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Properties of vanilla essential oil. The use of vanilla oil for hair, face and body at home

Properties of vanilla essential oil. The use of vanilla oil for hair, face and body at home
Properties of vanilla essential oil, reviews. Where to buy vanilla essential oil. The use of vanilla oil for the skin, body, for hair. Baths with vanilla oil.

Essential is little vanilla - this is a product that has found its application in many areas. Vanilla today is called the family of long -term Lian from the orchid family. Mexico is considered the birthplace of this culture. Today, it is most often mined in Madagascar and China. It is worth saying that Vanil is not only a spice. It is also used to prepare essential oil. It has special value in cosmetology. In addition, this oil is cheap enough. Next, consider the properties of this product, as well as how to properly use vanilla essential oil for the face and body.

Essential oil vanilla: receipt

This oil is obtained from vanilla pits that have passed the full process of fermentation. These pods ripen on perennial vines with sufficiently long green shoots. The vines can rise up to a height of up to 20 m, and large white flowers are open on them, which gradually turn into large pods 10-15 cm long. These pods hang on the vines for more than 7 months, after which they are collected and dried for another six months . During this time, sticks should purchase a black color with a light white coating. It should also be said that vanilla has several subspecies. The main one is considered to be ordinary vanilla or Vanilla Planifolia. True, high -quality vanilla oil is obtained only from the Tahitensis subspecies, which differs in much smaller pods. The most appreciated oil from the subspecies of Pompona. It has poor cosmetic and therapeutic qualities.

It should be noted that vanilla essential oil is not extracted by squeezing, like other oils, but in the process of extraction with oil solvents. This process usually lasts long enough. In addition, it requires special equipment for the extraction of raw materials. After the first extraction, the oil is not yet a finished product. At this stage, only a rubberoid is obtained, from which, by repeated extraction, the absolute of vanilla essential oil is released.

In appearance, natural vanilla oil is a rather viscous non -liquid substance with a rather dark color. It shimmers very beautifully in the light with an amber tint. It is not diluted with water when used. Due to the consistency, it is taken in small doses. I must say that the composition of the essential oil of vanilla is poorly studied. Today, more than 150 different components have already been allocated in its composition. At the same time, from the entire composition to Vanil accounts for only 1.5 to 2.5%.

Vanilla has been known to people since ancient times. So, it was also valued by the Aztecs who used it as a spice. They used it to prepare a drink from cocoa beans. In addition, vanilla was used for therapeutic purposes. In particular, for the treatment of chlorosis, epilepsy, depression, nervous breakdowns. Vanilla got to Europe after the Aztecs began to pay with this spice to the Spaniards. Today it is used, in addition to cosmetology, to treat intestinal diseases and to improve the overall digestion.

The use of vanilla oil in cosmetology

Due to its composition, saturated with useful substances, vanilla oil is very widely used in cosmetology. This is from the most common skin care products.

Applications and properties of vanilla oil in cosmetology are as follows:

  • The solution to the problems of dried, sensitive, age -related skin occurs due to oxygen saturation and active components.
  • Also, the use of hair masks based on vanilla oil helps strengthen their roots, structure, reduces the risk of premature loss.
  • The use of vanilla oil to correct the figure, the removal of stretch marks, orange peeling for cellulite is widespread.
  • Due to the content of calcium and vitamins, its use positively affects the condition of the nails. Cases of oil use as spirits are known, because it has a very pleasant and soft aroma.
  • In the vast majority of cases, vanilla oil acts as the main or additional ingredient for the preparation of masks, scrubs and other cosmetics.

It will not be difficult to cook them, which is why you can easily arrange an impromptu beauty salon right at home. At the same time, the price of vanilla oil is distinguished by its democracy in comparison with other cosmetics.

Mask made of vanilla oil for facial skin

This tool will help fight the aging of the skin, reduce the rate of wrinkles. This tool is not recommended to be applied to the skin before going to the open sun. Otherwise, there is a risk of formation of age spots on the surface of the skin.

To prepare this mask, you will need:

  • Halves of banana and avocado.
  • 1 tsp coconut oil.
  • 1 tbsp. soft cottage cheese (too hard will be badly stirring).
  • 2 drops of vanilla essential oil.

Fruits must be cleaned from the peel and cut into small pieces. Next, add cottage cheese, coconut oil and vanilla. Everything should be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting mask is applied to the surface of the skin and held for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. The use of this tool gives a visible effect after 2-3 procedures. The skin becomes more elastic and smooth.

Essential oil vanilla: moisturizing peeling for skin

To prepare a peeling product, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. oatmeal (it is advisable to use small grinding or bring them to the desired state in a coffee grinder).
  • 1 tbsp. Jozhoba oils.
  • 2 drops of vanilla essential oil.
  • ½ tsp ground coffee.
  • 1 drop of rose essential oil.

To prepare the product, you just need to thoroughly mix all the ingredients. Apply the mask to carefully cleansed skin, and then massage it for 5-7 minutes. The tool makes the tone of the face more even, reduces the risk of inflammation.

Essential oil vanilla for the face: mask mask

To prepare this mask will need:

  • 2 tbsp. Blue clay.
  • 2 tbsp. warm milk.
  • 2 drops of vanilla essential oil.
  • 1 drop of essential oil of cloves.

First you need to mix milk and clay to the consistency of thick sour cream. Then essential oils are added to the solution. Apply the mask with a thin layer to skin areas that are affected by acne. The applied mask is left for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. The mask dries with fresh inflammation and helps to heal the places of the skin after the departure of acne.

Bleaching mask with vanilla oil for face

It is used to level the tone of the face and whitening it. Cooks from the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. semolina.
  • 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • 2 drops of vanilla essential oil.
  • 1 drop of lemon essential oil.

