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How to tighten the skin on the stomach at home. How to tighten the flabby and sagging skin of the abdomen - procedures, exercises, tools. How to quickly pull the skin on the stomach after childbirth. How to tighten the skin of the abdomen after losing weight

How to tighten the skin on the stomach at home. How to tighten the flabby and sagging skin of the abdomen - procedures, exercises, tools. How to quickly pull the skin on the stomach after childbirth. How to tighten the skin of the abdomen after losing weight
Ways to tighten the sagging and flabby skin of the abdomen after childbirth or after losing weight. How to tighten the skin of the abdomen at home. Procedures pulling the skin of the abdomen.

Very often girls are dissatisfied with their appearance. At the same time, flabby skin in the abdomen is most of the problems. This phenomenon can occur in women after childbirth, as well as in those girls who in a short time managed to lose a large amount of kilograms. All representatives of the fair sex are concerned with the question, is it possible to tighten the skin on the stomach? Can. But this requires an integrated approach. Next, we will tell you how to quickly pull the skin on your stomach.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach. Why is the skin on the stomach hesitates

Let's figure out what are the causes of the appearance of a sagging abdomen:

  1. Most often, the skin in the abdomen hopes when a person in a short time has lost weight. You can most effectively get rid of excess fat with power or cardiopolization. However, in this case, skin tissues are not always reduced to the desired size, as a result of which the skin drops.
  2. In addition, those who have passed the surgical liposuction procedure, as a result of which have lost a lot of fat cells, can also face such a problem. Very often, in this case, excess skin remains in the abdomen, because the skin cannot be reduced to such a short time to the desired size naturally.
  3. The skin drops in the abdomen and in young mothers. After childbirth, a gradual reduction in the uterus occurs for 3 months, its decrease to the desired size. In addition, during this time there is a compaction and contraction of the skin in the abdomen.
  4. Diastasis. As a result of this pathology, the rectus muscles are distinguished in the course of pregnancy. Very often, this problem praises pregnant women awaiting twins. In this case, due to the fact that the stomach acquires large size, and the skin in its area stretches, the connective tissue between the muscles cracks, without withstanding the load load. In this case, it is impossible to self-medicate and conduct any physical training, because in this way you can even more harm. This pathology can only be eliminated surgically. Moreover, treatment must take place under the supervision of a doctor.

If this problem is not medical, then you can remove the stomach and tighten the skin with the help of various home techniques, which we will talk more about later.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach after childbirth: Basic rules and methods

Consider the most basic methods and rules on how to tighten sagging skin on the stomach:

  • Natural process - breastfeeding. No matter how strange it may sound, in the process of breastfeeding in a woman a hormonal background occurs, accelerated uterine contraction after childbirth, and the metabolism and blood flow in the abdominal organs improve. This all leads to the fact that the skin in the abdomen of a woman is reduced naturally.
  • Regular dietary nutrition. For a woman after childbirth, it is important to adhere to a balanced diet. It should eat only healthy products that will not damage the baby’s health, because through the mother’s breast milk he receives everything necessary for proper growth and development. In this case, the woman should not overeat. After all, excessive food consumption leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat. This is especially important in the postpartum period, when the body is rebuilding its hormonal balance. From the diet, women after childbirth should exclude products such as fatty and smoked meat, baking, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, semi -finished products.
  • Moderate physical training. Pull and make elastic skin on the stomach in the postpartum period with the help of simple physical exercises. You should not exhaust yourself with training, because it can only harm. However, they must be regular. For example, judging by the reviews, you can pull the skin on the stomach with the help of a morning run on the street, bicycle, and swimming.

  • You can tighten the skin on the stomach self -massage.  This procedure can be performed at home. To do this, you can pinch the skin in the abdomen until it turns slightly. This will help to normalize blood flow, increase lymphatic drainage, as a result of which fat deposits will decrease. In order to improve the effect of the self -massage procedure, you can use any massage oil, olive or vegetable oil. The self -massage procedure must be completed by a contrast shower.

