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Pressotherapy procedure - what is it, photo before and after. Indications and contraindications for press therapy. How press therapy is done. Is it possible to conduct a pressotherapy session at home

Pressotherapy procedure - what is it, photo before and after. Indications and contraindications for press therapy. How press therapy is done. Is it possible to conduct a pressotherapy session at home
How the press therapy procedure is carried out. Is it possible to do press therapy at home. Indications and contraindications for press therapy. Devices for press therapy of lymphatic drainage.

Modern medicine makes people not only healthier, but also more beautiful. Every year more and more new methods appear, as well as procedures that allow you to maintain the youth of the body without exhausting training and unpleasant diets. In addition, the effect of such procedures lasts a long time. One of the effective methods of rejuvenation of the body is press therapy. We will tell you about how this procedure is done.

What is body pressotherapy

Pressotherapy in its effect resembles massage. The difference between these procedures is that massage is done by the hands of a masseur, and press therapy acts due to the alternation of high and low pressure.

During the session, a special suit is put on a person, which is connected to a pressotherapy device and a computer. The costume for the procedure has several special cuffs through which air is supplied and pumped out, creating high pressure or vacuum inside.

During a decrease in pressure in the costume, a significant expansion of blood vessels occurs, which allows you to increase blood flow to the tissues. Some models of pressotherapy costumes have an infrared air heating system. This allows you to adjust the temperature inside, which makes the procedure more effective.

During the pressotherapy procedure, under the influence of pressure changes, rhythmic muscle function occurs, which leads to the normalization of blood flow and outflow of venous blood and lymph in the body. Thanks to this, the metabolism is accelerated, the withdrawal of toxins and toxins from the body. In addition, this procedure helps to normalize the water balance in the body and remove excess fluid. This effect is achieved by a simultaneous change in temperature and pressure in the suit.

The author of this procedure was a scientist from the Netherlands Van der Molin. Initially, it was intended to remove excessive fluid from the body of patients injured in catastrophes. Then, after the opening of the cosmetological effect, this technique began to be used to combat excess weight and cellulite, as well as for rejuvenation of the skin and the body as a whole.

Pressotherapy: Indications

  • This procedure will be very useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Due to the minimum amount of loads, excess fluids can accumulate in the body. Small physical activity, and as a result, the accumulation of fluids, can be observed in people who have undergone operations or injuries. Pressotherapy can significantly increase the rehabilitation rate.
  • This procedure helps with varicose veins. Due to the expansion and narrowing of blood vessels under the influence of fluctuations in the pressure of their walls, they are strengthened and become more elastic. That is why press therapies are used to prevent varicose veins.
  • Due to the fact that during the pressotherapy procedure there is tension and relaxation of muscles, this relieves muscle cramps and crepe. This effect helps athletes and people whose body is subjected to high physical exertion.
  • Pressotherapy favorably affects the condition of the skin. After passing the procedure, the skin becomes more elastic, the effect of rejuvenation is observed.

Pressotherapy for weight loss

Many cosmetologists advertise this procedure as an effective way to get rid of excess weight. However, this is not entirely true. This procedure can become a catalyst for a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body, due to which the body weight will decrease. However, press therapy will not be able to reduce fat deposits in any way. Therefore, after passing the course, many patients can be disappointed with the result.

A positive effect for those who want to lose weight using press therapy can be considered - cleansing the lymphatic system and improving blood flow. Thanks to this, the metabolism in the body is accelerated, which helps to reduce weight. That is why press therapy can be considered as an additional procedure for weight loss. The best results are shown in the fight against cellulite. During press therapy from cellulite, the skin cells and intercellular space are cleansed, which improves its elasticity. Currently, press therapy is considered one of the most effective procedures to combat cellulite. Often it is combined with wrap.

How the press therapy procedure is carried out

  • The procedure is carried out using special equipment. It consists of a costume and a device that, under the control of a computer, pumps air inside. Cuffs are put on the feet, hands or other parts of the body, depending on the plan of the procedure.
  • Then, air with a certain frequency and pressure is pumped into the cuffs. The air supply takes place from below, the so-called pulse wave, with certain breaks, which can last from a few seconds to several minutes. The level of air supply, the amplitude of influences is used depending on the program and treatment goals. Due to the fact that the whole process is controlled by a computer, the effectiveness of the procedure is very high.
  • All the time the patient just lies on the couch. No activity from the patient is required. On average, the duration of one session of professional press therapy is 30 minutes. After the procedure, which, according to patients of patients, is quite pleasant, there is a feeling of relaxation and warmth of the body due to a rush of blood.

