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Scandinavian technique walking

Scandinavian technique walking
Scandinavian walking for weight loss and recovery.

Motor activity in the fresh air is traditionally used as one of the best ways to maintain a good physical form, because such classes in the park either in the forest make it possible to improve the tone and improve their body. As a means of losing weight, as well as eliminate stress and indisposition, you can apply Scandinavian walking. This unique sport combines many advantages, is accessible to all and does not require special training.

The history of the appearance of Scandinavian walk

Initially, the shepherds were used to walk on sticks on the sticks. In health purposes, motor activity with sticks has been used for quite a long time. Finnish skiers over 50 years ago began to use it to maintain the body between the ski seasons, and such workouts without ski were very effective. The principles and technique of Scandinavian walk (it is also called North or Finnish), based on summer exercises of skiers with sticks, were first formulated in the seventies.


Further, such a walking gradually took shape as a separate sport. At the end of XX century in the sale of special equipment for the first time it appeared in the form of walking poles. This kind of physical activity gained popularity and spread to different countries. Currently, the Association of Nordic walking include more than 20 countries, and about 40 are regular workout.

Benefits of Nordic Walking technique

The undoubted advantages of using this type of motor activity include:

  • all-season character - unlike jogging, Nordic walking technique you can practice it in all weather conditions (winter on the slippery slope applied outfit will not stumble and insure against falling);
  • active sport involves exposure to fresh air - in such circumstances under dynamic loads in the brain is oxygenated enhanced mode;
  • evenly distributes the load on different muscle groups. Nordic walking is very useful to improve the muscle tone of the shoulder girdle and spinal cord, as well as the arms and legs;
  • unlike daily walk, during which employs 45% muscle, using Nordic walking techniques are utilized about 90%;
  • more actively burning calories compared to just walking - by 40-45%. Benefits of Nordic Walking is undeniable - with the help of hours of training, you can get rid of 400 calories, resulting in a half-hour workout boosts metabolism for the whole day;
  • such exercises train the heart muscle, reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure, relieve depression, neurosis and insomnia. During a workout, the pulse of the person applying the technique of Nordic walking, slightly reinforced - about 10-15 beats per minute;
  • workout data allow to unload the spine, prevent the development of osteoporosis, strengthen the muscular system and increase the body's endurance as a whole. They can be used to adjust the posture and get rid of the unpleasant sensations in osteochondrosis;
  • application techniques of Nordic walking allows faster recovery after injury.

Scandinavian walking with sticks is available for all and a safe view of physical activity, as it is characterized by gentle load on the spine, hip and knee joints. Scandinavian walking technique can be used at any age, including cases where other types of physical exertion are contraindicated - including for the elderly, as well as in the presence of significant excess weight. Thanks to a decrease in traumatic load, this type of physical activity is recommended to people with joint diseases.

Scandinavian walking equipment

Due to the active burning of calories at low cost effort, Scandinavian walking is effective for weight loss. If you do not have a desire and time on regular training in the gym, to lose weight using this type of motor activity is quite real, because the Scandinavian walking technique is simple, and it is even easier to master it than exercises with a fitness ball. In addition, such training does not cause stresses and fatigue - as a rule, despite the tangible load on the muscles, after class Scandinavian walking, the so-called "walkers", feel a tide of vigor. According to Calori's costs, the Scandinavian walking hours will replace jogging or training in the gymnastic hall.

According to clinical research, Scandinavian walking classes stimulate more intensive metabolism, accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body, eliminate constipation, normalize the work of the intestine, as well as the cardiovascular system, and contribute to the improvement of the body as a whole. According to the reviews provided on the Internet, the scandinavian walking classes 3 times a week during the month allow you to reset 2.5-3 extra kilograms.

Contraindications for the use of Scandinavian Walk Technology

This type of motor activity carries a gentle load on the body, so restrictions on such comfortable and non-attendant workouts are minimal. However, there are some contraindications for Scandinavian walking. These include:

  • aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • recovery period after the operation on the abdominal cavity (before the permission of the doctor);
  • increased pressure in the form of a hypertensive crisis and violation of the cardiovascular system. With the normal mode of its operation, the workout, on the contrary, are very useful.

