
How to cook delicious pumpkin fritters. Pumpkin pancakes - step-by-step recipes with photos. Pumpkin fritters - tasty and fast at home

How to cook delicious pumpkin fritters. Pumpkin pancakes - step-by-step recipes with photos. Pumpkin fritters - tasty and fast at home
The best recipes of pumpkin fuddles with step-by-step instructions for their execution. The main methods of cooking pancakes are step by step.

Even those who do not like pumpkin come delighted with pancakes from this vegetable. What is the secret, you ask. And the secret is not so. Properly selected pumpkin and cooked pancakes from pumpkins, it always turns out delicious. They can conquer the taste of even the most exquisite gourmet. In this article, let's talk about tasty pancakes, whose recipes you will find below.

What do you know about pumpkin?

Late autumn, it is "hot" it's time for pumpkin. Dishes from this orange beauty warmed with autumn rainy days, while strengthening our immunity. After all, the pumpkin is very useful and has in its composition very rare vitamin T, thanks to which the risk of anemia is reduced, blood clotting improves. And in this vegetable four times more carotene than in carrots.

The caloric content of this solar vegetable is minimal, only 22 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, pumpkin dishes are "best friends" losing weight, people who are at a wellness diet, diabetics, people having problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How to prepare pumpkin fritters: General principles

Pumpkin is called a waste-free product, as it is used almost everything. The pulp of the fetus gentle, soft and sweetish taste. In the preparation of pumpkin is unpretentious and preparing pretty quickly. It can be baked, stew, fry. It is equally good both in desserts and in the first dishes and snacks.

Pumpkin fritters are quickly prepared, while not losing their taste and beneficial properties. The advantage of this dish is that it can act as an independent meal, so be a snack. Pumpkin pancakes (there are recipes below), prepare with crude pumpkin, and depending on the associated products, they can be dessert or a dishonal dish.

Sweet Pumpkin Fritters: Recipes

As mentioned above, this dish can be a full-fledged dessert, which will certainly indulge the smallest family members. Therefore, take note of the recipes of sweet pancakes from the pumpkin, and the step-by-step description will help in their preparation.

Recipe No. 1: Pumpkin Fritters with Apples

  • Pumpkin - 300 g
  • Three apple.
  • 50 g of sugar sand.
  • One egg.
  • 0.5 st kefir.
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Cedar 1 lemon.
  • Cinnamon on the end of a knife.

Rinse pumpkin and apple, remove the peel. Rub on the smallest grater. It is also lost to grab half lemon. Pour kefir (you can use ryazhenka, wider or yogurt). Push sugar sand, cinnamon, wheat flour, soda. Stir before sour cream state. Prepare on sunflower oil to a golden crust.

Recipe number 2: Simple pancakes made from pumpkin (classic option)

  • Pumpkin - 400 g.
  • Flour - 5 st l (can take more).
  • Two eggs.
  • A nutmeg on the tip of the knife.
  • 1 Packet Vanillina.
  • Sugar sand - 3 tbsp.

Clean the vegetable from the peel, rub. Attach the remaining ingredients and spices, mix. It should be in moderation thick dough. Roll over a frying pan and bake pancakes to a golden orange crust. To remove excess butter from pancakes, lay them out after frying on a paper towel.

Recipe number 3: Baked pancakes in the oven

  • Pumpkin - 450
  • Two eggs.
  • Sugar sand - 2 st l.
  • Flour - a third of a glass.
  • 0.5 hd soda.

Pumpkin rubbed, slightly squeeze the extra liquid. Add sugar, sour cream (if you want a dietary dish, replace yogurt), soda and flour. Mix and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. The dough should remind a thick sour cream. Tablespoon laying up pellets on a lubricated oil with refined oil. Fry in heated to 180 with an oven for 15-20 minutes. In the middle of the pancake process you need to turn over.

Recipe No. 4: Magnificent Pumpkin Fritters

  • 200 g pumpkins.
  • One egg.
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • 1 stage of fatty kefir.
  • Soda - 0.5 ch l.
  • Sugar sand - 3 st l.
  • Spices: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg for 1/3 hours l.

For magnificent pancakes with a pumpkin, you need to clean the vegetable from the peel and bake in the oven until soft. Mass beaten blender. Mix with sugar sand and spices. Beat the egg, pouring kefir, attach puree from pumpkin. Pour outward soda and flour with spices. Stir, the dough consistency is checked like this: lift a spoon with the test, turn over. The dough must fall a lump. Fail pancakes. They are very magnificent, and serve them with hot, seasoning with sour cream or honey.

