
How to choose a mattress for a child, views. Spring or springless mattress for a child - what better? Best Mattresses for Children - Review, Reviews

How to choose a mattress for a child, views. Spring or springless mattress for a child - what better? Best Mattresses for Children - Review, Reviews
How and what to choose a mattress for a child. The best mattresses for children. Dimensions and rigidity of mattresses for children. What a mattress to buy a newborn baby, up to 3 years, after 3 years, from 5, 6, 10 years.

Beautiful posture is formed from the first days of life. Not only power and physical activity, but also a full sleep on the right mattress plays an important role in this process. It is subject to strict requirements that change taking into account the age of the baby and its health status. What mattress to choose for a child, and how not to be confused in a huge selection in the modern market, we will be taught further.

Requirements for mattresses for children

There is no universal mattress for a child. The choice of children's bed is determined not only by the size of the bed, but also the needs of the growing body of the baby. Therefore, various models of mattresses are required for children of different ages, and for the entire period of growth, parents account for at least three times a children's mattress.

During the cultivation of the child, the requirements for mattresses change, but they should always perform certain tasks. If you do not know how to choose a mattress for a child, before buying, make sure that it corresponds to these criteria:

  • Provides a full healthy sleep (the mattress of elastic, moderately soft, it's nice to lie on it).
  • Prevents the pathology of the musculoskeletal system (it must be orthopedic).
  • Be hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly (natural filler, without impurities of synthetic materials).
  • Must be durable and easy to care (to pass the air well, it's not too heavy, keeping fine).

Sizes of mattresses for children

The size of the mattress should correspond to the size of the bed so that during sleep he did not slip, did not fall down, did not hurt. To avoid mistakes during the purchase, it is advisable to measure the bed with a roulette in advance. You need to find out the width and length of the sleeping bed, as well as the height of the side, if there are.

For convenience, all baby cots and mattresses are manufactured according to the dimensional grid. Therefore, parents do not have to worry and think what mattress to choose to get it to go to bed. So, for kids up to year, the mattresses of 60x120 or 70x140 cm in size are designed. Next goes more - 80x190, 90x195, 80x200, 90x200 cm.

The degree of rigidity of the children's mattress

Separate attention is paid to the stiffness of the mattress for the child. In childhood, the spine is very mobile and quickly formed, so you need to stop the "golden middle". The mattress should not be too soft or too solid, so it is better to choose orthopedic models with an optimal level of hardness by age.

  • For kids from birth to three years old, the mattress can be chosen more hard, for example, from the bed.
  • The mattress for a child of 4-7 years old is needed moderate stiffness capable of supporting the formable spine without excess load.
  • After seven years, a mattress of medium hardness is allowed that supports the anatomical position of the body without disturbing the level of comfort.

Children's mattresses - species, their advantages and disadvantages

In front of the parents there is a difficult dilemma, what to buy a mattress for a child: with a Bonnel block or independent springs, cotton or foam, latex or coir. In order for the solution to be easier to accept, consider the pros and cons of all kinds of mattresses.

Spring Mattresses Baby Bed

Spring mattresses are manufactured based on steel springs. They make mattresses orthopedically correct, which makes it possible to maintain the contours of the body: under heavy parts of the body springs, and under the lungs - support the desired shape. However, the child has a smaller weight than an adult, so the children's mattress should be less tough and not too high.

The spring mattress can consist of dependent springs (Bonnel blocks), as well as from independent springs. The latter increase the cost of the mattress and make it more camphor and reliable.

Children's mattresses with dependent spring blocks

The mattresses with Bonnel blocks appeared for a long time, and became the predecessors of modern springless models. The design of the mattress consists of a variety of springs, which are interconnected in such a way that each spring curl pulls the next one.

Blocks with continuous weave consist of springs of different diameters, density and number of turns. The smaller models of Bonnel blocks consist of 90-100 springs per square meter. m, each of which is twisted in 3-5 curls with a diameter of 10 cm.

Important! The higher the springs density and the smaller diameter, the better the quality of the mattress: it is more elastic, durable and ergonomic. But even with the highest quality springs, the mattress with Bonnel blocks is difficult to name orthopedic and, moreover, suitable for the child.

Pros of this type of mattress:

  • Excellent air and moisture permeability.
  • Low cost.
  • Strength and reliability.

The disadvantages of the mattress with dependent blocks is much larger:

  • Minimum orthopedic properties.
  • Relatively fast loss of elasticity and appearance of provincial.
  • Noise, creaking during the movement of the springs.
  • The surfaces of the surface and the appearance of "waves" at the time of changing the position of the body.
  • The strong relationship of the springs creates the "hammock" effect and parts of the body turn out to be at different levels.
  • If the foam coating is not sufficient enough, the springs are felt under the severity of the body and deliver discomfort during sleep.

