
Vitamin E for women. What is needed vitamin E women - the daily rate of vitamin E

Vitamin E for women. What is needed vitamin E women - the daily rate of vitamin E
The use of vitamin E. What role vitamin E is playing for a female organism. Vitamin E and face

Often, vitamin E is called vitamin beauty, health and fertility. So it is, because it is this element that regulates the work of the genital organs in women. What represents this substance, for which it is necessary to take vitamins and how to take vitamin E for women, let's find out the answers to all questions.

Vitamin E for women. General

Vitamin E or the main substance "tocopherol" is produced in different forms. The pharmaceutical industry has long learned to produce this substance not only in the form of capsules, but also in the form of a liquid, as well as in tablets. The tocopherol is part of many vitamin complexes and dietary supplies, but most often women buy liquid shape.

The main thing is that you immediately need to pay attention to, this is that vitamin E, produced in bubbles and capsules is a synthetic form, because the real vitamin E ("tocopherols" of plant origin) can only be obtained by pressing wheat germs. This method is very expensive, so it is almost impossible to see natural vitamin in the pharmacy. But the combined form (synthetics and natural product), at present some pharmaceutical companies began to produce.

Vitamin E. Benefits and harm to women

In order to understand the importance of this substance, let's get acquainted with the properties of Vitamin E.

First of all, the tocopherol is a very, very powerful antioxidant, which helps to remove from the human body all unnecessary: \u200b\u200band these are slags, toxins, carcinogens. If every day is correctly taken vitamins (including vitamin E), you can extend the youth and prevent the development of many terrible diseases.

In addition, it will help:

  • strengthen vessels (prevention of cardiovascular diseases, blood clouds);
  • improve the operation of the circulatory system, as well as to establish the flow of nutrients;
  • saturates the organism with oxygen;
  • as already mentioned, harmful substances. As well as chemical and radionuclides, which is very important for people living in polluted areas;
  • it will also help to stop the process of aging the body;
  • protects man from attack bacteria and viruses;
  • will help to cope with physical exertion and increases performance;
  • lowers pressure;
  • reduce oxidation processes;
  • in the complex treatment lowers blood sugar;
  • will help the speedy healing of soft tissues (wounds, scars);
  • smoothes the skin, prevents the appearance of pigment spots;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • it has a positive effect on the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, and also regulates the level of hormones (reproduction of the sexual system);
  • promotes better absorption vitamin A.

As you can see, this vitamin has many advantages. It is especially important to take this substance to women reproductive age.


The benefits of vitamin E for women:

  1. Vitamin youth and beauty - so you can briefly describe the properties of this substance. This is a powerful antioxidant, which protects the cells of the body from premature aging, helps to restore oxidation processes, and this means that it is thus the protection of cancer cells is placed. If vitamin E is not enough, the cells are very sensitive to toxins, and this in turn leads to weakening immunity.
  2. Vitamin E is simply necessary for the normal operation of the whole organism, as it helps to saturate each other oxygen cell. And this in turn - prevention of the formation of thromboms and the development of atherosclerosis. Alas, to cure completely the disease vitamin E, not bye.
  3. Vitamin E - His doctors in women's consultation are sometimes called "vitamin for breeding" for a female consultation. If the deficit of this substance is in a man, the production of active spermatozoa is reduced. If there is not enough vitamin in women, this leads to a violation of the cycle of menstruation, as well as a decrease in sexual entry.
  4. Partially replenishes the lack of estrogen (female hormone), it will help to improve the condition of the mucous membranes, get rid of depression and other unpleasant symptoms during the climax.
  5. Regular use of tocopherol improves the appearance of the skin, it becomes smooth and more elastic, disappearing the unpleasant sensations caused by the lack of moisture.
  6. Vitamin E is part of their hair, body and nails. The hair becomes silky, stop falling out, the nails are strengthened. But in order to achieve the effect, not only the local application of vitamin E is needed, but also the reception of the tocopherol inside.

