
Pickled white mushrooms at home. How to pickle white mushrooms in banks for the winter. Preparation of pickled white mushrooms - step -by -step recipes with photos

Pickled white mushrooms at home. How to pickle white mushrooms in banks for the winter. Preparation of pickled white mushrooms - step -by -step recipes with photos
In the article you will find several detailed step -by -step recipes for pickling white mushrooms: with vinegar, essence and without them, using sterilization, how to close in general and without cans, as well as how to marin them for soup.

Boroviki are considered one of the best varieties of mushrooms. Many love him for a large size, which simplifies the collection of mushrooms and their preparation for cooking. In addition, the white mushroom is rich in beneficial substances for the body and contains a large number of calories, so in winter you can replace with booths one method of meat per month. Mushrooms are especially delicious when pickling.

Pickled white mushrooms - where to start

  • During the collection mushrooms It should be clearly determined for the purpose of their further use. So small mushrooms can only be used for pickling. Large specimens should be divided into hats and leg. In this case, only hats are suitable for pickling, the body can be frying and added to the dish. Also take into account the fact that mushrooms are reduced during cooking.
  • Boorniks in their structure are very porous, so they are not soaked before cooking. Otherwise, they absorb a large amount of liquid and lose taste. Therefore, the collected plants must be thoroughly washed under running water using the brush.
  • After washing, a number of mandatory procedures should be carried out. In large mushrooms, separate the hat from the body, and rinse the small specimens again thoroughly. Then distribute them in size. This must be done, since with subsequent cooking, mushrooms of different sizes will have not the same degree of readiness.

  • Carefully inspect each fruit for damage and wormholes. All suspicious areas on the surface of the mushrooms need to be cut.
  • Before proceeding with the pickling of mushrooms, they should be dried with excess moisture. To do this, put the product on top of the kitchen towel and leave for a couple of hours.
  • The first category mushrooms It does not provide for preliminary boiling. It includes white mushrooms. But many housewives prefer to carry out this procedure not only before pickling, but also hot. After cooking, the mushrooms should be dried again.
    Do not forget about the preparation of inventory for pickling mushrooms. If you plan to use banks as a container for storing pickled white mushrooms, then previously sterilize them with hot steam. The same heat treatment should pass the covers.
  • For the preparation of white mushrooms, marinade is separately prepared. When cooking it, it is necessary to observe the sequence of laying spices and spices. First, the water boils, then salt is filled into it, the vinegar is thoroughly stirred and poured. It will break through the salty taste of the dish, but it is necessary to use it strictly indicated in the recipe.
  • Only after salt with vinegar, spices are added to the marinade. It should be noted that an excess of black pepper will make mushrooms bitter. For spicy taste, cinnamon is added, but only in the form of sticks so that it does not remain on the mushrooms.
  • If you plan to cook salads with pickled white mushrooms, then put garlic slices in the jar. To give the dish freshness use greens for the marinade.  Ready -made pickled white mushrooms are not only tasty, but also beautiful in the photo.

A simple recipe for pickling white mushrooms with vinegar

There is a large amount of preparation of boobs in the marinade, into which each housewife makes her adjustments. Before starting a complex recipe for cooking mushrooms, try to put them in a simple way without sterilization.

Ingredients for marinade per 1 kg of boiled mushrooms:

  • water - 0.5 l.
  • sugar with salt - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • vinegar with 9% concentration - 50 ml.;
  • citric acid - 1 \\ 4 tsp.;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking recipe:

  • If you have collected mushrooms yourself, then you need to sort them out on the same day. Prepare them in the same way immediately after washing.

  • In addition to the basic rules for preparing mushrooms, you should cut off the leg with the remains of the Earth. Since you will pickle slices, you do not need to sort them by size.

  • Cut the mushrooms in large parts. Do not worry for a large size - when cooking, it will decrease several times. Pour cold water into the pan and immediately transfer the mushrooms into it. Put on the fire and bring to a boil, then mix and boil them for 10 minutes.

Important. During cooking, mushrooms can give their juice, so use a large capacity. If this does not happen, then pour in the additional liquid while boiling the product. So it does not evaporate.

  • After the specified time, add citric acid to boiling water. After mixing, the reaction will go and foam will appear. It must be constantly removed with a slotted spoon. Boil the mushrooms for another 40 minutes. During this time, they will whitewash due to citric acid.

  • Get out the finished product from boiling water, rinse again with hot water. Lay out on the table and let dry with excess moisture. Then weigh the mushrooms to calculate the ingredients for the marinade.

