
How to prepare a jam from the gooseberry - delicious recipes. How to cook jam from the gooseberry at home

How to prepare a jam from the gooseberry - delicious recipes. How to cook jam from the gooseberry at home
The article presents the recipes of cooking jam from the gooseberry for the winter. How to cook the jam from the gooseberry at home.

Summer and autumn seasons are always associated with the ripening of a large number of fruits and berries in the country and household sections. Each hostess at this time seeks as much beneficial berries as possible and other garden gifts to prepare for the winter so that in the coldest period of the year it was possible to enjoy natural vitamins and breathe the scent of the summer. Today there is simply a huge number of ways of billeting berries for the winter, among which the preparation of Jema occupies a special place.

In compliance with all the rules from any berries, including from the gooseberry, you can get thick, hard and fragrant sweetness, which will have to do with all houses. Jam from the gooseberry is not at all difficult, the main thing is to properly prepare berries and comply with the sequence of cooking.

In this article, consider how to make a jam from the gooseberry correctly, how to prepare berries before cooking and give a detailed description of the recipes of cooking jam from the gooseberry for the winter.

Jam from the gooseberry. The benefits of berries gooseberry

The gooseberry is one of the most beloved berries at the gardeners and summer houses, as it has a very thin and sweet taste, which, depending on the variety, can be similar to strawberries or peach, on raspberry or grapes. For the most part, the berries of the gooseberry have a non-cerebral sour-sweet taste, which is perfectly preserved at preservation and cooking jam from the gooseberry. Also, depending on the variety, the size of the gooseberry berry is different: there are small berries with a skittle, and there are varieties that will delight you with large and juicy berries with a sizes.

Gooseberry benefits:

  • Both in the fresh and in the recycled form, the gooseberry is very useful for human health, so it is often grown despite the large number of spines, behind which the delicious and juicy berries are hidden.
  • The berries of the gooseberry contain a large number of microelements and macroelements of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron.
  • Cubilane substances, organic acids and pectin are also present in these berries, thanks to which you can easily get thick jelly and jam.
  • Vitamins of groups A, PP, B are also a large amount in unreasonable and ripe berries of the gooseberry.
  • By content in its composition vitamin C, the gooseberry can be compared with black currant.
  • When using the gooseberry, a diuretic, laxative and choleretic effect is on the body.
  • The gooseberry is able to purify the body from harmful toxins, heavy metals, radionuclides.
  • This berry is perfect for obesity, teeth and gum diseases, with hypertension and anemia.
  • With different skin diseases and frequent hemorrhages, you can also eat gooseberry berries.
  • It is also proven that the gooseberry perfectly derives poor cholesterol from the body, strengthens the walls of the vessels and stimulates cellular metabolism.
  • However, despite all useful properties, the gooseberry is considered the calorie berry itself.

How to cook jam from the gooseberry: Tips

First of all, it is necessary to figure out what Jam is. By its consistency, this is a jelly-like mass that contains whole berries boiled in syrup, pieces of berries or mashed potatoes. A good jam is obtained only if there is a pectin in its composition - a substance possessing gelling properties. Many fruits and berries contain a large amount of pectin in their composition, so when preparing the jama, the jelly-like mass is easily and quickly. It is to such berries and the gooseberry belongs. When preparing a jam from the gooseberry, there is no need to add a special gelaning powder or apple juice - jam to get excellent. However, to obtain a jam from a red gooseberry, green or pink, it is important to comply with some rules, thanks to which all Winter is your family will be tasteful and fragrant blanks.

