
How to make a net for fishing with your own hands. How to make a net for fishing, for butterflies, for fish. How to make a children's net at home

How to make a net for fishing with your own hands. How to make a net for fishing, for butterflies, for fish. How to make a children's net at home
How to make a net for catching butterflies, for fish. How to make a dozen for fishing with your own hands. Children's net for butterflies - instructions.

The net is a rather simple device that is usually used by fishing lovers. Children also like a variety of nets, with which you can catch butterflies or other insects. The finished net can always be bought in a store. Children's options are sold in any toy store, and the nets for fishing - in places of trade in various accessories for fishing and hunting. But such a simple device can be made independently. How to make a net, what tools and materials are needed for this, we will learn from the article.

How to catch a net

How to catch fish with a net

The net is a mandatory attribute for fishing. Of course, if you catch small fish, you can do without this device. But attempts to get large fish out of the water can be unsuccessful with a fishing rod. Why do many fishermen not buy a ready -made net for fishing in a store, but do it on their own? The fact is that in the store they very often sell cakes with a black grid. Experienced fishermen are sure that this color of the grid only scares the prey. It is better to use a transparent mesh in color or green water, which is the most preferred color. In addition, in many ready -made nets, the grid “pair” on the water, which only complicates the process of fishing.

  • As possible as much as possible, so as not to frighten the fish, bring the net and turn it with the rim to the side to the fish.
  • Do not extract a net with fish from the water. Bring it to your water so that the fish does not spoil the tackle.

Before you buy a ready -made fishing net or make it yourself, you should know a number of requirements that are presented to this fisherman attribute:

  • when choosing a net, it is worth paying attention to the length of the handle. If you catch fish from the shore, then the handle of the net should be more than 4 meters. It is such a net will allow you to draw fish, not approaching the water. When fishing from a boat, such a long handle will only interfere. Of course, the optimal option will be a net with an adjustable handle;
  • when choosing a net, you also need to pay attention to the shape and diameter of the “head” of the net. The larger fish you are going to catch, the larger the diameter should be a net. The shape of the rim for many fishermen is not so important, although some prefer triangular nets, arguing this with greater ease in use. Other fishermen believe that it is the classic round net who paws less on the water than the nets of other forms. Remember that it is always easier to control the smaller diameter with, which is especially important for beginner fishermen;
  • the size of the cells of the canvas in the fishing net also matters. The larger the cells will be, the easier it will be to control the net under water. This is especially important for fishing in places with a strong current. If you catch small fish, then the size of the cells can be medium or small.

How to catch butterflies, caterpillars

Even if you have never used a net for catching butterflies, caterpillars, then this process will not cause you difficulties.

  • Before catching insects using a set, you need to be sure that it is allowed in this place. In some areas, the use of a net without special permission is prohibited.
  • Using a set, you can catch not only adult butterflies, but also caterpillars, which is even more interesting. Having caught the caterpillar, you can trace the entire development cycle of this insect.
  • In order to catch the insect in the net, it was easier, you need to choose a net with a fairly wide rim.
  • The grid in the set should be transparent so that you can see the caught insect.
  • The set should have a strong handle, since in the process of catching insects it can hit the ground.
  • In order to quickly catch a butterfly or caterpillar into the net, you need to find the place of the greatest accumulation of these insects. To “lure” butterflies to your site, plant plants such as buckwheat, calendula, ration.
  • In order to catch a butterfly sitting on the plant, sneak up on it from behind and with a sharp movement, throw the net. As soon as the butterfly is in the grid, quickly turn the net upside down so that the mesh closes the exit from it.
  • You can try to catch a butterfly on the fly, but it is much more complicated.
  • The caught butterfly will be more humane after you look at it in a set. You can hold it in a bank for some time. If you have caught a caterpillar with a net, then it can be placed in a bucket covered on top with air -permeable material. If you do not forget to feed such a "pet", then you can observe a long time after its vital activity.

How to make a net with your own hands - advantages

For no matter what purpose the net is intended, its independent manufacture has a number of advantages:

  • in a homemade fishing net, you can install a mesh of the most optimal color for fishing. It is known that the grid of too dark color will only scare the fish under water;
  • the cost of a homemade net in most cases will be much lower than in the store;
  • if you make the net with your own hands, then make it “for conscience”. Often, shopping nets require regular replacement due to breakdowns, and they are quite expensive;
  • if you make a home -made net for a child, you can choose the materials that you want. You can make a net of any size, adjusting it to a different age.