Principles of Scandinavian Walk

Northern walking is not common with the addition of support on sticks, for it it is necessary to apply a special technique. With the help of sticks, you can move more actively without the costs of special efforts. For such classes, the preliminary study of complex instructions on the Scandinavian walking, movements are simple - as with normal walking, the left foot moves forward synchronously with the right foot, and vice versa.


In order for the movement with the sticks as convenient as possible and without unnecessary loads, it is necessary to take into account the following characteristic features of the Scandinavian style technique:

  • the back should be kept smoothly, while it is necessary to slightly tilt the body of the body in any movements;
  • it should be started with the heel, gradually moving the foot support on the sock. It is required that when walking the entire surface of the foot concerns the Earth;
  • scandinavian walking technique provides for wider steps than with daily walking;
  • you should choose a convenient pace and maintain a uniform speed of movement, without a sharp change of the pace and sudden stops;
  • when walking, the sticks should be moved forward with handles using unwitting smooth movements. In addition, it is necessary to keep them not too tough, but quite tight. Sticks do not need to drag it, the main function is reference;
  • it is necessary to have a stick at an angle of inclination sufficient for the free movement of the limbs forward;
  • hands when walking are moving easily and freely, without much effort. At the time of repulsion, the palm remains slightly ajar, completing the movement is required with a support for the temperature, the lower part of the stick is repelled from the ground near the hip line.

Moves characteristic of the Scandinavian walk are honed in the process of training, while there are no requirements for the level of physical training. Most people are a convenient way of moving pick up instinctive. The duration of Scandinavian walking and their intensity should be selected individually.

How to choose a suitable equipment

For class scandinavian walking, there will be no bulky and expensive equipment. North walking classes are usually held in the forest, parks, squares - so it will be necessary to move on asphalt, land or grass. For Scandinavian walking hours, it is not recommended to use shoes with a rigid sole, it is worth choosing a flexible convenient model - the sneakers are optimally suitable. Clothes for training should be made from reasons of convenience and concrete weather conditions, while it is important that it does not constrain movements and it was enough to move quite comfortably. Heavy thick sweaters do not care, it is better to choose several layers of light clothes. In cool and rainy weather, you can wear a water-fried windbreaker or a jacket, as well as if necessary, light gloves.

In order for classes to take place as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to carefully choose equipment. Sticks for Scandinavian walk resemble skiing, but differ in less long (approximately 15 cm). In addition, they are equipped with a comfortable attachment for hands. Commercial and telescopic models from aluminum, aluminum-carbon alloy, as well as plastic with the addition of carbon fibers are presented on sale.


If you are interested in information, how to choose sticks for Scandinavian walk, when selecting this equipment, you should consider the following nuances:

  • ski patterns of sticks with a hinge mount for this sport are not suitable, you will need to purchase special sticks with comfortable, not sliding rubberized handles. These products are equipped with a fastening in the form of a glove without fingers, called Temoryak. It is necessary that this adaptation is tight (but without pressure) fixed on hand, clamping palm and wrist. You can choose the mount according to the size of the brush (S-L), or purchase a model with an adjustable clasp. More expensive models are equipped with a quick disconnection system - in this case, by pressing the button can be disconnected by a button without removing the dormant;
  • the bottom of the Scandinavian walk is equipped with a tip of tungsten carbide - such a "spike" is suitable for repulsion from the ground and sand. For silent and convenient movement on asphalt on sticks, rubber "shoes" mitigating vibrations are worn. Quality models may include a set of nozzles, including for movement through the snow and ice. It is worth purchasing replaceable tips, as they quickly abrade. Folding (telescopic) sticks are conveniently transported, besides, they are easy to adjust to the desired height. Nevertheless, such models are inherent in some drawbacks - their clamps can break if sand or water gets into them, freeze in winter, over time these products begin to rattle when walking and not in time to develop.


Experienced instructors advise to give preference to solid models, as they are lighter, it is advantageous for convenience in operation, reliability and durability. For maximum use of use, the height of the stick should be selected in accordance with the growth of "Walker" - for this, a special formula was developed. Growth indicator should be multiplied by the ratio with the value:

  • 0.66 - for lightweight walking;
  • 0.67 - for healthy people;
  • 0.68 - for exercise with enhanced load.

It should be noted that with the use of shortened sticks, the load on certain muscles is reduced, elongated models enhance it.

Scandinavian walking - Photo




Scandinavian walking - video


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