
Is it possible to dry mushrooms at home. How to dry mushrooms in the oven, electric dryer, microwave, on the thread

Is it possible to dry mushrooms at home. How to dry mushrooms in the oven, electric dryer, microwave, on the thread
In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to dry mushrooms and how to do it correctly?

Autumn is the time when mushroom pickers go in search of chanterelles, oil, mushrooms and other mushrooms. All of them are subsequently subjected to a certain processing. Some mushrooms are fried and stewed, others-pickled in banks or dry.

Muscles in the list of mushrooms occupy a special place, as they are more dense and tasty. Moreover, in the forests of Russia they are found even more often than other mushrooms. The main thing is to approach the choice correctly and not to confuse them with false mushrooms, which can cause great harm to health. A real strain has a light brown or dark brown color and a thin leg.

There are several types of mushrooms:

  • Summer.
  • Autumn.
  • Spring.
  • Winter.
  • Thick -legged.
  • Meadow.
  • Garlic.
  • Pine.

As a rule, mushroom pickers bring honey mushrooms from the forest and ask the question: do they dry the honey mushrooms for the winter and how to do it correctly in order to preserve all useful vitamins and trace elements?

Is it possible to dry mushrooms

If you think about whether it is possible to dry mushrooms for the winter, then you can doubt that this is not only possible, but also necessary. Dry honey mushrooms in a variety of ways: in an electric dryer, stove, oven, on a thread. Compliance with all the rules will preserve all vitamins, taste and aroma.

How to prepare honey mushrooms for drying

Whatever the drying method you use, it is important to remember a few important rules.

  • Thoroughly sort the mushrooms before drying and remove all damaged and worm honey mushrooms.
  • Sort the mushrooms in size and remove the large and very small mushrooms aside. It will be very difficult for large mushrooms to dry, and the small ones can burn. It is better to choose mushrooms of the same size.
  • If desired, you can cut honey mushrooms into pieces.
  • In no case do not soak the mushrooms before drying. It is enough to wipe them with a cloth to remove excess dirt and garbage.
  • If the mushrooms have very hard and dense legs, then you can cut them off.

How to dry honey mushrooms for the winter: recipes

Having familiarized yourself with all the rules and intricacies of drying, you can start drying the mushrooms. How to dry mushrooms? How to dry honey agarics at home so that they retain all useful vitamins and trace elements?

How to dry autumn mushrooms

Autumn honey mushrooms have a caramel or dark brown color and a thin leg 9 cm long. Such honey mushrooms grow in groups and are most often found on stumps or on separate gorgeous branches. They have a dense consistency, so they need to dry them in a special way. How to dry autumn mushrooms? For drying mushrooms, it is best to use an oven with convection.

Squeare of actions:

  • Clean the honey mushroom from the dirt with a rag. Remove twigs, garbage and dirt.
  • Set the temperature in the oven at 50 degrees and turn on the convection mode.
  • Put a layer of mushrooms on a baking sheet.
  • Put a baking sheet in the oven. Open the door and begin to dry the mushrooms, constantly tracking their condition.
  • As soon as the mushrooms stop sticking to your hands, increase the temperature in the oven to 80 degrees.
  • Dry the mushrooms and turn them over periodically. Turn off the plate immediately after you see that the honey mushroom has completely dried.

How to dry mushrooms in an electric dryer

An electric dryer is a special device that simplifies the life of many housewives. It helps to dry not only mushrooms, but vegetables and fruits.   A permanent supporting temperature in the device allows you to dry all the mushrooms equally. How to dry mushrooms in a dryer?

Squeare of actions:

  • Wipe the legs and hats of the mushrooms with a thin rag and remove dirt and garbage from them.
  • Put the honey mushrooms with an even layer on a special grill.
  • Set the temperature in the electric dryer at 50 degrees and dry the mushrooms for 3 hours.
  • Turn off the electric dryer and let the honey mushrooms stand for about two hours.
  • Set the temperature in the electric dryer by 60 degrees and continue to dry the mushrooms. It is important to monitor the condition of the mushrooms. If they start to burn, you can turn off the electric dryer. As a rule, this happens if very small mushrooms are selected for drying.
  • Turn off the electric dryer immediately after all mushrooms are dried.