  • First of all, it is necessary to remember if you cook the jam from the green gooseberry, it needs to be collected slightly not allowed. So you save a wonderful emerald shade of berries and future jam.
  • Also, for the preparation of the jam, it is recommended to use non-distinguished, dense fruits in order to obtain whole berries in the jelly mass.
  • In addition, the need to use green berries together with ripe is due to the fact that it is precisely in no longer fruits that contain the greatest amount of pectin necessary for receiving the jam.
  • Use for the preparation of this delicacy only enameled dishes, since berries with sugar can burn, the consequences of what is quite difficult to launder.
  • It is important to pay close attention to the preparation of berries for cooking, namely, washing in running water.
  • The main rule of the preparation of the jam from the gooseberry at home is that it is important to observe the desired proportion of berries and sugar, as the gooseberry has a small kit.
  • In the process of cooking, Jema is also important to adhere to some rules in order to in the end to obtain the dessert dessert consistency. You need to cook only with the addition of sugar until readiness, which is defined as follows: Type the jam with a spoon if it flows with a non-thin trickle, and not drops, then it is already ready. You can also check in the following way: Put a drop of jam on a plate and wait a bit. A wrinkled film should be formed on the surface.
  • It is important to remember that to obtain a real jama berries with sugar, you need to boil on a strong fire. This is necessary in order to destroy substances that can destroy pectin.
  • If you wish, you can cook the jam from the whole berry of the gooseberry, and you can pre-pass them through the meat grinder.
  • For a variety, dessert can also be experimenting with various additives in the form of other berries, citrus, fragrant herbs, such as Melissa.

Cooking jam from gooseberry: Preparing berries and cans

Before you begin to prepare the jam from the gooseberry, it is important to carefully prepare berries. The gooseberry bushes are subject to the invasion of various insects and pests, which also like to enjoy berries, so gardeners often use various chemicals. In addition, this is the collection of delicious berries quite difficult, since the branches of the shrub are completely covered with spines, which tightly cover the entire harvest. For the preparation of the perfect jam, you need to have several preparatory stages.

  • First of all, carefully collect berries from the bush. In order not to painear the hands of the spiners, it is recommended to wear tight gloves.
  • After that, be sure to rinse the berries thoroughly. It is necessary to do it under running water several times to wash off all the chemicals available on the surface. If there are some stains and pollution on berries, they need to be laundered by hand.
  • When the berries are well promoted, place them on the colander that the glasses are excessive water. At this time, you can also remove damaged and slightly rotten fruit, as it can spoil the future jam.
  • It is also important to clean the berries of the gooseberry. This is a time-consuming process, but later you will enjoy the fragrant jam without strangers and grains in the mouth. At this stage, it is necessary to remove all the frozen and chashelistic. Use for this a sharp nor of a small size or scissors, which is more convenient.
  • While the berries of the gooseberry are moving, you can prepare cans or other tanks for the jam. Most often, the hosts use small cans with a capacity of 250 to 500 grams to be practical to use in the future. Banks need to well wash food soda with warm water, after which it is thoroughly rinsed. Next, all the containers are sterilized in water or in the oven.

How to brew a jam from the gooseberry at home: cooking technology

When the berries are prepared, you can start cooking a delicious and fragrant jam. The technology of cooking such a delicacy is quite simple, even an inexperienced hostess will cope with it. On the Internet there are many prescriptions from the gooseberry with various additives, we still give the overall cooking technology, on the basis of which you can learn how to make a real jam.

  • 2/3 Part of the gooseberry berry must be placed in the dishes with a thick and wide bottom. It is advisable to use an enameled saucepan or a basin. Add some water and boil on a strong heat until the berries will not be soft. This is necessary in order to maintain natural pectin in the berries of the gooseberry.
  • When the berries break and become soft, they must be wiped through the sieve and return to the container again. Add sugar and boil on. So you prepare a kind of berry syrup.
  • Take the remaining 1/3 berries of the gooseberry, it is desirable that neither were not slightly dose, and pinched them with a needle to facilitate the cooking process, since the peel in such fruits is dense.
  • Prepared berries must be added to the previously obtained syrup from the pulp and continue to cook until readiness. Readiness can be defined as follows: Mind a little jam with a spoon, wait a little to the frozen - the finished jam will fall slices.
  • The syrup itself from the gooseberry has a not very beautiful and bright appearance, so it is desirable to add 1-2 centuries during cooking during cooking. any berry juice, such as cherry or orange.
  • After the complete readiness of the jam, it is necessary to decompose on clean and sterilized banks and tighten or roll with covers. Some hostesses are recommended for 5-10 minutes to put banks in boiling water, and then get and flip over to the lid.

