
What is Korean makeup, basics. How to make Korean makeup in stages. What does Korean makeup look like - photo before and after

What is Korean makeup, basics. How to make Korean makeup in stages. What does Korean makeup look like - photo before and after
Features and foundations of Korean makeup for Russian girls and European eyes. How to make Korean makeup step by step at home. Photo of Korean makeup.

Makeup along with fashion is formed depending on culture and history, features of the lines of the face and other indicators. That is why the Korean version of makeup is much not like European and especially American. The popularity of the Asian Makeap has increased after a worldwide interest in Korean cosmetic skin care products and decorative cosmetics. So what is the secret of makeup of Seoul residents and how to make it for Russian girls?

What are the features of Korean makeup

  • One of the main foundations of Korean makeup is the effect of porcelain skin with a perfectly flat surface. But this feature is suitable for any Korean image that is considered to be classic makeup. The difference between Asian women is that they prefer to create a humid effect on the skin. Thus, they make the skin slightly "transparent."
  • Asian makeup criteria are an oval face, as if with paints eyes and impeccable skin with a light golden tint. The style of the Korean make-up was influenced by local pop culture, the standard of which is considered the appearance of famous musicians.
  • But at the same time, popular screen stars often use the services of plastic surgeons, which is considered the norm in the country of the rising sun. Most Koreans want to be like artists and musicians. That is why makeup trends are set by commercials of popular clips.
  • The basis of makeup in the Korean style is the achievement of the effect of a young face with notes of freshness. While in Europe, fashionistas prefer to clearly draw the contours of the face. Asian ones devote more time to skin care and phased skin cleansing. As a result, cosmetics are applied in a minimum amount.
  • Facial features of Korean women affect the formation of makeup techniques, which is clearly visible in the lessons of Korean makeup. So in Korea, the girls practically do not pay attention to the sculpture of the nose, but in the absence of folds on the upper eyelid, the eye makeup is aimed at the visual increase in their cut.

Differences in Korean makeup and Western

  • Before studying step -by -step recommendations for applying Asian makeup, consider its features and differences from the usual Western style. In this case, you can understand whether Korean makeup is suitable for your image.
  • Asian, they try to scratch the skin as much as possible, while Americans are trying to create the effect of tanning on their faces. Therefore, most of the tonal products of Korean manufacturers do not contain shades of even light bronze tint.
  • Koreans prefer straight eyebrows, without a corner or acute crease. They have naturalness in high esteem, and the color of the eyebrows should be a little lighter than the hair shade.
  • Particular attention in Korean make -up is given to the eyes. In addition to the visual increase in their volume and cut of the eyes, Asian beauties use a straight arrow, excluding a cat's eye.
  • The porcelain face is complemented by a puppet blush, a slightly pinkish or peach shade. Asian lip makeup is significantly different from the western one. Americans prefer to draw the contours of the lips, but the oriental beauties, on the contrary, apply the dark lipstick in the center and stretch the shade to the contour, reducing it to a transparent color.

What cosmetics are used for Korean makeup of Korean

  • Koreans are proud of the cosmetics that is produced in their country. That is why only products released in Korea are used for makeup. Now the whole world is equal to it in the field of beauty beauty.
  • First of all, Asian women use BB Cream. Although initially it began to be used in Germany, Korean manufacturers improved the formula for the correction of the relief and shade of the face. One of the advantages of Asian creams in a large content of the SPF factor, the indicator of which is at least 30.
  • Residents of the eastern country need makeup base. In most cases, Asian women have oily skin and expanded pores. Therefore, they use the product to smooth out the relief of the face. In addition, with it, the foundation will fall on the skin evenly and retain the make -uper longer. The base for makeup from Korean manufacturers hides redness and rashes on the skin well, while adding glows of makeup.

  • Another liquid basis and a finish with a matte shade that Korean women like to use is twint. It contains a high amount of coloring pigment and a stable formula. It can be simultaneously used as lipstick and blush. Also, Asian fashionistas often use eyebrow twints, which is very strange for European or American makeup.
  • Not a single make -up, even light and for every day, does not do without arrows. They can be not only black. In addition to the eyeliner, the Korean women use volumetric mascara or increase them, since by nature the eyelashes of the Asians are short and lowered down.
  • But the novelty from Korean manufacturers of cosmetics - Kushon is considered particularly pride. This is not cosmetics itself, but rather its form. A cushon is a sponge that is impregnated with a cosmetic product with the addition of various caring components and vitamins for the skin. Initially, kushons were used only with foundation. But today they are produced in the form of blush, highlighters, eyelid shadows, bronzers and even lipsticks.
  • Only when using cosmetics of Korean manufacturers can Korean makeup be done. The transformation of the oriental beauties is amazing, as evidenced by the photo before and after the make -up.

How to make Korean makeup correctly

  • Asian make -up does not begin with the application of cosmetics, but with the skin care procedure, which involves 10 steps. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning the face from pollution. These are foam for washing, cleansing oil and skin peeling several times a week.
  • Then the skin is necessarily toned, serum and concentrate of caring components from ampoules are applied. Koreans like to use fabric masks. After that, the application of the face and skin around the eyes should be applied. Without sunscreen, oriental beauties do not imagine their makeup.
  • Only on condition of full skin care, Asian people begin to apply makeup. He also has his own rules and features.