Such disadvantages of this spring mattress for the child make it unattractive from the point of view of the orthopedics.

Mattresses for children with independent springs

The peculiarity of this type of mattresses is in the autonomous operation of each spring, which is enclosed in a durable tissue pouch. Thus, the spring bends and extension independently of the adjacent springs, which makes it possible to change the body shape as accurately as possible. These are optimal orthopedic mattresses for children.

Advice! The greater the number of springs per square. m, the more expensive the mattress and the stronger the load it withstands. But for childhood, you can restrict ourselves to buying a mattress with 250-300 springs on a square. m. and their diameter of 5 cm.

Pluses of the mattress:

  • Uniform load distribution on the mattress.
  • The correct position of the child's body during a night rest.
  • Stability of the surface of the mattress: no waves and oscillations.
  • No noise.
  • The average cost with good quality.

The minuses of this mattress are only two:

  • The big weight of the mattress, which complicates the care of it.
  • The mattress is very high, which is not suitable for all types of beds, especially with sides.

Given these insignificant disadvantages, it is confident that such mattresses are suitable for children from 5 years.

Flameless mattresses for children

The mattress without springs is a block of artificial or natural material, which can be monolithic or multilayer. From spring, this mattress is characterized by such properties:

  • Silentness - the absence of springs excludes any creak.
  • Mobility - the mattress is light, compact, it is easy for it to care.
  • Safety - there are no metal parts in it.

A species assortment of flawed mattresses is very wide. Consider models with the most popular fillers that are designed for children.

Mattresses with polyurethane foam for children

Polyurethane foam (PPU) is a material resembling a regular foam rubber. This is a synthetic and cheap filler with a short service life. It does not own good orthopedic properties, but in comparison with the same foam rubber, more adapted for the children's spine. However, such a mattress is suitable for a child of 6 years.

Advantages of mattresses with PPU:

  • Low price.
  • Ease and elasticity.
  • Convenience.

But the disadvantages of the mattress are more significant:

  • Short life.
  • High degree of moisture absorption without its return.
  • Increased risk of using toxic materials.

Despite the propaganda of manufacturers about the convenience and benefits of mattresses with PPU, it is not recommended to buy them for a bedside place. Such a mattress is not able to fully support the body during sleep in the desired position, can cause allergies, does not provide air permeability. Therefore, if you just thought about what mattress is better for a child, we do not even consider this option.

Mattress with coconut coir

Coconut Coyra is a vegetable fiber filler covering coconuts. This material is very often used for the manufacture of child mattresses, because it is completely natural and does not provoke allergic seizures.

On sale there are monoblock mattresses from Coyra, but they are too solid and uncomfortable. They are ideal for people with already existing orthopedic problems, because their density can be compared with a sheet of chipboard. For children, Coyra can only be used in a pair with other, more elastic fillers. It is especially important to take into account, choosing a mattress for a child per year, when its weight is rapidly increasing, and he fully feels the hardness of the coir.

Often coir are combined with artificial latex. Such a filler for children is unacceptable because it may contain formaldehyde. This substance is highly toxic and can cause a child with a lot of diseases. Therefore, during the purchase you need to carefully study the composition of the filler.

Natural latex mattress

Latex is a vegetative filling of rubber-like milk. On sale you can meet the synthetic analogues of the latex, but for childhood they are not intended.

In accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards, at least 40% of plant latex should be contained in the Children's Mattress. Only in this case it will have such characteristics:

  • Comfortable body position during sleep.
  • Cancelled orthopedic properties.
  • Long service life.
  • Good air and moisturefront properties.
  • Ecology and hypoallergenicity.

There are no shortcomings of this mattress. Among springless models, he is out of competition. The only minus is high cost. If you bribed the low price, it means that you stumbled upon a cheap synthetic rubber. In this case, it is better to reconsider your choice in favor of a mattress with independent springs.

Mattresses with other fillers

A lot of mattresses with different fillers come on sale. Special attention should be paid to such materials as cotton, camel wool, fluff, sintepon. For children, the mattresses with such a filler are absolutely not suitable. First, they are not orthopedic, secondly, they can cause allergies in a child, and, thirdly, they do not provide moisture exchange.

What is better - spring or springless mattress for a child?

