
The benefits and harm of amaranth oil. Application of amaranth oil at home

The benefits and harm of amaranth oil. Application of amaranth oil at home
What is useful as amarantic oil and how to apply it in medical and cosmetology purposes to learn from this article.

Amaranth is one of the most ancient plants from South America, which received the well-deserved title of the most promising grain culture of our time. His fruits and leaves have been the source of a number of useful substances for many years, which makes it an indispensable tool with many diseases. The most common product that is produced from this plant is an amarantic oil - a real storehouse of valuable biologically active components.

The use of amaranth oil

To date, the extraction of the plant has found an application in cooking as a fragrance additive. Due to the unique chemical composition, vegetable oil is excellent therapeutic and preventive tool from various ailments. The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology gives stunning results, significantly improving the appearance of fair sex representatives.

Properties of amaranth oil

The benefits of amaranth oil manifests itself due to its saturated chemical composition, where many amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and fats are found. So, how does the extract from this unusual and beautiful plant affect the human body?

  • Polyunsaturated acids in the composition of oil improve the metabolism, strengthen the protective forces of the body, favorably affect the operation of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs.
  • Linoleic acid has cleansing and anti-inflammatory characteristics.
  • Thanks to the vitamin E in the body, aging processes are slowed down, cholesterol indicators are reduced, pressure and hormonal balance are normalized.
  • Vitamin D has immunostimulating and restoring properties, and also assists in the process of learning calcium in the body.
  • The spawn contained in oil has an antioxidant, antitumor and antibacterial effect on cells.
  • Amaranth oil, which contains vitamins of group B, A and E, prevents skin aging and aligns its color.
  • Calcium, magnesium, iron and a number of other macro and trace elements have a positive effect on the circulatory system, normalize the level of sugar, strengthen the immunity.

Harm of amaranth oil

Possessing a set of beneficial substances, Aramante oil has no contraindications to use. The only problem can be individual intolerance to one of the biologically active elements in the composition of vegetable oil.

Amarantic face oil

The use of oils in cosmetology for a long time common practice, and amarantic oil is no exception. Having a rejuvenating effect on the skin, oil not only reduces the size of deep wrinkles, but also prevents the appearance of new ones. The squalene in the composition of the oil well moisturizes and protects the skin of the face from the harmful effects of the environment.
You can use cosmetic oil both in self-form and as part of masks, lotions and creams. Here are some effective masks with the addition of a fragrant agent.

Moisturizing mask with amarantic oil

Connect in the same parts of the Aramante oil and liquid honey. Mix and add yolk thoroughly. The homogeneous mass is applied to the skin of the face and wash off after 20 minutes.

Wrinkle mask with amaranth oil

Mix 1 tbsp. Cosmetic oil and lemon juice. Apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off warm water and apply regenerating cream.

Nutrient mask with amarantic oil

A mixture of 1 tsp. Oil Aramante and 1 tbsp. Sour creams to apply a thin layer on the face cleaned skin. After 20-25 minutes, wash off the warm decoction of herbs.

Amaranth body oil

According to a huge number of reviews, amarantic oil is a great tool for improving the skin of the whole body. It is used as a massage agent, resulting in the skin becomes soft and taped. Regular oil rubbing in problem areas on hips and stomach will reduce signs of cellulite and make less noticeable stretching. With protective properties, adding a few drops of oil into protective cream or body lotion will strengthen the effect and make the skin gently and velvety.

How to make amarantic oil at home

To date, buy an amarantic oil in a pharmacy is not difficult. True, the quality of the purchase agent in some cases can be desired. The price of the amarantic cold spin oil ranges from 1,200 rubles per 100 ml and higher, depending on the volume and quality of products.

Some producers of amarantic oil to obtain more product use the extraction method, as a result of which the amount of beneficial substances is significantly reduced. For this reason, it is worth thinking about to prepare an oil from Amaranta on their own.

So, that this will require:

  • 400 g of dry seeds of Amaranta;
  • 1 l of cold pressed olive oil.

Crumpled seeds are placed in a glass dark container. Then the raw materials are poured with olive oil and gently mix. Insist in closed dishes in a dark cool place for 3-4 weeks. Every 3-4 days the mixture should be stirred. After the specified time, the oil should be strain and taken according to the dosage.

How to take amarantic oil

The course of use of vegetable oil depends on the severity of the disease and can be from 1 to 3 months. Then take a break and repeat the course if necessary.

Alone oil is taken in this way: 1 tbsp. Amaranth oil is 1 hour before meals twice a day. You can take a tool and after meals, only you need to wait at least two hours. The main rule of oil reception - in no case can be powered by liquid.

Amaranta oil is an incredible gift of nature, which contains everything necessary for the full health of a person. The main thing is to look around and finding what the organism lacks for the restoration of forces and beauty. Aramante oil - just what is needed for such cases!

Video "The benefits of amaranth oil"


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