After mixing the ingredients, the mask is applied with a thin layer over the entire surface of the skin and left for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water with the addition of lemon juice.

Body skin mask with vanilla oil

Vanilla essential oil is used in the treatment of cellulite and correction of the figure. To prepare a scrub from cellulite, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. Sahara.
  • 2 tbsp. almond oil.
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon.
  • 2 drops of vanilla essential oil.
  • 1 tsp ground coffee.

After mixing the components, the product is applied to the problem areas of the skin and scrubbed for 10 minutes. To enhance the effect of the product, for the procedure you can use a washcloth or body brush. After the procedure, the product is washed off with warm water, and a soothing cream is applied to places of exposure. The use of this mask helps to get rid of keratinized skin and reduces the negative effect of cellulite.

Mask with hair vanilla oil

To prepare this mask, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil.
  • 2 drops of vanilla essential oil.
  • 1 drop of ylang-ylang essential oil.
  • 1 tsp almond oil.
  • 1 tsp Cognac.
  • 1 egg yolk.

First you need to beat the yolk, adding the rest of the ingredients to it. It is necessary to apply a mask to a thoroughly washed head, evenly distributing it between the roots of the hair. Then the hair must be a little heated with a hairdryer and put on a hat, leaving the mask for 1 hour. After that, the hair is washed off from the mask and thoroughly washed with shampoo. The mask strengthens the roots, preventing hair loss, and also contributes to their faster growth.

Essential oil vanilla: nail mask

This vanilla oil mask helps strengthen the nail plate and prevent fragility of nails. To prepare this mask at home, you will need:

  • 2 drops of vanilla essential oil.
  • 1 drop of lemon essential oil.
  • 1/2 tsp almond oil.
  • 1 tsp coconut oil.

The ingredients must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and applied to the nail plates. After 15 minutes, gently wipe with a dry cloth. It is recommended to apply the mask before each varnish.

Bath with vanilla oil

In the warm bath, it is necessary to drop to 10 drops of vanilla essential oil. Even a few minutes in such a bathroom soothe and gives strength.

Praise measures when working with vanilla oil

This tool is absolutely safe. Problems can occur only with an allergic reaction to vanilla oil. In order to avoid trouble, you can draw a simple test: drip a couple of drops of oil on the skin and wait 15 minutes. If the skin does not turn red, you can safely use cosmetics with the addition of vanilla oil. Otherwise, it should be refrain from this.

There are no special contraindications for the use of vanilla oil during pregnancy. It is strictly forbidden to take it inside. Masks in the later stages of pregnancy must be used in agreement with the leading doctor.

Essential oil vanilla: application in other areas

According to users, vanilla oil can be used, in addition to cosmetology, also for the following purposes:

  • This product is great for combating harmful insects, in particular, with mosquitoes. For them, the smell of vanilla oil is toxic.
  • In non -traditional medicine, this product is used as a reliable tool for tonic and stimulation of muscles. In addition, vanilla is used in the treatment of fever, rheumatism, as well as various problems of the nervous system. This oil can help with sleep disturbance and increased irritability.
  • This product is used to regulate the balance of gastric juice. With it, you can facilitate the course of the premenstrual syndrome.
  • Vanilla oil is known in that carbohydrates can split. Due to this property, it is prescribed in small doses in diabetes. It can also help with a rash that arose as a result of stress. In addition, this product has the ability to neutralize the effect of alcohol.
  • Vanilla essential oil helps to improve memory and increase attention concentration. This is a fairly strong antidepressant that normalizes appetite and improves the absorption of food by the body. In addition, this oil helps naturally control the feeling of saturation. It is believed that it has the ability to activate energy activity in cells, which, in turn, helps to launch natural physiological processes in the body.
  • This product is not toxic. Therefore, it is often used as an analogue to expensive pods of natural vanilla, which is used as a flavor of food, namely, ice cream, yogurt, dessert, chocolate products, various pastries and tobacco mixtures. In addition, vanilla is used to flavor drinks.

Today to purchase vanilla oil is not a problem. You can buy vanilla oil on many Internet sites, and in a fairly large assortment.

Vanilla essential oil: dosage

  • In aromatherapy, vanilla essential oil is often used in aromatic lamps. Its aroma allows you to create a pleasant atmosphere of peace and comfort in the house. In general, when heated, it manifests itself more strongly. It is usually enough to add 4-5 drops of the product to aromatic lamps. In addition, it is added in an amount of 1-2 drops in aromamedalions.
  • To prepare an aromatic bath in water, 5-6 drops of the product dissolve.
  • In addition, it is used to enrich various cosmetics in the calculation of 3-5 drops per 20 ml.
  • For massage, 4-5 drops of the product per 20 ml of the base are used.
  • For flavoring baking, it is enough to add 1-2 drops of vanilla oil.
  • In addition, vanilla is used inside 1-2 drops to regulate digestion or on the eve of menstruation. In this case, the oil is added to the basic vegetable oil.

Vanilla essential oil: harm, warnings

  • Vanilla essential oil has some contraindications, but there are not many of them. In particular, the product should not be consumed by people who have individual intolerance. In addition, it cannot be applied to the skin before going to the sun. This is due to the fact that under the influence of the sun it reduces the resistance of the skin to adverse effects of light, i.e. It has phototoxicity.
  • This is a very soft and gentle oil, but, despite this, it causes allergic reactions more often than other essential oils. Therefore, after each purchase, it is worth conducting tests for individual intolerance and sensitivity. Be sure to make a test reactions to the purchased product. Today it is quite possible to “stumble” on a fake.
  • Typically, the absolute vanilla oil is used, which is very concentrated. Therefore, it must be used only with strict observance of the minimum dosage.

Vanilla oil: video



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