
Mousse cake Three chocolate at home. How to cook three chocolate cake - step-by-step recipes with photos. How beautifully decorate the cake three chocolate

Mousse cake Three chocolate at home. How to cook three chocolate cake - step-by-step recipes with photos. How beautifully decorate the cake three chocolate
Step-by-step preparation of chocolate mousse cake Three chocolate at home. The best recipes and culinary secrets. How to decorate the cake of three chocolate beautifully with their own hands.

Mega chocolate and striped, with a smooth transition of cream shades from dark to white, gentle and air, - it's about an unusual and delicious cake, called "Three Chocolate".

Mousse dessert with chocolate biscuit and alternate layers of velvet souffle from black, milk and white chocolate, - sounds very intricate, although the cake is pretty simple.

Preparation is somewhat stretched in time, to froze the jelly souffle, but when skillful planning, this confectionery masterpiece will not take much time and effort.

So, consider the basic step-by-step recipes for three chocolate cake, the features of its preparation and feed on the table.

Cake Three Chocolate, Dessert Description

  • Cake Three chocolate is recognized as one of the best classic mousse cakes.
  • Based on the recipe for the preparation of this delicious and beloved by many cake, chocolate mousses (layers) are preparing for other sweet desserts or souffle as a separate dish.
  • Mousse cake "Three Chocolate", thanks to the three gentle, but sufficiently dense, layers of chocolate souffle, looks spectacular and appetizing. As it is clear from the name of the dessert, it is the basis of three types of chocolate: white, milk and black.

  • Biscuit cake Three chocolate consists of chocolate biscuit korzh, three different chocolate mousses and chocolate glaze (white or black). The thickness of the attitude and layers of chocolate souffle are about the same. In this regard, the cake is obtained high (about 10 cm), with a delicate texture of the prevailing souffle.
  • The basis of the cake is a chocolate cake, which can be made in the technique of classic biscuit (eggs, saha, flour, cocoa) or as an oil biscuit (with the addition of butter). In the first case, the korzh will be softer and air, in the second - a little more dense.
  • Calorie cake Three chocolate, on average (depending on the recipe), is 250-300 kcal.
  • It takes about 1.5 hours to make the cake (pure time), but, given the need for alternate frosting of each mousse layer and the preliminary harvesting of the look, to prepare this culinary masterpiece, it will be necessary from 1 to 2 days.
  • From the dishes, which will be needed for the preparation of a chocolate dessert, the main thing: a detachable form for kazz baking, whipping bowls, a saucepan for water bath, bakery paper for the manufacture of ports, dish for finished cake, sieve, spoons, knife, mixer or blender.

Cake Three Chocolate, Preparation Features

  • So that the taste of the cake of three chocolate turned out to be rich and bright, it is important to choose the proper chief ingredient - chocolate. It must be a high-quality and proven variety of culinary product, and in no case is not cheap "sweet tiles".

  • You should remove chocolate only on a water bath, on slow fire. For this, the saucepan with water is adjusted to a boil, then reduce the fire to a minimum and on top put a bowl with chocolate. The diameter of the bowl (or saucepans) should be slightly larger than the diameter of the water container so that it does not fall into hot water, but only a slightly tapped until its surface. Water from below in no case should be boiled, chocolate must gradually melt on slow heat (on hot water and pair). Before calming chocolate, it is better to break into pieces. During heating, the chocolate mass must be gently mixed with a blade. Properly melted chocolate has a smooth and brilliant texture. If the recipe indicates "melt chocolate with creamy oil" - the technology will be the same only with the addition of oil.

  • Cream for cooking chocolate mousse should be at least 30% fat, otherwise it will be very problematic.
  • Creamy liquor, one of the additional components of the cake formulation, gives a pleasant taste and aroma to this culinary masterpiece. Therefore, it is possible to experiment with different types of this alcoholic beverage (coffee-butter taste), but it is not worth ignoring this ingredient, otherwise one of the characteristic "notes" of chocolate cake is lost.

