
How to cook fresh cabbage soup

How to cook fresh cabbage soup
There are a great many recipes and they are all beautiful in their own way.

Cabbage cabbage soup is a liquid dish that, along with borscht, has long become a traditional and, perhaps, a distinctive feature of our mistress. A very practical dish, the varieties of the recipes of which are as much as, perhaps, opinions about them. It is convenient to cook fresh cabbage soup at any time of the year: either fresh cabbage, or sauer, or post in the yard, or Shrovetide - they will always be appropriate. The main thing is that there is cabbage!

The emergence of this dish according to one of the versions was over the years of the rigid saving of products. When the housewives stocked up sauerkraut for the future, which allowed them to survive the times of crop failure. Sved cabbage is stored for a long time, and its brine is not only possible, but in the classic recipe you need to use as a basis for soup.

Cabbage is a very useful and practical product. From spring to autumn, while the cabbage is still young, you can cook cabbage soup with fresh cabbage or green cabbage soup, with various herbs, like sorrel or nettles. In winter, on the contrary, sauerkraut or sour cabbage soup. Along with the main ingredient, the presence of onions was mandatory, and for the density of the soup - rye or wheat flour. The Russian stove was used for preparation, due to long -term retention of temperature.

How to cook cabbage soup: photo





If you ask yourself how to cook delicious cabbage soup - you will find many versions and such a variety of ingredients that you could not even think that all this can be mixed. This is not surprising, because cooking is creativity, and a good hostess would not be a woman if she had not added something of her own every time. However, we do not move away from the canons - there are things really unchanged and now about them. To cook the right cabbage soup, always adhere to the correct priority of cooking: cook the broth (no matter with mushrooms, beef, chicken, pork, etc.), already add cabbage to it, regardless of its type. Then, according to the recipe you have chosen, add everything else. Salt and all your favorite spices, except sugar, are added only 10-15 minutes before readiness-this is extremely important. Sugar completely neutralizes the natural taste. If you want to cook sour cabbage soup, never add potatoes - just cook borsch. But the addition of some cereals will even benefit this dish. And never wash either fresh or sauerkraut before adding it in cabbage soup - decisively ruin the dish, because the whole charm of cabbage is here in its unique juice. After cooking, serve cabbage soup with sour cream and fresh herbs.

How to cook cabbage soup: secrets of recipes for cabbage soup

In search of the only original preparation of cabbage from cabbage, with a probability of 99% you will go into a dull dead end. Starting with languor in the stove of lean or empty cabbage soup, to the rich - with spices on a thick different meat broth in pots, or long daily high -calorie hauls of recipes that really deserve your attention. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake, choose gradually. First, the main thing is cabbage: fresh or sauer? And everything else is in the process.

How to make cabbage cabbage soup

Disk Russian Kitchen

Contrary to the existing opinion that cabbage is in Africa cabbage, in kitchen realities everything is much more complicated. It does not happen that different, it can be of different shapes, of different colors, density, period of ripening, juiciness, sweets and astringency, and God knows what else. Looking at the spring beds of small, fresh cabbage, thoughts are hardly about droves, we can think about the spring salad rather. But the autumn time fills it with nobility, juice and a solid character - this is the very thing to begin the preparation of the habit of fresh cabbage.

  1. Depending on how large heads and thick leaflets: cut into 6 parts, medialy chop and chink at all.
  2. Then we take a saucepan, a cast-iron pot, a heat-resistant pot with a thick bottom or something else in that spirit.
  3. We fall asleep there a blank of cabbage and quite a bit of salt.
  4. Remember a little with our hands so that the juice is allowed - this is rather for serious heads.  You do not need to crush a very young one.
  5. Pour water with water so that the top is barely covered, cover with a lid and leave to languish over low heat from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
  6. Carefully observe the process: the cabbage should become soft, and do not break up in a rag.
  7. If you cook swar cabbage cabbage soup, the whole procedure is the same except salt and with a languor period up to 6 hours.

How to cook green cabbage soup

green cabbage soup

Swarned cabbage cabbage in winter is a classic of the genre. As soon as the first spinach and sorrel appear on the beds, and somewhere you can find nettles-it's time to cook green cabbage soup.  Yes, yes you were not mistaken, it is the nettle in the composition of other things that gives this dish a unique piquancy.  But be vigilant: collect nettle in gloves, cut only the upper leaves and immediately pour boiling water. In this case, its leaves will be no longer dangerous and perfect for green habitats.