  • Boil water, add salt, sugar and spices. Be careful with spices, since white mushrooms themselves have a rich taste and do not interrupt it with other aromas. Put the mushrooms, pour in vinegar and boil them for 5-10 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, prepare the banks, sterilize them. Pour the lids with boiling water. Total for 1 kg. You will need 3 banks of 0.5 liters of mushrooms.

  • Pour mushrooms into sterile jars, pour with a hot marinade and roll up. Turn over the towel to check the fluid flow. Wrap the banks and leave it overnight. With gradual cooling, the mushrooms will be saturated with the marinade.

How to marinate white mushrooms with vinegar essence

Experienced housewives instead of table vinegar use vinegar essence. It has a high concentration of acetic acid, so you can easily prepare a solution of the desired percentage yourself. Thus, you can adjust the sour taste of the product.

Ingredients for pickling 1 liter. water:

  • vinegar essence - 3 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. L.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • fragrant and black pepper with peas - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic slices - 5 pcs.;
  • a whole clove - 3 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Boroviki must be sorted out and cleaned from the remnants of the Earth. Then rinse and sort several times by size.

  • Cut the fruits with slices with a thickness of at least 1.5 cm. In this recipe, the legs of the mushroom will also be used, so chop them.

  • Use enough water for boiling fruits in sufficient quantities, as it will evaporate during cooking. But at the same time, mushrooms should be in liquid all the time, so you can add it during cooking.
  • Pour the mushrooms with water, add a little salt and vinegar, boil the liquid. Swear remove the foam that will form during cooking. Readiness can be determined by fruits drowning in water. If all the mushrooms fell on it, then you should turn off the fire.

Important. Each variety of mushrooms should be cooked separately, since they have different times and method of cooking.

  • After cooking, be sure to throw the mushrooms on a colander. So you will give the opportunity to drain excess water. If necessary, rinse the fruits, foam could remain on them.

  • While the mushrooms are cooling, prepare the marinade. Add all ingredients to boiling water, except for garlic. If you want to replace essence with vinegar, then reduce the volume of water by 200 ml. and measure 1 tbsp. 6% vinegar. But just add it before removing the pan from the stove.

  • Banks and lids must be sterilized. You can do this in any way convenient for you.

  • Put the slices of garlic on the bottom of the jar and fill them with mushrooms, but so that there is 2-3 cm on top of the free space. It is necessary for brine, since when cooling it is reduced in volume.

  • Boil the marinade, pour the banks to them to the very top. Now you can roll them up or close them if you use cans with twisting.

  • To check the possible flow, turn each jar upside down. Leave them in this position all night. In the morning, rearrange in the refrigerator.

How to pickle white mushrooms in general

Do not pass by small mushrooms. They are the most fragrant when pickling. This recipe will require you to prepare the product more time, but in winter you will evaluate the taste. In addition, for the marinade you can use any spices, independently adjusting their concentration.

  • Clean the collected mushrooms from sand, wormholes and sort by size. For pickling, mushrooms with elastic flesh are needed and only fresh. After that, it is necessary to wash the fruits.

  • Use a brush with soft bristles or toothache for this. Rinse the plant only in cold water. Especially pay attention to cleaning under the hat and at the base of the body.

  • You do not need to cut small mushrooms. If you have large fruits, then cut them in half. But it is best to postpone large specimens for another dish.

  • Put the washed bonies in the pan. Pour cold water so that the fruits are covered with liquid only by a third. Add salt to taste and put on fire.

  • As soon as the water boils and the foam appears, immediately turn off the fire. Be sure to rinse the mushrooms. Use a colander for this, so the foam and the remains of sand are washed with running water.

  • Then transfer the mushrooms again to the pan. Pour water so that it completely covers the fruits. Bring to a boil and cook for about an hour. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in vinegar and add salt.
  • Pre -sterilize the banks in the microwave. Put spices and seasonings at the bottom: bay leaf, black pepper with peas and cloves. Put the mushrooms into the jar and fill it with a hot marinade in which they were cooked.

  • Roll up the banks, let them cool and put it in a cool place. Only one season can be stored in this state.

How to pickle white mushrooms by sterilization

Although the boobs do not even need cooking before use, some housewives prefer to sterilize pickled white mushrooms in banks. This will provide you with additional protection against possible poisoning. There is nothing complicated in such processing, it is only necessary to conduct it correctly.

