
Bunder vessels on the legs - what to do?

Bunder vessels on the legs - what to do?
The main causes, treatment and prevention of the appearance of blades on the feet of blood vessels.

Female organism is more often susceptible to stress. Woman on average 1.5 times more man spends time on the legs: work, child, cooking in the kitchen.

Over time, from such loads and frequent stresses, it can be found that the vessels are burst on the legs and bruises appear even from light shocks. Vascular cells are an arterial system of subcutaneous veins and blood vessels. The vessels are the paths of the message, the main blood supplies in the body enriched with oxygen to vital organs.

The main causes of vascular diseases

The main reasons why vessels burst on their feet are:

  • Incorrect meals True saying: "We are what we eat." Women who are interested in protein diets are in a group of potential risk of vascular diseases. Undoubtedly, the effect of such diets is: a person will lose weight rapidly, but the inhalation of fiber from fresh vegetables and complex carbohydrates, which are contained in porridge, leads to the fact that the body begins to rip out: the vessels become flabs and lose their strength.


  • Bad habits. Smoking, in addition to harm, is lungs the uninstalled damage to the entire blood system. That is why state programs on the health of the countries of Europe (France, Germany, the Czech Republic, etc.) introduced a high excise tax on tobacco goods: they appreciate the health of their citizens.


  • Sedentary lifestyle. Hydgodine has long been known as the first enemy of health. The norm of physical activity for a person is the passage of 14,000 steps a day, which is approximately 8-10 km.
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  • Pregnancy. Due to the occurrence of additional load during pregnancy, vascular asterisks or varicose veins may occur. To avoid this ailment, it is recommended to wear special tightening underwear or bandage, as well as adjust your diet in order to avoid further problems with vessels.


  • The presence of acquired or chronic diseases:obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina, ischemic heart disease. In this case, it is recommended to conduct a healthy lifestyle and regularly admit drugs prescribed by physician drugs to combat these diseases.


  • Lack of vitamin organism E, C, P, constant stress, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, protracted infectious diseases also provoke oxygen starvation of vessels.


Risk group: Diagnosis of illness

Very often with vascular disorders you can feel:

  • periodic dizziness;
  • damage in the eyes and "asterisks" with a sharp change of body positions: lifting the stairs, sharp rise;
  • the appearance of bruises on the body, even from light blows;
  • the occurrence of the mesh from the vessels on the surface of the skin;
  • cold even in warm rooms.

These signs are the first disturbing bell and the symptom that you have violated vessels.

In risk groups there are people with a low-live, sedentary work: office staff, drivers, computer, etc. Also here can be attributed to employees who have to be held in standing position most of the time: sellers, hairdressers, teachers, etc.

Representatives of these professions are encouraged to perform a lightweight set of exercises to maintain muscle tone and vessels, as shown in video:

If even after regular gymnastics, you feel unreasoning and you have vessels on your arms and legs, you should not diagnose yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.

Vascular stars: characteristic symptoms and treatment

Symptomatics. The capillary mesh occurs as a result of the expansion of intradermal vessels. Such a "decoration" in the form of a decaying vascular mesh can be found not only on the legs, but also on the face, in the decollete area.

Characteristic signs of vascular stars are:

  • the appearance on the skin of violet stains or translucent capillaries in the form of a snowflake or an asterisk with branches of 1-1.5 mm;
  • pallor and soreness when pressing a damaged skin area.

Capillary meshes appear after long-term adoption of hormonal or contraceptive preparations, after abortion or pregnancy. Also, the appearance of vascular stars in women can be a sign of cysts or ovarian misa.

Treatment. For the female organism, the appearance of vascular meshes does not represent a special threat. However, it is not necessary to launch the process, since the appearance of this ailment is a sign of beginning varicose varicose.

Treatment of blades on the feet of blood vessels is carried out surgically by means of methods:

Sclerotopy. In place of spider veins administered drug for vascular recovery after treatment in the treated sites redness may be observed that converges after 2 hr.

Laser coagulation. The physician directs the laser beam on the neighboring plots and spider veins at an angle of 65-70 degrees and heats them without touching the lesions. Warm temperature promotes rapid activation of the circulation and blood circulation through the vessels even in areas with plaque.

Varicose veins: the main symptoms and treatment

Symptomatics. The disease is most common among women. The main symptom is swelling and deformation of the veins, you may receive the nodes due to impaired blood flow.
Varicose appears not immediately. First, they begin to touch the legs often, then the vessels are bursting on the feet as shown in the photo, during a long walk heavits heaviness, starts to press and put the shoes. On primary signs, many mistakenly take varicose veins for swelling.

Treatment. Doctors who treat varicose veins are called flashballs. Type of treatment with varicose veins - Surgical intervention in the vessels of the legs. Although you can try more simplified ways: laser or radio frequency coagulation; phlebectomy.

