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Treatment of Natopesha

Treatment of Natopesha
How to get rid of hopes on the legs. Treatment methods.

Easy flying woman gait in elegant shoes on studs traditionally attracts attention. Nevertheless, it is worth considering that a narrow block and high heel adorn and give harmony to silhouette, but do not add health. If the shoes are incorrectly chosen, it will have to pay fatigue fatigue, as well as the appearance of painful natopesh. You can get rid of this problem with the help of the treatment and care of the feet, and also by eliminating the factors that provoke their appearance.

Symptoms of the appearance of hopes on the legs

Natopesis are sealing of the skin, which are a cluster of burned skin cells in the form of dry corns without a rod. Most often, they arise under the action of mechanical irritation or pressure, followed by circulatory impairment - on the pillow of the foot, heels, at the base of the fingers or on the thumb. When walking through the natopeshi on the feet can remind themselves to unpleasant and painful sensations.


First, redness and a small swelling appears on the foot, in this place there are burned areas of the skin without brightly pronounced gray-yellow borders. Sometimes there are cracks of various depths in the localization of the oscillates. Sensitivity of the skin when touched on such sites is reduced, when walking, painful sensations appear. In the presence of inflammation and / or cracks, the pain becomes pronounced, such a natoptash gives tangible inconvenience.

Causes of the appearance of Natopysh

Risk factors and causes of hopes on legs may be several. These include:

  • wearing uncomfortable, tough or not in terms of shoes, with an increased load on the feet and rubbing them. High heel often acts as a factor provoking the appearance of a holopal;
  • the presence of flatfoot, deformation and displacement of the bones of the foot (for example, with rheumatoid arthritis or gout), appearance on the joints of the growths - with this incorrect weight separation leads to increased pressure into separate parts of the sole;
  • impairment of substances, diabetes mellitus with a concomitant appearance of an excess weight that creates a significant load on the limb;
  • stress and nervous disorders;
  • increased feet feet;
  • circulatory disorder, varicose veins;
  • the presence of foci of fungal infections.

Quite often, Natoptyshs arise on the legs and professional dancers. Doctors argue that it is possible to trace the connection of the placement of corns and a holopal on the soles with localization of diseases of any internal organs. So, the appearance of a holopal in the field of the thumb may indicate the presence of a gynecological disease in women, at the external edges of the sole - indicate problems with the spine, at the edges of the heels - about the disease of the joints, under the heels on the soles - about violations in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract .


Treatment of hopes on the legs: useful tips

If Natoptyshs appear regularly, it is worth seeking advice to the orthopedist to eliminate the presence of flatfoot. In addition, it should be responsibly referring to the choice of suitable shoes - it is required that in it the most comfortable move. According to statistics, the female half of humanity is much more often faced with the problem of the occurrence of hopes on the legs. This is due to the fact that women are often ready to sacrifice comfort for beauty, choosing enough uncomfortable shoes on heels or hairpins. To reduce the likelihood of the appearance of hoptes on the legs, it is worth abandoning too closely either too spacious shoe products - it is necessary to achieve a free, but sufficiently tight fit, so that the size is exactly suited to you. It is also important to choose a convenient block and model with not too thin sole, as well as not very high heel (preferably up to 4-5 cm). If you for any reason you need to regularly wear shoes on the hairpins, it is worth using special tabs or insoles to give a larger comfort shoe. If there is a flatfoot and / or excess weight, special supinators will help to make a load on the foot when walking, as well as orthopedic insoles - such a treatment of a holopal on the legs should not be appointed independently, for this you should contact an orthopedist.

In order to maximize the likelihood of the appearance of hopes on the legs, it is necessary to rest on time and not allow overvoltage. In addition, it is important to monitor the figure, since excess weight provokes an additional load on the legs. It is useful to periodically make relaxing and softening baths, as well as regularly lubricate the feet with a moisturizing cream.

Methods for the treatment of hopes on the legs

To get rid of the unpleasant feelings and bring the feet in order, you can apply various methods of treating hopes on the legs. The most effective are the following ways:

  1. The keratolithic cream or ointment in the composition of salicylic acid, as well as extracts of medicinal plants will help to soften the roasted skin cells at the feet. This remedy for natopesh is required to be applied to the affected place, while avoiding the skin on healthy areas, stick to the adhesive plate and leave in such a state at night. In the morning you will need to wash off cream and carefully treat the skin with pumice. Keratolithic cream has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and allows for several days to get rid of painful seals on the legs in the form of dry corns.
  2. For the treatment of hoptes on the legs, you can also use corn plasters like "Salipod". This tool for removing corns can be freely purchased in pharmacies. It should be noted that the plaster is not glued entirely - it is necessary to gently cut a piece of the natoptysh form, respectively, to stick it point to the affected area, consolidating from above the conventional plaster. Next, it needs to be left on the skin within 2-3 days. If the effect is not pronounced enough, then the procedure will be necessary to repeat. It should be noted that the corneal plaster, as a rule, causes a tangible feeling of burning, which is not well tolerated.
  3. Eliminate corn and natoptyshi will help the hardware pedicure. Such procedures are carried out in cosmetic salons. The hardware method provides for gentle grinding in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Natoptysh with special nozzles - competently carried out similar manipulations do not deliver any unpleasant sensations. It is worth noting that this procedure is characterized by a rather high cost. In the case of a manual pedicure, special tools and means in the form of creams are used.
  4. In order to be guaranteed to get rid of organized skin, more radical ways of treating hopes on the legs are used. These include:
  • cryodestruction - with the help of this procedure, in which heat-cutting skin is treated with liquid nitrogen, can be treated with natoptysh quickly. These method is used, including in the presence of mounted hopes or corns with deep straighteners. Subjected to such an impact, the burned layer is rejected and soon replaced by a new, healthy and smooth skin;
  • the surgical method is used to remove the hopes on the legs in the launched cases. After surgery performed, it will take to choose special shoes and reduce motor activity to full healing;
  • the laser method is to eliminate the natopesh with the help of a laser beam, which destroys a coating layer of tissue, without leaving visible damage. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. As a result of a single laser therapy session, you can quickly and painlessly get rid of the hopes, including a deep rod. After the procedure performed, you can immediately become on the foot and move in normal mode, while it will be necessary for some time to wear a special bandage and shoes with a special insole. With laser removal of hoptes, nearby fabrics are not affected, the method practically does not give complications, after such treatment there is no tracks.

