
What temperature should be shot down in an adult and a child. How to knock down the temperature of an adult and a child at home. How to quickly knock down the temperature: tablets, drugs, folk remedies

What temperature should be shot down in an adult and a child. How to knock down the temperature of an adult and a child at home. How to quickly knock down the temperature: tablets, drugs, folk remedies
How to knock down the temperature of an adult and a child. Than knocking down the temperature at home. Tablets, drugs and folk remedies to knock down the temperature.

Colds, poisoning, influenza and other diseases can cause an increase in body temperature. It is doubly exciting if the temperature rises in the child. Moms and dads try to quickly bring the temperature regime to normal, but is it right?! Doctors around the world converge in one question - an increased temperature should be shot down only when it reaches a certain mark. In our article today, we will figure out at what mark it is worth reducing body temperature in an adult and a child. We will also describe how to quickly knock down the temperature with tablets, drugs and folk remedies.

What temperature should be shot down. What temperature is considered the norm

A common misconception that normal body temperature should hold at 36.6 degrees. The thing is that the temperature regime depends on the characteristics of the body of a particular person. According to doctors, the temperature in the range of 36.4-37.1 degrees can be considered the norm for both adults and children. So, if you saw 36.9 on the thermometer, you should not immediately panic and consider yourself or the child sick. Perhaps you were overdue with physical exertion, or the body “responded” to a change in the climatic situation. The main thing is to rely on well -being, if you feel good during such a “jump”, most likely nothing threatens your health. You need to worry only when a slight temperature rise (from 37.0 to 37.2 degrees) lasts for several days. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor. It is strictly impossible to hit the temperature “for no reason” yourself, because you can get rid of an important symptom, thus missing the inflammatory process within the body.

It is also worth noting that temperature fluctuations are often observed in adolescents, while a person feels normally. It is not rarely insignificant to increase temperature (up to 37.2 degrees) in adolescents for several days without any related symptoms. The reason for this may be a non -formed hormonal background and the restructuring of the body into an “adult” regime. At the same time, it is not necessary to shoot down such a temperature, this is part of growing up. Of course, in order to play it back to see a doctor, but in most cases this increase is not dangerous.

What temperature to knock down

Today we exist a lot of means to knock down temperature in adults and children. But it is worth resorting to them consciously, because an incorrectly downed temperature can cause the body to cease to fight harmful microorganisms and does not develop immunity against a certain disease. First, consider the temperature scale.

  • 36.4-37.1-normal body temperature for an adult and a child, which is strictly contraindicated in knocking down.
  • 37.2-37.5- normal body temperature, which indicates that the body is fighting the disease. Medicuously shooting such an increase is not worth it. Indications for facilitating the condition - abundant drink, rest.
  • 37.5-38.0-according to medical recommendations, you should not hit such a temperature, but you need to keep it under control. At the same time, bed rest is shown, plentiful drinking with electrolytes in the composition, wiping.
  • 38.0-39.0-this temperature is recommended to be knocked down with antipyretic agents.
  • 39.0-40.0-a critical mark that in no case can be transferred without drug care. At the same time, if the thermometer shows the figure above 39.5 degrees should immediately seek medical help. An increase after this mark, even by 0.1 degrees, can threaten a protein destruction, which causes serious complications.
  • 40.0-42.0-this temperature is extremely dangerous for humans. She should be shot down immediately, turning to qualified doctors. The thing is that stepping over the threshold of 40.0 degrees in the brain region there are dangerous and, often irreversible processes that affect the brain.

Many, having seen a temperature above 37.5 degrees on the thermometer, intend to knock it down with a medication. So is it to hit a temperature of 37.5 degrees? As you could already understand from the above scale - no. This body temperature is not dangerous and only indicates that the body is fighting the disease. Let's say more - it is dangerous to shoot down such a temperature, because you can "earn" complications. The thing is that by knocking down a low temperature, we deprive the body of the protective forces. In this case, only the symptom of the disease is eliminated, but harmful microorganisms remain in the body and multiply, having convicted the favorable moment.