Photo of the clocks


How to make a net with your own hands

How to make a butterfly net - instruction

In order to make a net for catching butterflies with your own hands from improvised means you will need:

  • thick aluminum wire;
  • stick, thin wooden rail or any other material for the manufacture of a peak handle;
  • insulating tape;
  • mosquito net;
  • needle and thread.

The process of manufacturing such a home -made net for catching butterflies will not take you much time. Follow the instructions:

  • first you need to make a cage of a net out of wire. Bend the wire in the form of a circle of the desired diameter;
  • the ends of the wire must be bent so that they are parallel to the handle of the net;
  • attach a frame of aluminum to the handle with island. If it is assumed that the scroll will be used, then the handle of the net must be made as smooth as possible;
  • now you can start making a net for a set. Fold the grid half, cut a piece in the form of a rectangle. The length of this rectangle should be equal to the length of the circle, and its width - the desired depth of the net;
  • using threads and needles, sew the ends of the grid so that the cylinder turns out;
  • now you need to attach the resulting bag from the mesh to the aluminum frame using threads and needles;
  • now the net is almost ready. It remains to fasten the end of the bag with threads or tie it in a small bundle. A simple net for catching butterflies or other insects is ready.

How to make a fishing net - instruction

Each fisherman is proud of caught large fish. In such fishing, a high -quality net is simply an obligatory attribute. If you like to do everything with your own hands, you can make a fishing net yourself from simple materials. The manufacturing process will not take you much time, but the resulting net will last more than one year. What will be needed for a home -made fishing net?

  • Field. When gaining a fishing line is better in a fishing store. Choose the lightest shade or green. The fishing line should also be as strong as possible, so give preference to the option with the largest thickness.

  • Duralumin tube, thick wire or any other material for making a hoop for a net. The material should be strong enough to withstand the weight of large fish. The thickness of the tube or wire should be from 6 to 9 mm.

  • A wood stick or any other device for making a peak handle. You can use a bamboo, an old ski stick, a handle from an old tennis racket.

  • Wire. This material is necessary to create a load. It is important that the wire ring is larger in diameter of the mesh cells, so as not to interfere with it.

  • Saging bag. The finished canvas for a fishing net can be purchased at any store for fishermen. You can also weave such a canvas and yourself using wire.

If all the necessary materials and tools for making a net for fishing are ready, then you can start work:

  • the manufacture of a fishing net should start with weaving the canvas if you decide not to buy a ready -made option in the store. If you have never encountered weaving nets for fishing, then mastering this skill can be quite difficult on your own. It will be better if an experienced person in this matter shows you to clearly the methods of weaving the grid. After all, the network for a fishing net should be strong, the nodes should not be untied under the weight of the fish, the mesh should not be deformed, etc. For weaving you will need a ruler, a knitting needle, a fishing line.

Some fishermen weave a nylon thread into the bag, which will give elasticity to the product. Various types of nodes can be used in the mesh of mesh: straight, Russian, sketch, dual and others.

The most popular is a direct node, since the consumption of material with this method of weaving is minimal, the cells are small, and the weaving speed is high:

  • bend the wire or other material in the form of a circle or other shape. If the wire is thin, then use it in 2 layers;
  • now it is necessary to attach the beam to the handle. Make a hole in the handle where the free ends of the wire or tube are fixed. Using island, the entire structure is firmly fixed;
  • in order for the net to acquire the desired shape, you can make an aluminum wire of the ring. Fasten them inside the bag;
  • now it remains to attach the finished bag to the rim with a wire or any other improvised material. A reliable and strong fishing net is ready.

How to make a pool net - instruction

What could be more beautiful than a spacious open -air pool in your site? But the pool is very important to care for correctly and timely. Swimming in dirty water is not only unpleasant, but also fraught with various diseases. If the pool is in the open air, then garbage of various origin will appear in the water regularly. It can be leaves of trees, garbage that birds spread. It is to cleanse the pool in the house that there should always be a net. Of course, it can be purchased in a store. But we will consider the budget version of the Sachka, which without much effort can be done independently:

  • for the manufacture of a net for cleaning the pool, prepare the following materials: a piece of a mosquito net, any long stick, wire, island;
  • if your pool is large, then the handle of the net should be long. You can take an old rod, adjustable rod from a mop, etc. If the length of the net is sufficient, then to collect garbage in the pool you will just need to walk along its perimeter, taking out a clock to the most secluded places;
  • from a mosquito net, cut a piece of the length you need. Using threads and needles, sew it so that the cylinder turns out. The bottom of the bag can be tied in a knot or also sewed with a thread;
  • from a flexible wire, build a beam rim and fix it with an island on the handle;
  • now it remains to fix the bag on the handle. This can be done using threads or thin wire. The perfect home net for cleaning the pool is ready.

