
How to make a dam in home. How to make an injection in idle. How to make a dam yourself

How to make a dam in home. How to make an injection in idle. How to make a dam yourself
How to make an injection in home. How to make an injection into the buttock, thigh, leg, joint, muscle, hand, belly yourself. How to make an injection of a child. How to make an intramuscular and intravenous injection.

You will never be able to predict what skills you may need. For example, a situation can happen when you need to make an intramuscular injection to yourself. In this article, we will analyze detailed instructions, how to do it correctly and avoid the appearance of possible complications. This does not mean that you should avoid consulting a doctor and prescribe, conduct treatment yourself. But in some cases, the skill of independent introduction of the medicine intramuscularly can save life.

How to make an injection at home

How to make an injection - choose a syringe

From what kind of syringe you select will depend a lot. Store the following recommendations for choosing a syringe for injection:

  • the syringe must be new. The syringes that can be without any problems in any pharmacy are already sterile and sold in individual packages. Never use the same syringe to re-introduce the medicine;
  • before filling the syringe with medicine, be sure to check the integrity of its packaging;
  • the syringe must correspond to the volume of the injected medication;
  • the needle of the syringe must have a length of at least 5 cm. Such needles provide painlessness during injection and prevent the formation of sealing at the injection site.

How to make a dam yourself - prepare everything you need

Before you make yourself an injection yourself, you must prepare everything you need in advance:

  • new sterile syringe. Be sure to check the packaging integrity;
  • ampoule with medicine. The contents of the ampoule must have body temperature. To do this, hold the ampoule for some time in the hands, and oil solutions can be heated in a water bath to 38 degrees;
  • antiseptic (alcohol, medical antiseptic solution);
  • cotton swab;
  • package for used syringe, ampoules and cotton tampon.

How to make an injection

If the state of the child requires intramuscular administration of medication, then doctors tend to be recommended to fall into the stationary compartment. But if parents can make injections independently, then the child's treatment is quite possible at home under the supervision of the doctor. You can also hire a medical sister, which will perform intramuscular injections daily, but it can be quite expensive in the material plan. In any case, the knowledge of the right technique of intramuscular injection by the child is always useful to the parent.

  1. Prepare everything you need for the injection. The medicine that is necessary for the child must be bought strictly in the dosage that the doctor appointed. Pay attention to the shelf life of the drug, the integrity of the packaging. You will also need sterile wool or sterile cotton disks. The syringe for the injection of the child should have a thin and sharp needle, sufficient volume. If the needle is short, that is, the risk that the injection will be carried out not intramuscularly, but subcutaneously, which will be fraught with complications. For injections, the child is better to acquire imported syringes with a rubberized piston, which allows you to enter the medicine as slowly as possible.
  2. Before making an injection of a child, thoroughly wash your hands with soap. In order to create the most sterile conditions, you will need medical alcohol to wip the ampoule, buttocks of the child. Some people use vodka, which is not entirely true. Vodka does not kill all microbes.
  3. Open an ampoule with the medicine, pre-once again convinced the correctness of the dosage, the relevance of the shelf life. Make sure you hold in your hands exactly the medicine that prescribed a doctor. On the ampoule there may be a needle, which allows you to quickly open it. If there is no such needlets, then use the special knife to go bundled. Wipe the ampule before opening with alcohol.
  4. Install the needle on the syringe and type the amount of medication from the ampoule. Touch the syringe with your finger so that air bubbles rose to the very top. Slightly put on the piston of the syringe so that the excess air is released, and a drop of medicine appeared on the needle.
  5. In order to correctly make an injection of a child, you need to determine the place of the injection. Intramuscular administration of medication to children involves a root in the buttock. Conditionally divide the buttock into four parts. Injection is produced in the right upper part.
  6. Warm hands massage the buttock. Wipe the place of the vat's disk dipped in alcohol.
  7. With confident movement at an angle of 90 degrees, enter the needle for 2/3 to the buttock.
  8. Slowly start pressed on the piston of the syringe.
  9. Take a pre-prepared new cotton disk, moistened in alcohol, substitute it to the place of the injection and remove the needle of the skin.
  10. Lightly spend your wadded disk area.