The conservative methods of treatment include the use of compression pantyms, golf or bandage that contribute to the tone of blood vessels.

Atherosclerosis: causes of occurrence, signs, treatment methods

Symptomatics.Atherosclerosis is the formation of cholesterol plaques on the inner walls of the vessels. With this ailment, the blood circulation process slows down on a joned vessels and at first it does not cause reasons for anxiety.

Characteristic signs of atherosclerosis is: painfulness when walking, darkening of the skin on the fingers and stop, long non-healing wounds, the head of the feet even in the warm room, constant pain even at rest.

Treatment.The basic basis of effective treatment at a given submission is the normalization of food in the form of exclusion of harmful food from the diet. Further, the doctor prescribes medicines that reduce cholesterol levels in the body and leading it to normal. In the launched cases, it is necessary to make an operation on the vessels - to clean them from the formed cholesterol plaques.

If you run this ailment, it will entail the emergence of diabetes, obesity, frostbite limbs.

Aneurysm Arteries: Causes of Appearance, Symptomatics, Treatment

Arterial aneurysm is the thinning of the walls and an increase in the lumen of the vessels.

Symptomatics. A characteristic feature is bug-in vascular increases through skin cover. Most often, the source of the disease amazes the inguinal area. If the disease does not liquidate in time, the sensitivity is lost at the affected area, numbness appears, and the skin becomes a shiny tint. In the most neglected case, paralysis of the legs is possible.

Treatment.The most effective treatment is an operational surgical intervention, which is called shunting. The vessels with the help of a catheter are artificially strengthened by the introduced frames that prevent the emergence of new thrombus.

If a parable is launched - the risk of extensive thrombosis, gangrene and tissue rupture are possible.

Treatment of burst vessels on the legs: Medication methods

When the state of your vessels requires medication, it is important not to appoint drugs yourself, but to contact a specialist.

Although the exception is the vitamin complex with iron, calcium, vitamins B, C, P, which can be purchased at the pharmacy without consulting the doctor.

Individual selection of vetonic, based on the type of problems with vessels

Venotonik - a drug that strengthens the vessels. Venotonics are plant origin and may include such substances such as: Diosming, Gesperin, Trokserutin, Rutoside, and sometimes these four components in different variations in the complex:

Adoption of medicines with diosmin. It is accepted in case of sensation of gravity in the legs, cramps in the field of legs. Vasculation of drugs with Diaosmin usually go in a complex with hesperidin;

Tools included in trocserutin. Accepted to provide anti-inflammatory action. Preparations of this group are the most common and manufactured in the form of ointments, gels, tablets.

Medications that improve elasticity of erythrocytes, preventing their fragility, are included in the rutoside and are called bioflavonids.

The use of vetonics, including extremely natural vegetable components: the seeds of horse chestnut, donel, forest nuts, grape leaves helps to reassure the vessels, increase elasticity.

Treatment of burst vessels at home

Application In all masks similar: we thoroughly mix the ingredients and apply to the area where the veins are inflamed or a mesh from vessels appeared; NEWS - connect the components according to the recipe, we defend the specified time, and then we take the inside of the body, the rubbers are used for external influence.

  1. Rubbing from calendula. 1 cup of calendula petals pour boiling water and insist 1 hour. Add a glass of medical alcohol to the decoction. Roll legs at least 3 times a day.
  2. Mountain Arnica tincture and hazel bark. Take over 3 tablespoons of the mountain arnik and the bark of hazel, mix, pour 1 liter of boiling water for 12 hours. After that, the tincture must be used half a glass before each meal, at least 3 times a day.
  3. Sea buckthorn mask. Mix a tablespoon of oil with 1 teaspoon of starch. Apply Cashitz on a damaged area for 15-20 minutes. After that, washed off cool water.
  4. Mask from collecting herbs. Take 1 tablespoon: horse chestnut inflorescences, chamomiles, horsetail, yarrow, calendula. Pour the collection from the herbs glass boiling water. Let break in 20 minutes. In the leaky decoction add 3 tablespoons of starch and mask ready. Apply to inflamed veins. Ring after 15-20 minutes of holding with plenty of cool water.
  5. Honey mask. Connect 1 teaspoon of honey with 2-3 drops of lemon. Such a mask helps well from the mesh from the vessels. But before it is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and decollete, check yourself on an allergic reaction: to smear the drip of the mixture and wait 10 minutes. If there will not arise redness and itching - boldly use.
  6. Drops from horse chestnut. 100 grams of horse chestnut pour a liter of vodka or alcohol, put in a warm place and insist 2 weeks. Daily liquid must be squeezed. After 3 weeks, ready to take drops 3 times a day 30 drops.