However, there is a clear list of indications for knocking down temperature, regardless of the mark on the thermometer (if above 37.0 degrees). They include:

  • elevated body temperature 3 or more than a day;
  • cold sweat;
  • lack of sweat;
  • pale skin;
  • strong chills;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • rave;
  • symptoms of inhibition of central nervous systems;
  • medical indications.

How to knock down the temperature. Temperature features in children and adults

Of course, normal temperature is different in adults and in babies. In addition, not only age limits, but also individual tolerance of temperature and the pain threshold play the role. For example, some children at a temperature of 37.7 behave actively, play and eat well, the temperature even at 37.0 degrees fits into a lying position, affects lethargy, poor appetite and moodiness.

Temperature in children under 1 year old

Bands can suffer from fever for various reasons and they are not always an infectious or viral nature. The most common reasons for increasing the temperature regime in babies to a year:

  • teething. This process is quite painful and is stressful for the body, while the temperature can increase both by several marks and rift to prohibitive numbers. Doctors recommend knocking down the heat when teething, when the mark on the thermometer is equal or more than 38.2 degrees;
  • vaccination. Vaccination and revaccination of infants is also not rarely the cause of hyperthermia. Moreover, a strip column can increase immediately after the vaccine enters the body. You should not worry, such a reaction is considered to be quite normal and is evidence of well -produced immunity. However, if the temperature has increased to 38.0 degrees and above, you need to knock it down medication. It is also worth noting that approaching the mark to 40 degrees is contraindications to further revaccination, while subsequent vaccinations are canceled;
  • inexpensive thermoregulation. The body of newborn children still does not know how to regulate the temperature regime, so their temperature directly depends on the heating and cooing. If the newborn has slightly rose the temperature, it is worth considering - maybe you wrapped it too much?!

Do not forget that infants are more than the rest are susceptible to infectious and viral diseases due to the non-formed immune system. A sharp increase in temperature for no apparent reason may indicate a disease. In this case, you need to seek help from a doctor, so that he prescribes you a dosage of an antipyretic and indicate temperature norms. So what temperature to knock down from the baby? If the baby does not have diseases of the respiratory and heart, then the temperature should be shot down only after passing the mark on a thermometer of 38.0 degrees.

The temperature of babies is 1-3 years old

Children from 1 to 3 years are subject to colds, viral and infectious diseases to a special extent due to imperfect immunity. At the same time, thermoregulation needs to be carried out often. Help the immune system to form a protection against a virus or infection that has entered the body. To do this, do not knock down the temperature below 38.2 degrees. To remove the heat (up to 38.2 degrees), it is recommended to give the child a warm drink in large quantities, put on light clothes (if the room is warm, there is enough panties and T -shirts), wipe the child with a damp cloth. When passing the temperature stage above 38.2 degrees, it is worth giving an antipyretic remedy recommended by the doctor.

Temperature in children over 3 years old

If you notice that the child is inactive, sluggish, with weak appetite - immediately measure the temperature. If the body temperature is below 38.2 degrees, you need to take measures to restore the normal temperature regime. To do this, it is recommended to ventilate the room, put light clothes on the child, moisturize the air, “solder” the child with warm still water. Doctors also recommend that you refrain a child from active games, it is better to do calm things. The antipyretic should only be given if the body temperature exceeded the mark of 38.2 degrees.

The temperature in adults

Recommendations for adults do not differ from children's. With an increase in temperature, do not knock it to a mark of 38.2 degrees.

Interestingly, according to therapists, the increased body temperature in adults with respiratory diseases is a good sign. This means that a person has a good immunity that is able to fight harmful microorganisms.

How to knock down the temperature at home

High temperature, of course, is an occasion for excitement. However, you should not immediately run to the hospital for inpatient treatment - you can carry out adequate therapy at home. For this, there are a number of methods - from tablets and other antipyretic means to folk methods and generally accepted recommendations.

How to knock down a temperature without medication

In addition to pharmacological treatment, you can knock down the temperature adhering to generally accepted medical recommendations. They probably are familiar to many, but most prefers to swallow the pill, instead of simple, but very effective actions.