Recipe number 5: Pancakes with pumpkin and cottage cheese

  • 250 g pumpkins.
  • 250 g of homemade curd.
  • One egg.
  • 2/3 of wheat flour.
  • 3-5 liters of sugar.
  • 0.5 hd soda.

Pumpkin bake and together with cottage cheese to kill a blender until uniformity. Drink egg, pour sugar sand, flour, redeemed soda. All mix up to one consistency and fry pancakes from the resulting dough on a frying pan to a delicious crust.

Recipe number 6: Pancakes with pumpkin without flour

  • Pumpkin - 400 g.
  • One apple.
  • One egg.
  • Raisin - 50 g.
  • 8-10 st l bran oatmeal.
  • Cottage cheese - 100 g.
  • 0.5 hd soda.
  • Sugar sand or honey on your taste.

Cottage cheese with eggs, send there to soda. Pumpkin together with the apple rubbing on a large grater (for carrots). Burn raisins, dry it and cut into chop chopped in a coffee grinder. All connect, pour sugar. Knead the dough. Share on the baking sheet "Lepéchki" and bake them 25-30 minutes at 180s.

Recipe number 7: Pancakes with pumpkin and milk

  • Pumpkin - 450
  • Milk (anodient) - 100 ml.
  • Two eggs.
  • 2-4 st lit of sugar sand.
  • Flour how much will take away.

To grind the pumpkin on the small gravo, pre-removing the skin from it. Beat eggs with sugar sand, enter the milk thin flowing. Attach the grated pumpkin, the remaining sugar, flour and make the dough. After frying, you can feed pancakes to tea.

Recipe number 8: Pumpkin fritters with a semit

  • Pumpkin - 450
  • Two eggs.
  • 4 st l Manki.
  • 2 STL starch.
  • Sugar sand - 3 st l.
  • 0.5 hd soda.

Pumpkin crush. You can grate on a shallow grater or skip through a meat grinder. Beat the eggs and pour them to the pumpkin. Attach sugar sand, starch, semolina, soda. Make the dough, and give him a distance of 15-20 minutes. Roll over the pan and fry pancakes to an appetizing crust.

Pumpkin Fritters, like an independent second dish: recipes

Sweet pancakes figured out. Now we share the delicious recipes of pancakes from Pumpkin with photos, which will like the whole family and will also taste even gourmet. Since they will represent an independent dish that can be served as a second for lunch or make a light unloading dinner.

Recipe number 1: Pancakes with pumpkin at kefir

  • Pumpkin - 450
  • Kefir - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Two eggs.
  • 1 ST Wheat flour.
  • Basin - 1 hl.
  • Salt.

Pumpkin bake in foil. Keep it blender, attach kefir, egg and all the remaining ingredients. Preheat the pan and roast pancakes until readiness.

Recipe No. 2: Pancakes with Pumpkin and Zabachka - Step-by-Step Photo

  • Pumpkin - 250 g
  • Zucchini - 250 g
  • 2 garlic teeth.
  • One egg.
  • Flour - 5 st l.
  • Salt, pepper, greens, what loves.

Cooking pancakes as follows:

  • Grind a zucchini and pumpkin on the grater, garlic through the press.

  • Drink egg, attach flour, salt, pepper (ground).

  • Greens finely cut, send to the dough.

  • Float on both sides.

  • Serve with sour cream.

Recipe No. 3: Diet Pumpkin Fritters

  • 200 g pumpkins.
  • 100 g of oatmeal.
  • Two egg whites.
  • 0.5 baking powder for test.
  • Salt and any greenery to taste.

Dietary pancakes are made from pumpkin as follows. Pumpkin cut into a large cube and boil for 10 minutes. From the boiled squares to make mashed potatoes. Squirrels cool and beat to lush foam, attach pumpkin puree, salt and green. Push the flour mixed with a bundle, knead the creamy dough. Fry pancakes on a frying pan with a non-stick (teflon) coating without oil use.

Recipe No. 4: Pancakes with pumpkin without eggs

  • Pumpkin - 350 g
  • Flour - 0.5 st.
  • 75 mg of serum or low-fat kefir.
  • 1 st l linen seeds.
  • 20 g of oil (cream).
  • Bolder - 0.5 hl.
  • Salt, favorite spices, green in your choice.

