
How to teach a child to walk

How to teach a child to walk
Rules and tips to teach a child to walk

The birth of a child in each family becomes the most striking event in the life of the parents, because every small achievement in development is found with great joy. One of these significant incidents can be deservedly considered the first steps of the baby.

Every day, the child's child's recently started life is growing, develops and stronger in order to better know the world around. Parents are looking forward to when the crumb will begin to crawl confidently, and then walk. Many try all sorts of ways to teach the child to walk as quickly as possible.

However, the natural processes should not be treated too much, and among the many recommendations, the most rational are allocated. First of all, any significant progress in development should be accompanied by the correct preparation of the child. Make your first steps kids can from 9 to 18 months depending on the individual pace of development and psychological factors.


How to teach a child to walk?

In no case should the parents, the development of their child under the statistical data of pediatric literature. All children develop individually and quite rarely the child strictly under the standard to crawl, run on all fours, gets up in the crib and then goes. Practice shows that quite often children can refuse to crawl, and the sedentine position change dramatically immediately to the strain.

Restless mothers are constantly trying to find out the best age for starting walking. Unfortunately, there is no experience and consultation in the right to respond accurately for the natural processes of the body of a small person. Only when the crumb matures and sufficiently grate, he will be ready for such an adventure for him.

Also, the development of the baby should not be allowed on samonek, and it is recommended to help and follow it. The muscles of the child can be weakened or overstrain (Hypertonus), which delays walking. Only experts can correctly diagnose the state, but often the baby is simply necessary to help develop the coordination of movements with a special gymnastics.


Exercises to teach a child to walk

Charging allows you to strengthen the muscles and give the baby confidence in yourself:

  1. From the first week, the kid can already be prepared for training. To strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, the child daily should lie on the stomach at least 10 minutes.
  2. The period from 2 to 6 months. Turns of the body should be encouraged and stimulated. For example, keep the toy right above the face, and then move to the sides to train your back muscles, neck, hands and feet, as well as preparations for a seating pose.
  3. Period from 4 to 6 months. Child learning to sit in pillows or independently, which requires constant stimulation by turning, supporting objects and toys out of reach to improve coordination.
  4. The period from 6 to 9 months. Put the child to the end of the inflated ball with his back to myself and, holding the hips, shake the ball to the development of coordination of movements and the ability to balance and keep the balance.
  5. The period of 9 months. Put the toddler on the table, squat and, holding the back behind the chest, swing back and forth. Such an exercise will force him to get up on your own if the muscles are quite hardened. If the child refuses to get up, leave the exercise for a while.
  6. The period from 9 to 10 months. The child is already beginning to overpay, sticking to the hands of his parents. A baby stroller is suitable as a simulator, keeping the child in slow motion will make a step.
  7. The period is older than 9 months. Take the hoop or pole and give it to the child as a support. Slowly move the subject, forcing the child thus move behind him in different directions and in a circle.
  8. The period when the kid rises with his knees independently with support. Put your favorite toy by the floor to the child to take it to her armchair or sofa, and then put it on the edge so that it takes it to get up to the goal itself.
  9. The period when the child steps confidently by his hand with his parents. Take a bright lace or any other noticeable rope and drag between furniture on the room at the level of his knees. Move the baby by hand to her and learn to reclaim through obstacles.


Relief, stimulation and walking

In the desire to help and teach confidently walking a one-year-old child expanding and the range of goods for the development of kids. Some of the previously popular devices today become no longer relevant and in favor of pediatricians may even harm further development. The modern industry of children's goods does not stand still, however, practice shows that not all experts recommend compulsory use.

Teach a child to walk with the help of walkers

Such a trainer for walking like a walker is a small table of rounded shape with a seat of soft material and equipped with wheels. Sitting in such a chair The baby can push off the floor from the floor and move around the room. The height of the armchair is adjustable, which allows you to get the floor only with socks or become on the entire foot.

It is this fixture that causes numerous disputes both and against its use. The main fear is the fact that after their use, the child may not want to apply additional efforts for independent movements. However, the walkers will not bring serious damage if you follow the elementary rules of their use.

Recommendations for the use of walkers:

  • Prolonged stay in walkers creates an additional load on the spine and can lead to its curvature.
  • Do not leave a child in walkers unattended adults.
  • It is not necessary to premature the child in the simulator if he does not know how to sit on his own and confidently.

In fact, such a simulator is not so much harm as the absence of its useful qualities. After all, sitting in the chair and pushing off from the floor with his feet, the baby does not learn walking, but just rides. Moreover, the child is insured against falls and do not learn to keep balance and coordinate movements. However, for especially active children who tirelessly crawl through the rooms, this simulator will allow you to know the world around, and parents will reduce care for the pursuit of the baby.


Teach a child to walk with a stroller

Such a wheelchair for children is a cart on four wheels with a handle, holding for which the child pushes the simulator ahead and, leaning, goes for him. Such a cart is more convenient than the stroller, because it is easier and less, which corresponds to the kid's growth. The simulator is very useful for self-movement of children, as it is used as a reliable support and allows you to gain confidence before walking without helping anyone or anything.