In order not to think after childbirth, how to tighten the sagging skin on the stomach, the following preventive measures can be carried out before and during pregnancy:

  • Before pregnancy, exercise charging to strengthen the abdominal muscles. It can be exercises for press, inclinations, squats.
  • Starting from 4-5 months of pregnancy, you should wear a bandage on your stomach, it will not let the abdomen muscles stretch.
  • Make sure that the weight during pregnancy increases evenly. Do not allow you to gain more than 10-12 kg during the period of pregnancy.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach after losing weight

How to tighten the skin on the stomach: exercises

Consider how to tighten flabby skin on the stomach after losing weight with the help of exercises:

  • Exercise 1. You need to lie on your back, bend your legs in your knees, and close your hands behind your head. Next, you need to tear off the body from the floor, so that the shoulder blades remain riveted to the floor. At the time of the greatest tension, you should hold your breath and exhale through your mouth, slowly dropping to the floor. You need to do as many repetitions as enough strength. With each approach, repetitions must be increased by 1, reaching to 30 in one approach.
  • Exercise 2. You need to lie on your back, arms fold in the lock behind your head, bend your knees. Next, on inspiration, you need to slowly raise your knees to your chest and straighten your legs up at 60⁰ to the floor level. On exhalation, the legs slowly drop to the floor. The number of repetitions is up to 30.
  • Exercise 3. You need to lie on your back, put your hands under the buttocks and stretch your legs perpendicular to the floor and, on inspiration, spread them to the sides as far as possible. On exhalation - a return to its original position.
  • Exercise 4. The last exercise of the complex is stretching. You need to kneel, lean forward and put your hands on the floor. Then it is necessary to slowly lower the hips and stretch up and forward simultaneously. When the maximum tension of the abdominal muscles is felt, it is necessary to linger in this position for 10 seconds. It is necessary to make 5 repetitions.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach according to the Japanese methodology

This technique is very popular among those who wish to adjust the shape of the abdomen. Such a correction can be done at home. For this, expensive devices or drugs are not required, so the costs of its implementation are striving for zero. Everything that is required for correction by Japanese method is a terry towel. It must be carefully turned into a roller and fixed with a strong thread.

The procedure is very simple:

  • It is necessary to lie on an even hard surface, put the roller under the lower back so that it is strictly at the navel level.
  • The legs should be straightened and shoulder width apart, while the feet are closed so that the thumbs are in contact. Straighten your hands and run behind your head, turning your palms down and expressing the little finger.
  • In this position you need to lie about 5 minutes. According to Japanese scientists, the result can become noticeable in a few weeks. You need to repeat the procedure daily for several months and then the result will remain for a long time.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach with a cream

  • GUAM cream - It is one of the cosmetics of the cosmetics line of the famous Italian manufacturer. It has a tonic and strengthening effect, which helps to fight cellulite and sagging skin. The cream is used for all types of massage, as well as for wrapping. The use is very simple: it is necessary to apply the drug to the surface of the skin of the abdomen with a thin layer and rub it until it is completely absorbed. The cream should not be allowed to the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • Garnier Skinat Body strengthening It is an excellent moisturizing agent. It includes phytocofoofer, which perfectly copes with the breakdown of fats, and the extract of seaweed, which strengthens the cells. For a good effect, it is necessary to apply cream daily to clean skin of the abdomen for a month.
  • Pulling creams of the Fitness line They have fat burning and tightening properties. They fight perfectly with cellulite. It is advisable to use with wrap, massage and other methods of correction of the form of the abdomen.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach: wraps

  • Honey wrapsDesigned in order to tighten the skin of the abdomen. This is a fairly popular method of correcting the shape of the abdomen at home. Liquid honey at room temperature must be applied to the surface of the abdomen with a thin layer and wrapped with plastic film. Such a peculiar compress must be kept for 30 minutes, lying under a warm blanket, and then rinse with warm water. The course of honey wrapping is up to 10 procedures. After its end, the skin on the abdomen should become more elastic.
  • To prepare wrapping, we need 5 tbsp ground coffee. Pour it with water until a mass forms, in its consistency resembling a cream. Apply it on the stomach. We turn around with cling film and lie for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off.
  • They cope well with skin tightening and oil wraps. To do this, you need 2 tbsp olive oil, they are abundantly rub the skin on the stomach and then wrap this area with cling film. Oil wraps favorably affect the skin of the abdomen, improve blood flow in this area. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

How to tighten the skin of the abdomen: masks

Recipes for masks for tightening the skin of the abdomen:

  • To prepare the mask, we need red pepper powder (0.5 tsp) and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix the product and let it brew for 20 minutes. Such a mask is applied for 15-20 minutes, then it should be washed off with warm water. Red pepper powder improves and enhances blood flow, and also has fat burning properties.
  • Honey and coffee also positively affect the condition of the skin of the abdomen. For this, 2 tsp of honey and 1 tsp are taken. natural ground coffee, mixed. This mixture is applied to the abdomen for 25 minutes.