If you need to make a prick to the child, it is very important to properly configure it. You can not show that you are worried prior to injection, be calm and confident. Also, you can not fool a child, telling him that at the time of injection, he will not feel anything, be honest with him. Do not carry a child in front of all the preparatory processes prior to injection. Afraid of injections - it is normal for children, so do not cry, do not provoke him.

How to make an injection to man and to avoid complications

It is not necessary to treat the injection held in the home as an ordinary case. Still, it is a medical manipulation, which requires the most accurate technology implementation. Otherwise, there is a huge risk of various complications:

  • infiltrate. The most common complication after injection, which we can observe, is the formation of the seal at the injection site. This may be due to a too short length of the needle, which is not intended for intramuscular injection, and hypodermic due blunt needle, due to the selection of wrong injection site, because of too frequent injections in the same spot, due to non-compliance with the rules of antiseptics. As you can see, the causes of infiltration can be many. To avoid such unpleasant complications, carefully follow the injection technique at home;
  • abscess - inflammation in soft tissues, characterized by the formation of the cavities with purulent content. Abscesses may occur for the same reasons that arise infiltrates. The tendency to such complications are people with immune deficiency, people with bedsores, obese people with elevated allergostatusom. Injection site can not comb, because it is possible to bring back the infection and trigger the beginning of the inflammatory process. An abscess can also occur when intramuscularly entered drug that is not intended to be administered into the muscle;
  • needle breakage. This can happen if the injection was carried out in a standing position if the needle is inserted into a solid and very tense region, if the needle was chosen the wrong length. In the event of such complications is almost always necessary to seek medical help as attempts to self-withdrawal of the needle may lead to even greater penetration in its body;
  • drug embolism. Such complication usually occurs during subcutaneous or intramuscular injections with oily pharmaceuticals. If the needle enters the vessel, the oil can clog it. Place injection starts to blush, this match can increase the body temperature;
  • air embolism. This complication may arise after intravenous injection. The symptoms are the same as in the pharmacological embolism, they only occur very rapidly - within 1-2 minutes after the injection;
  • disruption of the nerve trunks. This complication may arise after the intramuscular injection, and after intravenous. This happens due to choosing the wrong injection site, due to the fact that the depot of the drug is too close to the nerve trunk, due to the fact that the needle is in the vessel, nourishing the nerves, and the drug corked him;
  • thrombophlebitis. With frequent intravenous injections can occur vein occlusion. Also, this complication can occur due to blunt needles;
  • allergic reaction. This complication is not related with the technique of injection. The body can respond differently to the medication. Allergic reactions can occur hives, conjunctivitis, itching, angioedema. One of the most dangerous manifestations of an allergic reaction of the body after injection is anaphylactic shock. If a person after injection starts to feel the heat in the body, dizziness, weakness, nausea, a feeling of pressure in the chest, shortness of breath, it is urgently necessary to call an ambulance, because there is a danger, even death.

Where to get a shot

In medical practice, use different types of injections, but not all of them can be done at home by yourself. Conventionally, the injection is divided into the following types:

  • intradermal;
  • subcutaneous;
  • intramuscular;
  • intra-arterial;
  • intravenous;
  • intraosseous.

