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The method of treating the spine and the joints of Bubnovsky.

In addition to the medication treatment of violations in the work of the spine and joints, there are alternative methods of correction. In such ways to reduce clinical manifestations of diseases and restoring the functions of these organs, the popular method of Bubnovsky belongs. In many cases, it eliminates the reception of drugs, while under the influence of an individually selected set of measures, favorable conditions are created in which the body itself copes with negative processes. As a result of the use of this therapeutic program, you can get rid of various diseases and improve the body as a whole.

The principles of treatment by the method of Bubnovsky

To date, various ways of treating diseases of the spine, including innovative directions of neurology and orthopedics, are used. Some of them cause controversial reviews from various doctors. The founder of an alternative methodology of therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is Sergey Bubnovsky.


The basis of the method of kinesitherapy (literally in translating the movement) is the use of the internal forces of the body. Such therapy stimulates the body to deal with diseases independently, without using any drug drugs. It should be noted that the treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky also includes myofascial diagnostics - the study of the state of the musculoskeletal system, through which it is possible to reliably determine the localization of inflammatory processes in the spine area, as well as joints. According to the results of the diagnosis, an individual medical program is appointed to eliminate specific diseases, allowing to get rid of inflammation and pain without the use of drugs. Careful execution of such a program will allow to start processes leading to the restoration of damaged organs and tissues. It is also worth noting that as a result of the treatment on the method of Bubnovsky, the mediated rehabilitation of the entire body is observed in general.

As an important component of the treatment of joints and spine according to the method of Bubnovsky, there is a complete refusal to use any drug funds. It is believed that if you provide a favorable condition for the human body, he is able to cope with many ailments by independently blocking pathological processes.

To create prerequisites for effective recovery, in the process of treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky, you will need to take the following steps:

  • to identify the objective causes of the development of degenerative-pathological processes in the body, it is necessary to pass the most informative examination - as a rule, it includes radiography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound diagnostics. According to the results of such a comprehensive survey, depending on the severity of the disease, the nature of the pain and localization of the inflammatory process will be developed by an individual treatment program;
  • it will take regularly to engage in special simulators. For effective treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky, the patient is required not to be lazy and attach the maximum effort to comply with the diagram chart. Individually selected exercises will allow to optimally use the necessary muscle groups in the process of workouts without excessive load on damaged zones; Sony DSC.
  • for the treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky, it is necessary to attend classes in the gymnastic hall, which are conducted under the guidance of the instructor. Specially designed adaptive gymnastics can be performed without pre-physical training. An experienced specialist will monitor changes in the patient's health and, accordingly, regulate the load provided to the body. When observing the signs of improving the state, it will be possible to continue classes on the method of Bubnovsky in the gymnastic hall or independently at home;
  • the treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky implies the refusal to use analgesics, many of which harm the body. In the presence of pain, it will be necessary to turn to the help of the funds of traditional medicine. As a component of a complex of therapy measures, a visit to the Russian bath is, with a short stay in the steam room and rinsing with cold water in the oil. These procedures are characterized by an exclusively healing effect - the body is effectively relaxing, the pains are leaving, the swelling and inflammation of the oloming fabrics are eliminated;
  • in the process of treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky, the psychologist with the patient is carried out. This specialist helps the patient to get rid of fear of the movement associated with the presence of pain, and move from the use of painful medical staff to more productive treatment. Thus, in the process of treatment, the patient realizes the real possibility of recovery, acquires confidence in the feasibility of the measures applied and in its own forces, and learns to prevent the recurrence of the disease with prevention.

In addition, as therapeutic measures can be assigned:

  • special massage activating blood circulation;
  • cryoissage that has a thermostatic effect and pain relief effect;
  • compresses.

The effectiveness of the treatment according to the method of the Bubnovsky directly depends on the preparedness of the patient to the annex of certain efforts aimed at his recovery. According to reviews, despite the initial difficulties of such therapy, its result is highly efficient.