  • The baking form of the biscuit may be of any size, the diameter is used on average from 20 to 25 cm.
  • To assemble the cake, a detachable confectionery form and any material for registration and frozen mousse layers are used (up to 10 cm in height). It may be acetate film (or high acetate border tape), bakery paper and even cut plastic cutting board.
  • Chocolate cake for a cake is better baked in advance so that until the assembly, he completely cooled, compacted, and it was comfortable to trim and soak. Ideal: cook biscuit on the eve in the evening, and cook mousses in the morning, and collect the whole cake.
  • It is better to bake a crude in a larger form, for example, a diameter of 24 cm. Then the filter edges cut to the shape with a diameter of 20 cm, and in the same form pour on chocolate souffles. Such a manipulation will make the korzh more gentle and harmonious in relation to the light texture of the souffle (without a raised edge).
  • Another assembly option: crude cut to a form with a diameter of 20 cm, but collect the cake in the form of a larger diameter. Then chocolate cake will be "hidden" in the first layer of chocolate mousse.

  • Cake before use put in the refrigerator, at least for the night. But you can safely increase this time, because after 2-3 days the cake - three chocolate will become better and tastier.

Cake Three Chocolate, Recipe 1 Classic

Consider step-by-step cooking three chocolate cake. A detailed description of the process will make it easily cope with the seemingly complex technology of culinary skills. In fact, everything is much easier, and the result will accurately surprise and please the households.

For chocolate embers it will take:

  • 100 g of black chocolate;
  • 100 g of butter (room temperature);
  • 150 g of sugar (100 g for whipping proteins, 50 g for beating with oil);
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 100 g of flour;
  • 10 g of baking powder.
  • 40 ml of bayyliz liquor (for impregnation);
  • 100 ml of cream or milk (for impregnation).

For mousse with black chocolate, you will need:

  • 6 g gelatin (powder);
  • 60 ml of milk;
  • 40 ml of Liker Beylis;
  • 200 g of black chocolate (at least 60% cocoa);
  • 30 g of butter;
  • 300 ml cream (33%).

For mousse with milk chocolate, you will need:

  • 8 g gelatin (powder);
  • 60 ml of milk;
  • 40 ml of Liker Beylis;
  • 200 g of milk chocolate;
  • 30 g of butter;
  • 300 ml cream (33%).

For mousse with white chocolate, you will need:

  • 10 g gelatin (powder);
  • 60 ml of milk;
  • 40 ml of Liker Beylis;
  • 200 g of white chocolate;
  • 30 g of butter;
  • 300 ml cream (33%).

For chocolate glaze, you will need:

  • 80 g of black chocolate;
  • 40 g of butter.

Prepare the basis of the cake - chocolate korzh:

  • Melt the black chocolate on the water bath (look in the section Cake "Three Chocolate", Preparation Features).
  • Separately beat the creamy oil with 50 g of sugar into a lush white mass.
  • In the sugar and oil mass add a slightly cooled melted chocolate and beat all times before the formation of lush foam.
  • Split yolks from proteins.
  • Add yolks, vanilla sugar to whipped chocolate mass and beat again to cream state.
  • Separately mix flour with a bundle and sift into a chocolate mass. Mix gently.
  • Separately beat the proteins from 100 g of sugar.
  • Whipped squirrels add to chocolate mass. Gently mix the shovel. The dough should turn out to be air. It is impossible to interfere for a long time or intensively, otherwise the necessary airiness and ease of biscuit will be lost.
  • Forms to lubricate with oil, pour a pinch of flour and put the dough into it, rovering the surface with a spatula.
  • Bake chocolate cake is necessary in advance preheated (up to 160 0C) Oven about half an oven. The first 20 minutes the oven cannot be opened so that the biscuit is not donkey. Then you can check the readiness of the dough with a wooden skewer: if the sinking comes out of the dry dough - the biscuit is ready.
  • Taking the biscuit cake from the oven, you should give it to cool, without removing from the form. The cooled crude carefully, so as not to break, shift on the dish or grille.
  • Korzh can be left overnight at room temperature (or in the refrigerator). Then his structure will become denser and it will be easier to work with it.