The lack of vitamin E in women can lead to:

  • apathy;
  • weakness;
  • the appearance of pigmentation;
  • the skin becomes a flabby;
  • weaknesses in muscles, dystrophy;
  • throw out.

On the dangers of this substance for the female body, it can be said that a small overdose does not cause any negative consequences.

But, if there is half the daily rate of the tocopherol, then the person may have symptoms such as:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • increase pressure;
  • allergic reactions.

If you stop the reception of vitamin, but these negative consequences are held by themselves.

IMPORTANT: In the first couple of months from the moment of conception, the future mommy cannot exceed the specified dosage, because the fetus has a risk of developing the pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Take this vitamin with such drugs undesirable:

  • anticoagulants;
  • iron-containing drugs;
  • it helps to strengthen the effect of non-steroid and steroid drugs: "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen" and "Diclofenac");
  • with thromboembolism, as well as myocardial infarction and cardiosclerosis, it is necessary to take extremely carefully. Only on the recommendation of the attending physician and under constant supervision.

Vitamin E for women when planning pregnancy

Especially responsible need to approach the reception of vitamin E pregnant women and women who are planning pregnancy.

The fact is that in recent times more and more women fall into the hospital for maintaining in the early stages. The body is unable to cope with the increased load, the oxidative processes increase. To this not happen, at the planning stage or in the first weeks of pregnancy, Vitamin E.

It provides such benefits for a female body:

  • increases the possibility of conception;
  • reduce the risk of disagreement of the placenta;
  • reduces fatigue;
  • regenerates uterine cells;
  • will improve the operation of the genital organs (relieve the mucous membranes from dryness);
  • normalizes the level of hormones;
  • protects a woman from miscarriage.

In case of improper use of tocopherol is possible:

  • lack of oxygen in the fetus;
  • increased the cutting of the walls of the uterus, which leads to miscarriage;
  • the fetus increases the risk of developing pathologies of the vascular and cardiac system;
  • the risk of the birth of the baby before the deadline.

Vitamin E Norm per day for women

In order to know the individual norm of tocopherol, it is necessary to pass blood for analysis and consult with a specialist. The fact is that vitamin E is fat-soluble and it gradually accumulates in adipose tissue. If vitamin is much, then a person can feel weakness, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms.

How much vitamin E is needed on a woman's day? Normally, the daily dose for women is 8 mg, for men, this figure increases by 2 mg, that is, the norm is 10 mg, and no more than 5 mg can be taken per day. Pregnant women and mommies who are breastfeeding must be taken from 10 to 15 mg vitamin E per day, by appointing a doctor.

How to take vitamin E in capsules for women

The rule of reception of this drug is the same for all: to take vitamin E need in the first half of the day, it is desirable immediately after the first meal. In no case cannot drink capsules on the hungry stomach and for half an hour to eat.

Important: Before taking the capsule, you need to eat something fat. Together with other drugs, and even more so with antibiotics, it is impossible to drink Capsules Vitamin E.

The capsule is not chewed in the mouth, but immediately swallowed, drinking a glass of water. Immediately after receiving the tocopherol, you can drink a glass of orange juice, eat mandarin, several grapefruit poles, drink a glass of ragger rosehip.

When and to whom you can increase the daily rate:

  1. Increase the daily dose is allowed to people who have reached the 50th age;
  2. In case of liver disease (chronic stage), gall and pancreas.
  3. After injuries, operations and strong burns.
  4. During the tooling of the child and with breastfeeding.
  5. After transferred stress.
  6. At the same time, taking contraceptive or hormonal preparations (the gap between the intake of vitamin and drugs is 1 hour).
  7. Athletes and people, with severe physical exertion.
  8. With a shortage of selenium in the body.


What products contain vitamin E

These products contain natural vitamin E:

  • vegetable fats: Sunflower oil, Olives, soybeans, corn, sesame, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, cedar, wheat;
  • butter;
  • nuts: a lot of tocopherol in peanuts and almond;
  • fruit and seeds: avocado, mango, cereals, bran, corn;
  • products: liver, fish (salmon), salad leaves, broccoli, spinach, green onions, carrots, milk and solid cheese;
  • also in some plants contain many tocopherol: these are raspberry leaves, nettle and dandelion, sea buckthorn fruits, rosehip.