Jam from the gooseberry: Recipes

As noted above, on the Internet, you can find a simple huge number of jam recipes from the gooseberry, which will slightly differ from the cooking technology, the final result took place for the preparation and taste characteristics. Consider the most delicious, popular and simple recipes for homemade jam from gooseberry.

Jam from the gooseberry: Simple recipe

To prepare the jam on this recipe, you can take absolutely any berries of the gooseberry: green, red or pink.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of berries of the gooseberry, some of which is better to take a little no longer;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • approximately 70 ml of water.


  • Pre-thoroughly washed berries need a little dry and put in a pot with a thick bottom.
  • Add water to berries and close the saucepan with a lid, put on a strong fire.
  • After about 5-6 minutes, the berries will be folded, will become softer. They must be removed from the pan and wipe through the sieve to obtain a berry puree.
  • After that, the wedge of the gooseberry was obtained from the berry of the gooseberry returns, all sugar is added to it and again the container is placed on fire.
  • Jam must constantly interfere.
  • Bring berries with sugar to boil, periodically removing the resulting foam. After that, it is required to drop fire to a minimum and continue to responding the syrup of about half an hour.
  • The resulting jam immediately needs to be poured over prepared clean banks and close with covers.

Jam from the gooseberry in a slow cooker

Now, many mistresses for the preparation of ordinary dishes and billets use a multicooker, thanks to which you can quickly and conveniently get the desired result. It is enough to set the necessary mode. Moreover, the multicooker is able to make much easier to prepare a delicious jam - you will not need to constantly interfere with the berries in syrup. Jam from the gooseberry can also be done using such a necessary thing in the kitchen as a multicooker.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of berry gooseberry;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 4-5 tbsp. water.


  • First of all, it is necessary to wash the berries of the gooseberry well and remove all the cups and frozen with scissors with scissors. After that, be sure to dry the berries.
  • Next in the multicooker bowl add 4 tbsp. Waters and 1 cup of sugar. The multicooker closes and exhibits the "quenching" mode. It is necessary to wait until the sugar is completely dissolved and the liquid will begin to throw.
  • After that, in boiling water with sugar, it is necessary to pour out all the berries of the gooseberry and close the multicooker's lid tightly. Thus, it is necessary to extinguish our berries about 10-15 minutes. During this time, the skin on the berries of the gooseberry should become soft and burst. To check, you can occasionally open the lid.
  • When you see that the berries begin to burst, they need to be removed from the multicooker bowl and rub through a sieve or grind in a blender.
  • After that, the berry puree returns to the slow cooker, the remaining sugar is added to it, everything is thoroughly mixed. The lid is a multicooker bowl in this case, you do not need to close.
  • Cooking jam is needed about 30-35 minutes.
  • By readiness, a drop of jam on a plate should not be spread.
  • Hot jam from the gooseberry must be poured over prepared banks and close the lids.

Jam from the gooseberry through a meat grinder

This method of cooking jam from the gooseberry will especially like more experienced hostesses, which do not know about the heal, how to use the meat grinder. In this case, the berries of the gooseberry turn out to be crushed into a homogeneous mass, which will make your jam more dense and perfectly smooth. The prescription below uses additional ingredients that will make the jam more fragrant and bright.

You will need:

  • 700 grams of green berries green;
  • 2-3 ripe kiwi;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • fresh mint (several twigs or leaves).


  • Pre-berries of the gooseberry and kiwi need to be thoroughly wash under running water, after which it is from berries to cut off the cups and fruits, and with kiwi it is fine to cut the peel.
  • Next, berries and kiwi need to be skipped through a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  • The resulting puree shift into the pan with a thick bottom and put it on a slow fire.
  • Thus, the berry puree is brought to a boil, after which all sugar and mint leaves are added.
  • The mixture is thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil.
  • After that, the fire decreases and the jam is brewed for about 30 minutes.
  • When the berry mixture reaches the desired consistency, it is necessary to get a mint, and the jam is poured over the banks harvested in advance.
  • To make it easier to get mint from the jam at the end, it is recommended to pre-link all the leaves together in the bundle.
  • With this recipe you will get a delicious and fragrant jam of a beautiful emerald shade.