Pour the root with syrup:

  • In the morning, the biscuit is cut into the desired diameter of the detachable form, for example, up to 20 cm, and high sterns are prepared for mousses. To do this, an acetate film (or other material) is exhibited from the inside of the shape. It is better to make fires "with a margin", higher, as the cake is high.
  • Setting the cake into the form and installing flights, you can proceed to the impregnation of a chocolate biscuit. To do this, you need to mix 100 ml of cream (or milk) with 50 ml of liquor and soak the root evenly over the entire surface. Put the form in the refrigerator.

Prepare the first mousse with black chocolate:

  • Gelatin pour milk for swelling. If the gelatin in the granules is better to take a little more, about 10 g. If the sheet is - to bite in advance in water, squeeze and work as with a powder view.
  • Gelatin with milk to put on a water bath and warm up to complete dissolution. To add 40 ml of liquor to the ground and remove from the fire.
  • Black chocolate melt on a water bath with butter (look in section Cake "Three Chocolate", Preparation Features).

  • Add a warm gelatin mixture to melted chocolate and oil (the temperature of 2 masses should be approximately the same) and mix. A cooked mixture is removed from the water bath and retain (so that it cooled to a warm state).
  • While the chocolate mixture cools, you need to beat the cream. Cold cream whipped with a mixer to the lush.

  • In whipped cream, fill the warm chocolate mass and neatly light movements (top down) mix air mousse.

Pour chocolate mousse for korzh:

  • Prepared by black chocolate mousse pour into a biscuit root, strip the surface with a spatula and put to stick into the refrigerator.

Prepare a second mousse with milk chocolate:

  • Gelatin (8 g) Pour milk for swelling. If the gelatin in the granules is better to take a little more, about 10 g. If the sheet is - to bite in advance in water, squeeze and work as with a powder view.
  • Gelatin with milk to put on a water bath and warm up to complete dissolution. To add 40 ml of liquor to the ground and remove from the fire.
  • Milk chocolate melt on a water bath with butter (viewed in section Cake "Three Chocolate", Preparation Features).
  • Add a warm gelatin mixture to melted chocolate and oil (the temperature of 2 masses should be approximately the same) and mix. A cooked mixture is removed from the water bath and retain (so that it cooled to a warm state).
  • While the chocolate mixture cools, you need to beat the cream. Cold cream whipped with a mixer to the lush.
  • In whipped cream, fill the warm chocolate mass and neatly light movements (top down) mix air mousse.

Pour milk chocolate mousse:

  • Prepared milk chocolate mousse pour into the first layer of chocolate mousse, to dissolve the surface with a shovel and put it on a fridge.

Prepare a third mousse with white chocolate:

  • Gelatin (10 g) Pour milk for swelling.
  • Gelatin with milk to put on a water bath and warm up to complete dissolution. To add 40 ml of liquor to the ground and remove from the fire.
  • Pour the warm gelatin mass on white chocolate, breakdown by pieces and give to stand 2-3 minutes. Mix the mixture, add creamy oil and melt everything in a water bath (watch in section Cake "Three Chocolate", Preparation Features).
  • A cooked mixture is removed from the water bath and retain (so that it cooled to a warm state).
  • Cold cream whipped with a mixer to the lush, gradually adding a warm chocolate mass.

Pour white chocolate mousse:

  • Prepared on white chocolate mousse pouring onto the second layer of mousse (made of milk chocolate), to stron the surface with a blade and put it on the fridge for the night (you can and for a day).

Prepare a glaze for a cake:

  • Black chocolate melt on a water bath with butter (look in section Cake "Three Chocolate", Preparation Features).
  • The frozen cake stretch out of the refrigerator, free from the form and sides.

Halong the cake with chocolate icing:

  • Make a glaze imitation of chocolate "drills". To do this, slightly cooled glaze shifting into a confectionery bag and squeeze the top layer of the cake to the upper layer. If the glaze is too much, you need to cool the glaze even more and only then continue.

Decorate the cake of three chocolate:

  • You can decorate a cake in different ways: fruit, chocolate, candy, etc.