Teach a child to walk with the help of the scene

Such a climber resembles a kangaroo seat on a long belt and is used in the first stages of walking. If a child is ready to move independently, but poorly coordinates movements and keeps balance, such a simulator will be the best assistant for insurance against frequent drops. Walking with the baby in such an adaptation is very convenient, and most importantly safely.


Teach a child to walk with shoes

One of the most controversial issues when walking also remains the need for shoes and its quality characteristics. Many believe that to prevent the development of flatfooting, the baby must wear orthopedic supinators. Such shoes provides a better clutch with the surface and reliable fixation of the foot.

However, perennial studies of the American orthopedic S. Viklera have shown that those who wear free shoes with a bending sole or go on barefoot with the owners of healthy stops. The doctor claims that it is hard shoes and supinators that weaken the muscles and the correct bending of the stop, which should develop naturally. Consequently, the shoes should be free for comfortable movement in her fingers, and if possible, the child should go barefoot.


Safety at the first steps

In an effort to teach your crumb to walk faster, parents should pay special attention to the fact that the child will begin to know the world and items previously inaccessible. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare for a new level in the life of the baby so that its experiments are not negative. Otherwise, the child may be afraid and refuse to make new attempts because of fear before danger.

The basic safety rules should be followed:

  • Close all sharp corners and furniture details with special limiters or foam rubber in order to avoid the injury to the child at the level of its growth.
  • Close all electrical outs with special silencers.
  • We securely close or remove all household chemicals and cosmetics in the upper cabinets so that the child cannot have access to them.
  • Learn to remove all the dangerous items immediately after their use in the place are not enough for a child.
  • Remove all fragile, minor, valuable, heavy and potentially dangerous items to the height of more than meters.
  • Remove the tablecloths from the tables so that they cannot be pulled together with dishes and appliances on the floor.


Is it worth a particularly learning child to go?

According to the popular TV host today, the Komarovsky doctor today, today the parents have no reason for concern about the latency of the child. This important stage in his life is influenced by many factors, such as a sudden illness and a common weakened the well-being of the baby, which will suspend his desire to know the world an elementary absence of sufficient energy for about a month. It also happens so that the child will fall or will hit the new items strongly and will be afraid to take new independent attempts to walk.

Some rapidly developing children begin to walk from 9 months, and more weakens even after 18 months. At the beginning of training there may be many third-party problems and factors affecting the desire of crumbs to take an independent step. However, there is no need to force a child to learn walking if he has no natural desire to it.

If a child feels physical and psychological readiness, he himself will seek to know the surrounding and it will be difficult to stop. Of course, if the parents will drive a crumb under hands, he will be delighted with new impressions. However, it does not know how to walk the child independently, will demand to take him on the hands constantly and does not want to make their own efforts, and the mother will be a hostage and, most likely, will suffer from back pain.

Some parents are experiencing that early walking can harm the normal development of the child's feet. Studies show that the child's body is able to withstand the load, which is found to him on the path of its natural development. Beginners to walk children can be curved legs, but it does not depend on his age and the period of the first steps.

What if the child refuses to learn to walk on their own?

All the progress of the baby certainly is pleasing to loved ones, especially this concerns the first independent steps. Young parents are even preparing for them in advance and try to capture this event on video. However, sometimes it happens that after several insecure attempts in walking, the child again sinks on all fours and moves only to Clarice.


Causes of failure to walk in a child

The most common concerns in children can be:

  1. Laziness. The baby is used to sit in walkers or winds and refuses to apply efforts.
  2. Lack of interest. If the route for studying the surround does not change, and the child loses interest in the usual setting, he can stop repeating attempts to be insecure movement on the legs.
  3. The fall. It is possible that it was the first attempts to be associated with strong blows of a child when falling and he intuitively binds walking with pain.

Help parents in walking

Finding out the main reason for the toddler's refusal from straightening, parents should be tried to help the child:

  • In order to fight the baby's latter, stimulate it, putting interesting items higher.
  • If the child is afraid to fall again, support it and carefully ensure that there are no new attendant situations.
  • If the child is sluggish, make a charging or massage with it for a warm-up, because walking for it is still very heavy exercise.
  • Do not worry yourself and do not show this to the baby, even if the first attempts have become unsuccessful.
  • Do not make the baby walk, if he refuses, maybe he feels bad and cannot show you this - he will go when will be ready.
  • Do not limit the space of movement by a playpen or one room, so the baby will have an interest.
  • Do not indulge the whim and the laziness of the baby with the failure to walk and do not wear it over long on hand.
  • Do not scold a child at first attempts, support cheerful attitude with the pronunciation of poems or singing.
  • Refuse the walkers and other devices, let the child dissipates from auxiliary means.
  • Walking more with the child in the playgrounds so that he will seek to repeat the walking of older children.
  • Praise and speak affectionately with a child - he needs to feel and psychological support.

Video Council: How to teach a child to walk?

A qualified psychotherapist will tell how to deal with possible problems when walking in a child:


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