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is not recommended to carry out the hair bio -assignment procedure, since there is a risk of harm to the child.
  • The procedure is contraindicated during taking hormonal drugs, as well as strong antibiotics.
  • Highly damaged and dry hair is another contraindication, since even a more gentle composition of the bio -war will not save your hair from negative consequences.
  • It is not recommended to carry out a bio -war, if less than two weeks ago you performed hair coloring or keratin straightening.
  • Put the procedure for creating curls if you have a menstrual cycle.
  • It is also not recommended to do a bio -war in nervous stress.

Description of the Bio -War Procedure in the cabin

The bio -assignment procedure in the cabin can last from 2 to 3 hours, it all depends on the length of your hair, their rigidity and the composition used. The holding of the curling itself can differ from the length of the hair, since different curls are made by different lengths - from the wave -shaped and flowing to small and curly.

  • At the first stage, it is important to wash the hair thoroughly. The master in the cabin uses special shampoos that wash out dust and fat from the hair. Therefore, you can come to the procedure with dirty hair.
  • Next, you and the master determine what size curls will be done. The choice of the fixing composition directly depends on this. If you want large curls, the composition of the average fixation is suitable for you, and to obtain small piles, you need to choose a means of strong fixation.
  • The master distributes the hair into sections and winds wet strands on suitable pertussis or curlers.
  • Next, a special operating composition is taken and using the sponge is applied to all strands, after which it is necessary to wait for the required period of time.
  • At the next stage, with ordinary warm water, the master washes the composition from the hair without unwinding curlers.
  • Before applying the next composition, the hair is slightly dried with a towel. Next, with the help of the sponge, a fixing composition or neutralizer is applied, it is withstand for some time.
  • The master removes all the curlers and rinses the product from the hair, and then applies a restorative balm to the full length and dries the hair, laying it in a hairstyle.
  • When asked how much hair biosenizer holds, it is difficult to give a definite answer, it all depends on hair care. On average, this period is 3-12 months.

Hair Bio -Zaping - Video

Hair bio

It is not recommended to conduct a bio -war at home, as this can lead to rather unpleasant consequences. It is important not only to clearly know the whole process of conducting, but also to correctly measure the drug and apply it. It is better to entrust your hair to a professional. But if you still decide to do everything yourself, carefully follow the instructions.

  • Prepare all the necessary materials: a kit for good quality bio -war, two sponge, special shampoo and balm, stirring container, gloves, curlers or pertussis.
  • Wash your hair thoroughly with a special shampoo, which goes in a dial for a bio -war, dry a little with a towel and divide according to a standard scheme: from face to back, along the temple.
  • Wrap your hair very tightly on the packets you need.
  • After that, apply the composition abundantly on the hair, put on a hat and withstand 15-25 minutes.
  • Periodically, it is necessary to check the degree of spinning of the strands.
  • Next, without removing the curlers from the hair, rinse them with water.
  • After that, a neutralizer is applied to the hair, which is kept for about 15 minutes, after which the curlers are removed and the hair is washed with water and the air conditioner is applied.
  • In conclusion, the hair is dried.

Hair care after bio -war

  • First of all, in order for your curls to stay for a long time, it is necessary not to wash your hair within two days.
  • Also, in the early days, you can not use irons or a hairdryer.
  • It is forbidden to use a curling iron or curlers.
  • In the future, try to use a hair dryer less often.
  • To wash your hair, you need to purchase special shampoos and balms.
  • You need to regularly use moisturizing masks.
  • Combing the hair with a scallop with rare cloves.
  • Staining curled hair is best done a month after the bio -war.

Hair Bio -Zaping - Photo before and after

Beautiful flowing curls are always in fashion. If you want to make yourself a romantic image, you do not need to spoil your hair with curves, it is better to immediately contact the interior for a bio -war - a safe procedure for creating chic curls.



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