Cake Three Chocolate, Recipe 2 Walnut

The cake has a pronounced nut-chocolate taste due to the addition of crushed almonds to the korzh. In addition, the recipe is characterized by using a smaller chocolate (and other components), which, however, does not make it worse. This recipe is considered to be a budget option and allows you to significantly save on the ingredients.

For chocolate embers it will take:

  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder;
  • 1 \\ 3 Art. Sahara;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 \\ 3 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 4 tbsp.l. Ground almond.

For impregnation:

  • 50-70 ml of cream liquor;

For 3 types of mousse:

  • 100 g of black, milk and white chocolate (only 300 g);
  • 180 ml of cream (only 540 ml);
  • 50 ml of cream for gelatin;
  • 6 g gelatin - powder (only 18 g);
  • 2-3 ppm sugar powder;
  • 50 ml of a creamy liquor (only 150 ml);
  • 25 g of butter (only 75 g).

For white glaze:

  • 100 g of white chocolate;
  • 50 ml of cream;
  • 50 g of butter.

Prepare the basis of the cake - chocolate korzh:

  • Eggs beat with sugar into a dense mass, an increase in 2-3 times.
  • In whipped eggs add, gently stirring, sifted with a bundle and cocoa, flour. Simultaneously introduced ground almonds.
  • The dough consistency should be viscous, like a thick sour cream. Pour the dough into a lubricated oil shape.
  • Bake the cake is needed in advance preheated to 180 0With oven, about 20 minutes.
  • At the readiness of the cake is checked with wooden toothpick.

Pour the root with syrup:

  • The cooled crude is well soaked with a liqueur and put in the freezer for half an hour (or in the refrigerator).

Prepare the first mousse with black chocolate:

  • All gelatin soak in 50 ml of cream for swelling, approximately 15-20 minutes (for all 3 layers of mousse).
  • Black chocolate melt on a water bath with butter (look in section Cake "Three Chocolate", Preparation Features).
  • In a slightly cooled chocolate mass add liquor, mix.
  • Nabult gelatin divided into 3 parts.
  • One part of gelatin to heat, constantly stirring, before dissolution. In no case cannot bring gelatin to boil, otherwise the product will lose its properties.
  • Extreme gelatin add to chocolate mass.
  • Cream whipped with powdered sugar to strong peaks.
  • Add whipped cream to chocolate mass, gently smearing the blade (from top to bottom).

Pour chocolate mousse for korzh:

  • In a pre-prepared form (with high-side files from acetate film) on the biscuit root pour chocolate mousse, to dissolve the surface with a shovel and put it on the refrigerator (you can and in the freezer for half an hour).

Prepare a second mousse with milk chocolate:

  • Prepare mousses as well as from black chocolate. You only need to take milk chocolate.
  • Cream is better to beat separately for each mousse.

Pour mousse with milk chocolate on the frozen chocolate mousse.

Prepare a third mousse with white chocolate:

  • Prepare mousse as well as the previous souffle. You need to take only white chocolate.
  • Cream is better to beat separately for each mousse.

Pour mousse with white chocolate on a frozen milk chocolate mousse.

Prepare a glaze for a cake:

  • White chocolate melt on a water bath with butter (look in section Cake "Three Chocolate", Preparation Features). Then he heat the chocolate mass with cream (do not bring to a boil).
  • The frozen cake stretch out of the refrigerator, free from the form and sides.

Halong the cake of white chocolate icing.

When the glaze completely cools, the cake is decorated and put in the fridge for the night.

Three chocolate cake at home, cooking and feeding secrets

  • Cake - Three chocolate mousse can be supplied in two ways after cooling in the refrigerator or after freezing in a freezer. In the first case, the cake will look like gentle souffle, the second - chocolate ice cream. If cake frosting, before applying it sufficiently leave for 15 minutes at room temperature. Both options have merit and feed use in practice.