Jam from the gooseberry with an orange

All citrus fruits are always associated with a large number of vitamins and a wonderful aroma, which is why oranges and lemons are often used in the preparation of various dishes, including in Jem. With the help of a small amount of fresh oranges, you can prepare a very fragrant jam from the gooseberry with a rather unusual sweet-sour taste.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of berry gooseberry;
  • 2 fresh large oranges;
  • 1-1.2 kg of sugar.


  • Special attention is paid to oranges that need to be carefully flushed, after which it is cleaned. It is necessary to do it with a sharp knife and cut the peel with a white film. It is also important to cut the flesh of an orange without white partitions, since with them your jam will give bitterness. Also do not forget to remove bones.
  • After that, rinse the gooseberry well and remove the frozen with scissors from all berries.
  • In the next step, all berries of the gooseberry and orange are pierced in a blender to a puree-like state or skip through a meat grinder by means of hubs with small holes.
  • Some hostesses prefer to cook jam from the gooseberry without bones of these berries. For this, the resulting puree can be pre-wired through fine sieve.
  • The resulting mashed potatoes must be shifted into the pan and add all sugar to it, then put everything on the middle fire.
  • Constantly stirring, cook the jam to a boil, then make a fire less. Periodically, it is necessary to remove the foam.
  • Thus, the jam from the gooseberry and an orange is boiled on slowly flames about 30-35 minutes.
  • After readiness, the jam must be poured over prepared banks and close the lids.

Jam from gooseberry and apples

From the gooseberry and apples you can get a fragrant and delicious jam. For its preparation, you can take the gooseberry of any color, although the best result can be obtained from the Red - Jam will get a bright and rich shade. Apples are suitable any. It all depends on your taste preferences: the softer will be folded, the more solid will remain in the jam by pieces.

You will need:

  • 500 grams of gooseberry berries;
  • 500 grams of ripe apples, preferably sweet-sweet;
  • 1 kg of sugar.


  • Prepare berries for the jam - wash them carefully in several waters, remove all the cups and frozen and dry the towel or with the help of a colander. Also wash apples, clean the peel, cut the core along with seeds and cut the apples on the slices.
  • Next, in a pot with a thick bottom, pour a small amount of water, approximately 70-80 ml, and add all the sugar. Boil syrup to a clear color until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • When syrup is ready, you can fall asleep berries of the gooseberry.
  • Cooking berries in syrup need about 10-15 minutes to save all its useful properties. During this time, berries will become softer and burst. Therefore, if you used a red gooseberry, the syrup is painted into a pleasant reddish tint.
  • After that, chopped apples can be added.
  • Jam is important to constantly stir for not burned. Bring to a boil and cook about 15-20 minutes until the mass starts to thicken.
  • The finished fragrant jam must be poured over to banks and close the lids.
  • Some hostesses in a place with apples add vanilla in the jam on the tip of the knife to give it even greater aroma. In this case, this is a matter of taste.

How to store and use jam from gooseberry

In order for the jam from the gooseberry prepared by you for a long time, do not forget to wash and sterilize glass jars thoroughly, since it will be directly dependent on the "resistance" of your order. Cooking Jema provides for the use of a large amount of sugar, which is essentially a reliable key to the fact that your jam will be kept for a long time. When complying with all the recommendations and with tightly closed covers, the jam from the gooseberry can be stored for two years, pleaseing the unsurpassed taste and incredible aromas of the summer.

Having spent very little time to prepare Jem, all winter you will enjoy this delicious delicacy:

  • The jam from the gooseberry is great for sprawling on bread and toasts, which will become perfect breakfast.
  • Jam from these berries is often put in tea, which allows you to replace sugar and get an unusual taste of drink.
  • The cooked jam from the gooseberry will become an excellent filling for the most of the baking and other desserts.

Gooseberry - all familiar berry to threaten it is necessary to work well and arm your hands. However, the taste quality of the gooseberry is all hassle when collecting and cooking. Jam from these berries will be an excellent addition to breakfast or tasty Sunday lunch.


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