Treatment simulator by the method of Bubnovsky

In order to implement the developed methodology of treatment, Bubnovsky constructed a special treatment-rehabilitation simulator, with which you can achieve the following results:

  • strengthen muscle frame, as well as increase the elasticity of muscle tissue;
  • increase the tone of deep muscles of the back, normalize blood microcirculation in the vertebrae region and achieve improved blood circulation in general;
  • accelerate the regeneration of intervertebral discs and articular cartilage, restore the normal functioning of the vertebrae and joints;
  • eliminate muscle spasms, as well as effectively get rid of pain syndrome.


For classes on this multifunctional simulator, effective exercises were developed, the use of which (according to the program developed individually for each patient) will make it possible to get rid of various ailments - including from the curvature of the spine, the manifestations of osteochondrosis, hypertension, arthritis and many other diseases.

As a result of the treatment, the regeneration of intervertebral disks and articular cartilage is accelerated. Experts argue that if there is a spinal hernia, treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky is very effective, as it allows you to completely get rid of the problem and avoid surgery. According to the theory of Bubnovsky, the disease in the form of prostatitis, as well as moma appear due to stagnation of blood flow in the organs of the small pelvis - thus, the restoration of normal blood circulation will contribute to the effective deliverance from the paragraphs of the ailments.

The simulator can also be used for young children, as it will help get rid of scoliosis and strengthen the dorsal muscular corset of the child. Classes on the simulator for the treatment of joints and spine according to the method of Bubnovsky are used for rehabilitation during the recovery period after surgery, as they help speed up recovery and return to the usual way of life.

Treatment by the method of Bubnovsky at home

To eliminate muscle spasms and pain, you can use the following uncomplicated exercises using the method of Bubnovsky at home:

  • first you should get up on all fours and try to relax your back. After that, without changing the position of the body, it should be slowly to bother up when exhaling, and then get it down on the breath. Watching the back repeat 15-20 times;
  • located on all fours, sit on my right leg, pulling left in the direction back. Right hand pull forward. Next, repeat the actions described symmetrically. Make 20 repetitions;
  • taking a position with the emphasis by the palms and knees, it is necessary to pull the housing towards forward. Do not break down the hands and knees from the support, watch there was no loan deflection;
  • from the position with focusing on the palm and knees, you must bend your hands in the elbows and omit the body to the floor (in exhalation) - on the heels, and then climb (in the breath). This exercise for stretching the back should be repeated 5 times;
  • having taught the position lying on the back, with hands stretched along the body, you should perform a lift pelvis on the exhale and lower it down on the breath. Make 10-20 repetitions;
  • make a "semicramility" - for this you need to lie down on your back, placing your hands along the case. When you exhale, try to raise the pelvis higher, when you breathe to lower it. Exercise should be repeated 25-30 times with pauses in 2-3 seconds.

These uncomplicated exercises are very effective for removing fatigue and muscle tension, help relieve painful sensations in the neck and back area.

Advantages of treatment by the method of Bubnovsky

Comprehensive therapy according to the method of Bubnovsky in many cases is very effective, although not all - as a rule, the effectiveness of this technique is largely determined by the readiness of the patient to work carefully. The founder of the kinesitherapy itself mentioned that this method of treatment is not suitable for lazy people, and cure sore joints by the forces of only human muscles. In the process of such treatment, with a thorough implementation of the doctor's instructions, it is quite realistic to achieve progress without the use of medical drugs.


As the advantages of treatment by the method of Bubnovsky, the following should be noted:

  • the ability to adjust the condition of the body without the use of medicinal, including painkillers, drugs, not the best effect on the functioning of organs and systems;
  • the patient learns to effectively monitor its body and acquires knowledge, which preventive measures should be taken to continue to prevent the development of the disease, acquires confidence in their forces;
  • the use of this treatment complex indirectly affects human health in general, stimulating metabolic processes, increasing endurance and activating the protective forces of the body;
  • due to the treatment on the method of Bubnovsky, pathological processes cease to progress - thus disappears the need for surgery. At an early stage of development of diseases, the use of this complex will create prerequisites for complete recovery.

Specific treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky is also due to some disadvantages of the application of this technique - they include the need for regular and long-term training in the form of physical exercises and special gymnastics, and it will be necessary to show self-discipline, strictly following the instructions and instructions of the attending specialist. Thus, a purposeful person, clearly understanding the need to make her own efforts for speedy recovery and seriously worry, through the treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky, can achieve very impressive results.

Exercises for the treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky - Video


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