
What is Kanecalon for hair? How to weave a kanecalon in hair at home. DIY weaving with kanecalon. Kanecalon for short, medium and long hair - ideas of hairstyles, photo

What is Kanecalon for hair? How to weave a kanecalon in hair at home. DIY weaving with kanecalon. Kanecalon for short, medium and long hair - ideas of hairstyles, photo
How to weave kanecalon into the hair correctly, weaving braids with kanecalon, photo. Flying Kanecalon on short, medium, long hair - ideas.

Social networks filled the photos of girls with bright braids of artificial strands, which designers called Kanecalon. They give the image an individual and allow you to look unusual. This article is for those girls who want to change their image with multi -colored hair, but do not know where to buy them, how to determine the quality and properly weave into a hairstyle at home.

What is Kanecalon for hair?

  • Kanecalon is artificial strands of hair, which, in its structure, are as close as possible to natural hair. Are harmless to the body. Most often, Kanecalon is painted in bright colors, but there are also natural shades.
  • Kanecalon for hair with Japan began its popularity, it was from here that it spread almost around the world. Artificial strands of high -quality material - seaweed are made. Organic substances that are part of them give the material naturalness.
  • But at the same time, hairstyles with kanecalon are not identical with natural strands, and at close distance they can be visually distinguished among the rest of the hair. Do not confuse a natural caneken with its fully artificial analogues, which are inferior to many positions when weaving braids and heat treatment of strands.
  • Kanecalon is not only woven into braids. On its basis, you can make large curls or simply increase the volume of hairstyles. He is not afraid of styling with a curling iron and even an iron. At the same time, the strands look natural, keep their shape for a long time and retain quality for a long time.

  • The versatility of the material is achieved due to the special heat treatment, which the material takes place before getting to the counter. As a result of this, the weaving of Kos with Kanecalon becomes easy, because the strands do not confuse when combing and are not broken with long -term wear of the hairstyle.
  • This season, the most popular trend was a colored kanecalon with bright shades of raspberry, turquoise and green tones, as well as with the effect of amber. They look especially impressive with African and French pigtails, dreadlocks. Such braids with kanecalon do not need additional coloring of their hair with various chemicals. You can change the image at least daily.
  • Most stylists offer not only to weave bright strands into braids, but also to use kanecalon for short hair in the form of bangs or to increase the volume of hairstyles. They are attached to natural hair with nodules or woven. At the same time, the minimum length of their hair should not be less than 5-8 cm.

What are the types of kanecalon, advantages and disadvantages

  • The traditional kanecalon varies not only in color, but also with a curling option. In addition, modern fashionistas can boast of a couple of unusual varieties of strands. So the “fluore” begins to glow in neon light, and the chameleon changes its shade while the sunlight hit.
  • In order to consciously approach the choice of Cankalon, you should take into account both the pros and the disadvantages of this unusual hair attribute. Only by weighing all the pros and cons of you can decide for yourself - this is a find for the image or a completely unnecessary accessory.

The main advantages of pigtails with kanecalon:

  • You can lengthen strands, especially if your hair is short or medium length.
  • The material is poorly electrified and not fluffed when used in a hairstyle.
  • The fiber consists of safe components and completely hygienic with prolonged wearing.
  • It is not required to have a radical change in your hairstyle, since you can experiment with color, length and shape, especially if you have not dared for dreadlocks from Kanecalon for a long time.

But along with universality and fashion, you should still take into account the disadvantages of using Kangecalon:

  • During getting wet, multi -colored strands become heavy, which pulls natural hair down, and this only harms it.
  • Kanecalon has to be changed often, since over time its color becomes faded.
  • It is visible among natural hair, even if color is as close as possible to them.
  • For reliable fastening, colored strands are very woven into the hair, which can cause their removal.

Where to buy Kanecalon, what is its price and how to distinguish a fake?

  • With great popularity of a bright hair trend, you can buy kanecalon in most outlets and online stores. But in pursuit of a fashionable attribute for a hairstyle, do not forget about the quality of the product and possible fakes at the price of the original.
  • Pay attention to the well -known stores of wigs or official representatives from the company of the manufacturer Kankalon. Buy strands only from trusted sellers with a certificate. If you decide to purchase the goods at the Aliexpress site, then carefully study the reviews about the seller, its product and consider the rating on the site.
  • Naturally, the better the strands of algae, the higher the price. The cost can also increase from the fame of the store and the brand. On average, prices start at 200 rubles. per 100 grams of strands. This volume of kanecalon will be enough for one braid 130 cm long. For medium hair, and for a hairstyle you will need 2 such strips.
  • If you have not decided yet, you like you to weave Kanecalon and whether you can take care of it, then first try to make a hairstyle with a cheap product. Only with full confidence acquire natural material.
  • So how not to buy synthetics instead of kanecalon? In appearance, both of these products look the same. But if you look closely, then the synthetic fiber is more fluffy, has a corrugated surface. In addition, it is harder than Kanecalon and slides faster from natural hair. Therefore, the bundle must be done more and more to weave a strand into the hair, and this will only harm it.
  • There is a simple test on how to determine a real kanecalon. Take a small strand and pour boiling water on it. If after this hair is straightened and will look like your natural strand, then it is an original Kanecalon.
  • Provided that the hair remained the same as it was after processing with boiling water, then before you synthetics and price should be much lower. The ends of such strands set fire to, as a result of which a solid seal is formed. From constant friction, it spoils the clothes and irritations appear on the skin.
  • When weaving a braid with cankalon, the ends are treated with boiling water, and then a haircut is performed. So the strands look more natural in relation to your hair. Also carefully study the inscriptions on the packaging of the goods. The inscription "KANEKALON 100%" will indicate a natural product.

