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Pumpkin jam, recipe and cooking features

Pumpkin jam, recipe and cooking features
Cooking pumpkin jam

Pumpkin began to be used by a person in food back in ancient times. It is believed that this vegetable first appeared in America. In Russia, they learned about it only in the 16th century. Since then, she has passed here well and has become a rather popular product. In general, this vegetable is unpretentious to climatic conditions and is stored for quite a long time. Therefore, pumpkin has been widely used in cooking. It is used when cooking soups, porridge, salads, desserts, baking, etc. In this article, we will tell how to make pumpkin jam.

What is the benefits of pumpkin?

Solar Pumpkins.

First of all, it should be noted that the pumpkin is very useful:

  1. According to the content of iron, it is considered the champion among vegetables.
  2. It contains a sufficiently large number of carotene or provitamin A, which is necessary for the health of the eyes and the general and development of the body.
  3. It is rich in vitamins E and group B, nicotine acid, magnesium, calcium, enzymes, pectin, fiber, starch and sugar. From the trace elements there is zinc, cobalt and copper.
  4. The pumpkin contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immunity, reduces the likelihood of developing certain diseases and helps with a cold.
  5. In general, pumpkin flesh in itself is light food. This is due to the fact that it does not cause intensive separation in the stomach of the gastric juice and therefore useful to humans, with increased acidity of the stomach.
  6. Pumpkin contains pectin fibers that help to remove excess harmful cholesterol, toxins and slags from the body. In addition, it is a means of preventing atherosclerosis.
  7. Pumpkin is sometimes used as a diuretic, as it contains a lot of water and potassium salts. It helps to dissolve the kidney stones and in the bladder. Due to the presence of zinc in its composition, it contributes to the improvement of potency.
  8. It is useful to use people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it enhances immunity.
  9. Thanks to the enormous content of trace elements, such as iron, manganese, cobalt, pumpkin will be simply indispensable for iron deficiency anemia.
  10. Regular pumpkin consumption stimulates various biochemical processes occurring in the liver.
  11. If intestinal colic arise, then you can use pumpkin for their treatment. In this case, according to an ancient recipe, the sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of the product are stirred with an immature grape juice, pepper, mustard and garlic.
  12. In addition, it is believed that it helps with mastopathy and is even able to deal with pigment stains. To do this, it is enough to attach a piece of pumpkin to the spot with a stain for 35-45 minutes.
  13. Pumpkin flesh will be useful in constipation, bladder inflammation.
  14. Pumpkin juice is sometimes used in the treatment of tumor-shaped formations.
  15. Pumpkin is useful in any form for people who want to lose weight. This is due to the fact that it helps to normalize metabolism, removes harmful slags from the body and has low calorie. So, on 100 grams of pumpkins there are only 22 kilocalories.
  16. It should be noted that the pumpkin contains a rather rare, but useful vitamin T, which in the human body accelerates the metabolism, which also helps people wishing to lose weight. In addition, this rare vitamin is responsible for blood clotting and the formation of platelets.
  17. Useful are not only pulp, but also pumpkin seeds, which are considered an excellent source of proteins, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and useful acids. They help improve digestion and can help with insomnia. Frequently used as a means against worms. At the same time, they are usually combined with honey. In addition, they are used as a means of preventing the diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and also have a positive effect on the work of the brain.
  18. Pumpkin seed oil will be useful for tuberculosis and diarrhea. There are even special drug preparations made on the basis of pumpkin seeds that are used to treat liver diseases.


Important! Before applying these treatments, you need to consult with your doctor. In addition, before using pumpkins, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications that, by the way, you can find below.

Contraindications to drink pumpkin

Zwei Kürbisse

Pumpkin is contraindicated to people who have some diseases. In particular, sugar diabetes, gastritis with reduced acidity and ulcerative disease. Due to the fact that the pumpkin has a rather strong obscure effect, it should not be included in the diet when the acid-alkaline equilibrium is violated. As for seeds, it is considered that they are very harmful to dental enamel. Although it has not yet been proven and there is no unambiguous opinion. More pumpkin seeds are rather calories. Therefore, there are no more than 50-60 pcs on their day.