How to knock down the temperature without pills and other antipyretics:

  1. Wiping. A fairly effective method of reducing temperature - wiping with solutions at room temperature. Usually, vinegar, vodka or just water at room temperature are used in water. You need to wipe the places where large blood vessels pass. They include:
  • elbow folds;
  • podden bends;
  • neck;
  • axillary depressions;
  • inguinal folds.

In addition, the compress on the frontal lobe works perfectly.

The essence of the method is to increase the heat transfer due to the evaporation of the fluid on the body. After wiping it, you need to take air baths for some time so as not to aggravate the situation.

It is worth noting that children categorically cannot be wiped with water with vinegar or vodka. As for children, rubbing can be done exclusively with water at room temperature.

How to knock down the temperature with vinegar? Vinegar wipes are considered the most effective. To prepare the solution, mix vinegar with warm water in a ratio of 1: 5. Moisten the sponge in the liquid and wipe it with the above places: forehead, whiskey, palms and feet. In this way, you can knock down the temperature of the sleeping child.

  1. Warm shower. Water knocks down the temperature as well as possible. You can cool with a warm shower, but make sure that the water is not too hot or cold. Best of all, a barely warm water that will cool the skin and help thermoregulation. After the shower, it is important not to dry up. To do this, thoroughly wipe with a towel, put on socks and warm homemade clothes.
  2. Enemas. Not the most pleasant, but fairly effective way to knock down temperature. If you are wondering how to knock down a high temperature without medicine, then the enema is exactly what you need. At the same time, it is worth noting that enemas can help remove heat in both adults and babies. The essence of the method is that harmful toxins accumulated due to the action of harmful microorganisms are washed from the intestines. So, the body undergoes temperature intoxication and weakens the struggle with it, directing its forces to the virus or infection.

For the procedure, it is recommended to use chamomile broth.

  1. Cool air. Ventation helps to reduce the temperature. Yes, it is the cool air that increases the heat transfer of the body, reducing the fever. To apply such a method, it is enough to undress to the underpants and take an air bath.

Which helps to bring down the temperature: a list of drugs

How to quickly knock down a high temperature? Of course, the most effective pharmacological drugs here. This is a fairly extensive group that is divided into children's and adults.

How to knock down the temperature of an adult

Pharmaceutical companies offer several types of drugs with different active substance. The basis of such drugs may be this:

  • ibuprofen;
  • paracetamol;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • metramizol Naria.

Preparations that knock down the temperature adults

Ibuprofen group

This active substance is considered the most hopeless in the fight against heat. In addition, Ibuprofen has a good analgesic effect. Ibuprofen preparations include:

  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Bolifen;
  • Ibusan;
  • Advil and others.

Paracetamol group

Paracetamol knocks down the temperature very effectively. Paracetamol preparations act softly and gradually, reducing the temperature a little and keeping the effect of up to 8 hours. However, the paracetomol group tells a negative effect on the liver during an overdose and often causes allergies. List of drugs:

  • Adol;
  • Coldrex Hotrem;
  • Teraflu;
  • Panadol;
  • Sanidol;
  • Rinzasip;
  • Acetophen;
  • Efferalgan et al.

Acetylsalicylic group

These drugs have a less pronounced antipyretic effect, but they have a place to be in the list for cheapness and popularity. It is worth noting that acetylsalicylic acid can affect the work of the heart, digestive and respiratory system. Tablets knocking down the temperature:

  • Anaprin;
  • Ascophen;
  • Citimon;
  • Aspires.

Sodium metramizol

These drugs showed better as painkillers, but they are also able to resolve the temperature. It is worth noting that the drugs of this group are often administered into the body in the form of injections. List of drugs:

  • Revalgin;
  • Trialgin;
  • Baralgin.

Analgin also knocks down the temperature, the active substance of which is sodium metramizol. He perfectly established himself in the alliance with Dimedrol.

It is known that antibiotics knock down the temperature. It is absolutely not true. Antibiotic drugs are designed to combat harmful microorganisms. A decrease in temperature can be related by improvement due to the fact that the body helps to fight and it spends less strength.