ATTENTION: In search of a response "For what a woman is useful to Vitamin E", try not to overdo it, because all the above products are very calories and you can quickly gain extra kilograms. That this does not happen, you need more zinc-containing products, as well as products with a high content of ascorbic acid, selenium and vitamin C.

Vitamin E for hair

Beautiful and silky flowing hair - a dream of every woman. Proper care and masks with vitamin E will help improve the state of the curls, make them beautiful to get rid of dandruff, dryness and breaking tips.

Effective beauty recipes:

  • buy in a pharmacy an amphered solution of vitamin E. When washing, you need to add half a teaspoon to the shampoo to the shampoo, hang on the hair. But before washing off, delay for 60 seconds. Wash off shampoo, as usual;
  • similarly, you can add directly before applying to the curls a little tocopherol in balm or hair mask;
  • mask Lukova: Luke juice (1-2 bulbs, depending on the size), is mixed with 1 tsp. Vitamin, applied to clean wet hair. Exposure time - no more than 5 minutes;
  • how to avoid cross-section of tips: a ray oil is mixed in the amount of 3 tbsp. with vitamin E - 1 tsp, the mixture is to warm up in a water bath, launched in the roots, wrapped with a towel and leave for 60 minutes;
  • from dropping: a pharmacy chamomile and dry leaves of nettle - 3 tbsp, dry black bread - 2 pieces, a teaspoon of vitamin E. Herbs are brewed, insisted, the decoction is fastened, the active substance is added. In a small amount of herbal beam, it is necessary to stretch a stale bread, mix everything together and smear the roots of the hair. Keep 20 minutes;
  • for nutrition: oil Repene - tablespoon, tocopherol is a teaspoon and one egg yolk. All components need to mix, slightly warm, rinse in the roots. Washed off such a mask with warm water after an hour;
  • vitamin hair cocktail: half a teaspoon of liquid vitamin E and a, yolk chicken egg, flaxseed oil - 2 tbsp, Vitamin B-3 in ampoules - 5 droplets, Eleutherococcus Extract - Table Spoon. All components are mixed, carefully launched into the scalp, leave for half an hour.


Vitamin E for women's skin

Any skin needs to be careful, so you do not need to neglect the cleansing means moisturizing, nutrient masks. In the complex and with the right approach, you can delay the appearance of wrinkles and extend the youth.

Making masks at home:

  • mask Curd Whitening: Cottage cheese (2 tbsp) with Olive oil (unrefined), Vitamin E. Vitamin E. Mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes;
  • rejuvenating: low-fat home yogurt (1 tbsp.), 1 tsp. Honey (if thickened, then you need to melt), lemon juice - 1 tsp, vitamin E - 5 drops. Stir, apply on cleansed skin, hold 15 minutes.

Rules for all:

  1. Before use, you need to check the body's reaction to avoid edema, redness and unpleasant sensations. Apply a little mask or cream on your hand, wait 30 minutes. If everything is in order, you can apply on your face.
  2. The person needs to be cleaned with lotion, remove the remnants of contamination with the help of a cleansing milk or foam.
  3. Puts on the steam bath with the addition of herbs.
  4. Use the scrub to clearly clean open pores.
  5. Apply a homemade mask on the skin with a thick layer. The mask is not applied to the sensitive and thin skin around the eye.
  6. Average mask excerpt time - from 10 to 40 minutes. Try to lie down at this time.
  7. I need to wash the mask with warm decoction of herbs or simply warm water.
  8. After washing, you can apply a cream on the skin.


You yourself make sure when you see the result - make such a mask for yourself your beloved will not be a lot of work, especially since all the components are found in every home. Now you know why Vitamin E needs women. Be healthy and beautiful!


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