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What is gingerbread

What is gingerbread
Having understood what gestation is, you can move on to these effective training to strengthen intimate muscles.

To bring their body in the best form, many women make significant efforts that help maintain health and attractiveness. Nevertheless, not everyone knows about the existence of a special secret of female attractiveness and sexuality. In fact, it is not difficult to solve it - for this, regardless of the general preparation of the body, you should use classes to strengthen intimate muscles to make them stronger and more elastic. Learning to feel your body and manage it, improve the quality of sexual life and improve self -confidence.

What is gighting: basic principles

Many have repeatedly heard about the miraculous effect of intimate gymnastics. This methodology for strengthening intimate or vaginally controlled, muscles (hence the name - Impiltering, Wumbuilding) is from ancient times. The first mention of exercises for the development of hidden muscles are found in ancient treatises of various oriental practices - yoga, Tao, tantras and kamasuters. Historically, the women of the East were very successful in this matter, preferring instead of exhausting training in gyms to hone the art of managing intimate muscles. In many eastern countries, the secrets of skills used to manage intimate muscles are traditionally transmitted from generation to generation. Most modern women in our latitudes can only envy such skills, while it is necessary to move on to more decisive actions to figure out what ginger is.

In the middle of the last century, eastern achievements in this area were adapted to our mentality professor of medicine from California Arnold Kegel. The subject of his study was the mechanism of restoration of the vaginal muscles - in some women, after an operation or childbirth, as a result of weakening of the muscles of the lower part of the pelvis, the development of urinary incontinence was observed with slight tension like cough, laughter or sneezing. Kegel was developed and patented by a special device - a pneumatic simulator to strengthen the muscles of the upper part of the vaginal channel with a sensor to measure the compression degree (in modern conditions an improved version of this simulator is used). In the course of research, other useful developments appeared - exercises for muscle training were developed to eliminate various disorders of the functioning of the genitourinary sphere. These exercises are simple and very effective, many gynecologists recommend them to patients before pregnancy, to restore after childbirth, as well as as the prevention of various diseases.

In the process of testing the developed methodology, pleasant bonuses of strengthening of muscle data in the form of improving the quality of intimate life and well -being as a whole were identified. Subsequently, Kegel's research was supported by the Russian researcher Muranivsky. It was he who introduced the concept of vaginal-controlled muscles and, accordingly, umbilding. Subsequently, certain disputes arose around this term, what giving is, since scientific studies were revealed that the vaginal channel is a pipe from smooth muscle tissue, and you can only control the pelvic floor muscles with its surrounding muscles - we can achieve significant results. Thus, a new term was introduced into everyday life - ginger (development of intimate muscles).

What is gighting: prerequisites for training

It is known that the pelvic floor muscles perform support functions, preventing the omission of internal organs. In the presence of sufficient motor activity and regular sexual activity, the intimate muscles of the woman have a good tone. In modern conditions, a decrease in motor activity, many hours of sitting in the office at the computer, moving in transport instead of hiking do not in the best way affect the state of health.  As the main prerequisites for the weakening of intimate muscles, a sedentary lifestyle, wearing heavy bags, bearing a child and subsequent births, as well as the lack of regular sexual relations and related sexual satisfaction can be called. The lack of motor activity provokes congestion in the pelvic organs, as a result of which problems with blood vessels, uterine omission, hemorrhoids, and other very unpleasant diseases can develop. It is clinically proven that with the help of regular exercises of ginger, you can get rid of many problems. These classes will help prevent such phenomena, adjust existing disorders and strengthen intimate muscles.

What is ginger

With the help of regular venue classes, the following effects can be achieved:

  • improving the microcirculation of blood in the training area - as a result of these classes, blood circulation of the pelvic organs is normalized, the muscles are sufficiently saturated with blood, which helps to improve the quality of sexual life. According to the presented reviews, many women note a tangible effect of training;
  • due to the use of gingerbreading for women, the strengthening and development of intimate muscles is strengthened, which again affects the quality of sexual intercourse. If the intimate muscles are not sufficiently developed, often in the process of intercourse a woman does not reach orgasm, in such cases, a man does not receive complete satisfaction from intimacy. In the process of training, a woman learns the technique of controlling the vaginal volume and her muscles, straining or relaxing them, and thus controlling excitement and satisfaction - her own, as well as a partner. As a result, stress and stress are leaving, sensuality increases, which largely helps to improve the quality of intimate relationships. Acquired skills will allow the partner to be incomparable to the partner;
  • if you are planning a pregnancy, the use of gingerbread will be useful for normalizing blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, followed by improving the functioning of the pelvic organs. Impiltting classes will contribute to conception and more easily bearing pregnancy, in addition, the presence of strong and elastic muscles will largely facilitate the process of childbirth and help to avoid the appearance of ruptures;
  • impiltting can be used as a means for the prevention of some female diseases, including the prolapse of the internal organs and the weakness of the sphincter.

Importing classes will help normalize the ovarian work, set up hormonal background, get rid of menstrual pain and easier to transfer the period in front of menopause, and sometimes delay its offensive. This training method allows you to improve health and extend sexual longevity.  It is easy to improve your health and quality of intimate relationships with the help of ginger.