How to knock down the temperature of a nursing mother and pregnant women

Future mothers and lactating women should approach treatment consciously and without risks for a child. For this category, the subfebrile temperature is the norm and it is not necessary to knock it down. A separate case is a temperature above 38.0 degrees and medical indications.

According to the recommendations of doctors, drugs containing ibuprofen cannot be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. To reduce temperature, only paracetamol is allowed. The dosage and interval of techniques should be prescribed by the doctor, based on your physiological data.

How to knock down the temperature at home in a child: drugs

With fever in children, a doctor can prescribe drugs based on ibuprofen and paracetamol. They do not cause much harm and have an analgesic effect.

Paracetamol -containing drugs

Paracetamol is prescribed for knocking down heat in babies with viral, bacterial infections, with teeth teething, after vaccination, with poisoning, etc. Such drugs include: include:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Panadol;
  • Kalpol;
  • CEFON D.

Basically, drugs are produced in the form of syrups and rectal candles. Less commonly - in a tablet form.

A single dose is assigned at the rate of 10-15 milligrams of the active substance per kilogram of body weight. You can take paracetamol -containing drugs no more than 4 times a day with an interval of at least 4 hours after taking the previous dose.

Ibuprofen drugs

Ibuprofen has not only an antipyretic effect, but also perfectly quenches the pain. If the question is how to bring down the temperature at angine, then the doctors give the advantage to Ibuprofen for an analgesic effect. In addition, Ibuprofen acts softer and long - often, the temperature does not rise to 8 hours after the medicine is taken. The most effective and common drug with Ibuprofen is Nurofen. It is produced in the form of syrup with different tastes.

The dosage of the drug is 5-10 milligrams of the active substance per kilogram of body weight. You can take the medicine no more than three times a day with an interval of 6-8 hours.

Analgin and amidoprine

If Nurofen does not knock down the temperature of the child and paracetamol is powerless, the only way out is analgin or amidoprine. It is worth noting that these drugs can be taken once in exceptional situations. Perhaps the only exception to this rule is the rectal candles of Analm, which I help you to bring down the heat of the kids and are allowed to use everywhere.

Analgin or amidoprine is often introduced into the body in the form of injections in conjunction with other drugs. They can be combined with:

  • No-shpa;
  • Dibazole;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Papaverine;
  • Suprastin;
  • Dimedrol;
  • Tavegil and others.

How to bring down the temperature in a child - Komarovsky

How to knock down the temperature with folk remedies

Since ancient times, people shot fever folk remedies. Today, such methods are doubtful, however, they are quite effective and completely safe for health. The most common methods of reducing body temperature during fever are described below.

Citrus fruits to knock down the temperature

Citrus fruits can help reduce body temperature by about 0.5 degrees. In order to use this method, eat 1 grapefruit or 2 lemons, or 2 orange. Vitamin C contained in these fruits helps thermoregulation and helps to reduce temperature.

Diaphoretic to knock down the temperature

If you want to reduce body temperature, then before going to bed it is recommended to drink raspberry or lipo tea, red currant juice, lingonberry or cranberry fruit drinks, rosehip infusion. Such a drink has a diaphoretic effect and helps the body “self -coooping”.

Natural antipyretic to knock down the temperature

To prepare a natural antipyretic, you need to mix in equal proportions grated apples, onion gruel and honey. Take such a "medicine" for 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day before meals.

Sauerkraut to knock down the temperature

Sauerkraut will help to overcome heat. The product must be laid on the inside of the elbow and knee bends, the forehead and inguinal region. The cabbage will cool the venous areas, and the juice will contribute to the improvement of heat transfer.

Milk with garlic to knock down the temperature

A means familiar from childhood - milk with garlic. To prepare the “medicine”, you need to heat milk and mix it with a spoon of honey and a chopped clove of garlic. In addition to the antipyretic effect, such a tool will stimulate the immune system.

Onion potatoes to knock down the temperature

The method consists in improving heat transfer and cooling of specific parts of the body. It is enough to cut onions and potatoes in circles and put them on the feet, forehead, elbow folds, etc.



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