By 250 ml. You will need water for the marinade:

  • dining vinegar - 4 tbsp. L.;
  • salt (not iodized) - 1.5 tbsp. L.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • seasonings and spices to taste.

The course of work:

  • Prepare mushrooms, as described above. But it is necessary to rinse 2 times and only in cold water.

  • Cut large hats into parts, small mushrooms can be left in general. But try to make the same pieces so that they boil evenly.

  • In this recipe for pickling, white mushrooms must be thrown into boiling water. Therefore, first boil the water in a large container, add salt and gently shift the pieces of mushrooms. Boil them for at least 30 minutes. During the boil, foam will form, which must be constantly removed with a slotted spoon.

  • Transfer the finished mushrooms to a sieve or a colander, let the excess fluid drain.

  • Meanwhile, weld the marinade for mushrooms. All ingredients can be added to cold water and then put on fire. With this method of spices and seasonings, they will gradually reveal their aroma.

  • When the marinade boils, transfer boiled mushrooms into it and boil them for another 10-15 minutes, then remove from the heat.

  • Sterilize the banks and lids in a convenient way for you. Transfer hot mushrooms to banks, and pour the marinade in which they cooked.
  • Now it is necessary to sterilize the banks with mushrooms. At the bottom of the large pan, put a towel or use stands instead of them. Put filled cans to the bottom of the container and cover with lids. Then pour water to the upper belt.

Important.The liquid must be warm. Since the marinade is hot, when the cold water is added, the glass on the banks will crack.

  • Capacity 250 ml. It is necessary to sterilize 12 minutes, 500 ml. 15 minutes and 1 l. - 20 minutes from the moment of boiling of water.
  • After such a procedure, the jar must be taken out. Do this with special forceps, as they will be hot.

  • Roll the mushrooms right away, turn over and wrap it with a warm bedspread. After completely cooling, rearrange them in a cool place.

How to pickle white mushrooms for the winter without cans

  • In most cases, banks are used to pickle white mushrooms. This recipe will help those housewives who do not like to preserve products and prefer to store them in the refrigerator. In addition, in this way, small portions of mushrooms can be prepared as they collect them.
  • Mushrooms must be sorted, sort. In order for pickled white mushrooms to be very tasty, you should choose fruits with elastic pulp, without wormholes and necessarily the latest. Carefully clean the plants of the mushroom pickest.

  • Selected mushrooms should be soaked for 2 hours in salt water. It will not only help you carefully cleanse the mushrooms of sand, but also additionally disinfect the fruits.

  • After soaking, the fruits must be washed well and put to dry with excess moisture. Use a regular lattice for this. But do not dry for a long time, otherwise the mushrooms will weathe and acquire a bitter taste.

  • Then transfer the plants into a large container, pour cold water and put on fire. You should not throw all the fruits at once. Cook them in small portions, so the mushrooms will be evenly cooked.

  • At the time of boiling, foam with the remains of sand and other contaminants will appear. When the water only begins to boil, remove the container from the heat and throw the mushrooms on a colander. Rinse them with cold water. In a pure pan, shift slightly pierced fruits.

  • Fill the container with clean water again. Now there will be less foam after boiling. If you want to use mushroom broth as the basis for the first dishes, then the second water should be drained again, rinse the fruits and pour it with already purified water.

For information. Such contrasting mushroom treatment will improve their taste and make them more crispy. Also, pickled mushrooms will not have mucus, since all binding substances are washed with processing.

  • In the third water, boil mushrooms from 45 minutes to an hour. In this case, the more you prepare the fruits, the faster they absorb the marinade. And this will significantly reduce your time to cook them in winter.

  • Remove the finished mushrooms on a sieve and let them cool. Along with this, excess moisture will dry. Or spread them on a paper towel.

  • Pack the mushrooms in packages with ZIP. Get the air as much as possible, but do not press on the fruits, otherwise you will remember them. Close the bag and place in the freezer.

  • It is necessary to pickle mushrooms in winter according to the next recipe. In a liter of water, dissolve salt (1 tbsp.) And sugar (2 tbsp.) Add fragrant and black pepper, bay leaf, as well as other spices to your taste.
  • Remove the frozen fruits from the refrigerator, open the bag and immediately throw them into a boiling marinade. Pre -defrosting mushrooms is not necessary.

  • After 5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and add 100 g. vinegar with 6 % concentration. If you use 9 % vinegar, then use a smaller amount of it. You can also throw a bow into the marinade, sliced \u200b\u200bby half rings. Cover with a lid and leave to pickle the mushrooms until they cool completely.