How to get a shot in the leg

How to get a shot in the thigh? If your doctor has prescribed you a course of injections in the leg, then you can give injections to yourself at home, of course, if you have this skill. In order to get a shot in the foot, you need a three-component syringe (it is better to give preference to imported syringes, which will help make injections as painless as possible), sterile cotton, rubbing alcohol, the right medicine. Consider the technique of injection in the leg in the home.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wipe them with a clean towel. To ensure maximum sterility, you can use sterile medical gloves.
  2. Before opening the ampoule, make sure that the dosage is correct, in the relevance of the expiration date of the medication.
  3. Before opening the ampoule, wipe it with an antiseptic.
  4. Check the integrity of the packaging of the syringe. Dial the required amount of medication into the syringe.
  5. Talk along the syringe with your fingers so that air bubbles rose up. A little push on the piston to get rid of the air.
  6. With a cotton ball, impregnated with an antiseptic, wipe the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection.
  7. Now it is very important to determine the right place in the foot. Usually injections are made in the side or lateral muscles of the legs. In order to find the side muscle, sit on the chair, keep your legs bent. The part of the leg that "hangs" from the chair is the side muscle where the injection can be made. Relax your leg, take the syringe and at the right angle stuck it into the muscle. Slowly press the syringe piston, introducing the medicine. Vata, impregnated with alcohol, press the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection, and then remove the needle from my feet.
  8. In order to make an injection into the lateral muscle of the leg, you also need to sit on the chair. Find a place between steam and bent knee. Injection must be put at the point, which is above 20 cm bent knee. Take the syringe as you hold the handle, and under this angle, make an injection with confident movement. If the injection into the lateral muscle is made to another person, then the muscle must be captured by forming a fold, and enter the needle at right angles. Watted with alcohol, press to the place of injection, remove the needle.

How to make an injection

If everything is relatively simple with intramuscular injections at home, then everything is not like wrong with injections. Such injections should be carried out only by doctors in medical institutions. Therefore, any description of the technique of intra-articular injection at home simply does not exist. Attempts to make such an injection can bring the following consequences:

  • the needle can get to the periosteum;
  • the needle can damage the articular bag;
  • the needle can get into tendon;
  • the needle can break inside the joint.

Trust the injections into the joint to the specialists and do not make independent attempts that can turn out quite serious complications.

How to make a dam in a knee joint

The knee joint is a rather complicated formation of bones, tendons, soft tissues. Most often, any injections in the knee joint are appointed in the following situations:

  • bursitis;
  • synovitis;
  • tendonitis;
  • gout;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • cartilage injury of the knee;
  • with the aim of washing the joint;
  • to assist in acute pain.

In most cases, the doctor prescribes injection of hormones or drugs in hyaluronic acid. What would be the purpose of injections into the knee joint may be assigned whatever drug you or prescribed by a doctor for intra-articular injections, conduct their own at home impossible. For your own safety do injections in the knee, if you are assigned a doctor, only in a medical facility.

How to make an injection intravenous

Intravenous injections are also desirable to carry out in a health institution, as there is a risk not to get into a vein, to get into artery, etc. You can select the following general recommendations for intravenous injection:

  • intravenous injection should be done in sterile conditions as possible. Required the presence of sterile medical gloves, antiseptic solution;
  • for 1 hour prior to an intravenous injection is desirable to perform 1 drink a glass of water, warm hand lie on the bed, the arm hanging downwards. All these manipulations will quickly find a vein;
  • type medication in the syringe;
  • drag arm tourniquet above the elbow;
  • 45 degrees insert the needle into the large vein in the elbow area, previously processed antiseptic injection site;
  • check whether the needle is in the vein. For this easily pull the syringe plunger. If the syringe has not got a drop of blood, then you miss, remove the needle and insert again. If the syringe got foamy blood bright red color, then you hit the artery. The needle is also necessary to remove and try again. Venous blood should have a dark red color;
  • if the needle is inserted correctly, remove the tourniquet, unclench a fist and slowly start to do venipuncture, gently pressing the plunger;
  • to the injection site apply a cotton ball soaked in antiseptic.

This guide can serve as instructions to separate intravenous injection. They should only be performed by health professionals.

How to make a shot in the arm

How to make an injection intramuscularly? Intramuscular injections are one of the simplest and most affordable types of injections are available for home use. But this does not mean that to perform such injections can blindly without knowing the proper technique. Complications may occur with any type of injection. Intramuscular injection can be made in the following muscles of the body:

  • the deltoid muscles of the hand;
  • lateral and lateral muscles of the legs;
  • jagged muscle.