How to tighten the skin of the abdomen with home and industrial products

You can tighten the skin on the stomach at home in the following ways:

  • Masks and baths pulling the skin of the abdomen with the addition essential oils. You can buy them almost everywhere, and they are relatively inexpensive. This makes the procedure accessible, but at the same time it is not inferior in its effectiveness to other cosmetic procedures. A few drops of essential oil must be mixed with sea salt and added to a bath with warm water. The temperature of the latter should be no more than +38 ° C. The duration of one session is about 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated with a frequency of 2 days. Baths with essential oils are useful for the whole organism, and not only for the skin of the abdomen. Very good results are given by baths with extracts of calendula, hawthorn, sage and other medicinal herbs. They stimulate the acceleration of metabolism, positively affect the condition of the skin cells.

  • Massage using oils. What oil pulls up the skin of the abdomen during the massage? This is rosehip oil, flax, olive, almond, etc. They contain a large amount of vitamin E, which positively affects the strength and elasticity of the skin. Such massages are carried out with courses of 10-15 procedures. To correct the shape of the abdomen, massages with creams are used, which include extracts of brown algae or horse chestnut, collagen, menthol.
  • The use of special postpartum plasters. They help to avoid stretch marks on the skin after childbirth and make the skin more elastic.

Clinical methods and procedures to tighten the skin of the abdomen

These procedures pulling the skin of the abdomen are carried out in cosmetic clinics. Distinguish between conservative methods and surgical.

The first includes:

1. Cryotherapy. It consists in short -term effects on the skin of an extremely low temperature. Thanks to this effect, the skin becomes more elastic and healthy. This procedure is also called cryolopolis. It is made in cosmetic salons using special devices, such as Criowave. The session is performed as follows: the patient lies on the couch, the cuffs supplying cold are laid on the abdomen. A thin layer of gel is applied between them and the skin, which softens the effect of the cold. Gels contain chamomile and aloe extracts that soothe and moisturize the skin. The cryolipolysis course consists of only 3 procedures that are made with a break of 45 days. The results of the impact in the overwhelming number of cases are visible after the first session.

2. Various massages: Manual and hardware.

3. Mesotherapy. This method of correction of the form of the abdomen is based on the introduction of special drugs under the skin, which favorably affect the elasticity of the skin - elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. To combat cellulite, cocktails are used, which improve lymphatic drainage, metabolism, accelerate the decay of fat cells. Mesotherapy sessions are held, as a rule, with an interval of 7-15 days. Unlike other methods of correction of the form of the abdomen, the result of mesotherapy will not be noticeable immediately. It will increase with an increase in the activity of the introduced substances. To assess the effectiveness of the procedure, the cosmetologist measures the patient's waist before and after the course. There are several types of mesotherapy:

  • Injection. Preparations under the skin are administered into thin needles.
  • Fractional. For the input, devices with special acupuncture needles are used.
  • Hardware non -injection. Devices are used that introduce the drug under the skin using ultrasound, low -frequency, compressed air current.

4. Radio wave therapy. Radio wave skin lifting involves the use of high -frequency current and controlled heating of the skin, as well as adipose tissue. High -frequency currents on the protein collagen affect, improving its quality, which only worsens over the years. Due to the change and update of collagen, the skin becomes more elastic and stretched. The radio wave therapy course usually consists of 10 sessions. The first results can be seen after 2 procedures.

5. Hirudotherapy. Not quite a pleasant procedure that consists in the action of leeches on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Surgical methods include abdominoplasty. This is an operation that is aimed at removing excess adhesive tissue and skin stretch, which makes the abdomen's contour more aesthetic.

This operation is carried out as follows:

  • A horizontal or vertical section is made on the front abdominal wall.
  • Excess fabric are removed below the navel along with stretch marks of the skin.
  • The muscles that are dispersed during pregnancy (excess weight) are pulled up to their previous position and normal tone.
  • Seams are applied, drainage and bandage are installed. The latter will need to be worn for 4-6 weeks.
  • Finding in a hospital after an operation is approximately 7-10 days, depending on the general condition.
  • Side effects, the complexity of the operation and the need for long -term recovery make this method not very popular. However, it is considered the most effective, which allows you to adjust almost any drawbacks of the form of the abdomen.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach: video



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