How to dry the legs of mushrooms

As you know, the legs of honey agarics can have a dense consistency, so many do not dry them.   We offer this not to do and dry the legs of mushrooms in a special way in a special way. For this, the summer sun, electric dryer, microwave or oven may be suitable. We will talk about how to dry the legs of mushrooms in the sun. This method is the most natural and allows you to dry all the legs of mushrooms evenly.

Squeare of actions:

  • The selected hopping legs must be thoroughly cleaned with a rag and remove the “skirt”. It is advisable to use the legs of summer or autumn mushrooms, since they are less dense. In this case, it is better to remove the legs of the mushrooms.
  • Take the tray and cover it with paper. Put the mushrooms on the tray of the legs.
  • Put the tray in the sunny place and dry the legs for 2 days.
  • As soon as the legs of the mushrooms begin to bend and spring, remove them from the sun and cool to room temperature.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven

This method is one of the most common, since the oven is in every house. How to dry mushrooms in the stove?

Squeare of actions:

  • Take mushrooms and clean them thoroughly. A thin rag is suitable for this. You need to gradually wipe the legs first, and then the hats. It is best to choose medium -sized honey mushrooms. If desired, they can be cut into several parts.
  • Set the temperature in the oven by 45 degrees.
  • Put the honey mushrooms on a special grill in the oven and slightly open the door. Start drying honey agarics and constantly monitor their condition. As soon as they dry, increase the temperature in the oven to 75 degrees and continue to dry them until they completely dry. During drying, make sure that the honey mushrooms do not burn. If you notice that the mushrooms are overdried and slightly burned, then you can turn them over.

How to dry mushrooms on a thread

In order to dry the honey mushroom on the thread, a cotton thread and needle will be required. During drying, the honey mushrooms on the street should be sunny weather.

Squeare of actions:

  • Wipe the hats and legs of the mushrooms with a thin rag and remove garbage and dirt. It is advisable to choose mushrooms only of medium size. It is not necessary to cut them, since only whole honey mushrooms need to be strung on a thread.
  • Take the thread and needle. Pierce the honey mushroom with a needle through a hat and gradually string them on a cotton thread. Mushrooms should be at about the same distance from each other.
  • Cover the threads with the honey agarla gauze and hang them at a short distance from each other. For drying, you need to choose a warm, sunny, impatient place.
  • Dry the mushrooms for 2-3 days and constantly check them. As soon as they begin to spring, you can remove mushrooms from the thread.

How to dry mushrooms in a microwave

The microwave is another beneficial device that allows you to quickly dry honey mushrooms without loss of taste and aroma.

Squeare of actions:

  • Peel the mushrooms and remove the garbage and dirt with a rag. If the mushrooms are quite large, then you can cut them into several parts. Put the mushrooms on the plate.
  • Set the microwave capacity of 150 watts and put a plate with mushrooms in it for 20 minutes.
  • Open the microwave immediately after the designated time passes and hold the door open for 20 minutes. During this time, all the moisture should disappear.
  • Put the honey mushrooms again for 20 minutes in the microwave. The power should remain the same. Turn off the microwave and let the moisture disappear. This will take less time (about 10 minutes).
  • Put the mushrooms in the microwave for 15-20 minutes and set the same power.
  • Cool the mushrooms to room temperature and put them in a storage container.

How to store dried mushrooms properly

In addition to observing all the rules, it is no less important and correctly store mushrooms. Dried mushrooms absorb sharp and extraneous smells very well, so they need to be stored in gauze bags, cardboard or glass boxes. It is necessary to lay out dried mushrooms in a container only after they cool to room temperature. The room in which the mushrooms will be located should be ventilated, the level of humidity is important to maintain at a mark of 70 %.

Each of the ways of drying mushrooms will save all their benefits. Dried honey mushrooms can be added to sauces, pies and various dishes.



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