Cooking pumpkin jam

Pumpkin jam: Photo


Pumpkin jam: how to choose the fruit

To prepare a pumpkin jam for the winter, you need to choose it right. So, it is recommended to give preference to fruits, weighing about 3-4 kg. Pay attention to the color of the flesh. It is considered that the larger the orange shade in it, the better. Pumpkin peel should be not damaged, smooth and dense.

Ripe pumpkin, like watermelon, can be estimated by the tail. At ripe fetus, it is usually dry and has a dark color. If the pumpkin overrere, then her pulp becomes fibrous and pasty. If not rushing, then it is usually just tasteless. As for pumpkin seeds, they should not be cracked and have any smell.


To squash lasts longer, it is best to take a winter variety. This is especially true if you have a place to store vegetables, such as a cellar or basement. The fruits must be ripe and healthy. If they can not be stored, so that they come into contact. In the room should be dry, dark and cool. If you do not have a cellar, it is recommended to keep the pumpkin in the loggia. In this case, to keep out the sun, it should be carefully covered with a cloth. In the winter, you need to keep warm and not freeze off. Therefore it is necessary to wrap them as warmly as possible. The best temperature for the storage pumpkin counted from 5 to 12 degrees. There are some varieties of vegetables, which will be well kept even in the room, and throughout the winter. Most importantly, it was dark and cool place. Cut the pumpkin should be stored in the refrigerator. Moreover, in this form, it is maintained no more than 8-9 days. If the pieces of her wrap with foil, then in a way she could lie about a month. Spoiled vegetable, of course, be used for the preparation of cooking is not necessary.

Jam from the pumpkin with oranges


  1. Pumpkin - 950
  2. Orange (large) - 1 pc.
  3. Sugar - 850 g

Cooking jam of pumpkin: pumpkin and thoroughly clean the orange peel and the seeds. Cut the fruit into small slices, abundantly pour sugar.


Place in a container and leave it overnight so. It is important that during this time managed to stand out juice. In the morning we start making jam from a pumpkin. Capacity set on fire, boil for 35 minutes. During cooking, periodically remove foam. Followed by a cool dish for 3-4 hours and put to boil again. Keep on heat capacity until cooked jam.


Jam from the pumpkin with lemon


  1. Pumpkin - 950
  2. Sugar - 950
  3. Lemon (large) - 1 pc.

Cooking jam of pumpkin: initially boil syrup. Here, in 300 ml of water 950 g of sugar required. Boil up until the grains of sugar is completely dissolved. Thoroughly clean the pumpkin and lemon peel and the seeds. Cut into small slices.


Lemon grind in a blender. In the boiling syrup over the fire, add the chopped lemon and pumpkin. Mix well. Cook over very low heat for about 1 hour. Roll up the pumpkin jam at pre-sterilized jars.

Jam from the pumpkin: orange, lemon


  1. Pumpkin - 2.5 kg.
  2. Oranges - 2 pcs.
  3. Lemon (large) - 1 pc.
  4. Sugar - 950

Preparation of pumpkin jam: Wash and dry with a paper towel pumpkin, oranges and lemon. We clean all the ingredients from the seed and cut into small slices.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Pretty mix. Add the desired amount of sugar. Put on fire. Cook 35 minutes. Remove from the fire and let cool 4-6 hours. Then again boil the jam from the pumpkin until complete readiness. Running should be in advance sterilized banks.


Pumpkin Pumpkin Recipe with Ginger


  1. Pumpkin - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 950
  3. Lemon (large) - 1 pc.
  4. Ginger root - 1 pc.

Cooking pumpkin jam: Clean the pumpkin from seeds and peel. Cut into small slices, 2 cm.


Push out the chopped pumpkin in the tank with sugar and leave so night. In the morning add lemon crushed in blender. We rub the root of ginger on the shallow grater. We mix all the ingredients of the jam from the pumpkin. Cook on fire for 35-45 minutes. It is important that pumpkin slices become transparent.

Pumpkin Jam with Kuragoy


  1. Pumpkin - 2.5 kg.
  2. Kuraga - 900 g
  3. Sugar - 1 kg.

Preparation of pumpkin jam: Clean the pumpkin carefully from seeds and peel. Cut in small slices (squares) in size 2 cm.


Purchase the right amount of sugar. Put on the fire. Boil 10 minutes. Then make finely cut the kuragu. Add it to the pumpkin, mix well. Boil 1 hour. Banks sterilize. We rush in them jam from pumpkin.


Pumpkin jam: video


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