How to make light Korean makeup, everyday

  • The secret of a shining and fresh face in Koreans is moisturizing the skin. Therefore, first apply a day cream with a moisturizing effect on your face. Instead, you can use a primer. After the base is used for makeup. So the VV-cream will fall on the skin evenly and will hide the shortcomings more.
  • Eastern beauties pay special attention to makeup makeup of the eye. They also use shadows, but shade them around the eyes, which differs from the usual application for us. Liquid eyeliners are also popular. But unlike the “cat's eye” known in Europe, the end of the arrow of the upper eyelid should be drawn down towards the cheekbones. This will visually make the eyes rounded and increase their size.
  • To give the lifting effect, bring a blush of an orange shade on the cheekbones in their upper part. For Korean make -up, the eyes are the most important accent in the general make -up. Therefore, the use of ombre is used for lip makeup to visually reduce them and make them less noticeable. First use a moisturizing balm, then apply a concealer to the entire surface of the lips. It will hide their contour. Cover the middle of the lips with lipstick or brilliance and blend your fingers towards their outline.
  • Claus flows the Korean is devoted to time when applying makeup no less than Western beauties. But they do not obscure individual parts of the face, but on the contrary, use highlighting or strubing. With the help of a highlighter, the cheekbones, the middle of the nose, a place under the outer corner of the eyebrows, and a recess above the upper lip should be distinguished. This technique allows you to sculpt your face, while the make -up remains easy.

How to make Korean makeup evening or festive

  • Evening makeup of Asian women is also not overloaded with cosmetics and should maintain freshness and lightness. But at the same time, there are more accents and options to stand out. This is the use of not only voluminous carcasses, but also overhead eyelashes.
  • The color of the lipstick becomes brighter, but still matte. Also, eyebrows should be highlighted. For an evening make -up, oriental girls often use multi -colored lenses. They make it possible to use different shades of shadows in makeup, and make the image more mysterious.

Basic rules of Korean lip makeup

  • For lips makeup, it is important to create an ombre effect. It is achieved mainly by matte shades of lipstick, but it is also possible to use glossy coating. There are two ways to use lipstick, which involve a different priority of applying cosmetics.
  • At the first, first it is necessary to use the concealer on the entire surface of the lips, then apply lipstick to the middle and stretch the color to their line. For the second version of Korean makeup, lipstick is first used, and a concealer is applied to lubricate the contour with a brush.
  • If Europeans and Americans use more nude shades of lipstick with a beige subton, then the Koreans give their preference to berry tvinta for the lips.

Basic rules of Korean eye makeup

  • Asian makeup focuses on eyebrows. In Europe, a fashionably curved shape of the eyebrows. Koreans prefer a natural shape of eyebrows without angles. They use only powder -based products for their makeup: shadows or pencils.
  • Eye makeup can be diverse, but in most options Asian use arrows and shadows in brown and black colors. A popular eye makeup in Japan as “Smokey Ice” did not take root in Korea. Only smoky technique is allowed, in which shadows of pastel colors are used on the eyelids.

Korean makeup on Russian girls - phased instruction

You can apply the rules of the Korean make -up for Russian beauties not only in beauty salons, but also at home. To do this, clearly follow the following step -by -step instructions.

  • You should start with the cleansing of the face in order to prepare it for the application of cosmetics. To do this, use gels or foam to relieve skin pollution. Then remove the dead skin cells with a scrub or peeling. The tonic normalizes the acidity of the skin and removes the remnants of the product from it.
  • The next stage is the application of serum with moisturizing components and cream. When the funds are completely absorbed, the person is ready for further application of cosmetics. To create an even relief on the skin, use the base for makeup.
  • Korean, instead of a conventional tonal remedy, apply explosives and creams, which can hide the deficiencies on the skin, but at the same time be invisible in makeup. They also have moisturizing properties. You do not have to use Korean foundation. Some European manufacturers adapted their formula for Korean cosmetics.
  • You can hide the irregularities, redness and rashes on the skin with a concealer. Also apply it along the contour of the lips. Just choose the shade of the product depending on the need and type of skin.
  • Tint the eyebrows with powder shadows, while creating a natural bend. If you have a corner on them, then it should be hidden by a concealer or a foundation.
  • For Korean eye makeup, the upper eyelid should be brought up with a black liner or pencil, while creating a thin line. It should end on the outside of the upper and lower eyelids. Shadows can not be used, as well as mascara.
  • Persian blush of a matte shade will help to give freshness to the face. They should only be applied to the upper part of the cheekbones.
  • Lipstick for the lips is used only on the central part of them and is shaded to the edge. So you can create the gradient effect on the lips. If desired, you can add a small amount of shine. At the end of makeup, highlighter should be used. Apply it to cheekbones and chin.

Korean makeup conquers its simplicity and freshness of the image. In order to apply it for Europeans and Russian beauties, it is necessary not only to apply cosmetics correctly, but also to follow the ten -speed system of skin skin care.

How to make cute Korean makeup with the effect of skin radiance, watch the video



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