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

Find yourself a violation of vascular tone, not necessarily immediately run to the pharmacy for expensive drugs to try to correct the reasons why the vessels bursting on their feet and try to return them to the elasticity in the home.

Regulation of water balance

First of all, you need to adjust your water balance. From biology lessons, we know that a person is 80% of the fluids: blood, lymph. Lack of moisture in the body entails vascular fragility. Norm drunk liquid per day for each person is 2-2.5 liters of clean water. Individual water demand can be calculated using the formula: 30 ml per 1 kg body weight. Drinking this amount on a daily basis, you will notice yourself feeling better, vigor, even eat less, because sometimes the feeling of hunger - a disguised lust.

Try to eat less salty food - it retains water in the body and contributes to the swelling of feet. Useful rosehip drink broth, juices, fruit drinks, green tea, which are antioxidants and excreted toxins, along with excess fluid.

Revision of the diet

Secondly, it is worth reconsidering your food diet towards useful products: fresh vegetables, fruits, croup, lean meat and fish, fermented milk products. Eating from food "garbage": candies, baking, chips, mayonnaise, soda, you will facilitate the work of the body for digesting polysaccharides, which blood through the vessels is spread throughout the body. Every morning, try to start not with coffee, which flushes calcium from the body and provokes the swelling of the legs, and with stolen oatmeal milk.

Prepare and take the rule every day fell nutritious and useful for vessels with a mixture of the following recipe:

  • paul kilogram of prunes and kuragi,
  • 1 lemon,
  • hand in walnuts (or other) nuts.

All ingredients grind in a meat grinder or blender, season with 5 tablespoons of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and fold into the jar with a lid. The use of this mixture of 3 teaspoons during the day will give a tone vessels and strengthen the heart.

Take a rule every day on an empty stomach drink 1 tablespoon of olive or linseed oil. Such lubricant for vessels, saturates with vitamin E.

Eat as many dishes as possible in which there is garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and an antiseptic, which contributes to the normalization of the tone of the vessels.

Asian long-livers advise daily in their diet to include soy sauce and season their dishes. The sauce is a natural antioxidant: it binds the aging radicals in the body and contributes to updating the cells of the vessels.

Hardening the body

Practice hardening and pouring. It is necessary to start with wiping with a wet sponge, moistened in cold water and so, gradually bring to cold velves. One of the twelve commandments of the famous healer Porfiria Ivanov says: "Twice a day swim in cold, natural water so that you feel good. Swim what you can: in the lake, river, bathroom, take a shower or donate. These are your conditions. Hot swimming end with cold. "

Make friends with sports

In this case, it is not necessary to immediately go to the gym. To begin with, it is enough to start walking on foot. Walking is the most sparing sport for the cardiovascular system, since there is no overload and sharp change of pulse. If you live in a multi-storey building, for the fortress of vessels and the beauty of your legs, walking on the steps without the use of the elevator will be useful. After working a couple of stops, you can go on foot. More often walk with friends, ride on bicycles by children. Enter the tradition of the evening promenade at hand with her husband and children.

The following gymnastic exercises will be useful for preventing vascular diseases:

  1. Lifting on the sock, lowering on the heel.
  2. The gymnastics "Renaissance", which includes a gradual increase in approaches from 1 to 21, except for the sixth exercise, which is enough to do 3 times for the entire cycle.

Yoga, Pilates, Dancing, Pool: Any sports exercises are useful. They affect the body comprehensively. Want to improve the vessels on the legs - and improve the entire cardiovascular system. The main thing is that the sport is not only for health benefits, but also brought pleasure. Then training will be permanent.


Useful to strengthen veins is hydrotherapy: there will be a contrasting shower or hydromassage of the legs does not have. Strengthen vessels also balneological baths. The adoption of the baths from the tinctures of herbs: chamomiles, celandine, souls, oak bark, and the needles and cones will contribute to the establishment of blood circulation in the legs.

Avoiding weights

First of all, it concerns unnecessary kilograms that we carry on yourself daily. Heavy bags with products, suitcases provide your men. Take care of your health and do not redirect the lower limbs.

Comfortable shoes - the key to healthy legs

Wear a comfortable comfortable shoes and avoid temperature drop. From wearing uncomfortable pads with high heels and pointed socks it is better to refrain. In cold weather, do not allow shoes and legs.

More vividly about the essence, properties and training of vessels can be found from the video:

Most people having a disease of the vessels belong to this phenomenon as normal. Undoubtedly, at first, the tone can be improved and affect the strengthening of vessels by folk remedies. However, if necessary, do not postpone the visit to the specialist. Your health is in your hands.


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Antonina. 25.07.2016 To answer

Very correct advice. Legs generally needed. I accept the contrasting souls, and I also smear the legs with a plateocide. For the treatment and prevention of varicose disease is a very good tool. He helped strengthen the walls of the vessels and made the nets on the legs less noticeable.