How to braid Kanecalon at home?

  • You can change the hairstyle with Cankalon not only in the beauty salon, but also at home. First of all, take care of the acquisition of quality material and decide on the image. Then proceed to the choice of hairstyles.
  • Although today the trend is very bright, but for you it is too much, then choose a natural cankalon, closer to your natural hair shade or within a few tones. Also, stylists recommend combining bright strands with bed shades. The main rule when choosing the color of Kanecalon is a harmonious combination with your way.

  • Additionally, you will need a means for hairstyles and hair styling. During weaving, use gel or matte clay, as well as paste for naughty strands. To fix the hairstyle, you will need a hair spray for the strongest fixation.
  • For mounting KOST, purchase thin elastic bands of a transparent color or in the tone of strands. You can attach Kanecalon with a hairpin, and it is most convenient to separate your hair with a thin comb.
  • First of all, you need to wash your hair with ordinary shampoo without using a balm or air conditioning. Also do not apply oils. Hair for hairstyles with kanecalon should not be smooth, otherwise colored strands will slip during wearing.
  • Dry your hair with a hairdryer, comb it well and apply a laundress on it evenly along the entire length. Using partitions, divide the hair by the amount of braids. If you first use Kanecalon, then start weaving 2 braids, starting with bangs. You can leave it or braid it in a hairstyle.
  • Strengthes secure the strands at the roots of your hair with a simple node with a hairpin or tie a tight knot. You can also not do this, but just weave Kanecalon after several rows of braids from your hair.
  • Continue weaving the braid to the end. If necessary, then gradually add additional colors of strands. The braid should be fixed with a thin elastic band and hid it inside the tail. Be sure to secure the hair with a hair spray, paying special attention to places near the hair growth line. If necessary, use a natural brush to comb short hairs.
  • In case of failure, seek professional help to the hairdresser. He will advise you how to properly weave a kanecalon or make a hairstyle himself. The price of the service will depend on the complexity of work and material. So, in order to become the owner of ordinary French braids, you will have to pay from 5 to 7 dollars. And if you want to braid the African hairstyle, then prepare all $ 200. Or practice weaving the pigtails with kanecalon yourself, studying many photos with it or video- lessons.

How to braid braids with kanecalon?

  • Brand from English translates like a braid. Initially, the so -called hairstyle with many small African pigtails was called. Today, any braids that are tightly braided throughout the head in different quantities are called that. Bradys such as boxing braids with a bright kanecalon, as well as tight hair weaving in French technology, gained the most popular. Most often, the girls weave braids in an amount of 2 to 6 pcs.

  • Kanecalon, woven into boxing braids, is considered the most fashionable look of hairstyles. For him, the number of braids from 2 to 4 pcs is acceptable, which are braided throughout the head, starting from the frontal part. For them, the minimum hair length should be at least 15 cm. This rule operates here: the shorter you have the hair, the more braids should be done.
  • You can take up to 5 days with the “boxing braids” hairstyle. If after that they cannot be shut up, Kanecalon begins to fluff and lose its appearance. To extend the hairstyle attractiveness, you will have to sleep in a scarf or bandana. This will reduce friction of the hair on the pillow.

  • Kanecalon is woven only on clean and dry hair. If you have a lot of confusion, then you should apply a gel for hair styling or paste. Also pay attention to short hairs. So that they do not stick out in the hairstyle, thunder them with a brush after using the pasta. Then divide the curls into partings depending on the number of cos.
  • From each zone for weaving a braid, make several strands on which fix the colored fiber. This can be done using the node around your hair. If your knot is not dense, then additionally fasten your hair with a hairpin.
  • Start weaving the French braid in technology upstairs. Gradually add Kanecalon as the braid lengthened. Fix its end with an elastic band or part of the hair from the same strand. Fasten the hairstyle with varnish.
  • Braids weave only in the form of tight braids. But openwork weaving for French braids is also allowed, in which the hair with kanecalon is slightly stretched out of the braid. But with such a hairstyle you can only pass a couple of days, as it quickly loses its appearance.