  • Then drain the marinade, put the mushrooms with onions on the napkins and when the excess water is absorbed, transfer them to the plate. Season with any vegetable oil and serve to the table.

How to pickle white mushrooms without vinegar

Cooked boletus with citric acid have an original taste. Do not be afraid that banks will explode without the use of table vinegar. They will stand all winter if you adhere to the technology of pickling white mushrooms at home.

For marinade at 800 gr. Take the fruits:

  • cold water - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 50 gr.;
  • salt - 30 gr.;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • spices and seasonings - to taste.

Cooking recipe:

  • For pickling white mushrooms without vinegar, medium -sized fruits are best suited. Carefully inspect the plants for damage.

  • Each mushroom must be cleaned, cut off and thoroughly washed from sand and foliage.

  • The main secret of cooking is soaking mushrooms in salt water. Use only cold water for this. Leave the fruits in water for 1 hour, then rinse in the sieve.

  • After that, cut white mushrooms into several parts. The size of the pieces does not play a role for taste, the main thing is that they are the same size.

  • Pour the boobs into a pan, pour water and bring to a boil. When a lot of white foam appears, the liquid must be drained. The first water is not suitable for the basis of the first dishes and sauces, as it contains a lot of garbage and sand residues.

  • Remove the mushrooms on a sieve and rinse thoroughly. Use only running water for this, as it can wash off the foam.

  • At the next time, the foam will be less, but it still needs to be removed during the boiling of mushrooms. To use citric acid in the marinade, the fruits must be boiled much longer - 3 hours. During this time, the mushrooms will not collapse, so feel free to cook them.

  • Take boiled plants from boiling water and let the excess fluid drain. Also, before pickling white mushrooms, they must be chilled.

  • While mushrooms are cooling, prepare a container for canning. Wash the cans thoroughly and sterilize steamed. Also process the lid with boiling water.

  • For the marinade, the water should be boiled, filled with sugar and citric acid. When the crystals are completely dissolved, add spices.

  • In this recipe, you do not need to cook fruits in the marinade. Fill the prepared banks with them, wait until the mushrooms will “sit down”, pour a hot brine. Roll up and turn the banks immediately.

How to marry white mushrooms for soup

  • Boroviki can be delicious not only in the salad. If you properly cook pickled white mushrooms, then the broth will turn out much tastier than dried mushrooms.
  • The secret to cook white mushrooms for soup is very simple. The harvesting of the fruit takes place in its own juice. To do this, use a small amount of water for cooking.

Advice. White mushrooms during cooking can lose color and become dark. To prevent this, during cooking, add a little citric acid to boiling water. It will whiten mushrooms, which will preserve their color.

For the workpiece you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh Boroviki - 1 kg.;
  • water - 500 ml.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. L.;
  • cloves, bay leaf, cinnamon, black pepper peas.

Preparation of products:

  • Carefully clean the booths of sand and forest debris. Sort the size. Rinse 2 times in clean water. In large fruits, cut the body, since only hats are used for pickling.

  • Cut the fruits in small pieces, in size for use in a soup. Make sure that they have the same size. Transfer the mushrooms to the pan.

  • At this stage, it is necessary to salt the fruits. Mix them well, so they are evenly covered with grains.

  • After 15 minutes, add water. Its volume should be equal to half the number of mushrooms. During cooking, the fruits release their moisture, so that there will be a lot of broths, and they will be able to boil evenly.
  • Put a pan on a big fire. When the water boils, reduce the cooking temperature to the minimum, and cook the mushrooms for 15 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to remove the foam.

  • After the indicated time, add all the spices at once. Stir the broth and cook it until the mushrooms are shown to the bottom.

  • Before you remove the pan from the fire, pour in vinegar. Transfer fruits to sterile jars. Heat the marinade again and pour mushrooms with them. Close the jars and set to cool.

  • When you decide to cook the first dish with white mushrooms, add the entire contents of the can to the broth. Boil 10-15 minutes and prepare the soup in the usual way.

Fragrant white mushrooms in the marinade can become not only a festive dish on the table, but also an excellent snack for a regular dinner. You can cook them in several ways. But in order to emphasize the original taste of mushrooms, it is necessary to clearly follow the step -by -step recipes for their preparation. Bon appetit!

About how much it is necessary to pickle white mushrooms for different recipes, watch the video:



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