Ingredients: 100 g of young sorrel and nettles, 70 g of the national team to your taste (parsley, dill, cilantro, spinach, etc.), 3 medium potatoes, bulb, bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste.

  1. We fry chopped onions until golden in a pan or a pot with a thick bottom.
  2. When the onion is ready, add 1-1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Do not forget the bay leaf.
  3. Meanwhile, clean and cut the potatoes with cubes. Add to broth with salt and pepper - cook until cooked.
  4. While the potatoes are cooked, disassemble and cut the greens, removing all the stems.  Spring has an unpleasant property of getting dark, falling into boiling water. We will add it at the very end, for taste, previously finely chopped.
  5. Heat the oil in a pan and flood the greens over low heat. 5-7 minutes enough.
  6. Remove the broth from the fire and add greens, including sorrel. Let it brew and cool.  Warm up before serving.
  7. Traditionally, green cabbage soup is served with sour cream, however, a boiled egg is added in the form of a highlight as a jewelry.

How to cook cabbage soup with mushrooms


Choose any mushrooms, it is even better to dial for different little ones.

  1. For example, we take fresh wezen and dried white mushrooms.
  2. We’ll soak part of the white mushrooms in warm water and set to stand up.
  3. Weighty peel of the dirt with a special brush. You knew that the mushrooms should not be washed before cooking, then they do not darken and retain a more natural and presentable look.
  4. Cut along and cook the broth.
  5. By the way, in the broth, we cut pre -soaked white mushrooms - we cook all about 20 minutes until the broth acquires a characteristic smell and color.
  6. In the meantime, we cook on onions and carrots in a pan with refined oil.
  7. We separate the broth from the mushrooms already cooked and throw them into a roasting 3 minutes before its readiness.
  8. Then we add it all in languing cabbage and then everything is according to the scheme.
  9. Have you forgotten anything? Oh yes, that part of the dried white mushrooms that we left. We add them along with spices at the very end, slightly chopping with your hands - the aroma will be divine.

How to cook meat cabbage soup

DCF 1.0

For lovers of meat dishes, there are also recipes for cooking cabbage soup. Pork, beef, chicken and duck - all these are worthy ingredients for cabbage soup. Some even add smoked and ham products, but this is too too, although they do not argue about tastes.

  1. Whatever meat you choose - you will have to cook all this, or rather, simmer as cabbage. Be sure to do this separately from it.
  2. We choose the meat soft, without veins and fat: beef brisket or pork neck. The broth for cabbage soup, prepared from pork, will be more fat and rich. While cabbage soup cooked on beef will differ in the presence of iron and low calorie content. If you decide to cook chicken soup is also a good idea. Only chicken needs to be chosen. It is called - soup.
  3. Cook the broth: cut all the excess, if any. Add peeled whole onions and carrots.
  4. It is important in the process of languishing the broth not to add water, otherwise the density will be broken. Therefore, water should barely cover the meat with vegetables, and at the same time, do not rise by more than 2/3 of the pan.
  5. We put on strong fire. When it boils - we remove the foam, put on a slow fire. We languish for about an hour without opening the lid. During this time, the water should boil enough, and the meat will turn into soft, but not boil.
  6. We get everything, chop and send along with the remaining meat broth to almost ready -made cabbage - bring everything to readiness for another half an hour.

How to cook cabbage soup in a slow cooker

shields in the multi

The technologies of our time inevitably run ahead of us, offering all new benefits. They significantly make life easier for the hostess and accelerate the cooking process. So cabbage soup, once cooked in a stove, and now it is a small multifunctional Russian stove is called-multicooker.

  1. If you cook meat cabbage soup in a slow cooker, then first you can not even fry the meat. Lay it simultaneously with sauerkraut and chopped vegetables.
  2. Put in the "extinguishing" mode for 1.5-2 hours, do not mix.
  3. After the signal, add spices and tomato paste - let it reach another 10 minutes.
  4. Now mix everything.  Ready.

How to cook cabbage soup: video



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