  • The braids in combination with different weaving and thickness techniques also look original. For example, the main braids can be voluminous, which are braided out, and there are narrow ordinary braids between them.

  • But it is not necessary to braid the braid to the end. You can fix it on the occipital part of the head with hairpins or studs, and leave the ends free or wind on a curling iron. The original Kanecalon is not afraid of heat treatment even with ironing.

  • Braids on the temples are also gaining more and more popularity. At the same time, small pigtails with kanecalon are weaved in any direction, but only from one side, and the rest of the hair is laid in the hairstyle in the usual way.

How to braid with kanecalon yourself?

  • African braids along with boxing Braids gained popularity among modern fashionistas. Making a hairstyle with many pigtails in a beauty salon is a rather expensive procedure.
  • But it can be repeated with your own hands. Kanecalon is woven into Afrocos in the same way as in any other similar hairstyle, only the thickness of the strand will be smaller. You can use Kanecalon both one shade, or an ombre -colored or rainbow -colored style.
  • To create a hairstyle, you will need 2 types of thin combs: with small teeth and with a metal tip to separate strands. African braids are fixed below with elastic bands, but most often a special hair glue is used.
  • Wash your head with shampoo without additives and do not use hair care cosmetics. Completely dry the curls, divide them into zones. Start weaving braids from the occipital part. Divide a large lock of hair into several thin strands, but the same in thickness and in the form of a strict square.

  • Before fixing Kanecalon, comb your hair. The braid of braids should be tight, also make hair tension constantly along the entire length of Afrocos. During work, try to give the pigtails a natural direction, regardless of which area you are weaving.
  • If you want to increase the length of the hairstyle, then when your hair ends, add more kanecalon. So the thickness of the braid will be the same at the top and at the bottom of the work. Tie its end with an elastic band, seal or glue it with a special drug.
  • Continue in this way to weave the rest of the braids, gradually moving from the back of the head to the temples. In this case, the direction of each braid should be the same throughout the head.
  • You can walk with such a haircut for several months. This period depends on the degree of growth of your hair. It is necessary to care for African braids in the same way as any Braids. The advantage of Afrosos is that you can weave them on short hair with a length of only 5 cm, while Braids need at least 15 cm.

Features of the braid of cobs with kanecalon and care recommendations

  • For your convenience, the strands should be previously divided according to the zones of the wandering and decomposed on a flat surface. For a volumetric braid in several rows, you will need about 70 strands, this corresponds to 200 grams of fiber. The French braid needs Kanecalon 2 times less, and for African pigtails, feel free to multiply the specified weight by 3.
  • Most often, one thick strand is woven. But for a uniform volume of cos, divide the head into several squares, depending on the type of braid. In each zone, tie a new strand to your hair.
  • A large amount of kanecalon can not only overload the hairstyle and promote the decline in fiber from your hair, but also increase the load on the head. Therefore, use artificial strands moderately, where the total volume of kanecalon should not exceed the amount of natural hair.
  • Also, in order to reduce the severity from the hairstyle, the amount of kanecalon in the temporal part of the head should be reduced and gradually increase it from the parietal and occipital area. Thus, you will get the same volume of hair throughout the head.
  • Kanecalon should be attached as close as possible to the roots of your hair. To make it convenient for you to work with multi -colored strands, solely wet them with water before weaving. The end of the braid is fixed not only with an elastic band, but also with glue, part of the strand or special beads.
  • Try to weave braids evenly and take into account the features of hair growth. There are several techniques for weaving kanecalons that can be combined with each other. You yourself can regulate not only the length of the cos, but also their thickness, as well as the quantity. It is allowed to combine shades of fibers, in some cases even a rainbow of flowers is used.
  • It is quite simple to take care of the braids with Kanecalon. Depending on the chosen hairstyle, the amount of cobblestones and their thickness, the service life varies from 2 days to 3 months. If Kanecalon is wearing longer than the specified time, then the overgrown hair roots will begin to be confused, which will spoil the appearance and harm your hair.
  • Washing Kanecalon along the entire length is not recommended. Since he makes a hairstyle when he gets wet, which gives an additional load on his head. Therefore, you will have to wash only the roots of your hair. Do not use masks, balms and air conditioners, they are very poorly washed from artificial hair.
  • For those who decide on African braids, you should know that in the early days a little itching on the scalp can be felt. You can remove it with a decoction of chamomile, which needs to be washed the basal zone.
  • With prolonged wear, the structure of natural hair worsens with a kanecalon. After you remove the strands, go through the recovery procedure, make nourishing hair masks. If you want to braid the pigtails again, then take a break between their wearing for at least 2 weeks.

It is always difficult to follow fashion. But with the right choice of a multi -colored attribute for hair and a great practice of weaving, you can independently use kanecalon at home.

How to use kanecalon for short hair, watch the video

How to make Kanecalon in the Ombre style you will learn in this video



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