How often it is necessary to carry out pressotherapy

According to physiotherapists, one session of press therapy can replace a dozen sessions of ordinary manual massage. The number of procedures, as well as the time and strength of the impact, is determined depending on the tasks and the general condition of the body. On average, from 10 to 20 sessions are carried out. Pressotherapy should not be done daily. The body should have time to recover. Usually, 1-2 days of the break are made between the sessions. The effect of press therapy is visible after 3-4 sessions. Swelling is noticeably reduced, a feeling of lightness appears, muscle cramps are reduced. The first results in the fight against cellulite appear after 5-7 sessions.

The price of press therapy is currently difficult to call low, so it is necessary to approach its planning responsibly. To achieve a persistent effect, 5-6 months after the first course, the procedure should be repeated.

Pressotherapy programs

These programs are designed specifically for each specific disease. Each of them is adjusted for a specific patient, depending on the characteristics of his body and severity, the condition.

Pressotherapy is carried out in two ways:

  • With the help of a schedral costume. Thus, a useful effect on the whole organism as a whole is achieved.
  • With the help of cuffs. This method is used for local impact on the problem areas of the body. It also helps to assign the procedure in the presence of certain contraindications. So, using cuffs, you can carry out sessions of press therapy of legs even in pregnant women without risk for mother and child.

Types and programs of press therapy:

  • Pressotherapy of the hands is carried out using cuffs. This program helps to get rid of sagging of the skin of the hands after a sharp reduction in human weight.
  • Pressotherapy of the legs. This procedure is also carried out using cuffs. The pressotherapy of the legs is prescribed not only in cosmetic, but also for medical reasons. It is shown with varicose veins, cellulite. Due to the elimination of fluid stagnation in the legs, sensations of severity and pain in the lower extremities are eliminated. Due to the improvement of the state of the vessels of the legs, their elasticity, press therapy for varicose veins is used not only for the treatment of the disease, but also for its prevention.
  • Massage and press therapy of the lower back. This program is performed using a special compression belt. Such massage is prescribed for constant back pain, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, and neuralgic pain. After severe dorsal injuries, the implementation of press therapy of the back will accelerate the rehabilitation process. For people with disabilities, this procedure is often used as an anti -prose agent.
  • Abdominal pressotherapy. The pressotherapy of the abdomen allows you to remove skin folds after losing weight. Thanks to this procedure, skin elasticity improves, the area of \u200b\u200bproblem areas is reduced, a bright anti -cellulite effect is observed.
  • Pressotherapy lymphatic drainage. In addition to the massage effect, press therapy allows you to activate fluid drainage in the body, including lymph. Thanks to this, the metabolism improves, the overall intoxication of the body is reduced.

Pressotherapy: contraindications

Massage and pressotherapy are not carried out in the following conditions:

  • Damage to blood vessels due to diabetes mellitus.
  • Disease any form of tuberculosis.
  • The presence of a pacemaker.
  • Fabric edema associated with heart or kidney problems.
  • Damage to the skin, bones in areas of exposure.
  • Acute inflammation of the skin.
  • Liver failure.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction, mental disorders.
  • Problems with blood coagulation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Epilepsy.

Even the doctor must decide whether press therapy can be done with increased blood pressure. This indicator for each should be determined individually.

The harm from press therapy can be due to myoma disease. The fact is that this procedure helps to increase blood flow through the vessels, which significantly enhances the risk of activating the disease and the appearance of new myoma nodes.

As a rule, press therapy brings only benefits. With the correct selection of the mode of the device and the procedure, no consequences occur. However, if the regime was selected incorrectly and the effect on the body's body was excessive, redness of the skin or the appearance of hematomas may occur due to damage to blood vessels. These problems do not require treatment, and, as a rule, go after 2-3 days.

Instructions for preparation for press therapy

Special preparation for press therapy is not required. However, several simple rules should be followed:

  • The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before the procedure.
  • Before starting press therapy, it is necessary to cleanse the skin in the effect of exposure.
  • It is advisable to empty the bladder. Especially if the effect is in the abdomen.
  • Before the session, the doctor must conduct a conversation with the patient, study his anamnesis, and only then prescribe a course of treatment.

Pressotherapy at home

Pressotherapy at home is very rare. The whole problem is the cost of equipment. So, prices for homemade press therapy will start from $ 300. This is excluding pants and cuffs. That is why it is easier to buy a course of press therapy in a cosmetic salon and make it with the hands of professionals.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to get home equipment, then you should take it very seriously to its purchase.

The most popular devices are:

  • Lymph-E-1
  • Lymph-E-2. It is an enhanced version of the first.
  • Doctor life.
  • Happy System.

It is worth paying attention to the manufacturer, the equipment and technical characteristics of the device. It should be remembered that homemade press therapy sessions can only be carried out at the appointment of a doctor and preferably under his control.

Pressotherapy: photo "B" and "after"

Pressotherapy: video



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