Homemade tools for the treatment of hopes on the legs

Many people prefer conservative methods for treating holopal on their feet, since these methods are easy to apply independently, it does not need special costs. In most cases, the treatment of hoptes on the legs at home allows for several days to return a good well-being and lightweight gait. Sometimes it may still be necessary to take longer treatment to get rid of Natoptysh. Soften and remove damaged skin at the foot, applying one of the following compresses:

  • cut the onions onions with thin half rings and lay it on the layer at the placement of Natoptysh. After that, it will take to keep the feet of a polyethylene film, marley either by a bandage and wear sock on top. Onions in such a compression can be combined with raw potatoes, thinly sliced \u200b\u200beither grated on the grater. In addition, the softening of Natopty will help tomato paste or crushed garlic teeth (after such a compression it is recommended to make a parking lot from clay). In the morning, the sock and the bandage should be removed, rinse the leg under warm water. After such a compression, the softened skin can easily be removed using pumice, then the treated skin should be powdered with talc;
  • a similar procedure in the form of a compress can be done with a cleanliness. This medicinal plant is effectively fighting with various pathogenic microorganisms. To treat Natoptysh on the leg, fresh grass should be chopped with a meat grinder and attach to a patient, then it will be necessary to wrap the foot with a plastic film and be bandaged, and then wear socks. In the morning, the skin is washed and deleted by a burned layer using pumice. It will be necessary to do several such procedures until a full elimination of natoptysh;
  • an aloe flesh can also be used for softening drip skin. For the treatment of hopes on the legs, the sheet of a three-year plant, washed and cut along. The scarlet pulp is required to be attached to a natoptach and fix the plaster or plastic film, to wear socks on top. This compress should be left to affect the morning;
  • it will help to get rid of Natoptysh compress with sophisticated with sopolis. Such a compress should be applied similarly to the above. Several such procedures will allow us to finally eliminate the natoptysh;
  • it is possible to soften the damaged layer of the skin with the help of heated vegetable oil - it will be necessary to impregnate the sock to them and put it on foot with a holopash. From above, it will be necessary to wind the feet of a plastic film and put on a dry sock. After two or three hours, this design should be removed, wash the foot with warm water and remove the softened skin of the natoptysh using pembassal;
  • for the overlooking the bandage for the night in the field of Natoptysh, you can use prunes without a bone, failed in milk, as well as a crust of rye bread, operated in vinegar, or a pork fat with chopped garlic.


For the most effective treatment of hopes on the legs, the above procedures are recommended to complement therapeutic baths:

  1. It is possible to prepare a bath with soda, the bay into the appropriate capacity of 2 liters of warm water with a temperature of 40-50 ° C. Next, it is necessary to grasp a tablespoon of household soap on a large grater and pour into the water. After that, it will be necessary to add to the resulting soap solution on one tablespoon of ammonia alcohol and soda. Carefully stir the mixture before dissolving the ingredients and place the leg in it for 30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it will be necessary to remove the softened skin of the natoptysh pumice.
  2. Salt bath can be prepared by dissolving in 2 l hot water 2 tbsp. Salt. The duration of such a procedure for the treatment of hopes on the legs - 30 minutes, then it is necessary to rinse the leg with warm water and remove the pumose layer of the skin of the natoptysh.
  3. Effectively dissolve the natopesis of the bath from heated dairy serum. After such a procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bthe natoptysh with a mixture of glycerol and castor oil.

A Woman Cleaning Her Foot WHIT A Brush.

It is important to note that the funds of traditional medicine used to treat hoptes on the legs are effective with surface lesion of the skin. Cutting natopes with a swederated rod will need to be treated according to the prescriptions of the doctor or delete under the clinic conditions. Cut independently Natoptysh is not categorically recommended, since there is a risk of infection, while there is a possibility of developing a complication. If independent treatment of Natoptysh was not effective enough, it will be necessary to consult a doctor to a doctor. It will also be worthwhile to consult an orthopedic, because Natopeshi on the legs quite often arise as a result of violations in the operation of the musculoskeletal system. After the treatment, it is necessary to obtain a recommendation from a doctor how to avoid the appearance of a holopal in the future.

Natopeshi on the legs - Photo



Treatment of Natopesh on Feet - Video


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