What is gighting: methods of application and contraindications

You can strengthen intimate muscles yourself at home - either, if you are quite seriously configured, you can sign up for ginger lessons. Such classes are held in a cozy environment under the guidance of a coach. At the same time, it is not necessary to undress - in the process of training, the woman remains dressed in a comfortable skirt and a T -shirt. You can master the necessary skills (on average) in about six months, for this you need to attend training once a month. The instructor will select an individual program in each case, which will be adjusted in the future depending on the results achieved.

In addition to Kegel exercises, special simulators are used to train intimate muscles. Such classes can be carried out at any age after the start of sexual activity (exercises for gingerbreading that do not require the use of auxiliary means can be used before it starts). As for pregnancy, there are some features of the use of ginger in this period. If a woman practiced gesture before pregnancy, after conception for her, specialists can choose a special set of exercises. If the pregnant woman is not familiar with the Impilding method, it is necessary to postpone classes for later-you can start training 2-3 months after childbirth. In any case, before the start of such classes, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.

In addition to the period of pregnancy, inflammatory and chronic diseases of the abdominal organs during exacerbation, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, act as contraindications for gingerbreading.

What is gingerbread: used simulators

Modern gingerbread simulators have an advanced design compared to the first samples of such devices and are quite convenient for use. The use of simulators in gingerbreading will achieve tangible results in a short time. Many of them are equipped with devices for feedback (in the form of a laser pointer, manometer or wireless display) - it is convenient to monitor the results of training.

Currently, the following types of simulators for the development of intimate muscles are presented on sale:

  • in the form of a small ball or eggs made of polymeric materials safe for health. Such models in various modifications are produced by many manufacturers of intimate devices and devices. The simulator of this type is distinguished by the convenience of use, it can be used to perform Kegel exercises - for this, it should be placed in the vagina to train muscles by tension and relaxation, holding and moving the adaptation inside. Silents of this type can be used during the day, as these skills are accumulated, they are used for training with cargo;


  • the laser simulator - this device consists of a rod with a small ball and a laser pointer at different ends. The ball must be placed in the vagina and take the starting position, standing evenly and spreading the legs. With tension and relaxation of the muscles of the pelvic floor, the laser beam from the pointer will move up and down, reflecting the actual results of the efforts. For effective muscle training, several repetitions of the exercise should be performed, increasing the amplitude of the laser point. Such a simulator will help to restore the weakened muscles after childbirth in a short time;

  • the pneumatic vaginal simulator - this device, which is an improved version of the Kegel device, allows you to perform a kind of massage of intimate zones by creating pressure. As a result, sensitivity in the processed area increases, blood microcirculation improves, intimate muscles gain strength and elasticity. This simulator should not be used without preliminary development of exercises to strengthen muscle data. In addition, it should be mastered using an experienced instructor.


What is gingerbread: the use of this method at home

Exercises for strengthening intimate muscles can be performed without preliminary preparation. Such simple and useful training can be carried out unnoticed by others, anywhere - at work, in transport or at home.

Try to perform the following simple ginger exercises at home:

  • tighten the vaginal muscles for two seconds, then relax. Gradually, compression duration and voltage force should be increased;
  • try to inflate and blow out an imaginary ball in the stomach. For this, it is required to pull the stomach when exhaling, pushing the air, and then relax when inhale, filling the aperture with air;
  • further, the previous exercise will need to be combined with drawing the anus - it should be fixed in this state for several repetitions of the cycles of inspiration and exhalation.

Such training will strengthen muscles and improve the quality of intimate relationships.

What is gingerbread: exercises for men

It is worth noting that the positive impact of these classes is characteristic not only for women, but also for the stronger sex. The stagnant manifestations in the pelvic area in the form of difficulty in the outflow of lymph and blood circulation often negatively affect the male reproductive system, provoking erection disorders.


Classes of ginger for men will help:

  • increase the tone of smooth muscles and strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity;
  • eliminate stagnant phenomena in the pelvic area, improve the erection and sexual function of a man, as well as get rid of tension and depression;
  • acquire skills of effective ejaculation control;
  • develop sensuality and enhance sensations from orgasm;
  • help the body.

The use of the ImpiLing method will serve as a prevention of hemorrhoids and problems with such an important organ as a prostate for men. According to the anatomical structure, the muscles of the pelvis are directly related to it, therefore, with their contractions, a peculiar massage of the prostate gland, which improves the outflow of glandular secretion, while the man feels slight excitement.

For the effective strengthening of intimate muscles in men, the features of their anatomical structure should be taken into account.

Importing exercises for men:

  • it is necessary to strain as much as possible for 5-6 seconds all the muscles of the pelvis at the same time-at the same time, you need to try to involve the deep muscles of the bottom of the abdominal cavity in the work;
  • in addition, attention should be paid alternately to individual muscles, including interrupting urination, raising testicles, muscles of the perineum and sphincter - for this you need to strain and squeeze them for a few seconds.

Having given these exercises only a few minutes daily, it is easy to achieve tangible results.

What is gingerbread - video


Julia 15.06.2017 Answer

Hello! Dear women, do you know that stagnation in the bloodstream of the pelvic organs leads to the development of many diseases. How many women are tormented daily from urinary incontinence or hemorrhoids. Do not pull! Hurry to sign up for medical training:
