
How to draw a styardly protein

How to draw a styardly protein
A selection of the best master classes on drawing proteins and a phased explanation of the process.

In today's selection of material - learn to draw a protein. Options to portray this cute animal a lot. We will try to present the maximum number of different types of protein illustrations: from realistic and to animated. The phased implementation of each figure will facilitate the task to a minimum and will allow you to cope with the work even a child.

How to draw protein: features and basic rules

  • Before getting up to work, it is better to get better to get acquainted with Rodent: see pictures, photos, video materials. After that, it will be easier to represent the animal, which means it is easier to depict it on paper.

  • The pattern of proteins is most often performed in the profile to make the most clearly displaying all parts of the animal body: head, ears, torso, foot and fluffy curved tail. It is in this position that the protein is most recognizable, realistic and convenient for illustrating.
  • Drawing the protein gradually, easily and quickly turns out the final, intended result. The main thing is to accurately observe the proportions of the body and the location of the pattern parts on the sheet.
  • Picture of proteins are divided into 5 main parts: head, torso, front and rear paws, tail. The tail is one of the largest and characteristic elements of an animal image.
  • The sketch of the picture is made using a simple pencil, you can then paint it with colored pencils or paints. The colors of the animal can be from bright red, brown to Size or bluish.

How to draw a squirrel with nut

  • Conditionally divided the sheet of paper (or the part of the sheet, where the protein will be drawn) to 4 parts. This technique helps to maintain proportions, dimensions and spatial placement of the pattern.
  • Draw in the upper corner the unfinished oval - the head of the squirrel. In the center of oval, designate the eye, down - the nose in the form of a small circle and the outlines of the mouth. From above, on the top, the ears are drawn. In one ear draws a middle.
  • The next stage is to draw foot and outlines of the rodent body. When the lines are sketched, follow the marking on the squares. After an oval of the head goes a small brain on the neck and again convex, the arcuate part of the back. The lower limb (in a sitting position) has a form of a semicircle.
  • The final stage is the drawing of a curved large tail and small parts (duplication of the second pair of paws holding a nut, mushroom or a bump).
  • This drawing is not entirely natural and well suited for the execution of children.

How to draw a squirrel on the branch

  • Make a sketch of a protein torso. You can also use sheet fission techniques for 4 parts. Protein is located in a sitting position, but differ from the first drawing. The head of the animal is located on one (horizontal) line with a torso.
  • Drawing the tail is carried out practically vertical, slightly curved line. I spin the head of the animal, oval a little lengthen for the face. Note the front and rear paws.
  • Continue draw part of the body of proteins. The ears are depicted in the form of brushes, the tail is divided into separate strands, on the legs to draw fingers with curls. Near the nose outline to make several thrust for the beast. Draw a tree branch.

How to draw a squirrel with mushroom

  • Denote in the figure the main parts of the body. For a common circuit and location of proteins in the projection, to carry out the base line at an angle of about 45 C. Focusing on the line, designate an elongated oval torso and the animal's head. Paws to draw, adhering to the estimated horizontal line. The tail line is vertically.
  • After the main contour lines, the drawing of all parts begins. Two ear draws on the head, the eyes and slightly elongated nose are drawn. The torso is indicated by the neck and limbs. In the legs draws a mushroom.
  • The tail passes the starting up, displaying the fur texture of the animal. The ears are drawn in the form of "brushes".

How to draw a squirrel with a bid

  • How to draw a protein for children, you can visually look at the example presented. Compliance with the proportions of the body and the correct location in space - the main conditions of successful pattern. And the sketch of the sketch, the drawing is truly "transformed", because children like bright and catchy illustrations.

How to draw a stroke squirrel

  • This method allows you to most accurately convey the realistic of the drawn animal. Pencil strokes imitate furs.
  • Machinery Figure is built in the initial light outline of the main parts of the body of proteins in the form of key circles. Sketches to do easily, not pressing a pencil, so that when rubbing there is no traces.
  • First, they make a sketch of the head (slightly elongated circle) and a large body (oval). The following circles determine the location of the front and rear paws.
  • The main outline is ready, and you can proceed to drawing all parts. An elongated ears are drawn on the head, the muzzle of the animal is sharpened and denoted eyes and nose. Draw semittered paws and tail. The drawing is practically ready and can remain in such a simplified, form.
  • The complicated option is the hatching of the animal wool. On the ears, small brushes are distinguished from above, the core stroke is denser, the dimming of these sections. Ripple touches throughout the body, with shaders in the right places, allow us to achieve limit similarities with a real rodent.

How to draw realistic protein

  • The drawing is more complicated in execution, the protein is also depicted in the profile, half a turn. Drawing technique is similar to the previous pattern: the initial sketches are made in the form of circles.
  • Picks the main parts of the body: head, neck, torso and a large tail.

  • The head is defined on the head of the face. For this, there are two cross-lines, slightly shifted to the side. Paws are drawn.

  • Ears (symmetrically) are drawn on the head of the protein, on the face - ellipsoid eyes, nose and cheeks with mustache. Eyes are located on one horizontal line.

  • All small details are detailed (the inner part of the ears, eyes, eyelashes, mustache, fingers and claws), unnecessary sketches are erased by an eraser. Eyes sketch black, glare add.

  • Finishing the drawing, slightly shaded the body of the protein, depicting the fluffy bulk fur and bends of the tail and paws. Figure protein is quite realistic.

How to draw an animation protein

  • "Cartoon" version of the pattern of proteins is not entirely similar to the original, but it looks very cute and fun. This image is perfect for children's fabulous books, postcards, appliqués and even decoration of the walls of the children's room.
  • The drawing is performed easily, quite accurately duplicate the presented phased scheme. The dimensions of the figure are determined at their discretion.
  • First, we perform, as usual, the general outlines of the animal. Two ovala is drawn: torso and head (elongated in different directions).
  • Next, the details are drawn: belly, cheeks, ears, legs and tail proteins.
  • The muzzle of the "cartoon hero" is detailed: nose, two teeth, coal eyes. A spiral is drawn in the tail, imitating the volume of fluffy tail.
  • In conclusion, the protein is disappeared into the desired colors. It is important to strain the abdomen with light color, the inner of the eaves and the cheek rodent.
  • Squirrel in children's style is ready!

Funny options for the image of the protein there are many. Here are some of the most successful modifications of fun and funny rodents.

How to draw protein by cells

  • You can draw protein and in cells using a notebook. This is the so-called graphic dictation, developing logic, thinking and attention of the child. Drawing in this case turns into a fairly exciting and useful process.

For clarity and as possible examples, we present a selection of pictures of the protein drawn by a pencil. Figures of young, only novice artists and already fully held professionals, give a positive and good mood. The main thing is to enjoy the work done.

Pictures of drawn protein

So, examined in detail the topic "How to draw a pencil squirrel", we denote the main thing:

  • There are many ways to draw protein: from simple and elementary to complex and suitable. The presented master classes will help to easily cope with any task.
  • For beginner artists, it is better to choose simplified variants of the pattern of proteins. Copling, you can safely take for more complex examples, improving the skills and achieving the best results.
  • The main rule of successful pattern - "There is nothing impossible!" Patience and practice - the key to success and creative undertakings. And the satisfaction from work will be a worthy award.

Video: "How to draw a protein in stages"

Video: "How to draw a squirrel with a simple pencil"


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