Pumpkin should be larger and bay boiling and boil to readiness. From boiled pumpkin make mashed potatoes. The easiest way to do it blender. Flax seeds to grind on a coffee grinder and pour boiling water, give them to swell. Pumpkin puree and swollen seed powder mix, attach all other products and knead the dough. Prepare pancakes in a skillet, and feed hot with garlic sauce.

Recipe number 6: Pumpkin fritters with carrots

  • Pumpkin - 350 g
  • Carrot - 250 g
  • Two eggs.
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Salt.

Vegetables clean from skins. Grate them on a shallow grater. Attach eggs, salt, wheat flour. Stir. The dough should be as sour cream. Fail beautiful orange pancakes on oil (best, if it is flavored garlic) on both sides. Serve with sour cream or garlic sauce.

Recipe No. 7: Pancakes made from boiled boiled

  • Pumpkin - 0.5 kg.
  • Two eggs.
  • Salt - 0.5 ch l.
  • 200 g of wheat flour.
  • Basin - 1 hl.
  • Favorite seasonings to your taste.

Pumpkin Clear from the upper hardheus, cut into large slices and peel. Blender to kill her in puree. Drink eggs, sprinkle with salt, baking powder and flour to send there. Mix and fry pancakes on a hot pan on each side of 2 minutes.

Recipe number 8: Pumpkin chrys with cheese, step-by-step actions

  • 0.5 kg of pumpkins.
  • Two chicken eggs.
  • 3 hours of turmeric (powder).
  • One bulb.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Cheese of solid varieties - 100 g.
  • Flour - 100-120 g
  • 0.5 hl salts.

Pumpkin fritters with cheese - a very tasty treat that can be pampered even suddenly gorgeous guests. And prepare them as follows:

  • Pumpkin Clear from the peel, cut down and bake.

  • Keep everything into orange homogeneous mass. Pull the spices and drive the eggs.

  • Pour milk and pour flour. To knead the creamy dough.

  • Lukovitsa crushed as much as possible, send to the dough.

  • There is a solid cheese, grated with a large grater.

  • Fry pancakes in a frying pan.

  • So far they are hot. And the best sauces or sour cream are suitable for this dish.

Pumpkin Fritters - Video Couples: Best Collection

Seld tips, how to make pancake pancakes

In the preparation of pancakes from pumpkin there are our secrets that we want to share with our readers.

  1. Pumpkin can please yourself not only in the fall, but also all year round. For this, the vegetable needs to be cleaned, rub on the grater. Descript on portable packages and freeze. After defrosting the pumpkin, the pumpkin does not lose their taste.
  2. Cooking pancakes follows in a hot oil, and in order to check whether it was heated - it is enough to throw a piece of match (without sulfur), bubbles should appear around it.
  3. If frift unsweetened pancakes, then in the red-hearted oil for aromatization, it is possible to put garlic cut in half or rosemary twig. Before hot, they need to get them.
  4. Many oils in a pan can turn pancakes into a nonappetic pancake. Therefore, for lush frying frying pan, it is necessary to slightly lubricate vegetable oil.
  5. To make pancakes well, you need to perform the following steps. Initially, fry the cake on the one hand, turn over and cover with a lid. When pancakes are ready, do not remove them from the frying pan, and allow you to shut up to a golden crust.
  6. To save the product from excess oil, after frying placing pancakes on a paper towel. After the oil is absorbed into it, the dish can be served.

A few words about the benefits of pumpkin for health

If we talk about the benefits of pumpkin, then it is quite difficult to count all its advantages. Therefore, they will sharpen attention on the main ones and share "in secret" its healing properties.

  1. The presence of pumpkin in the diet contributes to improved vision. This is due to a large number of carotene (vitamin A) in this vegetable.
  2. Rich pumpkin fiber has a beneficial effect on all organs of digestion. At the same time removes slags from the intestine like a brush, and this is due to pectin fibers, which are so many in the pumpkin.
  3. Pumpkin can be called salvation for hypertensive, since the antioxidants existing in it contribute to strengthening the walls of the vessels and normalization of pressure.
  4. Also, the useful properties of the pumpkin are attributed: the diuretic effect, the strengthening of immunity, getting rid of insomnia, anti-inflammatory properties, etc.

Variations of the preparation of pancakes from pumpkin set. But do not forget that pumpkin is a universal vegetable that can be combined with anything. Therefore, do not stop on the recipes above, but continue to experiment, on the joy of your relatives and friends. After all, pumpkin dishes are not only tasty, but very helpful.


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