Make a choice in favor of a spring or threaded mattress will help comparing their basic parameters:

  • Hygienicity. Dust actively accumulates in spring blocks, and it is almost impossible to get it from there. Threadless models have no such lack, especially if the Latex and Coyra filler. The exceptions are cotton and woolen mattresses that serve as a cozy home for dust ticks.
  • Static properties. In spring blocks, thanks to a metal basis, static electricity is present. In flawless mattresses, as a rule, this is not, but if the plating the mattress is made of synthetic tissue, the effect of electrification is still present.
  • Care. The spring mattress is "afraid of" moisture. If it is very wetting it, the moisture will cause corrosion of the springs, they will begin to creak and collapse, especially often it happens to Bonnel springs. With flawless mattresses, it is different: they are easily cleaning, dry quickly. But this applies only to perforated LateX-based models.
  • Sleep comfort. It is convenient to be located on the spring mattress, because it is soft and the body takes the right position, but at the expense of reinforced edges, the effect of swing is created, which is not very useful to the children's spine. On a flawed mattress, you can easily be located all over the area without swing and slipping in the middle, but over time the doddes can appear in places where the person is most often sleeping. In addition, if the mattress of coconut fiber, the child can be firmly and inconvenient.
  • Life time. The spring mattress will last about 10 years, latex 15, cotton or coconut will have to be changed every 3 years.

Advice! For children, the best choice will be a white-free latex mattress or a mattress with an independent spring block. The remaining models of at least meet the accepted standards.

Choosing a mattress in accordance with the child's age

Choosing a mattress, you need to take into account not only the quality of the filler, rigidity and size, but also the age of the child. As they grow, the children's body needs different conditions for sleep and rest.

Choosing a mattress for a newborn baby

For the smallest you need to acquire hard mattresses that will not be fed. If a child is 0-2 years old, what mattress he choose? As a rule, these are mattresses from coconut fiber with a layer of natural latex. The mattress of up to three years should be in the measure of Tolstoy, so that he could not fall under the weight of the baby.

What mattresses are suitable for children from 3 years

At the kids over three years old, the spine takes the letter S, so too hard mattress will create inconvenience. An excellent option for this age is a mattress with natural latex. Explosive mattresses for this age are not recommended, but, in the extreme case, you can buy a mattress with independent mid-density springs.

What mattress baby 5-7 years old is suitable

After five years, the child moves from a cot for more adult. The degree of rigidity of the new mattress is average. The filler can be from PPU, latex, combined (coir and latex). Spring mattresses are also suitable, with the exception of Bonnel. But the mattress should be exclusively single bed with a small number of spring springs. m.

What to choose a mattress for a child of 7 years and older

In this age, the child is already a schoolboy. His spine experiences a colossal load, so it needs a full-fledged vacation. The necessary conditions create independent high-rigid springs. This mattress supports the bends of the vertebra in a relaxed state and does not violate their development. When choosing a mattress, a child is 10 years old and older can pick up models with a large number of springs, since this requires the weight of the child's body.

Best mattresses for children

Among the most commonly purchased mattresses for children, several well-known brands can be distinguished:

  • Plitex. - The undisputed leaders among children's mattresses. These are 2-sided and orthopedic models based on latex, coyra and synthesis.
  • Ormaytek - Mattresses with independent springs from the Russian manufacturer. Coyra or Latex is used as an elastic layer.
  • Mediflex - Flameless mattresses with orthopena. For stiffness there is a ball of thermal flax. For convenience, the mattress is dressed in a removable terry case.
  • Dreamline - Moderately rigid and very durable mattress consisting of layers of bed and natural latex. The case is made of bosal with a beautiful pattern.
  • Fairy - Economy option from holofayber in a bosal case. Mattress inexpensive, durable, breathable.
  • Ascona - Semi-rigid mattress with a combined filler. Ascona mattresses for children are made from Bonnel mini blocks, felt and PPUs.
  • Monis style - Budget version with Bonnel, Hollofiber and Coyra. Mans jacquard cover.

Mattress for children - reviews

Opinions of parents about children's mattresses are different. Some prefer natural mattresses from coconut fibers and buckwheat, other premium-class spring mattresses. But, in any case, everyone is unanimous - it is not worth saving on a children's mattress.

Positive reviews on flawless latex mattresses are leading. It is convenient to sleep for children, they fully meet hygienic requirements, besides, they have an affordable cost. Especially popular 2-sided mattresses that can be turned over, which extends their service. Also important is the characteristic as "Winter-Summer". Such mattresses have different fillers from two sides and are intended for different climatic conditions.

Negative reviews are about cotton, foam and woolen mattresses. They are difficult to care for them, they quickly accumulate dust and often become culprits of children's allergies.

An exact answer to the question of which mattress is better for a child, no. The choice depends on many factors, so before buying you need to evaluate your financial capabilities, the age of kid and your preferences.

Video "How to choose a mattress for a child"


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