How to make a napal - instruction

You can make a net for a child from rather unusual things. For example, from the old tennis racket, which has been lying around at the cottage for many years. If you still have a bag-network, in which vegetables are usually folded, then making a net will be without financial costs. Consider detailed instructions for the manufacture of a set for a child, with which you can easily catch butterflies or any other insects.

  • Prepare an old tennis racket. If there is still a grid in it, then remove it with scissors or knife.

  • After the mesh from the racket is extracted, we get a ready -made basis for the future net. A huge advantage of such a children's net will not need to work on strengthening the pen, it was originally made quite firmly and reliably. There is no need to work on the surface of the handle so that the child does not get hurt during the game.

  • Next, you need to make a net for a net. For this purpose, a mesh bag is ideal, which is usually at any cottage or private courtyard.

  • Using sharp scissors, cut the bag so that the desired length of the net for the net is obtained.

  • All parts of the Sachka are ready, and now they need to simply be connected. You can use an ordinary thread and a needle, or you can use a flexible wire to fix the grid on the racket.

  • After these simple manipulations, the old racket will turn into a comfortable net, which can be offered a child for games on the street.

How to make a children's net for fishing water - instruction

For the development of fine motor skills and just for a cheerful mood, a child can be offered water games with a clock. Just pour water water into a basin or any other container, place various small items, toys there. The baby will be completely absorbed in the process of “caught” these objects using a set. You can make such a net from quite affordable materials. You will need: a plastic bottle (for example, from milk), scissors, mosquitoes, awl, adhesive tape, a needle with a thread.

  • First you need to make the basis for the set. With sharp scissors or knife, if it is more convenient for you, cut the bottom of the plastic bottle, the neck, leaving a ring of 1.5-2 cm wide. These parts need to be cut in such a way that a whole strip will remain, which will act as a net handle. The width of such a pen should be about 2-2.5 cm.
  • Do not rush to throw out the cut parts of the bottle. Long stripes will go to strengthen the pens of the Sachka. Place one strip inside the ring and the other outside. Carefully rewind this design with tape. Since the net is childish, you need to take care of safety. Using scissors, make sharp corners of the handles rounded. Scotch tape will help make the design even safer.

  • You can also use a hole punch in the handle of the net. This is necessary in order to hang the net after the game for drying.
  • Now we proceed to the creation of the most important part of the Sachka - a bag of net. Fold the grid from mosquitoes in half, draw a triangle with a rounded base and cut the workpiece. Using a thread with a needle, sew a bag and sweep the edges for strength.

  • All parts of the children's net for funny water games are ready. It remains to connect them into a single design. Using the awl, connect the bag from the grid with a plastic ring.

Such work for safety reasons should be done only by an adult. A funny children's net is ready.

How to make a net for aquarium - instruction

If you decide to engage in breeding aquarium fish, then you will definitely need a net for cleaning the aquarium. The net can also be used to transport fish. A homemade net for the aquarium has many advantages. Firstly, you can make a net of the most non-standard size. Secondly, it is much more economical to make a net with your own hands than buy it in a store. For the manufacture of a set for the aquarium, you will need the same set of materials and tools as for the manufacture of other types of nets.

  • Prepare a flexible wire, island, material for the manufacture of a bag of a net and a handle.
  • To begin with, we proceed to sewing a bag for a net. You can use any thin fabric - organza, chiffon, nylon. Some fans of fish breeding in the aquarium believe that the most convenient shape for the bag of a net is a rectangular shape with a flat bottom. They argue this by the fact that in a set of this form to move fish will be most convenient. You can choose any form convenient for you. If you make a pattern in the form of a parabola, then the bottom will be rounded, if you make a cross -shaped pattern, then flat.

  • If you need a very small net, then you can make a pen for it even from a wire from which you will make a rim. It is more convenient to squeeze the wire with pliers. After the rim is ready, connect it with the handle with island.
  • Fix the bag on the rim or in any other way. Practical and easy -to -house manufacturing Nice for the aquarium is ready.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of a net at home. This applies to both fish nets, and for catching insects, cleaning the pool, for the aquarium. The design of all varieties of the settings is approximately the same.



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