  • As mentioned above, to impregnate the chocolate cake is a must. But at home a classic cream liqueur can be replaced: on the other alcohol (brandy, for example), and freshly prepared cold coffee, and for children - sweet syrup or evaporated milk.
  • The article has witnessed 2 cake recipe for three chocolate. The classical recipe is based on a chocolate-oil biscuit, and at the heart of the walnut - the usual biscuit with the addition of almonds. There are other options for preparing the basis: the usual biscuit from cocoa (without nuts) or crushed purchased cookie with butter. It is also practicing the preparation of the cake in general without an attitude, only three layers of chocolate souffle.

  • Instead of cream, milk can be used, kefir, degreased cottage cheese (mixed, for example, with a half of the cream rate) or yogurt. Naturally, in such an interpretation, the cake will be less calorie and will even suit those sweets that diet adhere to.
  • Cream for cake whipped chilled, up to an increase in mass 3-4 times. As soon as the cream becomes air and thick according to the consistency (do not flow from the whisk), - cream-mousse is ready. Too long beating can lead to the formation of oil cream and liquid separation, and in this form they will already be unsuitable for the preparation of souffle. In addition, the cream can not be added to the hot mass (only room temperature or weakly warm) so that they do not curl.
  • Many hostesses practice soaking gelatin for swelling in ordinary boiled water. This option will absolutely not spoil the taste of the cake, since cream and chocolate will still remain dominants. Instead of gelatin, you can use other thickeners, for example, agar-agar.
  • Benefits of bitter chocolate can also be modified by the recipe in its own way. To do this, you can leave only 2 layers of mousse: from milk and white chocolate. In general, you can experiment as you like, showing fantasy and the desire to make your own, special, cake.

How to decorate a cake of three chocolate, photo

There are a lot of cake-souffle decoration options. It all depends on the desire to "create" culinary, the presence of the ingredients necessary for the decor and, directly, the craftsmanship of the pastryer.

As a rule, the sides of the cake practically do not change and do not decorate anything so as not to spoil the original type of all multi-colored layers of the cake.

  • The most common option is to use fruit, mint leaves and chocolate glaze (both black and white).

  • Perfectly on the surface of the cake "fit" and chocolate cream - Ganash, allowing to make a chocolate dessert still rich and amazing. We offer one of the recipes of chocolate ganasha. For its preparation, 200 g of low-rise cream is adjusted to a boil in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Assembling cream from fire, add 180 g of chocolate broken slices. The mass is interfere with the dissolution of chocolate, after which it is aging 50 ml of a creamy liqueur. The cooled cream waters the surface of the cake.

  • You can paint the cake with chocolate patterns, by the type of bird milk cake.
  • Often, chocolate "parts" are used to decorate: leaves, chips, candy.

  • Interesting, glossy view of the cake acquires when decorating it with a mirror icing. It will take: 1.5 white chocolate tiles (you can add any food dyes), 150 ml of glucose syrup, 150 g of sugar, 100 ml of condensed milk, 12 g gelatin, divorced in 60 ml of water and separately 75 ml of water. Boil glucose syrup with sugar, pecking about 2 minutes. To the cooled syrup add swollen gelatin and condensed milk (dye). Chocolate, melted in a water bath, add to the syrup, whipping the whole mass with a mixer and leave in the refrigerator overnight. To cover the cake, the glaze will need to be slightly warm in the water bath (no more than up to 30 0).

  • White, the top layer of the cake looks spectacular if it is half a half (through the siter) cocoa powder and decorate with white chocolate hearts or fresh fruits.

  • Many confectionery for decorating the surface of the cake use beautiful elements from colored sugar (for example, sugar pearls).
  • Mastica as decoration for gentle mousse layers is not recommended. Warm mastic provokes a tapping of gelatinous mousses.

Thus, the cake of three chocolate is rightly recognized as a classic confectionery art. The exquisite chocolate dessert will become a real holiday for each chocolate amateur, and although the preparation of the cake is considered a rather laborious and long-term process, the resulting result will exceed all expectations. Well, a variety of cake preparation recipes will allow everyone to choose an option to taste and preferences. An unusual mousse cake is able to raise the mood and decorate even the most gloomy day, sweet dessert fills the vigor and energy, leaving for a long time in memory unsurpassed creamy chocolate notes.

How to cook cake three chocolate, video


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