At home, most often choose the buttock muscle. The technique of injection into any of the muscles is almost the same:

  • we prepare everything you need for injection: Sterile wool, ampoule with medicine, syringe of the desired volume, medical alcohol;
  • thorough my hands. You can wear sterile medical gloves;
  • fill the syringe with a medicine, having previously treated the ampoule with alcohol;
  • we determine the place of injection, wipe it with a cotton-moistened with alcohol, with confident movement we introduce a 2/3 needle into the skin;
  • slowly press the piston of the syringe, squeezing the entire amount of medication;
  • we press your cotton to the place of the injection, remove the needle and wipe the injection site once again.

How to make an injection

In hand can be sanded both subcutaneous injections and intramuscular. For the introduction of the drug in the deltoid muscle, it is necessary to determine the exact area for the injection:

  • find the shoulder joint, measure the distance from it in "4 fingers". This will be the optimal place for injection;
  • hand from the shoulder to the elbow mentally divide the horizontal lines into 3 equal parts. In the middle part, find a middle point, which will be a place of injection.

From injections to the deltoid muscle, it should be refused if a person does not have enough muscle mass, if there is a lot of damage, traces of burns, numerous moles, if a person does not have sufficient experience in performing intramuscular injection in hand. Also should not be attempting to independently make yourself such an injection. You risk getting into the elbow or shoulder nerve, the shoulder artery, which is fraught with deposits.

How to make an injection

Belly is a part of a body having a fat layer where subcutaneous injections are made. The medicine that is introduced into the body in this way, spreads through the body slowly and evenly. People who need constantly introducing insulin can prick injections in the stomach.

  1. Place all the necessary tools in front of them: a disposable syringe, an ampoule with a medicine, sterile wool, alcohol.
  2. Wash hands thoroughly with soap.
  3. Open the ampoule and fill the syringe with medicine.
  4. Determine the place of the injection and wipe it with a cotton swab in alcohol or alcohol napkin.
  5. In order to make a subcutaneous injection in the stomach, you need to collect between the big and index fingers of the skin fold.
  6. Stick the needle at right angles and slowly press the syringe piston. If you have very little subcutaneous layers in the abdomen, the needle can be administered at an angle of 45 degrees so as not to hurt the muscle.
  7. Press your cotton or alcohol napkin to the injection site, remove the needle.

How to make an injection

If it is required to perform a subcutaneous injection into the shoulder, and not intramuscular, then the technique of preparation for such manipulation does not change. With the subcutaneous method of administering the drug, it applies to the body uniformly, but slower than with intramuscular. The only and most important difference between the subcutaneous injection in the shoulder from the intramuscular injection lies in the fact that the needle is not injected at a right angle, but at an angle of 45 degrees. Also, the skin at the injection site should not be stretched, but to collect in the fold between the large and index fingers.

How to make an injection butt

Intramuscular injections in the buttock can be done without any problems independently at home. To do this, follow the tips:

  • for intramuscular injection into the buttock, it is necessary to determine the right place of the injection. Stand in front of the mirror in the melon, so that the buttock is visible. Mentally divide the surface of the buttock for 4 squares. For the injection, the upper right square is needed;
  • you can do the injection into the buttock yourself with myself lying on the stomach or standing at the mirror;
  • wash your hands, fill a disposable syringe with the necessary amount of medicinal product, wipe the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection alcohol;
  • at right angles, stick the needle into the skin and start gently pressing the right hand on the piston;
  • left hand take the prepared pre-wool, moistened in alcohol, press it to the place of injection and remove the needle.

How to make an injection video

How to make an injection doesn't hurt

  • The slower you will push the syringe on the piston during the introduction of the medication, the less painless procedure will pass.
  • Before making an injection, heat the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection.
  • Choose a syringe with a rubberized piston that will provide more smooth administration of the medicine.
  • Choose high-quality syringes with the most thin needles.
  • If several injections are appointed into the buttock, for example, then change the buttocks at every wt.

After reading this article, you should not have questions about how to make an anesthetic injection to yourself, whether it is possible to make an injection to himself, where you can make an injury to yourself how to introduce any medicine intramuscularly in an emergency. Do not perceive these recommendations as a call to self-medication. If possible, any medicinal manipulations are desirable to be carried out in the walls of a medical institution. Be healthy!


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